Yes, It Was Rigged

Well, in my humble opinion, the 'crime' that was actually found proved not to be so irrelevant to the 12 men and women.... 'a jury of his peers' ..... that also found, like the prosecutor did, that that crime was pretty darn relevant.

In fact, the jury did so.....unanimously. All 12.

And that's not irrelevant whatsoever.


What’s irrelevant to my point is not the crimes
They alleged to have found, it’s the “let’s poke around until we find a crime” that’s the problem.

And please…leave the goal posts alone…they haven’t done anything to you 😕
Lowry is hardly a MAGA guy.

On this, he s 100% correct. And everybody knows this.

When Trump made his statement to reporters on Wednesday morning prior to the jury getting the Alvin Bragg case, he repeatedly used the word “rigged,” and, in this instance, he was absolutely right.​
The charges were rigged, the prosecution’s presentation of the case was rigged, the judge’s management of the case was rigged, the gag order was rigged, and the instructions to the jury were rigged.
The whole thing was rigged from beginning to end, in the hopes of — to the extent this case and the guilty verdict will matter in November — rigging the presidential election.
If this had happened in an alderman race in Cook County, Ill., it’d be discomfiting enough, but it happened in what purports to be the greatest city in the world and involves the campaign to become the most powerful political leader in the free world.
The high stakes would, one hopes, compel the authorities to have the most exacting standard for their own conduct and put a premium on maintaining the perception and reality of fairness. The logic of rigging runs the opposite way, though — because it is considered so imperative to stop Donald Trump, any means of opposing him becomes acceptable, indeed necessary.
By any normal standard, Alvin Bragg failed in his duty as a prosecutor by flagrantly distorting the process to manufacture the 34 felonies he charged Trump with. Yet, by the prevailing standard on the left, he has faithfully fulfilled his duty by so effectively rigging the criminal-justice system against the man whom they hate and fear.
One possible reaction to Trump from his adversaries would have been to emphasize their commitment to rules and norms and to do everything they could to buttress them and make the case for them.
Instead, they threw out the rule book beginning in 2016 and have pursued Trump according to the ethic that the ends justify the means, and that consistency, reason, and fairness are for suckers.
To be sure, this approach has its temptations, especially for people who never particularly cared for process or rules to begin with. But their recklessness has further undermined faith in the system, while the alluring idea that there’s a shortcut to diminishing or defeating Trump has so far proved illusory.
Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan have set a new standard for rigging, and nothing good will come of it.

Hanging of the former Vice President on this gallows, brah?


Is he shorter than Herve Villechaise? :rolleyes-41:

Street lamps and trees are all over the place. Get Real..

Ya know, the question has never been answere about how those gallows got there. Even Congress has asked the question in their hearings. They have never gotten an answer.
Hmmm. Trump was indicted by a grand jury of his peers and prosecuted in court, in front of an experienced judge in good standing, before a 12-person jury of his peers (approved by defense and prosecution) that included professional people, lawyers and other working solid citizens. Hollie (whoever that is) can just get over it or choke on it.
That ain't no good standing judge. Perhaps you need some recalibration.
Ya know, the question has never been answere about how those gallows got there. Even Congress has asked the question in their hearings. They have never gotten an answer.
It's terrible carpentry work. Pains me to look at it.
Tbh, I think Democrats just gave Trump most black votes on the NE seaboard. :dunno:

Whether it's because he's the best choice or because he's the best way to stick it to The Man.

The Man being Democrats. Way to pervert the Justice System, shitlords!

Nobody believes this bullshit and most people know what you're doing. :dunno:
Orange Man Bad, amirite? Can you do plumbing and electrical too? I have a severe sense of bullshit coming around for some reason. :dunno:
Well, he is convicted of being bad.
Long time ago, worked for a Wholesale Electrical distributor with Allen Bradley motor controls, programmable logic controls, as well as all standard product. When I left there I ran a shift of maintenance at a local hospital, including electrical, so I have wired hot in ICU, laid out, bent, run conduit, wired 480 three-phase, starters, motor controls (Allen Bradley, naturally). Not to mention, raised by a TV/Radio repairman, so built a color TV start to finish on 2 x 12, 6 ft long, not surprising with family that included an uncle, designer working on one of the early US patents for commercial TVs at a company called Hallicrafters. I'm not too shabby on a good day, and if you throw the switch, it works.

At plumbing, I truly suck, and would rather be in hell with my back broke as to fool with it, though may replace (notice, not repair) faucets or a commode from time to time.
Well, he is convicted of being bad.
Long time ago, worked for a Wholesale Electrical distributor with Allen Bradley motor controls, programmable logic controls, as well as all standard product. When I left there I ran a shift of maintenance at a local hospital, including electrical, so I have wired hot in ICU, laid out, bent, run conduit, wired 480 three-phase, starters, motor controls (Allen Bradley, naturally). Not to mention, raised by a TV/Radio repairman, so built a color TV start to finish on 2 x 12, 6 ft long, not surprising with family that included an uncle, designer working on one of the early US patents for commercial TVs at a company called Hallicrafters. I'm not too shabby on a good day, and if you throw the switch, it works.

At plumbing, I truly suck, and would rather be in hell with my back broke as to fool with it, though may replace (notice, not repair) faucets or a commode from time to time.
Since 1995. Yes, I have been a keyboard warrior, and stood up for what's right in life, too.

Do YOU remember Windows 3.1? Have you ever faced down a mob of 50 with just 3 dudes? One of which you gave 2 black eyes to in 1 punch 2 weeks' prior? :auiqs.jpg:

Well! You're not me, brah. Fuck off until you've walked a mile in my boots. Something tells me you were too coddled as a child to be able to do that

I worked in a restaurant that served bad food too. Never got to the point we were facing down 50 though...
Hmmm. Trump was indicted by a grand jury of his peers and prosecuted in court, in front of an experienced judge in good standing, before a 12-person jury of his peers (approved by defense and prosecution) that included professional people, lawyers and other working solid citizens. Hollie (whoever that is) can just get over it or choke on it.

And OJ didn't murder Nicole either, according to 12 jurors. Sure.

This has already backfired, which I didn't expect, yet here we are.

No one but no one but no one deserves this more than liberals.
I worked in a restaurant that served bad food too. Never got to the point we were facing down 50 though...
This was out on a beach at night. Angry mob, 3 of us. We held them back. The back rows were throwing beer bottles n stuff.
Granted the 2 dudes I was with were kinda assholes, but this thing was crazy.
There's not time to worry about "I think you're an asshole" when there's 50 looking at you, and that dude happens to be on your side right then and there. And he follows your instructions as to how to extricate yourselves from this..debacle.
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