Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Trump is excellent at getting people exposed for who they truely are, both on the Left and the RINOs.

The Soviets used psychiatrists to 'diagnose' and lock up dissidents. Birds of a feather I guess. Perfect example of why we don't support mental health screenings from the gun control crowd - the Left has a habit of falsely declaring people "insane" to deny their rights.

Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden.
Biden has dementia. It’s plain as day. The establishment knows it, yet they continue to promote him. One might conclude they want Trump re-elected. It’s crazy!
Trump is excellent at getting people exposed for who they truely are, both on the Left and the RINOs.

The Soviets used psychiatrists to 'diagnose' and lock up dissidents. Birds of a feather I guess. Perfect example of why we don't support mental health screenings from the gun control crowd - the Left has a habit of falsely declaring people "insane" to deny their rights.

Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden.

The left only has ONE modus operandi- enforce international the opponents what they will not enforce on themselves. Think about all of the cases where students at schools have had 1st amendment privileges trampled because they are not popular. How about the way the government has required crisis pregnancy centers to advertise for abortions yet PP does not have to advertise for alternatives to abortion. Don’t even get me started on social and news media. The left is very good at chilling the speech illegally of its opponents. How else do you think we are seeing the resurgence of communism and socialism on a global scale...?

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Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


Trump is excellent at getting people exposed for who they truely are, both on the Left and the RINOs.

The Soviets used psychiatrists to 'diagnose' and lock up dissidents. Birds of a feather I guess. Perfect example of why we don't support mental health screenings from the gun control crowd - the Left has a habit of falsely declaring people "insane" to deny their rights.

Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden.
This is the prime definition of gaslighting.
The gaslighting would go dim in the rest of the house when the husband was looking for lost jewelry in the attic.
At the same time he was trying to convince his wife she was having mental break downs.
Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.
lol as if psychiatry has any credibility left as a 'science'. It's a bad joke, and the odds this 'psychiatrist' is not some sort of deviant freak itself is slim to none. This crank is about as credible a 'professional' as that 'Psychologist' Democrats hired to smear Kavanaugh, Ford I think was the thing's name.
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Trump is excellent at getting people exposed for who they truely are, both on the Left and the RINOs.

The Soviets used psychiatrists to 'diagnose' and lock up dissidents. Birds of a feather I guess. Perfect example of why we don't support mental health screenings from the gun control crowd - the Left has a habit of falsely declaring people "insane" to deny their rights.

Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden.

These tactics are alive and well today. Whether it's using accusations of ones state of mind or ones "bad luck" for government interference, these methods are designed to control citizens and limit human possibility, Make excuses for others failures that weren't the fault of their own while hoisting themselves up on a pedestal.

These goals are often monetary but also for power and the like. It's not surprising at all to see such bias in academia.
Ah ....

Bandy Lee, Armchair Psychiatrist, Tabloid Psychiatry, "unacceptable and unethical"Bandy X. Lee - Practicing Medicine without a license

American Psychiatric Association
Press Release
APA Calls for End to ‘Armchair’ Psychiatry
Jan 09, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) reiterates its
continued and unwavering commitment to the ethical principle known as “The Goldwater
Rule.” We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the
media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news
appearances, books, or in social media. Armchair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a
political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical.

The ethical principle, in place since 1973, guides physician members of the APA to refrain
from publicly issuing professional medical opinions about individuals that they have not
personally evaluated in a professional setting or context. Doing otherwise undermines the
credibility and integrity of the profession and the physician-patient relationship. Although
APA’s ethical guidelines can only be enforced against APA members, we urge all psychiatrists,
regardless of membership, to abide by this guidance in respect of our patients and our profession.

A proper psychiatric evaluation requires more than a review of television appearances, tweets,
and public comments…

“The Goldwater Rule embodies these concepts and makes it unethical for a psychiatrist to render
a professional opinion to the media about a public figure unless the psychiatrist has examined the
person and has proper authorization to provide the statement,” said APA CEO and Medical Director
Saul Levin, M.D., M.P.A. “APA stands behind this rule.”

From: Zhuoyin Yang [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 3:29 PM
To: ‘PsychSearch’ <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Verify APA membership?</[email protected]>

Dr. Lee is not a member of APA and is not subject to APA’s ethics code.

Here you can find the tweets of Bandy Lee. She was humiliated by the former President of the American Psychiatric Association, Jeffrey A. Lieberman @DrJlieberman, ‏and had to hastily get an “assistant” to help her delete her Twitter account.

no need for any contact if u keep mis-information posing as representative of psychiatric profession @APAPsychiatric out of #Media n @USGovernment. As an intelligent, educated concerned citizen, Go for it.
nuf said https://t.co/t2jRV6asaS

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 8, 2018

Better yet stop tweeting about each other. I only do so to correct info you put into the media, which is doing a disservice to our profession even if you don’t realize it. Why not speak as a citizen not as a psychiatrist, then you’d be on solid ground https://t.co/shEdhEHe2c

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 7, 2018

Dr Lee seems to be emulating Prez Trump with reckless tweets Dr Amer Siddiq on Twitter

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 7, 2018

Dr Lee (if this is your tweet), you should be careful re your accusations. To what “ethically checkered past” are you referring? I know of none and can verify it. https://t.co/rfJ599nORv

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 7, 2018

And represents herself as “International Expert” What Eminent Psychiatrist has been an Asst Professor for 20 years. Maybe Dangerous Case will get her promoted. Bandy X. Lee, MD, MDiv Michael Ostacher, MD, MPH on Twitter

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 7, 2018

Members of #Congress are exploiting naive misguided #psychiatrist for partisan #political purposes and field of #Psychiatry by extension @APAPsychiatric Yale psychiatrist briefed members of Congress on President Trump's mental fitness - CNNPolitics

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 7, 2018

It’s fine for anyone to criticize and express any opinions about @POTUS #mental state, but not ok for #Physician especially #psychiatrist to use their M.D. to opine on #diagnosis w/o direct evidence and authorization @APAPsychiatric The psychiatrist who briefed Congress on Trump’s mental state: this is "an emergency"

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 7, 2018

Dr. Lee is as inaccurate in this interview as she is misguided in her crusade to brand @POTUS as #MentallyIll without evidence or justification. I have read the book (twice sadly) twice and not violated the Goldwater Rule. The psychiatrist who briefed Congress on Trump’s mental state: this is "an emergency"

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 7, 2018

How pathetic Congress consults an undistinguished psychiatrist, editor of an unprofessional ad hominem polemic @NEJM @APAPsychiatric rather than address ? of @POTUS competence by appropriate constitutional mechanism – 25th amendment https://t.co/R13Evf3MFG

— Jeffrey A. Lieberman (@DrJlieberman) January 4, 2018

I especially liked this one ...

And represents herself as “International Expert” What Eminent Psychiatrist has been an Asst Professor for 20 years. Maybe Dangerous Case will get her promoted.

A Yale psychiatrist's opinion is easy to purchase for the Democratic party so this ladies opinion is meaningless. Liberal women all seem to hate Trump. Their bigotry is almost universal.
Trump is excellent at getting people exposed for who they truely are
Want to know who Individual 1 truly is?

Trump ordered to pay $2 million to settle suit claiming Trump Foundation misused funds to benefit campaign
Trump ordered to pay $2 million to settle suit claiming Trump Foundation misused funds to benefit campaign

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'
Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'

FBI documents point to Trump role in hush money for porn star Daniels
FBI documents point to Trump role in hush money for porn star Daniels

Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence
Helsinki summit: Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence - CNNPolitics
A Yale psychiatrist's opinion is easy to purchase for the Democratic party so this ladies opinion is meaningless. Liberal women all seem to hate Trump. Their bigotry is almost universal.

If she wasn't some sort of Feminoid Freak Show it's doubtful she could have gotten hired at an Ivy League school.
Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Yet he is one of the best presidents we have ever had.
Biden is fine.

Trump is mentally ill and shows signs of dementia.


You’re right. But I believe anyone with the necessary personality traits to do the job of POTUS fits into those categories. The ability to do it well makes the requirement more intense. Think about the stress management required as well as the leadership and narcissism needed to make decisions that may kill people or ruin the lives of many, primarily because it is the best course of action when no good one exists... or think of the out of the box thinking required to solve some of the problem. Dementia and mental illness are partly required. The overarching quality is leadership... and right now I don’t think there is a more qualified person than the White House’s current inhabitant.

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If there is someone who has shown he cannot take the stress of the Oval Office it is Trump. He is overly emotional, chaotic, confused and rants and raves for no reason. No, Trump is stupendously unqualified for the job.

Sorry I should not have included that Biden is fine. His political beliefs reflect a dangerous level of bad judgement, corruption, and entitlement. He is not fine.

Trump on the other hand... you take a seasoned individual, attack every effort that he makes to help those under his leadership that would be incredibly stressful WITHOUT the interference, then attack him when he gets excellent results and add impeaching him while he is negotiating deals to further help this country, call himself racist when he does more to help many races than the leadership of the past few decades has done, and then say he exhibits signs of being overstressed... I don’t think Trump is at all unqualified. I was never a true fan of DJT but I think his performance speaks for itself in all the best ways. The difference is that those who would remove stress from the job would do it at the expense of the American citizen and taxpayer to enrich themselves and hand the country over to the wolves. DJT is not perfect but I think he is who we need, where we need him, and at a critical juncture. Look at it this way: the opponents he has only talk about taking things away- guns, speech, etc. and diluting the good things like citizenship and prosperity. Trump is guarding these very things and protecting our rights. At the same time, the economy is breaking records, even in the face of the past week on the Dow. Income and jobs are accelerating and broken trade deals have been fixed. Sure beats “you didn’t build that” and “those jobs aren’t coming back!”

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Narcissistic Personality disorder = president trump

What is joe's mental disorder? Stuttering? slow joe?

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