Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

capital Has to work under capitalism; fools and horses, shouldn't.

Here's the concept that you liberals never seem to grasp, Daniel. In order to get capital to "work" first have to offer an inducement so those who control capital are willing to risk it. That inducement is the promise of profits! Anything that you do to diminish the potential for profits (like raising wages artificially!) will put a damper on the investment of capital.
the capital has already been produced; we need Labor to soak it up and Circulate that capital so we have more Liquidity in our Markets, to address Your concern. order for Labor to "soak up" Capital they have to be employed, you buffoon!

If I'm the owner of capital and I'm trying to decide the best way to maintain or hopefully increase that capital...then using that capital to create goods to be sold or provide a service for money is one alternative. If I make the decision to invest in a business that will do either of those things, the thing that I am ultimately looking at is whether or not there is substantial enough potential for profit to warrant the risking of my capital. If there isn't...then I'm not going to pull the trigger on that investment! So kindly explain to me how Labor is going to "soak up" capital when your raising of wages has created an environment that isn't conducive to jobs being created?
That is why the left comes up with solutions, not excuses. We rely on the federal doctrine not the Republican Doctrine.

Solving simple poverty will ensure more not less market participation in a manner analogous to this maxim:

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.
- Aristotle

You rely on the "federal doctrine"? Explain what that is, Daniel!
it is enumerated expressly, in our federal Constitution and supreme not superior law of the land.
And yet, you want to be paid from money forcibly take from others, and claim it is capitalism.

Yes, capitalism is voluntary. But if you do not voluntarily work, you get no capital.
Government is socialism. Providing for the general welfare is a specifically enumerated power.

Capitalism has to play within the goalposts of Government.

Providing for the general welfare does not include paying healthy adults for doing nothing.

And your demands to be taken care of by others is socialism.
lol. Government is socialism. Our welfare clause is General not Common.
Government was to be limited.........The States to decide the lion's share of what is to be done there. So one state can't infringe on the rights of another. What's best for California isn't best for Alabama. We don't want your stinking BS here.

I think it's rather obvious that the reason California is so FUBARED right now is that it is full of people just like Daniel that don't have a CLUE about how the real world works!
It's kind of like the wildfire issues there. They help create laws that guarantee that no one can thin the forests.........Such as the Roadless law on Federal Land...........and even to the point that citizens need permission to cut down a tree in their own yard...............Then the place explodes and burns to the ground.........and they say we are here from the Gov't and are here to help you...............LOL

They are like an arsonist burning your house down then the arsonist comes back to help you..........They are that stupid.
So were you going to explain what the "federal doctrine" is, Daniel? Or was that simply more of your grade A manure that you're spreading today?
Absolute bullshit. There is no "cost of living adjustment" in what I said or asked.

You want others to work so that you can have the gov't take money from them by force, and pay you for doing nothing.
a cost of living adjustment, nothing more; we get what we pay for in the first world, too.

solving for simple poverty can, "save Detroit".

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Money is circulated because people proved something to get something.

Once again....

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
however did you get that idea?

we have a mixed market, command economy, and use fiat money.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
a cost of living adjustment, nothing more; we get what we pay for in the first world, too.

solving for simple poverty can, "save Detroit".

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Oh, God...he just keeps on spouting gibberish!

How do you get capital to "circulate", Daniel? Duh?
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

Oh, there's a "natural" rate of unemployment that you achieve through artificial manipulations of the minimum wage? Really, Daniel? That's total BULLSHIT, my ignorant little friend!
Fixing Standards for the Union, is an express power. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.
Here's the concept that you liberals never seem to grasp, Daniel. In order to get capital to "work" first have to offer an inducement so those who control capital are willing to risk it. That inducement is the promise of profits! Anything that you do to diminish the potential for profits (like raising wages artificially!) will put a damper on the investment of capital.
the capital has already been produced; we need Labor to soak it up and Circulate that capital so we have more Liquidity in our Markets, to address Your concern. order for Labor to "soak up" Capital they have to be employed, you buffoon!

If I'm the owner of capital and I'm trying to decide the best way to maintain or hopefully increase that capital...then using that capital to create goods to be sold or provide a service for money is one alternative. If I make the decision to invest in a business that will do either of those things, the thing that I am ultimately looking at is whether or not there is substantial enough potential for profit to warrant the risking of my capital. If there isn't...then I'm not going to pull the trigger on that investment! So kindly explain to me how Labor is going to "soak up" capital when your raising of wages has created an environment that isn't conducive to jobs being created?
That is why the left comes up with solutions, not excuses. We rely on the federal doctrine not the Republican Doctrine.

Solving simple poverty will ensure more not less market participation in a manner analogous to this maxim:

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.
- Aristotle

You rely on the "federal doctrine"? Explain what that is, Daniel!
it is enumerated expressly, in our federal Constitution and supreme not superior law of the land.

Really? Interesting...I seem to have missed that part in all of my perusals of the Constitution! Would you care to point out where the "federal doctrine" is in the Constitution? I'd love to read it!
a cost of living adjustment, nothing more; we get what we pay for in the first world, too.

solving for simple poverty can, "save Detroit".

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Money is circulated because people proved something to get something.

Once again....

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
however did you get that idea?

we have a mixed market, command economy, and use fiat money.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
if you knew any Thing about economics, you would know that stabilizing our economy is key for Commerce.
a cost of living adjustment, nothing more; we get what we pay for in the first world, too.

solving for simple poverty can, "save Detroit".

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Oh, God...he just keeps on spouting gibberish!

How do you get capital to "circulate", Daniel? Duh?
He is a troll.............he spouts the same thing over and over funnies or informative to everything. then always goes back to the same 15 an hour and same nonsense.............

It is how he trolls and rolls.............LOL
nothing but fallacy and resorting to false of Cause instead of the Gospel Truth, right wingers, forshame.
How do you help the poor by making Gasoline more do you help the poor by increasing the cost of electricity by charging Carbon Taxes to those producing it..............

Simple answer is you don't............You screw the little man and say you are actually helping him. And brain dead liberals actually believe them...............

While we are at do you help the poor with the highest State Income taxes in the country......not counting Hawaii.......................hmmm...............take their money away and it's better for them.............then wonder why they are living in tents.......

Hmmm.........this is the path of those stupid to follow the yellow brick road off a cliff..............
And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Oh, God...he just keeps on spouting gibberish!

How do you get capital to "circulate", Daniel? Duh?
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

Oh, there's a "natural" rate of unemployment that you achieve through artificial manipulations of the minimum wage? Really, Daniel? That's total BULLSHIT, my ignorant little friend!
Fixing Standards for the Union, is an express power. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?

YOu made the claim, Daniel. YOu said "we get what we pay for". So why won't you answer the question?
the capital has already been produced; we need Labor to soak it up and Circulate that capital so we have more Liquidity in our Markets, to address Your concern. order for Labor to "soak up" Capital they have to be employed, you buffoon!

If I'm the owner of capital and I'm trying to decide the best way to maintain or hopefully increase that capital...then using that capital to create goods to be sold or provide a service for money is one alternative. If I make the decision to invest in a business that will do either of those things, the thing that I am ultimately looking at is whether or not there is substantial enough potential for profit to warrant the risking of my capital. If there isn't...then I'm not going to pull the trigger on that investment! So kindly explain to me how Labor is going to "soak up" capital when your raising of wages has created an environment that isn't conducive to jobs being created?
That is why the left comes up with solutions, not excuses. We rely on the federal doctrine not the Republican Doctrine.

Solving simple poverty will ensure more not less market participation in a manner analogous to this maxim:

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.
- Aristotle

You rely on the "federal doctrine"? Explain what that is, Daniel!
it is enumerated expressly, in our federal Constitution and supreme not superior law of the land.

Really? Interesting...I seem to have missed that part in all of my perusals of the Constitution! Would you care to point out where the "federal doctrine" is in the Constitution? I'd love to read it!
federalists got it ratified as our civic Constitution for our Body Politic.
And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Money is circulated because people proved something to get something.

Once again....

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
however did you get that idea?

we have a mixed market, command economy, and use fiat money.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
if you knew any Thing about economics, you would know that stabilizing our economy is key for Commerce.

Just because you have no money and others do does not destabilize our economy.

You made a claim. I am simply asking what we get for paying you? Because, if we get nothing we should not pay you.
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Oh, God...he just keeps on spouting gibberish!

How do you get capital to "circulate", Daniel? Duh?
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

Oh, there's a "natural" rate of unemployment that you achieve through artificial manipulations of the minimum wage? Really, Daniel? That's total BULLSHIT, my ignorant little friend!
Fixing Standards for the Union, is an express power. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?

YOu made the claim, Daniel. YOu said "we get what we pay for". So why won't you answer the question?
Capitalism works. Who would be worse off with More rather than Less People spending more money.
a cost of living adjustment, nothing more; we get what we pay for in the first world, too.

solving for simple poverty can, "save Detroit".

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Money is circulated because people proved something to get something.

Once again....

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
however did you get that idea?

we have a mixed market, command economy, and use fiat money.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
We get fucked with no Vasoline.
And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Oh, God...he just keeps on spouting gibberish!

How do you get capital to "circulate", Daniel? Duh?
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

Oh, there's a "natural" rate of unemployment that you achieve through artificial manipulations of the minimum wage? Really, Daniel? That's total BULLSHIT, my ignorant little friend!
Fixing Standards for the Union, is an express power. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

Ah, so the minimum wage is something given to us by the Constitution? In what part exactly, Daniel? :290968001256257790-final:
Oh, God...he just keeps on spouting gibberish!

How do you get capital to "circulate", Daniel? Duh?
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

Oh, there's a "natural" rate of unemployment that you achieve through artificial manipulations of the minimum wage? Really, Daniel? That's total BULLSHIT, my ignorant little friend!
Fixing Standards for the Union, is an express power. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?

YOu made the claim, Daniel. YOu said "we get what we pay for". So why won't you answer the question?
Capitalism works. Who would be worse off with More rather than Less People spending more money.

Who could be worse off? They people who are taxed to pay you for doing nothing.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
capital Has to circulate not Labor in a First World economy.

Money is circulated because people proved something to get something.

Once again....

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
however did you get that idea?

we have a mixed market, command economy, and use fiat money.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
if you knew any Thing about economics, you would know that stabilizing our economy is key for Commerce.

Just because you have no money and others do does not destabilize our economy.

You made a claim. I am simply asking what we get for paying you? Because, if we get nothing we should not pay you.
solving simple poverty solves our market based problems. what Part of That, do you not get, right winger?

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