Women Plan All-Black Community in Georgia After ‘400 Years of Racial Oppression.’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

So ... umm .. they want segregation after all?
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

So ... umm .. they want segregation after all?
Segregation is progressive!
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

So ... umm .. they want segregation after all?

yeah---well--BACK TO AFRICA didn't work ----maybe back to ALABAMA will work

Ted Nugent should by the rights to Aunt Jemima and rename it Uncle Ted.



With his face plastered all over it of course.
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That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

Oh, joy! Can you say FUCKED UP? I KNEW you could..................
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

So ... umm .. they want segregation after all?
Segregation for me, but not for thee, cracker!
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

This is the Best way to deal with right wing bigotry:
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
An interesting historical footnote here. Black separatism has been part of various Black activist ideologies going back to Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, and Elijah Muhammad all called for a separate black state, either here or in Africa as a solution to racial persecution in America.

In the 1960's, Elijah Muhammad purchased 5,000 acres in Georgia to found Temple Farms (now Muhammad Farms) for the foundation of a Black separatist community.

It's interesting to note that he was assisted in this by members of the KKK and American Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell who also supported the idea of Black separatism.
An interesting historical footnote here. Black separatism has been part of various Black activist ideologies going back to Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, and Elijah Muhammad all called for a separate black state, either here or in Africa as a solution to racial persecution in America.

In the 1960's, Elijah Muhammad purchased 5,000 acres in Georgia to found Temple Farms (now Muhammad Farms) for the foundation of a Black separatist community.

It's interesting to note that he was assisted in this by members of the KKK and American Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell who also supported the idea of Black separatism.

how did it work out?
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

Of course we White Supremacists ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) have ALWAYS said that Blacks and Whites CANNOT live in the SAME Community and that Segregation is the ONLY way and it's great that Blacks are now literally AGREEING that we White Supremacists ( :abgg2q.jpg: have been CORRECT ALL along :smoke:

Of course what these Black women are planning should be ENCOURAGED EVERYWHERE in the Western World, by doing so we can ram an iron rod up the rectums of ALL Cultural Marxists because ENCOURAGING what the Blacks WANT which is Segregation would fuck up the LONG STANDING Cultural Marxist dream of Mixing White with Black until White is reduced to a Minority. By Segregation for ALL we can protect and preserve an active Black Community living in harmony BUT seperate from an active White Community and the Segregation would be to the extreme, this would mean that Black and White would NEVER MEET under ANY circumstances. The way forward for the Western World is TOTAL Segregation, we can add in Segregation based on Religious Grounds later ie. Non-Christians Segregated from Christians this INCLUDES the Crypto's who we know are CINOs and in private as they have for Centuries practiced in PRIVATE their Anti-Christ Satanic Quasi-Religion that teaches HATE of Jesus Christ AND Christians aka White peoples (not ALL Christians ARE White peoples but to this Anti-Christ Satanic Tribe ALL Christians have = White peoples)

What else? Oh yes for added measure I will throw in this:

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An interesting historical footnote here. Black separatism has been part of various Black activist ideologies going back to Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, and Elijah Muhammad all called for a separate black state, either here or in Africa as a solution to racial persecution in America.

In the 1960's, Elijah Muhammad purchased 5,000 acres in Georgia to found Temple Farms (now Muhammad Farms) for the foundation of a Black separatist community.

It's interesting to note that he was assisted in this by members of the KKK and American Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell who also supported the idea of Black separatism.

how did it work out?

As far as I know, Muhammed Farms is still an active community for the NOI. Liberia, in West Africa, was colonized by American Blacks beginning in the 1820's and became a sovereign state dedicated to becoming a homeland for American Blacks returning to Africa was declared in 1847 is still there.
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

Of course we White Supremacists ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) have ALWAYS said that Blacks and Whites CANNOT live in the SAME Community and that Segregation is the ONLY way and it's great that Blacks are now literally AGREEING that we White Supremacists ( :abgg2q.jpg: have been CORRECT ALL along :smoke:

Of course what these Black women are planning should be ENCOURAGED EVERYWHERE in the Western World, by doing so we can ram an iron rod up the rectums of ALL Cultural Marxists because ENCOURAGING what the Blacks WANT which is Segregation would fuck up the LONG STANDING Cultural Marxist dream of Mixing White with Black until White is reduced to a Minority. By Segregation for ALL we can protect and preserve an active Black Community living in harmony BUT seperate from an active White Community and the Segregation would be to the extreme, this would mean that Black and White would NEVER MEET under ANY circumstances. The way forward for the Western World is TOTAL Segregation, we can add in Segregation based on Religious Grounds later ie. Non-Christians Segregated from Christians this INCLUDES the Crypto's who we know are CINOs and in private as they have for Centuries practiced in PRIVATE their Anti-Christ Satanic Quasi-Religion that teaches HATE of Jesus Christ AND Christians aka White peoples (not ALL Christians ARE White peoples but to this Anti-Christ Satanic Tribe ALL Christians have = White peoples)

What else? Oh yes for added measure I will throw in this:

View attachment 386247

^^^^ Next up is that Vegans need to be Segregated from NORMAL peoples, Vegans are psychologically abnormal and we can also throw in the Non-Vegan But Hate Bacon on Religious Ground weirdos, this will do until we can bring in Forced Segregation Based On Religious Grounds.
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

Of course we White Supremacists ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) have ALWAYS said that Blacks and Whites CANNOT live in the SAME Community and that Segregation is the ONLY way and it's great that Blacks are now literally AGREEING that we White Supremacists ( :abgg2q.jpg: have been CORRECT ALL along :smoke:

Of course what these Black women are planning should be ENCOURAGED EVERYWHERE in the Western World, by doing so we can ram an iron rod up the rectums of ALL Cultural Marxists because ENCOURAGING what the Blacks WANT which is Segregation would fuck up the LONG STANDING Cultural Marxist dream of Mixing White with Black until White is reduced to a Minority. By Segregation for ALL we can protect and preserve an active Black Community living in harmony BUT seperate from an active White Community and the Segregation would be to the extreme, this would mean that Black and White would NEVER MEET under ANY circumstances. The way forward for the Western World is TOTAL Segregation, we can add in Segregation based on Religious Grounds later ie. Non-Christians Segregated from Christians this INCLUDES the Crypto's who we know are CINOs and in private as they have for Centuries practiced in PRIVATE their Anti-Christ Satanic Quasi-Religion that teaches HATE of Jesus Christ AND Christians aka White peoples (not ALL Christians ARE White peoples but to this Anti-Christ Satanic Tribe ALL Christians have = White peoples)

What else? Oh yes for added measure I will throw in this:

View attachment 386247
Add a US flag and they’re heads explode.
Segregation is a necessary evil, and although the USA was indirectly racially segregated, the founders most likely believed in ideological segregation, otherwise they would not have understood the reasoning for states. What is the purpose of boundary states if it is not to isolate ideologically different approaches to community.

The founders had to have been observing Europe and recognized the perpetual warring and sought to create a commerce union to try to solve the problem by example, but the evolution of the United States did not properly lend itself to that goal. But we can try to redirect it towards the approach - we have to. We are experiencing the problems of the skewed approach: social disillusionment, irrational reasoning, mass killings, riots, and wanton looting.
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

Of course we White Supremacists ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) have ALWAYS said that Blacks and Whites CANNOT live in the SAME Community and that Segregation is the ONLY way and it's great that Blacks are now literally AGREEING that we White Supremacists ( :abgg2q.jpg: have been CORRECT ALL along :smoke:

Of course what these Black women are planning should be ENCOURAGED EVERYWHERE in the Western World, by doing so we can ram an iron rod up the rectums of ALL Cultural Marxists because ENCOURAGING what the Blacks WANT which is Segregation would fuck up the LONG STANDING Cultural Marxist dream of Mixing White with Black until White is reduced to a Minority. By Segregation for ALL we can protect and preserve an active Black Community living in harmony BUT seperate from an active White Community and the Segregation would be to the extreme, this would mean that Black and White would NEVER MEET under ANY circumstances. The way forward for the Western World is TOTAL Segregation, we can add in Segregation based on Religious Grounds later ie. Non-Christians Segregated from Christians this INCLUDES the Crypto's who we know are CINOs and in private as they have for Centuries practiced in PRIVATE their Anti-Christ Satanic Quasi-Religion that teaches HATE of Jesus Christ AND Christians aka White peoples (not ALL Christians ARE White peoples but to this Anti-Christ Satanic Tribe ALL Christians have = White peoples)

What else? Oh yes for added measure I will throw in this:

View attachment 386247

^^^^ Next up is that Vegans need to be Segregated from NORMAL peoples, Vegans are psychologically abnormal and we can also throw in the Non-Vegan But Hate Bacon on Religious Ground weirdos, this will do until we can bring in Forced Segregation Based On Religious Grounds.

^^^^ Athiests would be subjected to Extreme Segregation, they would be rounded up and airdropped onto previously unhabited Islands and I also think we could get the French to re-open Devil's Island, which I think would be appropriate for these Devil's Children to be airdropped onto Devil's Island.

Men who are Beta Cuck Faggots who have been brainwashed by Cultural Marxists and Men Hating Militant Lesbians to shave ALL their manly body hair, they would be Segregated to remote parts of The Congo Jungle and forced to eat red ants and drink their own urine.

I have endless ideas on other Segregation, this includes the MSM who would ALL be rounded up and Segregated half in Islamic State controlled areas and half in remote South Sea areas where they still have Cannibal Tribes.
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

Just what America needs...another welfare ridden slum.
I do not think they have any intention of gathering Black families making less than $100,000 in nearby Atlanta.
That’ll show those white racists by using segregation!
Wasn’t it great they took off all those minorities from product labeling? Now we can buy butter and pancake syrup without having to look at nonwhite races!

Just what America needs...another welfare ridden slum.

But but but the Leftists aka Communists tell everyone that all those Blacks are going to be Rocket Scientists and Neurosurgeons IF ONLY Non-Blacks stopped getting in their way :smoke:

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