Will the left leaning supreme court come back to the center by voting

The supreme court will uphold same sex marriage. Count on it. Then the issue will move into the same kind of constant legal action that abortion did.
No it won't
It will take on the same status as interracial marriage
People will wonder what the big deal was
Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole

Again a poll that didn't matter. Please try again

Ignorant turds like you are about to be flushed down the toilet...start holding your breath...LOL

Scott Walker: Gay Marriage Accepted by Young Conservatives

Same-sex marriage is accepted by younger conservatives and won’t likely be an issue in upcoming political races, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said.

Appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," Walker was asked whether younger conservatives are “more apt to see marriage equality as something that is … what they believe, that is basic rather than as a disqualifying issue?”

“I think there’s no doubt about that,” Walker said. “But I think that’s all the more reason, when I talk about things, I talk about the economic and fiscal crises in our state and in our country, that’s what people want to resonate about. They don’t want to get focused on those issues.”

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Scott Walker Gay Marriage No Longer an Issue for Young Conservatives
Look dummy if homosexual marrige was popular it wouldn't need to usurp individual freedoms using judicial tyranny. Why you ask? Because it would have won at the ballot box you fool
What individual freedom do you have to demand others can't be married?
RW idiots wouldn't even know gay marriage existed if someone didn't tell them.

Leave them to their own design and let the world pass them by until they're dead. Their opinion will matter as much then as it does now.

The End.
Fear, hatred, outside agitating from the Mormons

Wouldn't get the same result today
Hey dummy you should look at what people voted against homosexual marrige. Like blacks by a larger margin then your boogie men the mormans you ,bigoted asshole

Again a poll that didn't matter. Please try again

Ignorant turds like you are about to be flushed down the toilet...start holding your breath...LOL

Scott Walker: Gay Marriage Accepted by Young Conservatives

Same-sex marriage is accepted by younger conservatives and won’t likely be an issue in upcoming political races, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said.

Appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," Walker was asked whether younger conservatives are “more apt to see marriage equality as something that is … what they believe, that is basic rather than as a disqualifying issue?”

“I think there’s no doubt about that,” Walker said. “But I think that’s all the more reason, when I talk about things, I talk about the economic and fiscal crises in our state and in our country, that’s what people want to resonate about. They don’t want to get focused on those issues.”

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Scott Walker Gay Marriage No Longer an Issue for Young Conservatives
Look dummy if homosexual marrige was popular it wouldn't need to usurp individual freedoms using judicial tyranny. Why you ask? Because it would have won at the ballot box you fool

Funny to hear a fascist talk about tyranny. Tell me Adolf, HOW would giving the same legal rights to same sex marriages destroy your miserable existence? Would they want to live under the house with you?
When put to a vote of the people even in the ultra liberal state of California gay marriage was banned. Gays may prevail in court, I don't personally care an iota but they are kidding themselves if they think they have transformed the thinking of voters.

A decade ago, and the vote would be 55 to 45 now for. Yes, they have transformed the voters' thinking.

LMAO link to this fantasy vote you speak of or did you just make this up in your head?
The center is the majority of Americans who support marriage equality.

The haters and losers are out of the far right.

SCOTUS will not go back to before marriage equality
Elections prove You wrong as normal fakie
Quit babbling. The Polls prove you wrong, and SCOTUS proves you wrong.
Hey dummy the poll that mattered was the election polls and homosexual marriage failed. Thus why you facists are trying to circumvent the will of the voter

No one is 'circumventing' the 'will of the people.'

In our Constitutional Republic the people have no authority whatsoever to decide who will or will not have his civil liberties; one's rights as a citizen of the United States are inalienable and paramount, one does not forfeit his civil rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence.

The states have only themselves to blame for their illegal and un-Constitutional measures being struck down by the courts.
A decade ago, and the vote would be 55 to 45 now for. Yes, they have transformed the voters' thinking.

LMAO link to this fantasy vote you speak of or did you just make this up in your head?
The fantasy is yours in that you think folks don't change their opinions. They do. Check the polls. The hetero-fascist thug group would lose by 10 points.
A decade ago, and the vote would be 55 to 45 now for. Yes, they have transformed the voters' thinking.

LMAO link to this fantasy vote you speak of or did you just make this up in your head?
The fantasy is yours in that you think folks don't change their opinions. They do. Check the polls. The hetero-fascist thug group would lose by 10 points.

We saw how California voted in the privacy of the voting booth, as typically you libs had to go to court to overturn the will of the people we know how you are.
When did we get a "left leaning Supreme Court"? Did I sleep through a decade?


Pay attention to what has happened on social issues since Bush chose Robers for cheif justice. There's been other appointments made as well. Yes they are more liberal. This will be a very close vote, but little factors like I mentioned above will decide this. Roberts strikes me as a justice that will balance things out and be that deciding vote yet again. He strikes me as more of a stay in the middle type of guy.

That Obamacare tax decision is the only one everybody remembers and will go down in history as a huge flop in favor to the left and this I could see going the complete other direction to the right. Supreme court has to keep it's reputation as the branch that keeps the government state or federal from over reaching. In this case the states that supported gay marriage could be seen as overreaching. This will put them in their place. The subsidy case that will be heard that involves feds overreaching i can easily see being in favor of the right as well to keep the federal government in check. This is what the judicial branch was meant to do.

So treating people as equals under the law is "overreaching"? Really.
we won both houses of congress and a majority of governors and state houses last year. Maybe the tide is turning.

Indeed, the GOP made sure the TP idiots can't threaten to sink the ship of state this time around.

Marriage equality is an American issue, not a party issue.

yes it is, and as such it should be decided by the people or their representatives in congress, not 9 old people in black robes.

Checks and balances say those 9 old people have the responsibility to stand up for the rights of the people......even if they are in a minority

the role of SCOTUS is to decide issues that cannot be decided by the lower courts. SCOTUS is the final appeal for all legal matters. It is not their role to inject their personal cultural beliefs into any case. They are not there to "stand up for the rights of the people" That is one of your more stupid statements. They are there to interpret lower court rulings based on the words of the constitution and constitutional precedents.

That's their role, but the states are working this out on their own. That why I suspect they will keep as is to avoid interfearing. SC mostly is to keep the feds in check.
against gay marriage? They already showed their liberal side by side with Obama on it being a tax. Will they make up for it by going the other way on Gay Marriage? Remember we live in a political age; however the Judicial Branch of the federal government is held by interpreting the constitution of the United states, which means they can't show biasedness one way or the other. They have become somewhat political, so the question is did they take this issue up to prove another point that has nothing to do with the issue at hand?
Gay marriage is not a left/right issue it's an authoritarian religious whacko vs gays issue.
against gay marriage? They already showed their liberal side by side with Obama on it being a tax. Will they make up for it by going the other way on Gay Marriage? Remember we live in a political age; however the Judicial Branch of the federal government is held by interpreting the constitution of the United states, which means they can't show biasedness one way or the other. They have become somewhat political, so the question is did they take this issue up to prove another point that has nothing to do with the issue at hand?
Gay marriage is not a left/right issue it's an authoritarian religious whacko vs gays issue.

so what does this have to do with the constitution?
against gay marriage? They already showed their liberal side by side with Obama on it being a tax. Will they make up for it by going the other way on Gay Marriage? Remember we live in a political age; however the Judicial Branch of the federal government is held by interpreting the constitution of the United states, which means they can't show biasedness one way or the other. They have become somewhat political, so the question is did they take this issue up to prove another point that has nothing to do with the issue at hand?
Gay marriage is not a left/right issue it's an authoritarian religious whacko vs gays issue.

so what does this have to do with the constitution?

Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as stated in the declaration of independence. Yes, I know the dec. of indep. is not the constitution. But it does define what is meant by our natural rights.

As stated these are our rights by birth. They can't be denied, nor surrendered.

See 14th amendment, inclusion of same. Albeit, it is stated without due process.

IOW the states will have to show that they provided due process for this group and did not single out gays to harm them by fiat.

The SCOTUS has ruled numerous times that marriage is a fundamental part of life, liberty, and the pursuit of same. This SCOTUS will not overturn that fundamental right.

This will fall, not because the SCOTUS is left or right, but because the constitution is designed to protect the minority against the majority.
against gay marriage? They already showed their liberal side by side with Obama on it being a tax. Will they make up for it by going the other way on Gay Marriage? Remember we live in a political age; however the Judicial Branch of the federal government is held by interpreting the constitution of the United states, which means they can't show biasedness one way or the other. They have become somewhat political, so the question is did they take this issue up to prove another point that has nothing to do with the issue at hand?
Gay marriage is not a left/right issue it's an authoritarian religious whacko vs gays issue.
And thats why you are retarded
Oh.. yeah and I'm hetero, super conservative, libertarian, and ex-republican since Bush Jr. & his socialist neo-cons took over the republican party.
against gay marriage? They already showed their liberal side by side with Obama on it being a tax. Will they make up for it by going the other way on Gay Marriage? Remember we live in a political age; however the Judicial Branch of the federal government is held by interpreting the constitution of the United states, which means they can't show biasedness one way or the other. They have become somewhat political, so the question is did they take this issue up to prove another point that has nothing to do with the issue at hand?
Gay marriage is not a left/right issue it's an authoritarian religious whacko vs gays issue.
And thats why you are retarded
Don't you have a beer cooler to stock?
we won both houses of congress and a majority of governors and state houses last year. Maybe the tide is turning.

Indeed, the GOP made sure the TP idiots can't threaten to sink the ship of state this time around.

Marriage equality is an American issue, not a party issue.

yes it is, and as such it should be decided by the people or their representatives in congress, not 9 old people in black robes.

Checks and balances say those 9 old people have the responsibility to stand up for the rights of the people......even if they are in a minority

the role of SCOTUS is to decide issues that cannot be decided by the lower courts. SCOTUS is the final appeal for all legal matters. It is not their role to inject their personal cultural beliefs into any case. They are not there to "stand up for the rights of the people" That is one of your more stupid statements. They are there to interpret lower court rulings based on the words of the constitution and constitutional precedents.

That's their role, but the states are working this out on their own. That why I suspect they will keep as is to avoid interfearing. SC mostly is to keep the feds in check.
There's nothing to 'work out.'

The states have no authority to deny American citizens residing within the states their Constitutional rights, in this case the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law.

Not only is the Supreme Court not 'interfering,' but the Constitution requires the Court to rule on the issue, pursuant to Articles III and VI.

It's the role and responsibility of the Federal courts to safeguard the civil liberties of citizens from all manner of government excess and overreach – Federal, state, and local; with regard to gay Americans it's state governments acting in a manner repugnant to the Constitution.
against gay marriage? They already showed their liberal side by side with Obama on it being a tax. Will they make up for it by going the other way on Gay Marriage? Remember we live in a political age; however the Judicial Branch of the federal government is held by interpreting the constitution of the United states, which means they can't show biasedness one way or the other. They have become somewhat political, so the question is did they take this issue up to prove another point that has nothing to do with the issue at hand?
Gay marriage is not a left/right issue it's an authoritarian religious whacko vs gays issue.
And thats why you are retarded
Don't you have a beer cooler to stock?
Hurt your retarded bigotry is exposed?

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