CDZ Woman charged with boyfriend's suicide

Hopefully everyone in America cares about this particular suicide skye as this goes to the heart of our system of justice and the U.S. Constitution itself. It doesn't get more important than this.

Why care about this particular suicide?

what about all the other suicides that happen daily?

you are a hypocrite

it's unbelievable!

I already told you! Because of the fact that a young woman is being charged with involuntary manslaughter for this man's suicide!

if you care about his one

you should care about all of them

pick and chose? because they are on the headlines?

not good

Because a WOMAN IS BEING CHARGED with KILLING a man who committed suicide.

that is not the first case

why not care about ALL OF THEM????????????????????????

why this one only?

like you care.....meh

Okay, I think you've taken up enough of my time. Bye bye now. :)
I would agree if the boy was mentally stable. He apparently was not very mentally stable, and this girl was or had to be aware of that fact.
It doesn't matter ChrisL - his mental state does not trump her 1st Amendment rights. She has freedom of speech - and that includes encouraging someone to commit suicide.

I agree even if I don't agree with what she said to him. After doing a little more reading, I think she was just frustrated and didn't know how else to deal with this situation. She was just a kid at the time. I wouldn't want to have to deal with that now, never mind at 17 years old.
I agree with you completely. Morally, what she did was rather despicable. But it would be a tremendous injustice if she were to be charged with a crime. She has a right to speak her mind.

It's a crime of society, not to grew both of girl and her boyfriend in mental health, not to teach, how to be correct and how keep own mind. But society don't want to feel sick - so, idea of making girl guilty in this situation is pretty for much society members...
The girl is 17. She did try to help him but when he continued, maybe she thought she was helping by supporting him. Tough love sorta thing. Telling him to get back IN the truck was dumb, but hell...if his own parents didn't pick up on it, he was damn good at hiding his intentions. A 17 year old girl had no chance in reaching him.
I would agree if the boy was mentally stable. He apparently was not very mentally stable, and this girl was or had to be aware of that fact.
It doesn't matter ChrisL - his mental state does not trump her 1st Amendment rights. She has freedom of speech - and that includes encouraging someone to commit suicide.

I agree even if I don't agree with what she said to him. After doing a little more reading, I think she was just frustrated and didn't know how else to deal with this situation. She was just a kid at the time. I wouldn't want to have to deal with that now, never mind at 17 years old.
I agree with you completely. Morally, what she did was rather despicable. But it would be a tremendous injustice if she were to be charged with a crime. She has a right to speak her mind.

It's a crime of society, not to grew both of girl and her boyfriend in mental health, not to teach, how to be correct and how keep own mind. But society don't want to feel sick - so, idea of making girl guilty in this situation is pretty for much society members...

I don't know though. I think a lot of people are against this action by the government.
What part of the constitution is that in again? I must have missed that memo.

I think you missed a lot of stuff.

You can't take drugs.
You can't be a prostitute
You can't drive without a seatbelt
You can't sell your kidney on Ebay

Yes, the government CAN makes laws to protect us from our own stupidity, and they should. It's probably the only thing keeping some of you alive.
It is wrong to charge someone with a crime for their words over a text message. It is utterly ridiculous and means that you want to give the government control over your words.

Ah, the Libertarian Mantra, where fear of "the gummit" outweighs any common sense.

Manson didn't kill anyone and look where he is.

Good point!!!!

If you go around telling people you are suicidal and they don't show you compassion and you commit suicide, it is NOT the fault of the people you told. Showing compassion is NOT a law and should not be a law.

Except we have good Samaritan laws where if you could have done something and you didn't, that's on you. Her next call should have been to the cops. The call after that should have been to his parents. Instead she goaded him on until he did it. she belongs in a prison cell with an oversexed bunkmate.
So, this young woman is being charged with manslaughter (I think) for talking her boyfriend/friend into committing suicide. The young man who killed himself had apparently suffered from severe depression and talked about committing suicide often. While I think what this young lady did is really horrible and I wonder what kind of person would do such a thing, I'm not sure how I feel about her being charged with his suicide. People are definitely responsible for their own actions, including their own suicides. However, this young man suffered from mental illness, which kind of changes the dynamic. What do you all think about it?

Her texts pushed him to suicide, prosecutors say. But does that mean she killed him?

She is being charged with manslaughter not murder
Manslaughter involves a reckless action which results in someone else's death

I think what she did was reckless. While nobody is required to stop a suicide, she effectively participated in it
Except here that isn't the argument made. She did not have a duty to warn. In fact, Mass. law, from what I am reading, indicates she would have needed to be in person for the involuntary manslaughter charge.

This was one case at a time when bullying via social media led to many teens committing suicides. was predominantly featured in 2013. However, there appeared to be a rash of suicides that had been occurring in Mass. and nationwide.

This case may just be a knee jerk reaction and a that'll teach 'em moment.
I would agree if the boy was mentally stable. He apparently was not very mentally stable, and this girl was or had to be aware of that fact.
It doesn't matter ChrisL - his mental state does not trump her 1st Amendment rights. She has freedom of speech - and that includes encouraging someone to commit suicide.

I agree even if I don't agree with what she said to him. After doing a little more reading, I think she was just frustrated and didn't know how else to deal with this situation. She was just a kid at the time. I wouldn't want to have to deal with that now, never mind at 17 years old.
I agree with you completely. Morally, what she did was rather despicable. But it would be a tremendous injustice if she were to be charged with a crime. She has a right to speak her mind.

It's a crime of society, not to grew both of girl and her boyfriend in mental health, not to teach, how to be correct and how keep own mind. But society don't want to feel sick - so, idea of making girl guilty in this situation is pretty for much society members...

I don't know though. I think a lot of people are against this action by the government.

In the horrific Soviet regime the main target for all judgments wer not to punish people for crime, but to correct his behaviour. Either by prison or by mental hospital, or by working camp or someone... But in progressive practices this target regarded as "violence against personality"...

If the someone is having flu and infects others - what would the judgement target with him? To punish him for an infect? Or to cure him?
before I go who gives a s**t about the boyfriends suicide honestly who?????
Hopefully everyone in America cares about this particular suicide skye as this goes to the heart of our system of justice and the U.S. Constitution itself. It doesn't get more important than this.
Why care about this particular suicide?
Um...I just told you why. I'll repeat it for you...
Hopefully everyone in America cares about this particular suicide skye as this goes to the heart of our system of justice and the U.S. Constitution itself. It doesn't get more important than this.
before I go who gives a s**t about the boyfriends suicide honestly who?????
If you don't "give a sh*t" then why are you here in this thread commenting every few seconds? :dunno:

You clearly care more than anyone as you can't stop posting in this thread. :laugh:
What part of the constitution is that in again? I must have missed that memo.

I think you missed a lot of stuff.

You can't take drugs.
You can't be a prostitute
You can't drive without a seatbelt
You can't sell your kidney on Ebay

Yes, the government CAN makes laws to protect us from our own stupidity, and they should. It's probably the only thing keeping some of you alive.

thanks for informing me "thats the way it is" with an endrun around the point confirming you cant come up with anything that makes it legitimate.

what a awesome deal, we are liable for our stupidity and the gubmints too!
thanks for informing me "thats the way it is" with an endrun around the point confirming you cant come up with anything that makes it legitimate.

what a awesome deal, we are liable for our stupidity and the gubmints too!

I did come up with something that makes it legitimate. The government already bans a whole lot of activities that are personal choices.

And most of us are okay with that. Except for Libertarians who frankly want all the benefits of living in a civilized society but none of the responsibility.
So, this young woman is being charged with manslaughter (I think) for talking her boyfriend/friend into committing suicide. The young man who killed himself had apparently suffered from severe depression and talked about committing suicide often. While I think what this young lady did is really horrible and I wonder what kind of person would do such a thing, I'm not sure how I feel about her being charged with his suicide. People are definitely responsible for their own actions, including their own suicides. However, this young man suffered from mental illness, which kind of changes the dynamic. What do you all think about it?

Her texts pushed him to suicide, prosecutors say. But does that mean she killed him?

Okay so it is not like some bad ex wife killing her teacher husband by inventing child porn on him. So the girl is innocent. By the way, why is prompting for suicide a crime now? It has always been usual practice. Like the Ottoman Empire used to hand out silk ropes. Nazi Germany used to hand out hand guns. Japan hand out harakiri swarms. France hands out duel weapons to duel yourself. What is special about ame
Actually I have a better theory about this suicide charge. How many people and punks allow the fear of death rule tem? When you are overly afraid of something, then you start passing judgement by it. This is the fault of her prosecutors.
Trying to get in the mind of the girl friend: I have to wonder if she thought the he was full of shit with all the suicide talk and that she beleived it to be a method he used to gain attention and to control and manipulate others. She may had thought she could call his bluff and that he would never really kill himself.
Trying to get in the mind of the girl friend: I have to wonder if she thought the he was full of shit with all the suicide talk and that she beleived it to be a method he used to gain attention and to control and manipulate others. She may had thought she could call his bluff and that he would never really kill himself.

Have you read any of the transcripts? It is obvious that she felt as if she was helping him, and it is obvious that she also cared about him.

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