WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?

Trump Obstructed Justice and there is only one reason he is not getting into the orange jumpsuit right now - he is the President.
what obstruction did he do? please, name a crime he obstructed.
His personal lawyer began a prison sentence today. He named a bunch of them.
ok, name one that had anything to do with trump? I'll wait, forever, I'm sure. but go ahead, prove your point, name that crime!!!

And on Cohen, trump gave him up like yesterday's trash. no obstruction there, right? Mueller said so. he investigated it.
Election fraud for paying off a porn star, plus, Mueller suggested 10 examples of obstruction of justice. Add to that multiple offenses not included in Mueller's report. He ordered multiple officials to not cooperate in investigations making him guilty of conspiracy to obstruct and obstruction itself.
Obstruction of what when there is no underlying crime retard. If I tell someone to not cooperate with an investigation into a crime that was made up how can I possibly obstruct. So Dems are obstructing the Investigation into How the Inquisition began by trying to intimidate the Attorney General. I suggest that you are a Pedophile without any substantiated evidence, You tell your friends and family to say it isn't true if they are asked. Is it Obstruction ????
"Trashing" is the DIRECT RESULT of a fucked up, corrupt and unethical administration.

What is the orange moron AFRAID of????...A little scrutiny...a little transparency...a little expose' of the TRUTH???

PLEASE spare us. Libtards don't want the truth. They are freaking out that the corrupt Obama administration may get exposed by Barr.

Fuck you, I want the truth and nothing but.
If that were true than you wouldn't be looking to House committees for answers.

Lol - should we rely on president-can't-possibly-obstruct Barr? Who should we look to???

Who has the credibility and means to hold POTUS accountable if not Congress?
You clearly are not familiar with the Barr memo you are laughing about. If you were, you wouldn't post such nonsense. Here is a link to the memo and he clearly says a president can be guilty of obstruction and cites the relevant laws and federal court decisions. He makes two important points, that the definition of obstruction Mueller seems to be using has no precedent and there is no case law to support it, and that if Mueller was never investigating a crime, then there can be no obstruction. Read it - you don't have to look up every law or court decision Barr cites to understand his argument - and then maybe you will be able to post an intelligent comment on this subject. Here's the link.


1. Barr specifically lobbied for AG position by writing a letter to Trump all about how he could not possibly commit Obstruction of Justice if he obstructed by using on-it's-face normal powers.

According to this crazy fucking theory of presidency, Trump could pocket money from someone (legal) interested in firing an FBI director, and fire FBI director (legal). To all of sane world that is a crime called bribery. But to Barr that is a nothing-to-see-here since you have to infer President's corrupt intent. :rolleyes:

2. BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE. Barr did not simply present Mueller point of view and then offered his disgreement, Barr MISREPRESENTED Mueller's position that it was up to Congress (NOT AG!!!) to hold Trump accountable for the obstructive episodes report documents.

If you read his 4 page summary you come away with an impression that Mueller could not come to prosecuratorial descision, when in reality his position was that he CAN'T make a negative prosecutorial descision about a sitting POTUS.

Mueller himself wrote a letter of concern to Barr over this.

3. Barr's last testimony full of evasive manuevering and deciet made it perfectly clear to anyone who was not yet convinced that Barr is not there to serve the country as much as he was there to Roy Cohn for Trump.
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PLEASE spare us. Libtards don't want the truth. They are freaking out that the corrupt Obama administration may get exposed by Barr.

Fuck you, I want the truth and nothing but.
If that were true than you wouldn't be looking to House committees for answers.

Lol - should we rely on president-can't-possibly-obstruct Barr? Who should we look to???

Who has the credibility and means to hold POTUS accountable if not Congress?
You clearly are not familiar with the Barr memo you are laughing about. If you were, you wouldn't post such nonsense. Here is a link to the memo and he clearly says a president can be guilty of obstruction and cites the relevant laws and federal court decisions. He makes two important points, that the definition of obstruction Mueller seems to be using has no precedent and there is no case law to support it, and that if Mueller was never investigating a crime, then there can be no obstruction. Read it - you don't have to look up every law or court decision Barr cites to understand his argument - and then maybe you will be able to post an intelligent comment on this subject. Here's the link.


1. Barr specifically lobbied for AG position by writing a letter to Trump all about how he could not possibly commit Obstruction of Justice if he obstructed by using on-it's-face normal powers.

According to this crazy fucking theory of presidency, Trump could pocket money from someone (legal) interested in firing an FBI director, and fire FBI director (legal). To all of sane world that is a crime called bribery. But to Barr that is a nothing-to-see-here since you have to infer President's corrupt intent. :rolleyes:

2. BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE. Barr did not simply present Mueller point of view and then offered his disgreement, Barr MISREPRESENTED Mueller's position that it was up to Congress (NOT AG!!!) to hold Trump accountable for the obstructive episodes report documents.
well that isn't what happened in #2. but nice try to fake the news.
You keep trying to use words like truth and transparency that you clearly don't understand.

Ok why don't you tell us how (for example) having Mueller come testify to clearify his report is not consistent with looking for the truth and transparency.

If this administration is straight up with the American people, why are they blocking his testimony to Congress?
Again, cut the bullshit. No honest person believes the House committee intends to do anything but trash the President on TV. Truth and transparency are not concepts the House Democrats are familiar with.

Trump has told over 10,000 lies and he continues lying now. Truth and transparency are not concepts the Trump administration is familiar with
Name them all or stop lying yourself.

there isnt enough space on this board-

but there is a database that tracks and records his bullshit - well above your comprehension skill so forget it.
well just post that link then.
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -

Barr doesn’t have to share anything, do you even Constitution?
Federal Courts disagree with you, including our Supreme Court. Barr will have to share everything with ELECTED OFFICIALS who pay his salary and legislate rules on how he performs his job.

First of all, butt-slave-of-the-government, elected officials don't pay Barr's salary. Taxpayers do. And whatever vague, grandiose, marinated-in-stupidity visions you have of Barr being financially punished for daring to not clap Trump in manacles, I'm betting that the House doesn't have the ability to simply defund the salaries of Cabinet members.

Second of all, members of the Executive Branch don't work for or answer to members of the Legislative Branch. Someone really should have taught you leftists about separation of powers.

Third, the laws currently in place specify EXACTLY what Barr is supposed to report in this situation and to whom. Like it or not, he has followed those laws in every specification.

Yes he has. But you need to know that boneheads are to boneheaded to know what the House can and can't do.

They were so disappointed Mueller's report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say they have lost their small minds.

Barr did exactly what he was supposed to do and he broke no laws doing it.

You can't cure boneheaded idiots.
No. Some one with common sense who knows the report exonerated Trump and his campaign.

.....and a fuckhead like you knows that becuase????................Oh yeah, sorry, Hannity, Barr and Trump told you so, correct????.....................LOL

And a fuckhead like you knows the report indicted him because????? Oh, yeah, sorry, you REALLY WANTED IT TO, correct? "LOL"

G'head, Mr. "If you don't agree with me, you must not have read the report." Tell us EXACTLY where the Mueller Report REALLY said that it had the goods on him, and he was guilty as sin.

LMAO They can't because the report exonerated Trump and his campaign.

Boneheads just can't accept the truth.

Sucks to be them.
Ok why don't you tell us how (for example) having Mueller come testify to clearify his report is not consistent with looking for the truth and transparency.

If this administration is straight up with the American people, why are they blocking his testimony to Congress?
Again, cut the bullshit. No honest person believes the House committee intends to do anything but trash the President on TV. Truth and transparency are not concepts the House Democrats are familiar with.

Trump has told over 10,000 lies and he continues lying now. Truth and transparency are not concepts the Trump administration is familiar with
Name them all or stop lying yourself.

there isnt enough space on this board-

but there is a database that tracks and records his bullshit - well above your comprehension skill so forget it.
well just post that link then.

so you and the rest of the RW mouthbreathers on the board can slobber FAKE NEWS .......

Fact Checker
In 828 days, President
Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims
His personal lawyer began a prison sentence today. He named a bunch of them.
ok, name one that had anything to do with trump? I'll wait, forever, I'm sure. but go ahead, prove your point, name that crime!!!

And on Cohen, trump gave him up like yesterday's trash. no obstruction there, right? Mueller said so. he investigated it.
Election fraud for paying off a porn star, plus, Mueller suggested 10 examples of obstruction of justice. Add to that multiple offenses not included in Mueller's report. He ordered multiple officials to not cooperate in investigations making him guilty of conspiracy to obstruct and obstruction itself.
election fraud? what is that? name the crime bubba.

here, Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
"received three years in prison for a series of tax fraud and lying charges,"
Election fraud encompasses laws against illegal activities of manipulating elections. You can look up election fraud on Google or some other search engine for detailed codes and laws. Perhaps you should learn a few things before acting like such an arrogant jerk.
no one was indicted for election fraud. so I'm still unclear what you're bantering on about. again, Cohen was tax fraud, not election fraud.

And if I'm not mistaken, mueller didn't find any election tampering. just saying, you still can't figure it out cause you're overcome with alien drool.
from Mueller's summary..."the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
DOJ has a policy that protects President Trump from being indicted for anything, and, election fraud case in under the jurisdiction of Southern District of NY, not Mueller.
Again, cut the bullshit. No honest person believes the House committee intends to do anything but trash the President on TV. Truth and transparency are not concepts the House Democrats are familiar with.

Trump has told over 10,000 lies and he continues lying now. Truth and transparency are not concepts the Trump administration is familiar with
Name them all or stop lying yourself.

there isnt enough space on this board-

but there is a database that tracks and records his bullshit - well above your comprehension skill so forget it.
well just post that link then.

so you and the rest of the RW mouthbreathers on the board can slobber FAKE NEWS .......

Fact Checker
In 828 days, President
Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims
I've already debunked the first two on the list. hahahahahaahahaaha
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need or not need.

Whoever told you that Congressional oversight meant that the Executive Branch works for and is subordinate to the Legislative Branch should be slapped.

The law tells Congress what they get to have and don't get to have. Deal with it.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need or not need.

Whoever told you that Congressional oversight meant that the Executive Branch works for and is subordinate to the Legislative Branch should be slapped.

The law tells Congress what they get to have and don't get to have. Deal with it.

Boneheads will be boneheads.
Trump has told over 10,000 lies and he continues lying now. Truth and transparency are not concepts the Trump administration is familiar with
Name them all or stop lying yourself.

there isnt enough space on this board-

but there is a database that tracks and records his bullshit - well above your comprehension skill so forget it.
well just post that link then.

so you and the rest of the RW mouthbreathers on the board can slobber FAKE NEWS .......

Fact Checker
In 828 days, President
Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims
I've already debunked the first two on the list. hahahahahaahahaaha
No, you haven't. If you have, prove it. What lies did you debunk?
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need or not need.

Whoever told you that Congressional oversight meant that the Executive Branch works for and is subordinate to the Legislative Branch should be slapped.

The law tells Congress what they get to have and don't get to have. Deal with it.


Showing up for a hearing does not make you a subordinate or an employee of the Congress you fucking idiot.
Gee wasn't Holder charged with Contempt of Congress over Fast and Furious??

As I recall nothing happened to that POS.

I doubt anything will happen to Barr either.

The Obama Administration was eventually forced to turned over the documents.

I doubt anything will happen to Barr either.
PLEASE spare us. Libtards don't want the truth. They are freaking out that the corrupt Obama administration may get exposed by Barr.

Fuck you, I want the truth and nothing but.
If that were true than you wouldn't be looking to House committees for answers.

Lol - should we rely on president-can't-possibly-obstruct Barr? Who should we look to???

Who has the credibility and means to hold POTUS accountable if not Congress?
You clearly are not familiar with the Barr memo you are laughing about. If you were, you wouldn't post such nonsense. Here is a link to the memo and he clearly says a president can be guilty of obstruction and cites the relevant laws and federal court decisions. He makes two important points, that the definition of obstruction Mueller seems to be using has no precedent and there is no case law to support it, and that if Mueller was never investigating a crime, then there can be no obstruction. Read it - you don't have to look up every law or court decision Barr cites to understand his argument - and then maybe you will be able to post an intelligent comment on this subject. Here's the link.


1. Barr specifically lobbied for AG position by writing a letter to Trump all about how he could not possibly commit Obstruction of Justice if he obstructed by using on-it's-face normal powers.

According to this crazy fucking theory of presidency, Trump could pocket money from someone (legal) interested in firing an FBI director, and fire FBI director (legal). To all of sane world that is a crime called bribery. But to Barr that is a nothing-to-see-here since you have to infer President's corrupt intent. :rolleyes:

2. BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE. Barr did not simply present Mueller point of view and then offered his disgreement, Barr MISREPRESENTED Mueller's position that it was up to Congress (NOT AG!!!) to hold Trump accountable for the obstructive episodes report documents.

If you read his 4 page summary you come away with an impression that Mueller could not come to prosecuratorial descision, when in reality his position was that he CAN'T make a negative prosecutorial descision about a sitting POTUS.

Mueller himself wrote a letter of concern to Barr over this.

3. Barr's last testimony full of evasive manuevering and deciet made it perfectly clear to anyone who was not yet convinced that Barr is not there to serve the country as much as he was there to Roy Cohn for Trump.
In other words, you haven't read Barr's memo but you have strong opinions about it anyway. That's a definition of bigotry. While Mueller may not have been able to indict Trump while he was in office,, nothing prevented him from concluding Trump was guilty of obstruction and should be indicted when he leaves office if the evidence supported such a conclusion; the fact that Mueller never reached that conclusion shows he did not believe the evidence supported it.

As for Mueller's position on allowing Congress to decide, it was improper for him to suggest it in his report, since his job ended when he turned in the report. The real reason Mueller didn't offer an opinion on obstruction is that as Barr's memo pointed out the expanded definition of obstruction Mueller was using had no precedent in law and no case law to support it.
The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government

After 6 years of phony scandals and trashing Obama and Clinton non stop, I find it amusing to hear this high pitched whine from the right after only what, 4 months of a Democrat controlled House? Hahahaha and Holy shit, ya'll are gonna be really frothy by the time election day comes along.
The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government

After 6 years of phony scandals and trashing Obama and Clinton non stop, I find it amusing to hear this high pitched whine from the right after only what, 4 months of a Democrat controlled House? Hahahaha and Holy shit, ya'll are gonna be really frothy by the time election day comes along.

Oh I think all Trump supporters will be celebrating when election day comes around.

The Dem House is to busy having investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing they don't have time to worry about the country.

Those good folks are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.
Fuck you, I want the truth and nothing but.
If that were true than you wouldn't be looking to House committees for answers.

Lol - should we rely on president-can't-possibly-obstruct Barr? Who should we look to???

Who has the credibility and means to hold POTUS accountable if not Congress?
You clearly are not familiar with the Barr memo you are laughing about. If you were, you wouldn't post such nonsense. Here is a link to the memo and he clearly says a president can be guilty of obstruction and cites the relevant laws and federal court decisions. He makes two important points, that the definition of obstruction Mueller seems to be using has no precedent and there is no case law to support it, and that if Mueller was never investigating a crime, then there can be no obstruction. Read it - you don't have to look up every law or court decision Barr cites to understand his argument - and then maybe you will be able to post an intelligent comment on this subject. Here's the link.


1. Barr specifically lobbied for AG position by writing a letter to Trump all about how he could not possibly commit Obstruction of Justice if he obstructed by using on-it's-face normal powers.

According to this crazy fucking theory of presidency, Trump could pocket money from someone (legal) interested in firing an FBI director, and fire FBI director (legal). To all of sane world that is a crime called bribery. But to Barr that is a nothing-to-see-here since you have to infer President's corrupt intent. :rolleyes:

2. BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE. Barr did not simply present Mueller point of view and then offered his disgreement, Barr MISREPRESENTED Mueller's position that it was up to Congress (NOT AG!!!) to hold Trump accountable for the obstructive episodes report documents.

If you read his 4 page summary you come away with an impression that Mueller could not come to prosecuratorial descision, when in reality his position was that he CAN'T make a negative prosecutorial descision about a sitting POTUS.

Mueller himself wrote a letter of concern to Barr over this.

3. Barr's last testimony full of evasive manuevering and deciet made it perfectly clear to anyone who was not yet convinced that Barr is not there to serve the country as much as he was there to Roy Cohn for Trump.
In other words, you haven't read Barr's memo but you have strong opinions about it anyway. That's a definition of bigotry. While Mueller may not have been able to indict Trump while he was in office,, nothing prevented him from concluding Trump was guilty of obstruction and should be indicted when he leaves office if the evidence supported such a conclusion; the fact that Mueller never reached that conclusion shows he did not believe the evidence supported it.

As for Mueller's position on allowing Congress to decide, it was improper for him to suggest it in his report, since his job ended when he turned in the report. The real reason Mueller didn't offer an opinion on obstruction is that as Barr's memo pointed out the expanded definition of obstruction Mueller was using had no precedent in law and no case law to support it.


what a bunch of horseshit.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need.
Cut the bullshit. The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government, not to use the House to campaign for the next election.

No you cut the bullshit, your little theories on motiovations is MOOT. Congress has the RIGHT to conduct investigastions for WHATEVER REASON THEY MAY SEE FIT. PERIOD.

If Republicans can have 8 fucking Benghazi investigations, then surely Democrats are entitled to conduct their own investigations no matter what you rightwingers may feel about them.

No, YOU cut the bullshit. However far up the ass of government your nose is, Congress does NOT have the right to do whatever they want, whenever they want, without having to justify it as legitimate business of the people.

The fact that YOU consider the Benghazi investigations to be pointless on the basis of you not wanting your precious Democrats investigated is irrelevant to whether or not the Democrats get to legitimately investigate Trump ad infinitum for suspicion of beating them in an election.

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