Will Trumps VP pick change your mind?

There is one thing about the Reich Wing of the Republican party. They have this insatiable appetite for chasing off large voting blocks.

In 2012 it was the largest voting block in this country, Women. They decided to make their platform about a 45 year old, already settled U.S. Supreme court decision, abortion, & turn it into politics. That then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points which is what secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Mitt Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

In 2016 it's Hispanics. Now another 17% of the population or 23 million of them are solidly in Hillary Clinton's column.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

Trump is in very serious trouble with women already, so Pence is just icing on the cake. Hillary Clinton's got a great new ad coming out, & it will be about Pence and his extreme abortion stance.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer


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Sorry oreo.. the GOP platform is always going to be pro-life. Slavery was also a "settled issue" with the SCOTUS... that means NOTHING. I know you believe that every woman in America is pro-choice, but that's simply a myth you've trained yourself to believe. All that said, Trump is not going to be derailed from his message to argue abortion. You pulled that trick on Romney because you knew a devout Mormon would take the bait... Trump is much smarter. He will continue to pound your corrupt lying candidate on her ethics and policies and tie her irrevocably to the disastrous administration in the Oval Office and it's failed policies.

Current polls show Trump ahead of Hillary in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.... she loses those states and it's game over.. there is no path to victory for her. And the actual campaigning hasn't even started yet. This is going to be a brutal campaign and if you're already clinging to the hope that Hillary can eek out a win on the abortion issue, it simply shows me how utterly desperate you've become... and the real fun has yet to begin.
I like the system we have and don't think we should change a thing. I think you have to be a nit-wit who has a goofy perspective to think the election is "decided" by several states. The election is decided by ALL the states through their electors. Just because some states take more time to get their shit together and certify their official totals doesn't mean THEY decided. In 2000, if Florida had announced their official winner earlier, some other state would have put Bush over the top. If Gore had won his home state of Tennessee, the Florida count would have been meaningless.

are you some kind of fucking retard. Forgeting Jeb Bush STOLE Florida for his brother in 2000, the fact is that only about 10 states are going to be be in play in any given election. In 2012, you could barely tell there was a Presidential Election in IL. Neither Obama nor Romney spent any money here. they just swung by to do fundraisers.

And here's what you don't get. The electoral college is actually a pretty shitty deal for the Republicans. you have 242 electors from states the Democrats carried the last six times. Another 15 come from states they've carried 5 out of 6 times.

When Demographic changes boost the number of Hispanics who can vote in AZ and TX to a certain level, those turn into Blue states and you guys are pretty much over as a national party. Hispanics are going to remember what Trump did to them for decades.

But you can't say, "Let's get rid of this bullshit" because "The Founding Slave Rapists said so" and "I can't admit to myself how much I fucked hte country by letting Bush steal the election."
Sorry oreo.. the GOP platform is always going to be pro-life. Slavery was also a "settled issue" with the SCOTUS... that means NOTHING. I know you believe that every woman in America is pro-choice, but that's simply a myth you've trained yourself to believe. All that said, Trump is not going to be derailed from his message to argue abortion. You pulled that trick on Romney because you knew a devout Mormon would take the bait... Trump is much smarter. He will continue to pound your corrupt lying candidate on her ethics and policies and tie her irrevocably to the disastrous administration in the Oval Office and it's failed policies.

Current polls show Trump ahead of Hillary in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.... she loses those states and it's game over.. there is no path to victory for her. And the actual campaigning hasn't even started yet. This is going to be a brutal campaign and if you're already clinging to the hope that Hillary can eek out a win on the abortion issue, it simply shows me how utterly desperate you've become... and the real fun has yet to begin.

So much for Boss Hogg saying he'd never vote for Trump.
So much for Boss Hogg saying he'd never vote for Trump.

I've not said who I'm voting for... You've got a real problem with reading things that aren't there. Perhaps that's why you're such an abject moron? When you let your feeble little racist mind do the reading you can conjure up all kinds of alternate reality.
So much for Boss Hogg saying he'd never vote for Trump.

I've not said who I'm voting for... You've got a real problem with reading things that aren't there. Perhaps that's why you're such an abject moron? When you let your feeble little racist mind do the reading you can conjure up all kinds of alternate reality.

Naw, dude, you just creaming over outlier polls that show Trump ahead with 20% undecided... you aren't getting excited about Trump.

Not that it matters. You come from the Great State of ToxicWasteDump, which is going to vote for Trump regardless. He could roast puppies in Cleveland and eat them on stage and you'd be cheering him.
So much for Boss Hogg saying he'd never vote for Trump.

I've not said who I'm voting for... You've got a real problem with reading things that aren't there. Perhaps that's why you're such an abject moron? When you let your feeble little racist mind do the reading you can conjure up all kinds of alternate reality.

Naw, dude, you just creaming over outlier polls that show Trump ahead with 20% undecided... you aren't getting excited about Trump.

Not that it matters. You come from the Great State of ToxicWasteDump, which is going to vote for Trump regardless. He could roast puppies in Cleveland and eat them on stage and you'd be cheering him.

Only if they were Democrat puppies! :rofl:
Pence is a great choice and will help Trump. One of the highest ratings by the Conservative Union. He will bring lots of Cruz supporters over and that's what Trump is after. If that turns you off of Trump and you'd rather have President Hillary than Vice President Pence, then so be it. ...Trump can't fix stupid.
What difference does a vice president make? I am wondering when any of us will wonder what that means. Oh no. Here come the morons on the left who think Cheney wanted to go to war for Halliburton. Another lie that the morons on the left believe in.

Isn't far more important to know who the president would pick as White House Chief of Staff if was elected?


Secretary of State


Secretary of Defense

Vice President? Anyone know what a Vice President does?

Yeah, I don't really know either.
What difference does a vice president make? I am wondering when any of us will wonder what that means. Oh no. Here come the morons on the left who think Cheney wanted to go to war for Halliburton. Another lie that the morons on the left believe in.

Isn't far more important to know who the president would pick as White House Chief of Staff if was elected?


Secretary of State


Secretary of Defense

Vice President? Anyone know what a Vice President does?

Yeah, I don't really know either.

Well you're absolutely right but what I keep seeing are these morons who apparently were all for Trump throughout the primaries and now they are going to abandon him over his VP pick. I mean... did you idiots think he was going to nominate himself?

It seems a little flaky to me. It's like there's a bunch of goobers who NEVER intended on voting for Trump, they just wanted to fuck up the primary for the GOP, then smugly walk away. Well you fuckers need to go vote for Gary Johnson where you should've been all along. You represent such a small fraction of the voting population that you don't really matter anyway.

Mike Pence is a solid Conservative, he has the chops to be VP and he delivers Indiana, a pretty significant battleground state. He also will bring over a LOT of Cruz supporters because when he was in Congress, he was one of Cruz's biggest allies along with Mike Lee and Jeff Sessions. Newt was good but he has a lot of baggage and he's a little dated. I personally think Trump wants Newt to be Secretary of State. Gen. Flynn is probably going to be Sec. of Defense. Christie will have a role as well, maybe Chief of Staff. I think he will leave Sessions out of the cabinet because he needs him in the Senate.

I guess the little obnoxious shitheads who enjoyed kicking Ted Cruz around are showing their butthurt now? I'll put to you like you put it to Cruz supporters.. GET OVER IT or GET LOST!
Mike Pence is a solid Conservative, he has the chops to be VP and he delivers Indiana, a pretty significant battleground state.

You been drinking the Toxic Waste, son? if the Republicans are fighting to hold Indiana, they are pretty much screwed.

It seems a little flaky to me. It's like there's a bunch of goobers who NEVER intended on voting for Trump, they just wanted to fuck up the primary for the GOP, then smugly walk away. Well you fuckers need to go vote for Gary Johnson where you should've been all along. You represent such a small fraction of the voting population that you don't really matter anyway.

Wow, we knew you'd be drinking the NaziTrump Koolaid, eventually.
Mike Pence is a solid Conservative, he has the chops to be VP and he delivers Indiana, a pretty significant battleground state.

You been drinking the Toxic Waste, son? if the Republicans are fighting to hold Indiana, they are pretty much screwed.

It seems a little flaky to me. It's like there's a bunch of goobers who NEVER intended on voting for Trump, they just wanted to fuck up the primary for the GOP, then smugly walk away. Well you fuckers need to go vote for Gary Johnson where you should've been all along. You represent such a small fraction of the voting population that you don't really matter anyway.

Wow, we knew you'd be drinking the NaziTrump Koolaid, eventually.

More LIES from Joe... I didn't say Republicans are "fighting to hold Indiana." I also didn't say who I am voting for. I may very well vote for Trump. I've not decided at this point. Anyone who has read my many posts critical of Trump would hardly say I have "drank the koolaid" by any stretch of that term.... So.... you continue to LIE LIE LIE like the little piece of shit dishonest racist scum you are.
Pence is darling of the so-called Christian Right. He may hurt Trump the least compared to Gingrich or Fatty,

but he doesn't really help him.

If Gingrich were younger I think he would have been an excellent choice. But Newt is now 74. He would have been 75 by the time he took his seat. After two terms, he would have been 83.

In a funny way, I was kind of hoping for Christie myself. He may not be a true conservative, but he's well known and is entertaining just like Trump.
Naw, dude, you just creaming over outlier polls that show Trump ahead with 20% undecided... you aren't getting excited about Trump.

Not that it matters. You come from the Great State of ToxicWasteDump, which is going to vote for Trump regardless. He could roast puppies in Cleveland and eat them on stage and you'd be cheering him.

If he did that, Obama might find out and bring the steak sauce. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
More LIES from Joe... I didn't say Republicans are "fighting to hold Indiana." I also didn't say who I am voting for. I may very well vote for Trump. I've not decided at this point. Anyone who has read my many posts critical of Trump would hardly say I have "drank the koolaid" by any stretch of that term.... So.... you continue to LIE LIE LIE like the little piece of shit dishonest racist scum you are.

COme on, guy, quit pretending like you have mind of your own. You'll do what the one percenters tell you....

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