Would you please share your thoughts on this? Something's really fishy.


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
As some of you know, I'm a new-entry CNA, and am on the WI state registry list. A full-fledged certified nurse aide hungry for work.

These last few days I've been getting a bit desperate to find work, because there's a financial deadline a month or so out.

So, I've been driving to multiple hospices, assisted living homes, nursing homes, and hospitals. Meeting and greeting with PR representatives and filling out applications and handing over resumes. I even found some very nice dress shirts, pants, and classy black business shoes to make a good impression. Hell, I make this look good. And from the thrift store, too, if you can believe it. :razz::tongue:

Not only that but I've been using Craigslist and MyCNAjobs.com to search for plausible job openings. With that, I posted my resume and contact information on the internet, in hopes of reeling in potential employers.

An hour ago I received a lengthy text message. I'm going to share it with you, but edit out the personal information. It reads as thus:

I view your advert of looking for a part time Job? Are you available to run errands? I am looking for someone who can handle my personal Assistant and run business errands at his/her spare time.Someone who can offer me these services:Mail services: Receive my mails and drop them off at UPS (nothing illegal).Shop for giftsSit for delivery( at your home) or pick items up at nearby post office at your convenience.Let me know if you will be able to offer

I know it sounds hypocritical when I say I'm hungry for work, but... something in my gut is telling me this isn't what he says it is.

First of all, I'm a CNA, meant to do CNA-related things. Taking care of people, toileting people, feeding them, etc. You know, physically hard and up-front-and-personal and dirty work. We were NEVER trained in school to be errand boys/girls and buy gifts and deliver packages (that aren't illegal).

That part where the guy just has to say they aren't illegal really gets at me. His spelling and grammar are horrible, too, which doesn't put in my head the image of a client/client's loved one who respectfully needs help.

And what agency would this involve? I haven't asked yet, but from my recollection CNAs who work outside of facilities still are overseen by an RN in order to accrue official CNA hours, which go towards maintaining your healthcare certification.

I've seen shows on TV where people are lied to. They're told to deliver/pick up packages that are harmless, and then lo and behold it's actually illegal stuff and you're the mule. I'm wise enough to discern when something stinks to high hell. I've got the phone number and am considering running it through a background check while pinpointing who exactly texted me. Paranoid? Not really. My gut just tells me it's extremely, extremely fishy... and so quickly to have received it after posting my resume. Normal CNA employers move and hire workers slowly. Not snap up CNAs for delivering packages within an hour's time of posting a resume.

My cousin's a CNA, and I'm going to fly this by her, too. I also have a police station a scant 3-minute's walk away and would like to try to get some advice from them, too, if possible.

I've kept my ass out of legal trouble for 25 years, and I'm incredibly wary about anything that remotely seems dubious. I've never, EVER heard of this kind of thing from the perspective of a qualified CNA.

Seriously, you guys would really, really help me out by sharing your wisdom on this.
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Move on Wake. Trust your gut. Be available to relocate especially if you are new in your field. Life is an adventure.
I gave it up. Not worth the risk.

Thanks for the help. Texas does sound tempting, and it's wise to trust your gut.
It's a multi-level marketing scheme. The guy is trying to make the next level and needs you to act as a fake customer to pump his sales numbers. He will reimburse you for the items you buy on his behalf.

This is a very common thing in MLM circles.
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It's a scam, just ignore it. I wouldn't even waste a minute of my time on it.

All the warning signs are there, screaming out. The bad grammar, the fact they they mention it's "not" illegal, the fact that they are contacting you with work that has nothing to do with your credentials...
It's scama drama: let it go. CNAs are in demand in Texas. Look in the Tyler newspaper online. The hireers will pay you to work for them and pay you to work on your LVN, RN, and BSN over the years right there in town. Check it out. Trinity Mother Francis and East Texas Medical are outstanding!
Remove email addy from your craigslist ad. Make them CALL you.
CNA's are needed in california too. Not sure where you are Wake, but don't give up. Keep looking. Have you tried homecare facilities for developementally disabled adults? You go to the home for your shift..make sure they are dressed, showered, meds given, safely taken to classes, eat their meals, etc. Someone is with them for round the clock care in shifts.

Just a thought.
Posting on Craig's list opens up a whole new can of worms. Usually they don't care what you're trained to do nor do they read through your post. Just pass it up and move on because if you can't get a job from the actual locations then Craigslist probably isn't going to do you any good. Plus, that job offer has nothing mentioned in about your line of work, the person just wants an errand boy.
Run! The email response you received sounds more like it came from some foreigner with little grasp of the English language. No telling what you would be getting yourself into.

I have friends who are CNAs and they are worried about jobs because of all the new stuff laid on nursing homes by Obamacare. Take Gracie's advice - check out in-home care. There are senior care agencies that cover people who are not ready (or willing) to leave their homes for senior care residences or nursing homes. Look at it this way: it may not be your dream job but something coming in is better than nothing coming in while you're looking.

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