WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

LMAO, whats little billy barr got to hide in the most transparent presidency ever....

"LMAO" Not playing your little game of "investigate forever, because he won an election without our permission" isn't hiding anything. It's just refusing to waste time with a bunch of spoiled, pouting children like you.
the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV.

"Trashing" is the DIRECT RESULT of a fucked up, corrupt and unethical administration.

What is the orange moron AFRAID of????...A little scrutiny...a little transparency...a little expose' of the TRUTH???

"We're only investigating for eternity with no basis. What's he afraid of?"

I think we can all see what YOU are afraid of: having to admit that you lost the election fair and square.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need.
Cut the bullshit. The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government, not to use the House to campaign for the next election.

No you cut the bullshit, your little theories on motiovations is MOOT. Congress has the RIGHT to conduct investigastions for WHATEVER REASON THEY MAY SEE FIT. PERIOD.

If Republicans can have 8 fucking Benghazi investigations, then surely Democrats are entitled to conduct their own investigations no matter what you rightwingers may feel about them.

No, YOU cut the bullshit. However far up the ass of government your nose is, Congress does NOT have the right to do whatever they want, whenever they want, without having to justify it as legitimate business of the people.

The fact that YOU consider the Benghazi investigations to be pointless on the basis of you not wanting your precious Democrats investigated is irrelevant to whether or not the Democrats get to legitimately investigate Trump ad infinitum for suspicion of beating them in an election.

hold it while I file your opinion in the partisan hack drawer ....

laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?

Trump Obstructed Justice and there is only one reason he is not getting into the orange jumpsuit right now - he happens to be slightly-above-the-law POTUS. Special investigator felt he COULD NOT indict a sitting president and it's up to Congress to keep his corrupt ass in check.

"Trump obstructed justice. I know this, because I WANT IT TO BE TRUUUUUEEEEE!!!!"

If Trump had obstructed justice, Mueller would have said so straight out, and you wouldn't have to be squirming around like a worm in hot ashes, trying to make his words into the indictment he himself couldn't make.
You do recall Obama using the IRS as a political tool don't you?

Why no I don't. I recall an investigation that led to Lois Lerner. She was tasked with verifying applications for tax free status as a non political political public service oriented organizations. Verification is standard procedure when receiving federal benefits and she was in charge of the selection for verification process. She was guilty of using politically sounding names as part of her selection criteria, which makes sense if your looking for organization who might be too politically active to quality for the benefits. Since there are no laws governing this selection process she was guilty of no crime.

Now how do you tie that to Obama again?
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need.
Cut the bullshit. The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government, not to use the House to campaign for the next election.

No you cut the bullshit, your little theories on motiovations is MOOT. Congress has the RIGHT to conduct investigastions for WHATEVER REASON THEY MAY SEE FIT. PERIOD.

If Republicans can have 8 fucking Benghazi investigations, then surely Democrats are entitled to conduct their own investigations no matter what you rightwingers may feel about them.

No, YOU cut the bullshit. However far up the ass of government your nose is, Congress does NOT have the right to do whatever they want, whenever they want, without having to justify it as legitimate business of the people.

The fact that YOU consider the Benghazi investigations to be pointless on the basis of you not wanting your precious Democrats investigated is irrelevant to whether or not the Democrats get to legitimately investigate Trump ad infinitum for suspicion of beating them in an election.

hold it while I file your opinion in the partisan hack drawer ....


Hold it while I laugh my ass off at your impotent tantrum.

Again, cut the bullshit. No honest person believes the House committee intends to do anything but trash the President on TV. Truth and transparency are not concepts the House Democrats are familiar with.

Trump has told over 10,000 lies and he continues lying now. Truth and transparency are not concepts the Trump administration is familiar with
Name them all or stop lying yourself.

there isnt enough space on this board-

but there is a database that tracks and records his bullshit - well above your comprehension skill so forget it.
well just post that link then.

so you and the rest of the RW mouthbreathers on the board can slobber FAKE NEWS .......

Fact Checker
In 828 days, President
Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims

Whatever autism medication you are taking, you should double the dose.
The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government

After 6 years of phony scandals and trashing Obama and Clinton non stop, I find it amusing to hear this high pitched whine from the right after only what, 4 months of a Democrat controlled House? Hahahaha and Holy shit, ya'll are gonna be really frothy by the time election day comes along.

Oh I think all Trump supporters will be celebrating when election day comes around.

The Dem House is to busy having investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing they don't have time to worry about the country.

Those good folks are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

Well Barr's phony summary had about a months head start on the truth nature of the report, so we'll see how much that head start helps Trumpybear and the Trumpublicans in 2020.
Dimms say Holder was not in contempt, say Barr was.

I see political hypocrisy that cannot be explained away.

Barr is going to hang those responsible for the unsuccessful coup. Suck it Dimms.
Dimms say Holder was not in contempt, say Barr was.

I see political hypocrisy that cannot be explained away.

Barr is going to hang those responsible for the unsuccessful coup. Suck it Dimms.

Yeah? Well we'll just elect someone who will pardon them all and start the Second investigation into Trumps Treason including Barr Obfuscation/Obstruction as well. Hell lets go back and investigate the investigation into Benghazi and the political motivation behind all those while we're at it.

Fuck it, lets just build a wall.

Around DC!
Name them all or stop lying yourself.

there isnt enough space on this board-

but there is a database that tracks and records his bullshit - well above your comprehension skill so forget it.
well just post that link then.

so you and the rest of the RW mouthbreathers on the board can slobber FAKE NEWS .......

Fact Checker
In 828 days, President
Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims
I've already debunked the first two on the list. hahahahahaahahaaha
No, you haven't. If you have, prove it. What lies did you debunk?
how many times must I debunk them? why don't you look them up in here. search under my name. debunked lies.
The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government

After 6 years of phony scandals and trashing Obama and Clinton non stop, I find it amusing to hear this high pitched whine from the right after only what, 4 months of a Democrat controlled House? Hahahaha and Holy shit, ya'll are gonna be really frothy by the time election day comes along.
phony scandals? hmmm, didn't hitlery have a private server used for classified material? that isn't phony, but it is illegal. scandal? no illegal activity and she should be locked up. with it afterward, obstruction charges for authorizing bleachbitting PC's and destruction of cell phones under subpoena, the true definition of obstruction. scandal? nope, illegal. the true scandal was the conspiracy within the DOJ at the time not to indict her.
The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government

After 6 years of phony scandals and trashing Obama and Clinton non stop, I find it amusing to hear this high pitched whine from the right after only what, 4 months of a Democrat controlled House? Hahahaha and Holy shit, ya'll are gonna be really frothy by the time election day comes along.
phony scandals? hmmm, didn't hitlery have a private server used for classified material? that isn't phony, but it is illegal. scandal? no illegal activity and she should be locked up. with it afterward, obstruction charges for authorizing bleachbitting PC's and destruction of cell phones under subpoena, the true definition of obstruction. scandal? nope, illegal. the true scandal was the conspiracy within the DOJ at the time not to indict her.

They were all phony and politically motivated. We should open a new investigation into the matter. Maybe in 2021?

Investigate-gate. Yeah that's it. The Great Investigate-Gate.
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -

Barr doesn’t have to share anything, do you even Constitution?
Federal Courts disagree with you, including our Supreme Court. Barr will have to share everything with ELECTED OFFICIALS who pay his salary and legislate rules on how he performs his job.

Second of all, members of the Executive Branch don't work for or answer to members of the Legislative Branch. Someone really should have taught you leftists about separation of powers..
Article 1 Section 8 of our Constitution disagrees with you.

No, it really doesn't. You misunderstood it, which is neither my problem nor the Constitution's. This isn't even Civics 101, Mensa Boy; it's Remedial Civics for Dummies. Our government has three CO-EQUAL branches of government. None of them works for or is subservient to the other branches.
Cut the bullshit. The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government, not to use the House to campaign for the next election.

No you cut the bullshit, your little theories on motiovations is MOOT. Congress has the RIGHT to conduct investigastions for WHATEVER REASON THEY MAY SEE FIT. PERIOD.

If Republicans can have 8 fucking Benghazi investigations, then surely Democrats are entitled to conduct their own investigations no matter what you rightwingers may feel about them.
Demoncraps are full of bullshit, Mr stinky. Demoncraps in congCong are nothing but crybabies.

Truth. Idiots all of them.

Not all Republicans are idiots, but you are.

All leftists are idiots, and you're apparently looking to be their king.
The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government

After 6 years of phony scandals and trashing Obama and Clinton non stop, I find it amusing to hear this high pitched whine from the right after only what, 4 months of a Democrat controlled House? Hahahaha and Holy shit, ya'll are gonna be really frothy by the time election day comes along.
phony scandals? hmmm, didn't hitlery have a private server used for classified material? that isn't phony, but it is illegal. scandal? no illegal activity and she should be locked up. with it afterward, obstruction charges for authorizing bleachbitting PC's and destruction of cell phones under subpoena, the true definition of obstruction. scandal? nope, illegal. the true scandal was the conspiracy within the DOJ at the time not to indict her.

They were all phony and politically motivated. We should open a new investigation into the matter. Maybe in 2021?

Investigate-gate. Yeah that's it. The Great Investigate-Gate.
naw, waste of money. I'd prefer to see her go to jail now cause she didn't know how to lose gracefully. Get her on the coup.
there isnt enough space on this board-

but there is a database that tracks and records his bullshit - well above your comprehension skill so forget it.
well just post that link then.

so you and the rest of the RW mouthbreathers on the board can slobber FAKE NEWS .......

Fact Checker
In 828 days, President
Trump has made 10,111
false or misleading claims
I've already debunked the first two on the list. hahahahahaahahaaha
No, you haven't. If you have, prove it. What lies did you debunk?
how many times must I debunk them? why don't you look them up in here. search under my name. debunked lies.
You're full of crap. If you had lies you debunked you would answer my questions. What lies did you debunk?

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