Will Trump send the Fed into places like California to overturn the will of the voters?


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
Reagan was a big proponent of State's Rights. He believed the Federal Government should stay out of people's lives. He trusted voters. The Dems by contrast were proponents of centralized, "one-size-fits all" federally imposed solutions.

California and a few other states legalized marijuana. This is what voters want. Problem is: the War on Drugs gives Washington more taxpayer money along with immense, centralized control over State Law Enforcement.

It has been suggested that Trump and his likely AG, Giuliani, are much more into Federal Power than the old Reagan guard. Secondly, Trump's movement has a fair number of people who want to see an uber-Powerful federal government that goes door to door, looking for illegals to deport, and Liberals to jail as enemies of the state.

With that in mind.

Do YOU think Trump will respect State's Rights and the Will of the voter? Or do you think his moral cleansing of America will include sending Federal Law Enforcement into various states armed with an "enemies list" and an agenda to impose a rightwing agenda?

Will the Trump Fed overturn what the states voted for? My answer is "yes". What is yours?

You criticized Obama's use of Federal Power. Will Trump be different or will he show that Conservatives love Federal power when they're wielding it?

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Reagan was a big proponent of State's Rights. He believed the Federal Government should stay out of people's lives. He trusted voters. The Dems by contrast were proponents of centralized, "one-size-fits all" federally imposed solutions.

California and a few other states legalized marijuana. This is what voters want. Problem is: the War on Drugs gives Washington more taxpayer money along with immense, centralized control over State Law Enforcement.

It has been suggested that Trump and his likely AG, Giuliani, are much more into Federal Power than the old Reagan guard. Secondly, Trump's movement has a fair number of people who want to see an uber-Powerful federal government that goes door to door, looking for illegals to deport, and Liberals to jail as enemies of the state.

With that in mind.

Do YOU think Trump will respect State's Rights and the Will of the voter? Or do you think his moral cleansing of America will include sending Federal Law Enforcement into various states armed with an "enemies list" and an agenda to impose a rightwing agenda?

Will the Trump Fed overturn what the states voted for? My answer is "yes". What is yours?

You criticized Obama's use of Federal Power. Will Trump be different or will he show that Conservatives love Federal power when they're wielding it?

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i seen him say in an interview he has no problem with medical pot and said as far as legalizing it,its to soon to tell,but said the States should be the arbitrators of that....Bush and Obama were too chicken shit to take it off schedule 1 ...we will see what he does....
"Will Trump send the Fed into places like California to overturn the will of the voters?"

For pot? No.

To repatriate the state and drive out the Aztlans? Quite possibly.

Like I said to my dentist who took liberties with me when I was unconscious, I am not sure if my butt hurts yet.

If Trump governs like Reagan, my butt won't hurt at all.

But if he uses federal power the way he is talking about using federal power, I think any State that voted against a right wing agenda, we will be overturned by the most powerful federal government we've ever seen.

Do you think he will go into places like California and Massachusetts ... and overturn marijuana legalization
CA Has passed several propositions over the years Later ignored or overturned by some Court somewhere somehow.For example benefits to those living here illegally I believe the voters were cheated out of that proposition
In my opinion, I don't think he cares about drugs or gay marriage either, to take a strong stance against either.

He's more concerned about people speaking out against him.
CA Has passed several propositions over the years Later ignored or overturned by some Court somewhere somehow.For example benefits to those living here illegally I believe the voters were cheated out of that proposition

You are exactly right. I agree!

But I've been told that I should vote for Republicans because unlike liberals and activist judges, the GOP hates concentrated Federal Power, and they respect the idea of returning power to the states - The People.

My fear is that the new brand of Republicans no longer have Reagan's fear of Federal Power, nor his respect for returning power to the states.

My fear is that Trump and the new republican voter loves Federal Power when it is being used to refashion society in accordance with their principals.

We know that other political groups have no problem overturning the will of the voters, but the Republicans have sold themselves to the American People with the direct promise of reducing concentrated Federal Power.

I'm saying that current overtures to small government and returning power to States/Voters/Citizens is not true of Trumpism.

So I'll ask again: do you think Trump will respect the will of the voters, or do you think he will use concentrated Federal Power to remake every state in accordance with a rightwing agenda?

I think he will say "but the liberal's did it".

Problem is: you don't vote for an alternative moral framework just to find out that your new leader plans to be exactly as corrupt as past leaders.

Again: will Trump and Republicans respect state's rights and the will of the voter or will they use concentrated federal power to remake society on behalf of an aggrieved and shrinking white minority?
CA Has passed several propositions over the years Later ignored or overturned by some Court somewhere somehow.For example benefits to those living here illegally I believe the voters were cheated out of that proposition

You are exactly right. I agree!

But I've been told that I should vote for Republicans because unlike liberals and activist judges, the GOP hates concentrated Federal Power, and they respect the idea of returning power to the states - The People.

My fear is that the new brand of Republicans no longer have Reagan's fear of Federal Power, nor his respect for returning power to the states.

My fear is that Trump and the new republican voter loves Federal Power when it is being used to refashion society in accordance with their principals.

We know that other political groups have no problem overturning the will of the voters, but the Republicans have sold themselves to the American People with the direct promise of reducing concentrated Federal Power.

I'm saying that current overtures to small government and returning power to States/Voters/Citizens is not true of Trumpism.

So I'll ask again: do you think Trump will respect the will of the voters, or do you think he will use concentrated Federal Power to remake every state in accordance with a rightwing agenda?

I think he will say "but the liberal's did it".

Problem is: you don't vote for an alternative moral framework just to find out that your new leader plans to be exactly as corrupt as past leaders.

Again: will Trump and Republicans respect state's rights and the will of the voter or will they use concentrated federal power to remake society on behalf of an aggrieved and shrinking white minority?
I "hope" he fancies state rights. I don't know how anyone stops activist judges from others?

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