Will the left leaning supreme court come back to the center by voting

Checks and balances say those 9 old people have the responsibility to stand up for the rights of the people......even if they are in a minority

the role of SCOTUS is to decide issues that cannot be decided by the lower courts. SCOTUS is the final appeal for all legal matters. It is not their role to inject their personal cultural beliefs into any case. They are not there to "stand up for the rights of the people" That is one of your more stupid statements. They are there to interpret lower court rulings based on the words of the constitution and constitutional precedents.
It seems like that is what they are doing in trying to resolve a dozen lower court decisions

Yes, they are there to stand up for the rights of the little man against the big bad gubmint.......isn't that what you guys are always bitching about?

your knowledge of our government is very limited. Did you fail 9th grade civics class?

the SC is not there to protect anyone from anyone else. The SC exists to decide cases that have been appealed from the lower courts. The SC is not the morals police?

You seem to have missed out on 200 years of Supreme Court decisions

In cases related to morals and individual rights.........yes they are the morals police

wrong again, you libtardian indoctrination has blocked rational thought. Morals and ethics are established by the society in general, a majority of society decided that minorities should have equal treatment. The SC only exists to make sure that the rights established by the majority are unheld.

The majority of Americans did not decide that minorities should have equal treatment. They were willing to look the other way like they had for 100 years
Dr King changed all that
When put to a vote of the people even in the ultra liberal state of California gay marriage was banned. Gays may prevail in court, I don't personally care an iota but they are kidding themselves if they think they have transformed the thinking of voters.
the role of SCOTUS is to decide issues that cannot be decided by the lower courts. SCOTUS is the final appeal for all legal matters. It is not their role to inject their personal cultural beliefs into any case. They are not there to "stand up for the rights of the people" That is one of your more stupid statements. They are there to interpret lower court rulings based on the words of the constitution and constitutional precedents.
It seems like that is what they are doing in trying to resolve a dozen lower court decisions

Yes, they are there to stand up for the rights of the little man against the big bad gubmint.......isn't that what you guys are always bitching about?

your knowledge of our government is very limited. Did you fail 9th grade civics class?

the SC is not there to protect anyone from anyone else. The SC exists to decide cases that have been appealed from the lower courts. The SC is not the morals police?

You seem to have missed out on 200 years of Supreme Court decisions

In cases related to morals and individual rights.........yes they are the morals police

wrong again, you libtardian indoctrination has blocked rational thought. Morals and ethics are established by the society in general, a majority of society decided that minorities should have equal treatment. The SC only exists to make sure that the rights established by the majority are unheld.

The majority of Americans did not decide that minorities should have equal treatment. They were willing to look the other way like they had for 100 years
Dr King changed all that

Hmmmm, I don't remember King as a writer of the constitution. Did he also sign the declaration of independence?

Who exactly do you think ratified the constitution if not a majority of the states?
When put to a vote of the people even in the ultra liberal state of California gay marriage was banned. Gays may prevail in court, I don't personally care an iota but they are kidding themselves if they think they have transformed the thinking of voters.

what they also don't get is that the demanding attitude of the gay agenda is hurting their cause, not helping it.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,
JR, you are wrong.
WOW, a right winger saying America is a "democracy"... and not just a run of the mill democracy, a "direct democracy"...

not what I said at all, but your lack of reading comprehension is acknowledged.

We comprehend easily that is what you mean. You want the majority to be able to overturn court decisions that you don't like.

Yes, in cases such as the Dred Scott ruling.
And, for you, particularly, Brown vs School Board.

I am a little disappointed I thought you would go with Lovingly but OK. What does this ruling have to do with gays? No one is segregating gays. Or is this just another of you left handed insults.

Ignorant, as usual...

Protections Denied to Same-sex Couples and Their Kids

According to a 2004 report from the U.S. General Accounting Office, there are at least 1,138 tangible benefits, protections, rights, and responsibilities that marriage brings couples and their kids—and that's just at the federal level. Add in state and local law, and the policies of businesses, employers, universities, and other institutions, and it is clear that the denial of marriage to couples and their kids makes a substantial impact on every area of life, from raising kids, building a life together, and caring for one another, to retirement, death, and inheritance. Most of these cannot be secured by private agreement or through lawyers.

Here are just some of the ways in which government's denying the freedom to marry punishes couples and families by depriving them of critical tangible as well as intangible protections and responsibilities in virtually every area of life:

Death: If a couple is not married and one partner dies, the other partner is not entitled to bereavement leave from work, to file wrongful death claims, to draw the Social Security of the deceased partner, or to automatically inherit a shared home, assets, or personal items in the absence of a will.

Unmarried partners do not generally have responsibility for each other's debt.

Unmarried couples do not have access to the courts, structure, or guidelines in times of break-up, including rules for how to handle shared property, child support, and alimony, or protecting the weaker party and kids.

Family leave:
Unmarried couples are often not covered by laws and policies that permit people to take medical leave to care for a sick spouse or for the kids.

Unlike spouses, unmarried partners are usually not considered next of kin for the purposes of hospital visitation and emergency medical decisions. In addition, they can't cover their families on their health plans without paying taxes on the coverage, nor are they eligible for Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

Denied marriage, couples of lesser means are not recognized and thus can be denied or disfavored in their applications for public housing.

U.S. residency and family unification are not available to an unmarried partner from another country.

Unmarried surviving partners do not automatically inherit property should their loved one die without a will, nor do they get legal protection for inheritance rights such as elective share or bypassing the hassles and expenses of probate court.

Unmarried partners can't always sign up for joint home and auto insurance. In addition, many employers don't cover domestic partners or their biological or non-biological children in their health insurance plans.

Unlike marriages, which are honored in all states and countries, domestic partnerships and other alternative mechanisms only exist in a few states and countries, are not given any legal acknowledgment in most, and leave families without the clarity and security of knowing what their legal status and rights will be.

Unmarried couples are denied the automatic right to joint parenting, joint adoption, joint foster care, and visitation for non-biological parents. In addition, the children of unmarried couples are denied the guarantee of child support and an automatic legal relationship to both parents, and are sometimes sent a wrongheaded but real negative message about their own status and family.

Unmarried couples are not protected against having to testify against each other in judicial proceedings, and are also usually denied the coverage in crime victims counseling and protection programs afforded married couples.

Unmarried couples are excluded from special rules that permit married couples to buy and own property together under favorable terms, rules that protect married couples in their shared homes and rules regarding the distribution of the property in the event of death or divorce.

In addition to being denied access to shared or spousal benefits through Social Security as well as coverage under Medicare and other programs, unmarried couples are denied withdrawal rights and protective tax treatment given to spouses with regard to IRA's and other retirement plans.

Unmarried couples cannot file joint tax returns and are excluded from tax benefits and claims specific to marriage. In addition, they are denied the right to transfer property to one another and pool the family's resources without adverse tax consequences.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision
It seems like that is what they are doing in trying to resolve a dozen lower court decisions

Yes, they are there to stand up for the rights of the little man against the big bad gubmint.......isn't that what you guys are always bitching about?

your knowledge of our government is very limited. Did you fail 9th grade civics class?

the SC is not there to protect anyone from anyone else. The SC exists to decide cases that have been appealed from the lower courts. The SC is not the morals police?

You seem to have missed out on 200 years of Supreme Court decisions

In cases related to morals and individual rights.........yes they are the morals police

wrong again, you libtardian indoctrination has blocked rational thought. Morals and ethics are established by the society in general, a majority of society decided that minorities should have equal treatment. The SC only exists to make sure that the rights established by the majority are unheld.

The majority of Americans did not decide that minorities should have equal treatment. They were willing to look the other way like they had for 100 years
Dr King changed all that

Hmmmm, I don't remember King as a writer of the constitution. Did he also sign the declaration of independence?

Who exactly do you think ratified the constitution if not a majority of the states?
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision

RW idiot ^^^^^^^

pay no attention.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.

Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision

RW idiot ^^^^^^^

pay no attention.
Remeber this when you realize you are not free anymore
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision

WOW, I have to admit John Roberts looks good for 230 years old...

You take the pea brain of the year award, and it's only January...:eek-52:

at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.

Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.

Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole

at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,
The real moron is you if you think this won't touch you this issue means it will cause judicial tyranny and with every act of judicial tyranny your individual freedoms are taken away. You must remember this is the same court that gave us the Dred Scott decision

RW idiot ^^^^^^^

pay no attention.
Remeber this when you realize you are not free anymore

look Gober, it's not 1857 there won't be a civil war over gay marriage. I'm free, you're owned by your stupidity.

sad that.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.

Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole
Blacks and Mormons hate gays......always been that way

One reason why people should not be allowed to vote for what rights others can have

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