Women of USMB.....How many of you have been sexually harassed?

In my discussions with women, most have stories of times they have been sexually harassed to varying degrees

It can range from rude statements to touching to near rape

How did you handle it?
Would you prefer to just handle it yourself or do you encourage society to get involved?
What do you think should be done with the men?

Office Of Compliance

Potentially a whole slew of them right here. Why not make this list public?
Why does harassment of men never come up?
Nobody gives a shit until the man was to return the favor, then they deserve to lose constitutional rights, their reputation and possibly their job from being in jail.

Have you been sexually harassed?

I can't recall it ever happening to me

Could that be, when inappropriate sexual advances happen to men, they really don't feel violated?

I can tell you dozens of times I've been a victim of a butt grope. Never offended me, hell, many times I turned and said Thanks!
Hell yeah man. You know how many times i had my crotch or ass grabbed by a chick at the club when i was younger?
If i was doing that? I would have gotten my ass beat by the bouncers and possibly banned from the establishment or sent to jail.
If a man says he got harassed by a little sexy 115 lb girl? He would be laughed at. I would laugh too, honestly. But thats just part of our societal double standards lol
People want to be equal... until they are.

Damn "people want to be equal........until they are" EXACTLY

But more to the point, why is it that people always want one size fits all solutions? Obviously it doesn't work. What offends one will be flattering to another.

that's such nonsense. if some female boss were grabbing your butt at work, that would be inappropriate too.

there is nothing "flattering" about it.

your type of misogyny is a good part of the problem.
No boss never grabbed me, but my female Commanding Officer in AIT liked the way my dick protruded inside my swimsuit after I swam in a triathlon. That lake was friggen cold BTW.
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I've been cornered, groped, money put in my shirt. In each case I made waves, all were at work and never got fired. Never filed any complaints.
not sexual but even BRAVE old lady 'hilary' can't handle herself as an ADULT as she cries , whines that TRUMP stalked her on a debate stage with a live audience and nationwide tv audience . And she wants to be 'president' of the USA . -------------- just a comment !!
I think she went out of the way to get in his AO.

She constantly cut him off on stage.
I've been cornered, groped, money put in my shirt. In each case I made waves, all were at work and never got fired. Never filed any complaints.
A nurse felt me up at the dentist once. Are a man's pecks an erogenous zone?
One nasty old man had a rule. No long pants at work. Skirts and dresses only with no runs in the panty hose and he had inspections to make sure there were no above the knee runs.

I didn't experience any of the other scenarios you mentioned - but this one, with the exception of a nasty old man checking for runs, was the norm in my workplace in '69-'70. Our hourly rate was lower than men - and no pants. Tight mini-skirts?...not a problem. Before I left - pants suits became acceptable. Remember the polyester pant suit, of one fabric and color with tunic top?...only caveat - the tunic top had to be fingertip length, with arms extended straight down.

Well, you see, I've grown up in a different era. Since I've been working, nobody would ever be able to get away with such a thing! I suppose that depends on where you work. Hooters anyone? :D But it's different if you choose to work at a place like Hooters. You are told what to expect and you know what that is all about. When you are in an office or other professional type of job, such things are not acceptable in that environment nowadays. It's all about professionalism, so workplace harassment is definitely obviously much more rare nowadays than back in the 60s and 70s.

Hooters! This is the way male attorneys treated female counterparts! Professionalism. You make me laugh.

I remember one partner who lost his trial. He was furious. It was no one's fault. He just lost. He came back from court in a rage, stormed into the office and picked up a typewriter (in those days we had typewriters) and just threw it at a secretary. It missed her and crashed into the wall. Thank goodness no one was hurt. The poor girl was shaking but she never skipped a beat at her own desk.

Women today don't know what it was really like. Now that I look back and see what women did, and what women today are doing with what was given them, I'm sorry we ever put foot in the road to make any demands at all.
One nasty old man had a rule. No long pants at work. Skirts and dresses only with no runs in the panty hose and he had inspections to make sure there were no above the knee runs.

I didn't experience any of the other scenarios you mentioned - but this one, with the exception of a nasty old man checking for runs, was the norm in my workplace in '69-'70. Our hourly rate was lower than men - and no pants. Tight mini-skirts?...not a problem. Before I left - pants suits became acceptable. Remember the polyester pant suit, of one fabric and color with tunic top?...only caveat - the tunic top had to be fingertip length, with arms extended straight down.

Well, you see, I've grown up in a different era. Since I've been working, nobody would ever be able to get away with such a thing! I suppose that depends on where you work. Hooters anyone? :D But it's different if you choose to work at a place like Hooters. You are told what to expect and you know what that is all about. When you are in an office or other professional type of job, such things are not acceptable in that environment nowadays. It's all about professionalism, so workplace harassment is definitely obviously much more rare nowadays than back in the 60s and 70s.

Hooters! This is the way male attorneys treated female counterparts! Professionalism. You make me laugh.

I remember one partner who lost his trial. He was furious. It was no one's fault. He just lost. He came back from court in a rage, stormed into the office and picked up a typewriter (in those days we had typewriters) and just threw it at a secretary. It missed her and crashed into the wall. Thank goodness no one was hurt. The poor girl was shaking but she never skipped a beat at her own desk.

Women today don't know what it was really like. Now that I look back and see what women did, and what women today are doing with what was given them, I'm sorry we ever put foot in the road to make any demands at all.
As long as he said he was sorry all is forgiven.....and only if he's a Democrat....and cussed out Trump.....and said he was gay...

About eight months ago, I fired a male engineer (married) making six figures, for sexual harassment....me. But then again, I'm an executive. Too bad he didn't know that.

About eight months ago, I fired a male engineer (married) making six figures, for sexual harassment....me. But then again, I'm an executive. Too bad he didn't know that.
What did he do?
I've had women hit on me, but none of them grabbed me by my joint.

Even though I begged...


About eight months ago, I fired a male engineer (married) making six figures, for sexual harassment....me. But then again, I'm an executive. Too bad he didn't know that.
Was it AL Franken?
Why does harassment of men never come up?
Nobody gives a shit until the man was to return the favor, then they deserve to lose constitutional rights, their reputation and possibly their job from being in jail.

Have you been sexually harassed?

I can't recall it ever happening to me

Could that be, when inappropriate sexual advances happen to men, they really don't feel violated?

I can tell you dozens of times I've been a victim of a butt grope. Never offended me, hell, many times I turned and said Thanks!
Hell yeah man. You know how many times i had my crotch or ass grabbed by a chick at the club when i was younger?
If i was doing that? I would have gotten my ass beat by the bouncers and possibly banned from the establishment or sent to jail.
If a man says he got harassed by a little sexy 115 lb girl? He would be laughed at. I would laugh too, honestly. But thats just part of our societal double standards lol
People want to be equal... until they are.

What if you were 15 and being sexually harassed by a 35 year old woman who was not particularly attractive?

I had a 5 months relationship with my 35 yo very attractive, pretty shapely and married teacher when I was 16. I was home schooled because of fighting from one private school to another till there are no more private schools both Souther California and Miami counties.

That said......... It was an awesome experience. I had gfs of my age at that time but 35 yo woman with experience is like losing my virginity for the second time. My older sister (9 years older) caught us and that is how the relationship ended.

She went to jail briefly not sure how long but my parents paid her off to move somewhere and not to bother me.

I posted this story sometime in late 2015 I think.
Most or all men are pussy animals. I don’t care who they are. Priest, pastors, teachers etc etc etc.
Lots of married men or single men here or out there will tell you I love my wife or my girl friend. I will never cheat. True.
But they never been tested, tempted, lure or flirted by a pretty sexy woman.
Why does harassment of men never come up?
Nobody gives a shit until the man was to return the favor, then they deserve to lose constitutional rights, their reputation and possibly their job from being in jail.

Feel free to bring it up.

Personally I have only been sexually harrassed one time- and that was when I was in a gay bar as a straight man watching a 49'rs game with a friend(they took the game seriously but still grabbed at my ass).

Gave me a whole new perspective of what every single one of my female friends told me happened to them at straight bars all the time.

I have never been sexually harassed by a man or a woman at work. I have never met a woman who couldn't tell me stories of being harrassed at work.
The sexual harassment element for me was me being in a vulnerable situation with someone who has all the power or authority. Not necessarily a work environment could be a church, school, or when I was a kid and they were an adult. I always felt powerless and scared to tell and unable to know what to do to make a person no behave that way.
I see all the men are chiming in. I have been sexually harassed, although to me that is putting it mildly. The guy who VIOLATED me broke into my home and masturbated over my bed while I was lying there sleeping. Thankfully I awoke before he had a chance to "complete" if you know what I mean. It was a goofy neighbor kid. There have been other things too, such as men pulling over in cars masturbating (that happened probably 5 times in my life, starting at around age TEN). I remember an old man at the town pool who used to pull on girls bikini top strings as they would swim by him. He was also convicted later of molesting his own grandson. Poor little thing. I remember seeing him there with his "grandfather" if that is what you would call such a monster. I remember some friends of mine when I was about 12 or 13 telling me about an old man in the neighborhood who would pay them $20 to allow him to take nude photos of them. They asked me if I wanted in. I was like no fuckin way. Sick old perv isn't going to be drooling and other things over my pictures, that is for sure. Who knows where the pictures of these girls are now? Who knows what else he might have paid them to do? I remember walking down the street when I was about 15 and I had this 40-something-year-old guy pull over and ask me if I "put out." I just looked at him and I said, "excuse me?", and he drove off like the coward that he probably is.

And worse of all, one of my best friends was sexually molested by her "stepfather." Not only her but a couple of my other friends too.

Yeah I didn't find out until decades later that my neighbor was being molested by her step father.

I remember at the time when we were teens that there was one family friend that all of the girls learned- and told each other- not to be alone with or too close to because his hands wandered- oddly enough in those days everyone just let it go because he was a 'harmless old man'- who was grabbing teenage girls.

My wife has had bosses proposition her several times, besides grabbing various body parts as she came by.
Ok, here goes, I never told this to anyone, but should have told my parents. When I was about 8 or 9 we lived in Hot Springs and there was one kid named Avant, or something like that. He was around 18 and had a car. He was always hanging out with the kiddies showing them cool stuff like how to make rockets with CO2 cartridges. One day he drove up to the house where I lived and asked me if I wanted to go bird hunting with him. I said sure and went in and grabbed my BB gun. He drove to a secluded spot in the cemetery and stopped the car. Then instead of bb guns, he pulled out his pecker and started masturbating in the car! I started crying and then he grabs my crotch and started rubbing me! I cried more and screamed and he stopped and took me home. Never saw the sick fuck again and never told anyone. I think that's what made me start stuttering for my whole life. To this day if I found him I would beat that sick bastard half to death!

That is what child molesters did. Sorry you had that happen to you- shouldn't happen to any kid.

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