Would/could the Republican Party get behind a ‘movement’ pushed by Caucasians?

Democrats think it’s acceptable to encourage every ethnicity to expand their footprint within American society
I've never actually heard of that in the Democratic platform. What they do say is "Live and Let Live."

You’ve regressed to playing stupid now...The party openly and publicly celebrates the ‘achievement’ of fewer whites...They veil the celebrations in the joy of greater diversity....Come on, don’t dumb down...remember affirmative action?
You are talking about a breeding program for whites to maintain 70% caucasians. Because the Democrats don't have the vapors over 13% blacks or 16% Hispanics in this country does not mean they want them to go forth and multiply and fill the country. What the Democrats do by "celebrating diversity" is looking for equal percentages of minorities in colleges, jobs, government, the military....as exist in the overall population. There is nothing wrong with that. It is how it should be.
BTW, the House of Representatives has achieved it and so has the Navy.
Democrats think it’s acceptable to encourage every ethnicity to expand their footprint within American society
I've never actually heard of that in the Democratic platform. What they do say is "Live and Let Live."

You’ve regressed to playing stupid now...The party openly and publicly celebrates the ‘achievement’ of fewer whites...They veil the celebrations in the joy of greater diversity....Come on, don’t dumb down...remember affirmative action?
You are talking about a breeding program for whites to maintain 70% caucasians. Because the Democrats don't have the vapors over 13% blacks or 16% Hispanics in this country does not mean they want them to go forth and multiply and fill the country. What the Democrats do by "celebrating diversity" is looking for equal percentages of minorities in colleges, jobs, government, the military....as exist in the overall population. There is nothing wrong with that. It is how it should be.
That’s not at all how it should be....the most credible, most qualified person for the job should always be given the job. What isn’t racist about forcing skin color to be the primary consideration for employers, colleges and agencies?
Are they the only group forbidden from expanding their population in America?
Please tell us who exactly is forbidding whites from reproducing?

That’s not very clever of you...Think once.
Democrats think it’s acceptable to encourage every ethnicity to expand their footprint within American society while making it known that whitey can’t dare say they desire to do the same. You honestly don’t see the problem here?
So, nobody. The answer is, nobody is stopping whites from reproducing.
Are they the only group forbidden from expanding their population in America?
Please tell us who exactly is forbidding whites from reproducing?

That’s not very clever of you...Think once.
Democrats think it’s acceptable to encourage every ethnicity to expand their footprint within American society while making it known that whitey can’t dare say they desire to do the same. You honestly don’t see the problem here?
So, nobody. The answer is, nobody is stopping whites from reproducing.
Whites are reproducing RESPONSIBLY....you wouldn't understand that.
Stay on topic and stop making a fool of yourself in public.
Whites are reproducing RESPONSIBLY....you wouldn't understand that.
Stay on topic and stop making a fool of yourself in public.
Oh I am quite on topic, loser. You made the claim that whites are discouraged from reproducing. I called bullshit. And now, instead of admitting that you were perhaps being a little dramatic, you double down on it and whine that I’m even talking about it.
Oh I am quite on topic, loser. You made the claim that whites are discouraged from reproducing. I called bullshit. And now, instead of admitting that you were perhaps being a little dramatic, you double down on it and whine that I’m even talking about it.
You are spinning shit to fit your ignorance...Please note, it is not mandatory that you post in this thread.
For ease of understanding for the iQ challenged lets dumb this way down....
Let’s say, based on facts and statistical data ofcourse that Caucasians felt it was paramount to the quality of our nation that their footprint grow and that they always represent atleast 70% of America’s population...would Democrats shit their pants over such desire and could the Republican party openly support said desire / movement without Dems / Leftists shitting themselves?
You are spinning shit to fit your ignorance...Please note, it is not mandatory that you post in this thread.
For ease of understanding for the iQ challenged lets dumb this way down....
Let’s say, based on facts and statistical data ofcourse that Caucasians felt it was paramount to the quality of our nation that their footprint grow and that they always represent atleast 70% of America’s population...would Democrats shit their pants over such desire and could the Republican party openly support said desire / movement without Dems / Leftists shitting themselves?
Just tell me who forbid (your words) you from reproducing as you claimed.
Just tell me who forbid (your words) you from reproducing as you claimed.

You're obviously lost...stop reaching for something that isn't there...work on your comprehension skills, read it again in total context.
This is what we call a hypothetical situation followed by a question. Third graders would know how to properly respond. Try again.

"Let’s say Caucasians felt it was paramount to the quality of our nation that their footprint grow and that they always represent atleast 70% of America’s population? Are they the only group forbidden from expanding their population in America? Does that really makes sense to you...isn’t that RACIST?"
What’s your deal with all the race baiting douchbagery? Do you just get off on the thought of pissing people off or are you just that filled with hate and rage? Honestly I’m curious about what is going on in your head.

BrokeLoser is a filthy troll. Mostly harmless
Are the Black Lives Matters bunch "obsessed" with race?
Don't run scared...get in there and tackle this one.

I don't read minds, dipshit. How many times do I need to cram that info. into the vast wasteland that is your mind? 10 times? 100 times?

ASK BLM, not me.
Truth, facts, data, statistics...none are racist.

"Are the Black Lives Matters bunch "obsessed" with race?
Don't run scared...get in there and tackle this one. "

You repeat yourself. You ok, bud? You don't have truth or facts. Your 'data' is right out of Mad magazine.

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