Would blacks be better off without whites?

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And many Whites resent me because I'm more educated, intelligent and earn more money.

If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientals who deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:
And many Whites resent me because I'm more educated, intelligent and earn more money.

If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientals who deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:

Affirmative action has created a plethora of opportunities for white females, so the white population has been well rewarded by affirmative action.

Furthermore, one of the most sought after groups currently to receive the rewards of affirmative action are military veterans. As they should be.

Black citizens have NOT been the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action for some time now, and as far as Hispanics go, in most cases, they are much more likely to be working their way through the system in a minimum wage job in the service industry, or grinding out a living as a day laborer.

You really should read more about this initiative, and the constant changes to it, because you sound like a misinformed dropout.

Lastly, WTF is an "Oriental"? Do you mean Asians?

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And many Whites resent me because I'm more educated, intelligent and earn more money.

If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientalswho deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:

You make it obvious that you are one of the folks that are envious.
First, just to entertain your nonsense, I'll point out your juvenile attempt to discuss the issue.

"If" affirmative action played a role in anything I have ever achieved, only stupid assholes would believe that only a White person should be placed in that spot instead of another qualified person of any race or sex.

Maybe I should resent the fact that Whites have enjoyed 200 years of preferences, nepotism and the "ole boy network."
However I don't have time to be resentful because I have to compete with folks who have had the deck stacked in their favor irregardless of merit and because of skin color.

I don't have time to be resentful that unintelligent Whites and "Orientals" are in positions because of a systemic bias and stereotypical belief on Black inferiority, I'm too busy proving them wrong.
Fortunately I'm not alone, I'm seeing plenty of minority achievers that are astoundingly capable.

We realize there will always be dumbasses who want to blame their failures and inadequacies on "quotas", affirmative action and liberals.

Instead of becoming angry, we simply smile and give them a generous tip.
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And many Whites resent me because I'm more educated, intelligent and earn more money.

If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientalswho deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:

You make it obvious that you are one of the folks that are envious.
First, just to entertain your nonsense, I'll point out your juvenile attempt to discuss the issue.

"If" affirmative action played a role in anything I have ever achieved, only stupid assholes would believe that only a White person should be placed in that spot instead of another qualified person of any race or sex.

Maybe I should resent the fact that Whites have enjoyed 200 years of preferences, nepotism and the "ole boy network."
However I don't have time to be resentful because I have to compete with folks who have had the deck stacked in their favor irregardless of merit and because of skin color.

I don't have time to be resentful that unintelligent Whites and "Orientals" are in positions because of a systemic bias and stereotypical belief on Black inferiority, I'm too busy proving them wrong.
Fortunately I'm not alone, I'm seeing plenty of minority achievers that are astoundingly capable.

We realize there will always be dumbasses who want to blame their failures and inadequacies on "quotas", affirmative action and liberals.

Instead of becoming angry, we simply smile and give them a generous tip.

It seems like you are a beneficiary of affirmative action. Because there is a considerable race gap in average intelligence it is not possible to achieve anything close to racial parity without reducing standards for blacks.

Those who advocate affirmative action necessarily lie about it. They say it does not lower standards for blacks and Hispanics, but it does. They say it does not discriminate against whites and Orientals, but it does. They say it does not require race quotas, but it does. They say it does not advance blacks and Hispanics to positions where they are not able to perform adequately, but it does.

Affirmative action reinforces racial prejudice and contempt. Whites who are admitted to colleges see blacks who are obviously less intelligent than white friends of those whites who applied and were not admitted. This causes resentment. The same is true for whites who get jobs with companies that did not hire their capable white friends, but which hired incompetent blacks instead.

Because affirmative action is more of a problem in the government than in private industry, it has lowered confidence in the government. Charles Murray put it well in his essay, "The Inequality Taboo," " Consider an observation furtively voiced by many who interact with civil servants: that government is riddled with people who have been promoted to their level of incompetence because of pressure to have a staff with the correct sex and ethnicity in the correct proportions and positions. Are these just anecdotes? Or should we be worrying about the effects of affirmative action on the quality of government services?"
The Inequality Taboo, by Charles Murray
And many Whites resent me because I'm more educated, intelligent and earn more money.

If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientals who deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:

Affirmative action has created a plethora of opportunities for white females, so the white population has been well rewarded by affirmative action.

Furthermore, one of the most sought after groups currently to receive the rewards of affirmative action are military veterans. As they should be.

Black citizens have NOT been the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action for some time now, and as far as Hispanics go, in most cases, they are much more likely to be working their way through the system in a minimum wage job in the service industry, or grinding out a living as a day laborer.

You really should read more about this initiative, and the constant changes to it, because you sound like a misinformed dropout.

Lastly, WTF is an "Oriental"? Do mean Asians?


Most of the better paying jobs that do not require college degrees do require more strength than most women have. I am thinking of jobs in law enforcement, fire fighting, and construction work. Affirmative action programs to get more women in these fields lower strength requirements for women.

I use the word "Oriental" to refer to Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Asians can refer to less intelligent Mongoloids, and to Caucasians, such as Iranians and Arabs.
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If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientals who deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:

Affirmative action has created a plethora of opportunities for white females, so the white population has been well rewarded by affirmative action.

The depth of your ignorance is astonishing. Women in managerial positions and positions of responsibility have benefitted greatly from AA.

Were you in a coma when the first female was appointed to the supreme court?

Furthermore, one of the most sought after groups currently to receive the rewards of affirmative action are military veterans. As they should be.

Black citizens have NOT been the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action for some time now, and as far as Hispanics go, in most cases, they are much more likely to be working their way through the system in a minimum wage job in the service industry, or grinding out a living as a day laborer.

You really should read more about this initiative, and the constant changes to it, because you sound like a misinformed dropout.

Lastly, WTF is an "Oriental"? Do mean Asians?


Most of the better paying jobs that do not require college degrees do require more strength than most women have. I am thinking of jobs in law enforcement, fire fighting, and construction work. Affirmative action programs to get more women in these fields lower strength requirements for women.

I use the word "Oriental" to refer to Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Asians can refer to less intelligent Mongoloids, and to Caucasians, such as Iranians and Arabs.

The depth of your ignorance is astounding. Were you in a coma when the first female was appointed to the supreme court? Were you in a time warp stuck in 1950 when statistics were released showing that white females have gained enormous ground in placement in management positions through AA?
Before I post some articles with facts for you read, I thought I would ask those questions first to determine if you are joking.
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And many Whites resent me because I'm more educated, intelligent and earn more money.
So what's the excuse for the continuing rise in White illegitimacy, White's use of drugs and increased incarceration, why are more White people on public assistance than Blacks or any other racial group???

Unfortunately for the less intelligent Whites, as the artificial crutches that afforded them a privilege are crumbling away, minorities of all types are passing them by.

If that makes you resentful...oh well.

First of all they don't resent your color so much as your position in life...thats what liberals do. They cant stand to see anyone succeed.

And you are being totally disingenuous when it comes to incarceration and public assistance rates. Because I know damn good and well you understand percentages.
So which is it? You a liar or just plain stupid?
Here's my outlook on race relations.
I dont give a rats ass what color you are as long as you show respect to the people around you and are a productive member of society. Anytime someone wants to tell me how their race is superior I stop listening.
I will say this. More and more blacks are starting to see the light. The difference between the blacks now and twenty years ago is dramatic. They no longer speak in ebonics and they are realizing acting counter to the norm is whats holds them back,not their color.
And I have to say....if you want to make the white folks feel threatened? Be the better person.

Now to correct your obvious mistakes.
First, my statement is totally factual; there are indeed more White people on Govt assistance than Black people. Do you deny that fact or are you plain stupid???

Secondly, I never stated that I wanted Whites to feel threatened, why are you lying on me, what's your agenda??

disingenuous???..when it comes to the ever increasing White incarceration rates and the fact that the majority of people on public assistance are White people???

Why is it disingenuous...because you don't like the numbers ???

As long as certain folk can use "percentages" as a tool to attempt to make one group look bad, while at the same time turning a blind eye to the sheer numbers that comprise a higher numerical amount of the other group, it gives me pause as to their intellectual honesty.

So you dont understand percentages.
The depth of your ignorance is astounding. Were you in a coma when the first female was appointed to the supreme court? Were you in a time warp stuck in 1950 when statistics were released showing that white females have gained enormous ground in placement in management positions through AA?
Before I post some articles with facts for you read, I thought I would ask those questions first to determine if you are joking.

Your anger and insults give greater credence to my arguments. People become angry when beliefs they hope are true but fear are false are questioned.

Because blacks and Hispanics tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites and Orientals, affirmative action advances blacks and Hispanics to positions where they cannot perform adequately intellectually.

Because women tend to be significantly less strong than men, affirmative action advances women to positions where they cannot perform adequately physically.

There is an additional factor that contributes to the fact that few women are in positions of wealth and power. Financial success makes a man desirable to women. It does not make a woman desirable to men. This gives men an incentive that women do not have.
And many Whites resent me because I'm more educated, intelligent and earn more money.

If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientals who deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:

Its pretty obvious by your posts you are one of the envious white people that cant conceive of a Black person simply being smarter and working harder than you. I can tell by your fascination with the topic you are one of the low hanging fruit whites that have to compete with AA. If you stopped being lazy and educated yourself, you could be above the fray and get any position you chose.

Present day AA creates opportunity for Blacks to get into the job force along with other minorities and mostly white women. Prior to that white men had AA for over 350 years. Basically what you are saying is that white men in the past were not qualified for the positions they held because they were hired over Blacks that were way more intelligent and capable of doing the job. Your argument is another failure on its way into the bit bucket.
If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientals who deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:

Affirmative action has created a plethora of opportunities for white females, so the white population has been well rewarded by affirmative action.

Furthermore, one of the most sought after groups currently to receive the rewards of affirmative action are military veterans. As they should be.

Black citizens have NOT been the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action for some time now, and as far as Hispanics go, in most cases, they are much more likely to be working their way through the system in a minimum wage job in the service industry, or grinding out a living as a day laborer.

You really should read more about this initiative, and the constant changes to it, because you sound like a misinformed dropout.

Lastly, WTF is an "Oriental"? Do mean Asians?


Most of the better paying jobs that do not require college degrees do require more strength than most women have. I am thinking of jobs in law enforcement, fire fighting, and construction work. Affirmative action programs to get more women in these fields lower strength requirements for women.

I use the word "Oriental" to refer to Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Asians can refer to less intelligent Mongoloids, and to Caucasians, such as Iranians and Arabs.

Wait, who the hell do you think can be referred to as Asian? While I hate it as racial label, I don't see how Iranians would be referred to as Asian, nor how Iranian is a race.
If you owe any of your distinctions to affirmative action, whites have good reason to resent you. If you do, you do not deserve to be where you are. A white person deserves to be there.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientalswho deserve them, and gives them to blacks and Hispanics who do not deserve them. Many of these blacks and Hispanics obviously cannot perform adequately in the positions they owe to affirmative action.

If you got where you are without affirmative action, congratulations. I am pleased for you. :eusa_clap::eusa_angel:

You make it obvious that you are one of the folks that are envious.
First, just to entertain your nonsense, I'll point out your juvenile attempt to discuss the issue.

"If" affirmative action played a role in anything I have ever achieved, only stupid assholes would believe that only a White person should be placed in that spot instead of another qualified person of any race or sex.

Maybe I should resent the fact that Whites have enjoyed 200 years of preferences, nepotism and the "ole boy network."
However I don't have time to be resentful because I have to compete with folks who have had the deck stacked in their favor irregardless of merit and because of skin color.

I don't have time to be resentful that unintelligent Whites and "Orientals" are in positions because of a systemic bias and stereotypical belief on Black inferiority, I'm too busy proving them wrong.
Fortunately I'm not alone, I'm seeing plenty of minority achievers that are astoundingly capable.

We realize there will always be dumbasses who want to blame their failures and inadequacies on "quotas", affirmative action and liberals.

Instead of becoming angry, we simply smile and give them a generous tip.

It seems like you are a beneficiary of affirmative action. Because there is a considerable race gap in average intelligence it is not possible to achieve anything close to racial parity without reducing standards for blacks.

Those who advocate affirmative action necessarily lie about it. They say it does not lower standards for blacks and Hispanics, but it does. They say it does not discriminate against whites and Orientals, but it does. They say it does not require race quotas, but it does. They say it does not advance blacks and Hispanics to positions where they are not able to perform adequately, but it does.

Affirmative action reinforces racial prejudice and contempt. Whites who are admitted to colleges see blacks who are obviously less intelligent than white friends of those whites who applied and were not admitted. This causes resentment. The same is true for whites who get jobs with companies that did not hire their capable white friends, but which hired incompetent blacks instead.

Because affirmative action is more of a problem in the government than in private industry, it has lowered confidence in the government. Charles Murray put it well in his essay, "The Inequality Taboo," " Consider an observation furtively voiced by many who interact with civil servants: that government is riddled with people who have been promoted to their level of incompetence because of pressure to have a staff with the correct sex and ethnicity in the correct proportions and positions. Are these just anecdotes? Or should we be worrying about the effects of affirmative action on the quality of government services?"
The Inequality Taboo, by Charles Murray

Yes, now it's obvious that you are one of the envious ones, destined to blame your inadequacies on Blacks, minorities and affirmative action...how telling.

I must than you for proving that when individuals digest material based on pseudo-science and ignorant racist propaganda; they themselves ultimately sound as foolish and ignorant as the false material they choose to digest.

So as some sort of "proof" you post a link to a "cross burner" and a man who has grown wealthy at the expense of the lower intelligent Whites by giving them a false excuse for their own failures

In high school, at the height of the Civil Rights movement, Charles Murray burned a cross on a hill in his Iowa town, according to a New York Times profile of Murray. Murray later claimed he had no idea that his cross-burning had any racial significance.

Murray revived discredited racist eugenics theories "proving" that blacks and Latinos are genetically inferior to whites, and today argues that the lower classes are inferior to the upper classes due to breeding differences.

To promote Losing Ground, the Manhattan Institute "hired a PR expert to turn the unknown author into a media celebrity" and "paid journalists $500 to $1,500 each to participate in a seminar on Murray and his thought" in a campaign costing six figures.
As FAIR's Jim Naureckas reported, The Bell Curve heavily depended on research funded by the notorious Pioneer Fund, described as a "neo-Nazi organization" by the Telegraph. The Pioneer Fund's founder, Wickliffe Draper, advocated shipping blacks back to Africa, and the fund's first president, a notorious white supremacist named Harry Laughlin
The rest is simply too obvious...
Charles Murray - S.H.A.M.E. Profile

Now it's obvious why you sound so ignorant, you are the gullible chump that has helped a race hustler become evermore wealthy and too stupid to realize it.

I.Q. race gap, that's a laugh. When intelligent folk dismiss the staff "scientists" at the pioneer fund, all that mishmash falls in the face of real science.

Myth: The black/white IQ gap is 15 points and growing.

Fact: The black/white IQ gap is 7-10 points and shrinking.


Nationally representative IQ tests show a black/white IQ gap of 7 to 10 points. Academic achievement tests, for those who consider them valid measurements of IQ, show an average gap of about 10 points. In general, these tests show the gap is being reduced about two and a half points a decade. The Bell Curve flouts all this evidence on the basis of a single study, its own flawed analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.


Among scientists, it has been common knowledge that both black and white IQs have been rising over the decades, with black IQs converging upwards towards whites. This fits nicely with America's rising standard of living, which has been rising somewhat faster for blacks, thanks to the Civil Rights movement and other anti-poverty measures.

The authors of The Bell Curve, then, face an uphill battle in trying to prove that black and white IQs are not converging, but diverging. They attribute this divergence to "dysgenesis," which supposedly results when dull people interbreed. In fact, they assert this downward trend in spite of the famous "Flynn Effect," which has been raising IQs for all people and all classes world-wide, about 3 points per decade.

In a second departure from scientific consensus, the authors also maintain that the IQ gap between blacks and whites is 15 points, an usually high figure. But this is not what four major IQ tests for children have found:

Black/white IQ gap in major IQ tests (1991) (1)

Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices 7 points
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children 7
Stanford-Binet IV (two separate studies) 10

The authors of The Bell Curve note these numbers, but dismiss them. The Kaufman-ABC results, they claim, suffer from statistical problems. (2) Even granting them their objection, however, still leaves three major studies showing a 7 to 10-point gap, not a 15-point one.

I do understand and have sympathy for the lower class whites such as yourself, as artificial barriers to your success are removed, you find yourself levitating at the socioeconomic level you truly were destined to occupy.

There are areas of the country that will still cater to your skin color and afford you perks that you couldn't honestly achieve otherwise.

Try some areas of the Pacific Northwest...
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First of all they don't resent your color so much as your position in life...thats what liberals do. They cant stand to see anyone succeed.

And you are being totally disingenuous when it comes to incarceration and public assistance rates. Because I know damn good and well you understand percentages.
So which is it? You a liar or just plain stupid?
Here's my outlook on race relations.
I dont give a rats ass what color you are as long as you show respect to the people around you and are a productive member of society. Anytime someone wants to tell me how their race is superior I stop listening.
I will say this. More and more blacks are starting to see the light. The difference between the blacks now and twenty years ago is dramatic. They no longer speak in ebonics and they are realizing acting counter to the norm is whats holds them back,not their color.
And I have to say....if you want to make the white folks feel threatened? Be the better person.

Now to correct your obvious mistakes.
First, my statement is totally factual; there are indeed more White people on Govt assistance than Black people. Do you deny that fact or are you plain stupid???

Secondly, I never stated that I wanted Whites to feel threatened, why are you lying on me, what's your agenda??

disingenuous???..when it comes to the ever increasing White incarceration rates and the fact that the majority of people on public assistance are White people???

Why is it disingenuous...because you don't like the numbers ???

As long as certain folk can use "percentages" as a tool to attempt to make one group look bad, while at the same time turning a blind eye to the sheer numbers that comprise a higher numerical amount of the other group, it gives me pause as to their intellectual honesty.

So you dont understand percentages.

So you don't understand raw numbers...:eusa_hand:
Although the SAT is not an IQ test, it closely correlates with IQ. From the school years of 1986 - 87 to 2011 - 2012 the gap in SAT averages between the white and the Negro race grew.

Fast Facts

In 2003 ACT averages demonstrated a corresponding race gap.

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The fact that No Child Left Behind left most black children behind provides even more evidence that what Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein wrote in The Bell Curve about the biological reasons for race differences in intelligence is true.

The Pioneer Fund is dedicated to funding genetics research concerning individual and racial differences in ability and behavior. The Pioneer Fund has funded Arthur Jensen, J. Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn, Hans Eysenck, and others who have done important work demonstrating the intrinsic nature of racial inequality.
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Now to correct your obvious mistakes.
First, my statement is totally factual; there are indeed more White people on Govt assistance than Black people. Do you deny that fact or are you plain stupid???

Secondly, I never stated that I wanted Whites to feel threatened, why are you lying on me, what's your agenda??

disingenuous???..when it comes to the ever increasing White incarceration rates and the fact that the majority of people on public assistance are White people???

Why is it disingenuous...because you don't like the numbers ???

As long as certain folk can use "percentages" as a tool to attempt to make one group look bad, while at the same time turning a blind eye to the sheer numbers that comprise a higher numerical amount of the other group, it gives me pause as to their intellectual honesty.

So you dont understand percentages.

So you don't understand raw numbers...:eusa_hand:

You do not seem to understand when percentages are more important than numbers. Blacks are much more likely than whites to be on welfare, and in prison.
Although the SAT is not an IQ test, it closely correlates with IQ. From the school years of 1986 - 87 to 2011 - 2012 the gap in SAT averages between the white and the Negro race grew.

Fast Facts

In 2003 ACT averages demonstrated a corresponding race gap.

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity

The fact that No Child Left Behind left most black children behind provides even more evidence that what Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein wrote in The Bell Curve about the biological reasons for race differences in intelligence is true.

The Pioneer Fund is dedicated to funding genetics research concerning individual and racial differences in ability and behavior. The Pioneer Fund has funded Arthur Jensen, J. Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn, Hans Eysenck, and others who have done important work demonstrating the intrinsic nature of racial inequality.

Ahh...we get it, the pseudo-science of i.q. is so easily debunked that we must now deflect to SAT tests.
"No child left behind" is related to an i.q. test????...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Three researchers provided much of the core evidence for
The Bell Curve
case: educa-
tional psychologist Arthur Jensen, psychometrician Richard Lynn, and psychologist cum ev-
olutionary theorist J. Philippe Rushton. All figure large in the citation index, all are in the
top rank of Pioneer grantees, and all ring the changes on old eugenical themes. Jensen has
provoked debate since the 1960s through his statistical studies of education,

What Wickliffe Draper had in mind was his own Anglo-American branch of the Cau-
casian race, and the Pioneer Fund remains essentially true to Item “B” of an agenda originally
mandated by its 1937 charter.
A. To provide or aid in providing for the education of children of parents deemed to
have such qualities and traits of character as to make such parents of unusual value as
children who are deemed to be descended predominantly
from white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the
Constitution of the United States

The Devil, as they say, is in the details. Mr. Weyher also stated that most of Pioneer’s
adverse publicity is based on a small proportion of the total number of grants awarded to
investigate group differences (1998, p. 1348). But, though the total number of grants in this
area may be relatively few, the actual sums awarded to Richard Lynn, Arthur Jensen, and
Philippe Rushton, or institutes associated with them, add up to approximately 30 percent of
the total amount contained in the 57 awards granted by Pioneer in the period 1971 – 1996

Whatever Pioneer’s goals may be now, “human” race betterment was most certainly not
its aim in the early years. The historical record unequivocally shows that the Fund was
established to provide a scientific basis for projects to defend the American white race against
degeneration from within and contamination from without. These were Wickliffe Draper’s
primary and passionate concerns. The African American presence and racially deleterious
immigration where focal points of his anxieties; a declining white middle and upper class
birthrate was the opposite side of that same coin. All research and political activity with which
Draper himself had anything to do was in the service of an agenda aimed at forestalling
America’s genetic decline through positive and negative eugenics. Any other conclusion is
obfuscation bordering on whitewash. The degree to which Pioneer continues to serve these
goals, I again leave it for the reader to judge

Again, stop trotting out paid pseudo-scientist with easily debunked research from an organization rooted in "scientific racism."
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So you don't understand raw numbers...:eusa_hand:

You do not seem to understand when percentages are more important than numbers. Blacks are much more likely than whites to be on welfare, and in prison.

You don't seem to understand facts and raw numbers.

More White people are on public assistance than any other group of people in America..period!!

More adults than babies use handguns to kill people, so by your "advanced" mode of thinking we should probably ban adults from possessing handguns and only allow babies to own them because so few babies use handguns to kill people and so there would be fewer victims of handgun violence.

You did, upthread somewhere, describe yourself as intelligent, didn't you? So why keep that trait in hiding, why not share it with us instead of trolling us?
You do not seem to understand when percentages are more important than numbers. Blacks are much more likely than whites to be on welfare, and in prison.

You don't seem to understand facts and raw numbers.

More White people are on public assistance than any other group of people in America..period!!

More adults than babies use handguns to kill people, so by your "advanced" mode of thinking we should probably ban adults from possessing handguns and only allow babies to own them because so few babies use handguns to kill people and so there would be fewer victims of handgun violence.

You did, upthread somewhere, describe yourself as intelligent, didn't you? So why keep that trait in hiding, why not share it with us instead of trolling us?

Ad hominems are the tools of the pseudo intellectual in debate. You must be cracking to resort to that.
You do not seem to understand when percentages are more important than numbers. Blacks are much more likely than whites to be on welfare, and in prison.

You don't seem to understand facts and raw numbers.

More White people are on public assistance than any other group of people in America..period!!

More adults than babies use handguns to kill people, so by your "advanced" mode of thinking we should probably ban adults from possessing handguns and only allow babies to own them because so few babies use handguns to kill people and so there would be fewer victims of handgun violence.

You did, upthread somewhere, describe yourself as intelligent, didn't you? So why keep that trait in hiding, why not share it with us instead of trolling us?

Actually, I would not waste my intelligence responding to your statement so utterly absurd in it's attempt at logic that it's beneath me.

So until you can present a fact disputing that the largest number of people on public assistance in this country are white, why are you voluntarily parading around in a dunce cap??
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