Yes or NO on Ohio's Prop 2?

Yes or No on Ohio's Proposition 2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 5 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The vote is everyone's concern who posts on USMB. It is raw politics and a test as to whether Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will fundamentally change politics.

It's important to Fox News, so important talking head Mike Huckabee is telling Yes on two voters to let the air out of the tires of those they know will vote no.

:lol:get your cup out and head down to Telegraph ave...I'll be out for lunch later, I'll throw you a buck so you can buy the second half of this drunk you're on...
Abolish all Government Unions. They're a menace to society. They do not serve the Taxpayers well.
Ive actually read the Senate Bill 5... took forever and is very hard to understand unless you are a lawyer. No normal American can possibly understand everything (meaning I don't understand everything) that is going into this Bill. I do really support paying 15 percent of Health Insurance costs as well as teachers being paid, hired and fired based on merit. This bill does create more bureaucracy though as it creates a some boards who are appointed by the senate, house and governor to oversee this stuff. They will earn a salary. I can see both sides of the issue for sure.
Abolish all Government Unions. They're a menace to society. They do not serve the Taxpayers well.

It's not their job to serve the taxpayer well, it's their job to serve their members well. Why do you hate a business just for doing it's job? Why do you hate people for pursuing their own success? You do realize that they don't have any obligation to you, right? And you do realize that by pursuing their success they not taking anything away from anyone, right?
Going out to vote yes on both prop 2 and 3 right now!

See you there!

I wonder how many that voted in this poll can actually VOTE IN OHIO?

Oh, I forgot, they will probably vote anyway.

Get your fake IDs out liberals.

President FDR himself stood firmly AGAINST public sector collective bargaining. He would have voted YES on issue 2. But today's lefties, I'm sure they know what's best, right?

It's not like Ohio has among the nations worst debt (5th highest level) and highest overall taxes...oh wait, yes they do. I'm sure adding to that debt and increasing taxes to pay for bloated public sector pensions will help Ohio's 9.1% unemployment rate...right?
Abolish all Government Unions. They're a menace to society. They do not serve the Taxpayers well.

It's not their job to serve the taxpayer well, it's their job to serve their members well. Why do you hate a business just for doing it's job? Why do you hate people for pursuing their own success? You do realize that they don't have any obligation to you, right? And you do realize that by pursuing their success they not taking anything away from anyone, right?

I'm ok with Private Unions. That's between the Employee and Employer. But I strongly oppose Government Unions. They consistently hold the Taxpayers hostage. This is especially true of Teacher Unions. They're even worse because they also hold the children hostage with their greed. And despite what they think,they do work for us the Taxpayers. Somewhere along the line they forgot that. Now they think we work for them. Government Unions should have never been allowed. They only serve themselves. Time to ditch em.
Why not? Then Ohio can join poor little Rhode Island in the same unenviable position of having more retired public pensioners drawing funds from the State than it has working people paying taxes to support them. But hey, Ohio, like Rhode Island can always take heed of Charlie Rangel's sage advice in developing a plan to deal with the consequences: "We have to tax more so we can spend more."
That's what common people do in times of financial stress, right? Spend more to compensate for their reduced income?
The vote is everyone's concern who posts on USMB. It is raw politics and a test as to whether Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will fundamentally change politics.

It's important to Fox News, so important talking head Mike Huckabee is telling Yes on two voters to let the air out of the tires of those they know will vote no.

And I thought Huckabee was a good Christian. Damn they are becoming desperate. Oh well, if anyone got into my garage to let the air out of my tires, I just walk to the polling station. It's only a few blocks away and it's a nice day today.
Why not? Then Ohio can join poor little Rhode Island in the same unenviable position of having more retired public pensioners drawing funds from the State than it has working people paying taxes to support them. But hey, Ohio, like Rhode Island can always take heed of Charlie Rangel's sage advice in developing a plan to deal with the consequences: "We have to tax more so we can spend more."
That's what common people do in times of financial stress, right? Spend more to compensate for their reduced income?

"We have to tax more so we can spend more." That's been the Socialist/Progressive mentality for as long as i can remember. And all they have to show for is a wrecked economy and a shocking $16 Trillion Debt. Now our Public Schools are supposedly broke just like everything else. Where did all the money go? There have been several $Trillions spent on Education over the years. How can all our schools be broke? Government Unions can no longer be trusted. It's just all about "Gimme Gimme Gimme" for them. They have failed as teachers & leaders. And they can't just blame that on lack of money. Because they've become the real problem.
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The vote is everyone's concern who posts on USMB. It is raw politics and a test as to whether Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will fundamentally change politics.

It's important to Fox News, so important talking head Mike Huckabee is telling Yes on two voters to let the air out of the tires of those they know will vote no.
Did you ever notice that people who oppose corporations (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns also support unions (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns?

No. I expect you haven't.

Flaw in reasoning here.

Nazi's were also a group of people with a common cause. So is the Taliban. So is Al Qaeda .
The vote is everyone's concern who posts on USMB. It is raw politics and a test as to whether Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will fundamentally change politics.

It's important to Fox News, so important talking head Mike Huckabee is telling Yes on two voters to let the air out of the tires of those they know will vote no.
Did you ever notice that people who oppose corporations (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns also support unions (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns?

No. I expect you haven't.

Flaw in reasoning here.

Nazi's were also a group of people with a common cause. So is the Taliban. So is Al Qaeda .
Those groups don't donate to American political campaigns, do they? :cuckoo:

No, there is no flaw in my reasoning. The only reason people oppose corporate donations but support union donations is merely the parties of the candidates donated to. There is no grand principle involved -- just butthurt that Republicans are being given donations.
I'm ok with Private Unions. That's between the Employee and Employer. But I strongly oppose Government Unions. They consistently hold the Taxpayers hostage. This is especially true of Teacher Unions. They're even worse because they also hold the children hostage with their greed. And despite what they think,they do work for us the Taxpayers. Somewhere along the line they forgot that. Now they think we work for them. Government Unions should have never been allowed. They only serve themselves. Time to ditch em.

None of that addressed what I said. Why do you think that public employees shouldn't pursue their own success? And why do you insist that when someone pursues their own success that it's taking something away from other people?
Did you ever notice that people who oppose corporations (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns also support unions (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns?

No. I expect you haven't.

Flaw in reasoning here.

Nazi's were also a group of people with a common cause. So is the Taliban. So is Al Qaeda .
Those groups don't donate to American political campaigns, do they? :cuckoo:

As far as we know...
The vote is everyone's concern who posts on USMB. It is raw politics and a test as to whether Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will fundamentally change politics.

It's important to Fox News, so important talking head Mike Huckabee is telling Yes on two voters to let the air out of the tires of those they know will vote no.
Did you ever notice that people who oppose corporations (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns also support unions (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns?
The difference being the groups of people are for the people.
The Corporation, though made up of groups of people, is for the Corporation NOT the people.
The vote is everyone's concern who posts on USMB. It is raw politics and a test as to whether Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will fundamentally change politics.

It's important to Fox News, so important talking head Mike Huckabee is telling Yes on two voters to let the air out of the tires of those they know will vote no.
Did you ever notice that people who oppose corporations (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns also support unions (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns?
The difference being the groups of people are for the people.
The Corporation, though made up of groups of people, is for the Corporation NOT the people.
And since the corporation is a group of people, those people benefit from its actions.

See? You agree with me! :lol:
Did you ever notice that people who oppose corporations (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns also support unions (groups of people united for a common purpose) donating to political campaigns?
The difference being the groups of people are for the people.
The Corporation, though made up of groups of people, is for the Corporation NOT the people.
And since the corporation is a group of people, those people benefit from its actions.

See? You agree with me! :lol:

Possibly, the company benefiting may trickle down to the employees of that company, even if they disagree.

But companies hiring people and paying their employees more isn't usually the top of their agenda. That's a by product of demand.

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