Yet another reason to go electric in vehicles

SMH. Read it again. You dont understand what you are talking about.
A basic calculation reveals that if proved reserves didn’t grow, and if consumption remained constant at 2019 levels, it would take only about 48 years — meaning some time in 2067 — to exhaust those reserves.

The trouble is, proved reserves only represent the oil that a given region can theoretically extract based on the infrastructure it has planned or in place. This is only “the tip of the iceberg,” says Steven Grape, who works with proven oil reserves for the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

In other words, technology has a big impact on what’s considered a proved reserve.
So do you think consumption levels are going to go down anytime soon ? I don't, the demand should peak by sometime in 2032, the developed west will be largely electric vehicles by then, while the third world demand should level off by then. Total demand should be around 1.5 trillion gallons a year. Current usage is 1.134 trillion. We are most likely past peak production with 92.5 million barrels a year. The 100 million record most likely will never be broken. US oil production is on the downslide already, even with using the filthy tar sands. When trump declared energy independence. It was a lie. It was in the middle of the pandemic and usage went down so much, we didn't need to import ( but we did anyway ).
What about china?
They're winning the economic war at present. we need to be smarter than them to win. If that is possible, without improving our infrastructure we will continue to lose. That's why bipartisan support is needed.
There will never be an infrastructure capable of supporting an all electric system of transportation. What? Just where does the charging system come from that supports the battery operated nightmares? The history of these automobiles simply does not support the reality that consists of electric transportation automobiles. How long would it take to navigate a cross country trip in one of these cars or trucks? The more that you are on the the road the more infrastructure it will require with a fast charge system which will lower the life expectancy of the batteries ............if you drive in a climate that is cold half the year.......the quicker the batteries will of right now even these supposed all electric trucks like Ford is producing do not have a heating system for their batteries.

Anyone that has ever lived in an area that has severe winters........know how much of a hassle it is just to maintain a simple 12 volt system. There is just so many hidden costs associated with these cars that most people never stop and consider before purchasing. I personally know of several friends who declare they will never own another one if they can sell the one they have now. My Nephew purchased one of the Telsa higher end models (He is physician) and within 3 months he began having serious trouble with the technology ..........the greatest problem is in getting the services required, as of right now Musk will not allow anyone but his service departments to work on these cars, no one can get access to the required information needed to maintain them. If you have a fender bender and break the plastic fenders or will take up to 4 to 5 months just to get the proper parts because MUSK is to busy building new models to be concerned with servicing the existing models. have the government and TAXES to consider. If you get the government involved in developing any type of charging infrastructure .........the cost of charging these cars will go through the roof.......not to mention the fact that about half of all generated electricity comes directly from fossel fuels. Robbing Peter to pay Paul....then recycling the used batteries is a nightmare.

Its a nightmare on steroids. Just look at the existing electric pay up to 5 times the original cost of a fossil fuel auto, when issues are exampled with the auto's there are not enough educated technicians to handle the demand. The only ones getting taxes brakes for purchasing these cars are the one's that are rich to begin with.......I know I would never pay the amount requested by con artists such as Elon Musk.......then look at all the recalls because of fires that GM is now facing....its so bad they had to stop production on future models to fix the problems they now face with all the supposed cheap electric cars like the BOLT.

The better alternative would be the hydrogen fuel cells that many auto manufacturers are working on right now.
Where do you get the hydrogen?
So do you think consumption levels are going to go down anytime soon ? I don't, the demand should peak by sometime in 2032, the developed west will be largely electric vehicles by then, while the third world demand should level off by then. Total demand should be around 1.5 trillion gallons a year. Current usage is 1.134 trillion. We are most likely past peak production with 92.5 million barrels a year. The 100 million record most likely will never be broken. US oil production is on the downslide already, even with using the filthy tar sands. When trump declared energy independence. It was a lie. It was in the middle of the pandemic and usage went down so much, we didn't need to import ( but we did anyway ).
We were energy independent before the chicom bio attack.
I believe that hydrogen is better than batteries.

It is becoming apparent that hydrogen conversion technology is capable of producing enough hydrogen to satisfy global demand cost effectively and will be the preferred fuel for cars.

Hydrogen can be produced from methane, natural gas or water. Existing gas stations could be used to fuel hydrogen cars and fill-ups are a matter of minutes, not hours as is the case with many battery-powered cars. The only exhaust from hydrogen powered cars is water.

More importantly: "hydrogen has an energy density of 35,000 watts per kilogram, while lithium-ion batteries have a density of just 200 watts per kilogram".

I wasn't insulting you, just telling you a much needed truth.

Methane and natural gas are basically the same thing and are fossil fuels. The energy necessary in terms of electricity to produce hydrogen from water is a losing proposition. That is why fuel cells on space craft use them for power and they slowly are expended with time. (Watch Apollo 13 for a real-world example of how fuel cells are not the answer.) There is nothing to replace the hydrogen consumed by the fuel cells.
They're winning the economic war at present.
not so

but at least with some in the west they are still winning the fake news war

china is falling apart economically and the worst has yet to come
So your solution is to go BACK in time with windmills.

You are a fucking moron.
LOL..Your response is beyond stupid, little boy. Renewables are the future no matter what you idiotic Con Luddites believe or the amount of moaning and groaning you do.
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Because democrats destroyed it. Stifling supply on purpose.
The only thing I know is the waters that where protected from exploration before trump took office were reinstated with their protections, thank GOD, we've destroyed enough of this earth already. I did some more research, US oil production dropped in 2020 by 8 % or more ( a loss of 9 to 11.3 million barrels a day ) due to well curtailment and low oil prices. US oil production looks like it reached it's peak in 2005 with @ 20 million barrels a day. we are now on the downside of that production and it is estimated that by 2022 we will be importing the majority of the oil we use.
What about china?

The only thing I know is the waters that where protected from exploration before trump took office were reinstated with their protections, thank GOD, we've destroyed enough of this earth already. I did some more research, US oil production dropped in 2020 by 8 % or more ( a loss of 9 to 11.3 million barrels a day ) due to well curtailment and low oil prices. US oil production looks like it reached it's peak in 2005 with @ 20 million barrels a day. we are now on the downside of that production and it is estimated that by 2022 we will be importing the majority of the oil we use.
Got a link?
The only thing I know is the waters that where protected from exploration before trump took office were reinstated with their protections, thank GOD, we've destroyed enough of this earth already. I did some more research, US oil production dropped in 2020 by 8 % or more ( a loss of 9 to 11.3 million barrels a day ) due to well curtailment and low oil prices. US oil production looks like it reached it's peak in 2005 with @ 20 million barrels a day. we are now on the downside of that production and it is estimated that by 2022 we will be importing the majority of the oil we use.
This curtailment thing is a big deal, they're shutting down a lot of wells due to " natural decline " that sounds like the oil fields are going dry to me.
Got a link?
Some of that were my calculations given the available data. I'm at work, don't have a lot of time between rounds and emergencies. Don't have a link but if you put in Shale Daily U.S. Oil " Curtailment Wave " forecast to top 2 million B/d in June by Carolyn Davis May13,2020 you should be able to bring it up. Lots of good graphs and info.

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