Would/could the Republican Party get behind a ‘movement’ pushed by Caucasians?

Just tell me who forbid (your words) you from reproducing as you claimed.
The extreme feminism with white women entering the workforce and having careers has had a huge impact. A lot of women are barren when it comes to children. Children can bring good times and bad times and more personal struggles. No children can bring a better more comfortable life. Nature/God made men and women to procreate and try to advance the species. And this species needs advancing.
I don't read minds, dipshit. How many times do I need to cram that info. into the vast wasteland that is your mind? 10 times? 100 times?

ASK BLM, not me.

Come on man...sack up.
Is their brand...."Black Lives Matter" racist?
Would a 'White Lives Matter' brand be racist?
The extreme feminism with white women entering the workforce and having careers has had a huge impact. A lot of women are barren when it comes to children. Children can bring good times and bad times and more personal struggles. No children can bring a better more comfortable life. Nature/God made men and women to procreate and try to advance the species. And this species needs advancing.
So, nobody forbade you from reproducing....
So, nobody forbade you from reproducing....
You're obviously lost...stop reaching for something that isn't there...work on your comprehension skills, read it again in total context.
This is what we call a hypothetical situation followed by a question. Third graders would know how to properly respond. Try again.

"Let’s say Caucasians felt it was paramount to the quality of our nation that their footprint grow and that they always represent atleast 70% of America’s population? Are they the only group forbidden from expanding their population in America? Does that really makes sense to you...isn’t that RACIST?"
Why are you so obsessed with race?
Seems like this is what you've really got in mind, not highlighting the "hypocrisy" of the Democrats, the Accusation of the Week.
Why do the "caucasians" think they need to be a significant majority of the population? What does that have to do with quality?
Seriously? Oh, I don't know, why do Asians think they need to be the majority population of the nations they've historically held? Why do Arabs think they should be the majority population of their nations? How about Africa? Why should Africans have "Africa for Africans?"

You're not asking THAT question though you only want to know why White people think they should be a majority in the nations they've historically held. The answer is because White people have unique political needs/beliefs that can only be represented by others like ourselves. Why on earth would a people set up a society to benefit someone else? I don't think when the Chinese set up their political system and society they set it up to benefit Arabs. I also don't think when Africans set up their political system and society they set it up to benefit Asians. Why in the hell should White people be any different? What's the problem with Europeans having the SAME basic human right of self-determination afforded to all other races of people?

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