You Are No Longer Welcome

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Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani said it right:

I think the governor's going to regret those remarks. I'm surprised, actually, because he hasn't really acted that way. He's been pretty much a moderate in the way in which he's governed, unlike, you know, the new mayor. I think he -- maybe he's trying to define himself as left- wing.

But of course, you know, people who are -- people who are pro-life are not extremists. That's a perfectly legitimate point of view to hold. People who are pro-2nd Amendment are certainly not extremists. They just believe in the Constitution of the United States. And you don't have to agree with them, but they have every right to be in the state.

Giuliani: I think the governor's going to regret those remarks | Interviews | Hannity | Fox News
What is the topic? "We're tired of mouth-breathing teabaggers fucking up the world"? I'm supposed to get upset because Cuomo said something true about retarded confederate hillbillies and other inbred backwater Republican morons who are so stupid that they think that Sarah Palin is a genius?

Okay, let's stay on topic: Republicans hate black people, gays, Latinos, women, but they love torture and corporate bailouts and screwing over the veterans that they create by sending them into wars over complete lies. Take out your guns and kill yourselves
so that we don't have to listen to you parroting Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter like they're learned scholars.

The gibberish is strong with this one.

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Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani said it right:

I think the governor's going to regret those remarks. I'm surprised, actually, because he hasn't really acted that way. He's been pretty much a moderate in the way in which he's governed, unlike, you know, the new mayor. I think he -- maybe he's trying to define himself as left- wing.

But of course, you know, people who are -- people who are pro-life are not extremists. That's a perfectly legitimate point of view to hold. People who are pro-2nd Amendment are certainly not extremists. They just believe in the Constitution of the United States. And you don't have to agree with them, but they have every right to be in the state.

Giuliani: I think the governor's going to regret those remarks | Interviews | Hannity | Fox News

If only the media would make this bigoted bastard eat his words.
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

Why can't you address the point instead of bashing Bush? Typical deflection.

What is the topic? "We're tired of mouth-breathing teabaggers fucking up the world"? I'm supposed to get upset because Cuomo said something true about retarded confederate hillbillies and other inbred backwater Republican morons who are so stupid that they think that Sarah Palin is a genius?

Okay, let's stay on topic: Republicans hate black people, gays, Latinos, women, but they love torture and corporate bailouts and screwing over the veterans that they create by sending them into wars over complete lies. Take out your guns and kill yourselves so that we don't have to listen to you parroting Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter like they're learned scholars.

What is the topic? Can you not read? You're nothing but a troll not to be taken seriously.

Lets debunk those talking points once and for all. You say Republicans hate:

A) Black People. No. They don't. As evidenced by Herman Cain, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Artur Davis and others, that assertion is patently false.

B) Gays. No. If anything, that hatred is borne out of a willingness by the government to force this type of lifestyle on the religious. Need I remind you of Obama's shifting stances on gay marriage?

C) Latinos. No. As evidenced by Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz (please no Canada jokes), this assertion is patently false. Liberals like you will not mention that there are a slew of Latino Republicans serving in office. If you think we should just let illegal immigrants run roughshod across our border, you've got another thing coming.

D) Women. Once again, no. As evidenced by Sarah Palin, Mia Love, Michelle Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Chelsi Henry, Condoleeza Rice and others, this is all patently false. If anything, Liberals have an intense dislike of any woman who isn't along for the ride. Examples include comments made by Martin Bashir, Bill Maher and Ed Schultz.

Oh yeah, its very civil to suggest that we should go kill ourselves with our own guns. How cute.
Lets debunk those talking points once and for all. You say Republicans hate:

A) Black People. No. They don't. As evidenced by Herman Cain, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Artur Davis and others, that assertion is patently false.
You cited misinformed morons. Good examples. Do these super-smart African-Republicans have any power to counteract the GOP's "southern strategy"?

What does "GOP" stand for anyway?

B) Gays. No. If anything, that hatred is borne out of a willingness by the government to force this type of lifestyle on the religious. Need I remind you of Obama's shifting stances on gay marriage?
No, this hatred comes from a Bible verse that has no power over American government because of the very first words of the US Constitution which Teabaggers claim to love so much.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" means "Keep your religion in your church and out of our voting booths." This isn't a Christian nation and it never will be, so stop trying to cripple our free society with your bigoted, misguided religious bullshit. You want to spout off about the "sanctity of traditional marriage"? There are drive-through wedding chapels in Las Vegas. Marriage isn't sacred. You live in a mangled fantasy land where up is down, stupid is brilliant, progressive means communist, "slaves had it pretty good in the South", and there were definitely WMD in Iraq.

C) Latinos. No. As evidenced by Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz (please no Canada jokes), this assertion is patently false. Liberals like you will not mention that there are a slew of Latino Republicans serving in office. If you think we should just let illegal immigrants run roughshod across our border, you've got another thing coming.
Yeah, let's build a wall like Reagan said. Remember his famous speech where he said, "Mr. Gorbachev, build bigger walls to stop illegals from crossing the border." Rubio and Cruz are idiots, elected by primates. You monkeys want to get rid of "illegals" who risked death to come to America to create a better life for themselves and their children. You want to build a wall with razor wire and alligators? Fine. Then fat stupid white Republicans can get off of their Wal-Mart motorized wheelchairs and go pick their own fruit for less than half of Federal minimum wage.

The Statue of Liberty commands "Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." It doesn't say, "Show me your papers." You don't know anything about America.

D) Women. Once again, no. As evidenced by Sarah Palin, Mia Love, Michelle Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Chelsi Henry, Condoleeza Rice and others, this is all patently false. If anything, Liberals have an intense dislike of any woman who isn't along for the ride. Examples include comments made by Martin Bashir, Bill Maher and Ed Schultz.
Martin Bashir, Bill Maher, and Ed Schultz are just as idiotic as Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and Jan Brewer. However, I will say in those men's defense that at least they aren't war criminals like Condoleeza Rice. Good examples, though. You should have mentioned Phyllis Schlafly, Ayn Rand, and Nancy Reagan, too.

Oh yeah, its very civil to suggest that we should go kill ourselves with our own guns. How cute.
Civil? Do you even remember ten years ago? There was a time in America when President George W. Bush was lying with every word that came out of his mouth to the entire world on global television about the reasons for invading Iraq, and anyone who said, "He's lying," was shouted down by stupid, rabid, GOP Republican Teabaggers. You pieces of shit called us unpatriotic, evil, terrorist, communist, libturd, progressive hippies who hate America and should be shot for treason. We had no voice, so you GOP assholes got your way and George W. Bush invaded Iraq. Then the CIA set up a network of secret torture prisons where they beat POWs to death, and fired missiles indiscriminately at Afghan and Iraqi (and Yemeni, Somali, etc. etc.) civilians from remote-controlled planes. If our nation's soul wasn't killed in the first drone strike, then it was beaten to death in a CIA black site.

Even today after all of Bush's "intelligence" has been shot down as blatant lies, GOP red state FOX News voters still try to defend George W. Bush, or entirely dismiss his $4t illegal war and torture prisons as "totally irrelevant because that was 5 whole years ago."

In your opinion, why do Republicans deserve civility?
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Lets debunk those talking points once and for all. You say Republicans hate:

A) Black People. No. They don't. As evidenced by Herman Cain, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Artur Davis and others, that assertion is patently false.
You cited misinformed morons. Good examples. Do these super-smart African-Republicans have any power to counteract the GOP's "southern strategy"?

What does "GOP" stand for anyway?

B) Gays. No. If anything, that hatred is borne out of a willingness by the government to force this type of lifestyle on the religious. Need I remind you of Obama's shifting stances on gay marriage?
No, this hatred comes from a Bible verse that has no power over American government because of the very first words of the US Constitution which Teabaggers claim to love so much.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" means "Keep your religion in your church and out of our voting booths." This isn't a Christian nation and it never will be, so stop trying to cripple our free society with your bigoted, misguided religious bullshit. You want to spout off about the "sanctity of traditional marriage"? There are drive-through wedding chapels in Las Vegas. Marriage isn't sacred. You live in a mangled fantasy land where up is down, stupid is brilliant, progressive means communist, "slaves had it pretty good in the South", and there were definitely WMD in Iraq.

Yeah, let's build a wall like Reagan said. Remember his famous speech where he said, "Mr. Gorbachev, build bigger walls to stop illegals from crossing the border." Rubio and Cruz are idiots, elected by primates. You monkeys want to get rid of "illegals" who risked death to come to America to create a better life for themselves and their children. You want to build a wall with razor wire and alligators? Fine. Then fat stupid white Republicans can get off of their Wal-Mart motorized wheelchairs and go pick their own fruit for less than half of Federal minimum wage.

The Statue of Liberty commands "Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." It doesn't say, "Show me your papers." You don't know anything about America.

D) Women. Once again, no. As evidenced by Sarah Palin, Mia Love, Michelle Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Chelsi Henry, Condoleeza Rice and others, this is all patently false. If anything, Liberals have an intense dislike of any woman who isn't along for the ride. Examples include comments made by Martin Bashir, Bill Maher and Ed Schultz.
Martin Bashir, Bill Maher, and Ed Schultz are just as idiotic as Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and Jan Brewer. However, I will say in those men's defense that at least they aren't war criminals like Condoleeza Rice. Good examples, though. You should have mentioned Phyllis Schlafly, Ayn Rand, and Nancy Reagan, too.

Oh yeah, its very civil to suggest that we should go kill ourselves with our own guns. How cute.
Civil? Do you even remember ten years ago? There was a time in America when President George W. Bush was lying with every word that came out of his mouth to the entire world on global television about the reasons for invading Iraq, and anyone who said, "He's lying," was shouted down by stupid, rabid, GOP Republican Teabaggers. You pieces of shit called us unpatriotic, evil, terrorist, communist, libturd, progressive hippies who hate America and should be shot for treason. We had no voice, so you GOP assholes got your way and George W. Bush invaded Iraq. Then the CIA set up a network of secret torture prisons where they beat POWs to death, and fired missiles indiscriminately at Afghan and Iraqi (and Yemeni, Somali, etc. etc.) civilians from remote-controlled planes. If our nation's soul wasn't killed in the first drone strike, then it was beaten to death in a CIA black site.

Even today after all of Bush's "intelligence" has been shot down as blatant lies, GOP red state FOX News voters still try to defend George W. Bush, or entirely dismiss his $4t illegal war and torture prisons as "totally irrelevant because that was 5 whole years ago."

In your opinion, why do Republicans deserve civility?
I really wish I could neg you twice. Once just ain't enough for your kind of stupidity.
I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.

I told someone you were nice in addition to being smart. Looks like we both were wrong. Shrug, and that's okay too.

He did not include mainstream, he clearly was talking about the war between the extreme and moderate factions within the Republican party / Taliban (and you own that for your party, sparky) although MY original post acknowledged he could have done a better job of differentiation.

Oh brother. Am I not allowed to show any emotion? If you want sit there and lecture me on manners, go right ahead. But when you side with a party that tells people of a certain set of beliefs that they don't belong or are out of place, perhaps you should clean up around your front door first. I am pro life, but a libertarian. My grandmother is a mainstream Republican, and pro-life. There are a lot of Republicans who are pro life and pro second. To say otherwise is foolish and naive.

Anyhow, I will be nice when people are nice to me. I am just as nasty as the rest if you push me too far, Barb. Stop making assumptions about people and judging them by your own prevaricated standards, okay? You liberals are all the same, too damned controlling for your own good. Back off.

If my style offends you, I'm sorry. Oh by the way, you took the insolent tone with me, ma'am. If you can't take what you dish out, don't dish it out. Understand?

Oh, geeze, where should I start?

"Insolent": did you just call me uppity, sparky?:nono:

"I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals." Did not in ANY way imply that you had no clue what the phrase meant, simply to take the cheapest of shots? Meanwhile, as if. :eusa_snooty:

and, for an encore:

Stop making assumptions about people and judging them by your own prevaricated standards, okay?

And not for nothing, but how or in what context are standards evasive, exactly?

followed by:

You liberals are all the same

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Lets debunk those talking points once and for all. You say Republicans hate:

A) Black People. No. They don't. As evidenced by Herman Cain, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Artur Davis and others, that assertion is patently false.
You cited misinformed morons. Good examples. Do these super-smart African-Republicans have any power to counteract the GOP's "southern strategy"?

What does "GOP" stand for anyway?

B) Gays. No. If anything, that hatred is borne out of a willingness by the government to force this type of lifestyle on the religious. Need I remind you of Obama's shifting stances on gay marriage?
No, this hatred comes from a Bible verse that has no power over American government because of the very first words of the US Constitution which Teabaggers claim to love so much.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" means "Keep your religion in your church and out of our voting booths." This isn't a Christian nation and it never will be, so stop trying to cripple our free society with your bigoted, misguided religious bullshit. You want to spout off about the "sanctity of traditional marriage"? There are drive-through wedding chapels in Las Vegas. Marriage isn't sacred. You live in a mangled fantasy land where up is down, stupid is brilliant, progressive means communist, "slaves had it pretty good in the South", and there were definitely WMD in Iraq.

Yeah, let's build a wall like Reagan said. Remember his famous speech where he said, "Mr. Gorbachev, build bigger walls to stop illegals from crossing the border." Rubio and Cruz are idiots, elected by primates. You monkeys want to get rid of "illegals" who risked death to come to America to create a better life for themselves and their children. You want to build a wall with razor wire and alligators? Fine. Then fat stupid white Republicans can get off of their Wal-Mart motorized wheelchairs and go pick their own fruit for less than half of Federal minimum wage.

The Statue of Liberty commands "Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." It doesn't say, "Show me your papers." You don't know anything about America.

D) Women. Once again, no. As evidenced by Sarah Palin, Mia Love, Michelle Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Chelsi Henry, Condoleeza Rice and others, this is all patently false. If anything, Liberals have an intense dislike of any woman who isn't along for the ride. Examples include comments made by Martin Bashir, Bill Maher and Ed Schultz.
Martin Bashir, Bill Maher, and Ed Schultz are just as idiotic as Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and Jan Brewer. However, I will say in those men's defense that at least they aren't war criminals like Condoleeza Rice. Good examples, though. You should have mentioned Phyllis Schlafly, Ayn Rand, and Nancy Reagan, too.

Oh yeah, its very civil to suggest that we should go kill ourselves with our own guns. How cute.
Civil? Do you even remember ten years ago? There was a time in America when President George W. Bush was lying with every word that came out of his mouth to the entire world on global television about the reasons for invading Iraq, and anyone who said, "He's lying," was shouted down by stupid, rabid, GOP Republican Teabaggers. You pieces of shit called us unpatriotic, evil, terrorist, communist, libturd, progressive hippies who hate America and should be shot for treason. We had no voice, so you GOP assholes got your way and George W. Bush invaded Iraq. Then the CIA set up a network of secret torture prisons where they beat POWs to death, and fired missiles indiscriminately at Afghan and Iraqi (and Yemeni, Somali, etc. etc.) civilians from remote-controlled planes. If our nation's soul wasn't killed in the first drone strike, then it was beaten to death in a CIA black site.

Even today after all of Bush's "intelligence" has been shot down as blatant lies, GOP red state FOX News voters still try to defend George W. Bush, or entirely dismiss his $4t illegal war and torture prisons as "totally irrelevant because that was 5 whole years ago."

In your opinion, why do Republicans deserve civility?

I'm out of green for the day, But I owe you some :thanks: :clap2: :thewave: :thanks:
Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani said it right:

I think the governor's going to regret those remarks. I'm surprised, actually, because he hasn't really acted that way. He's been pretty much a moderate in the way in which he's governed, unlike, you know, the new mayor. I think he -- maybe he's trying to define himself as left- wing.

But of course, you know, people who are -- people who are pro-life are not extremists. That's a perfectly legitimate point of view to hold. People who are pro-2nd Amendment are certainly not extremists. They just believe in the Constitution of the United States. And you don't have to agree with them, but they have every right to be in the state.

Giuliani: I think the governor's going to regret those remarks | Interviews | Hannity | Fox News

If only the media would make this bigoted bastard eat his words.

DO try to keep up:
Andrew Cuomo: Anti-Gay Republicans Unelectable In New York - On Top Magazine | Gay news & entertainment

“You have a schism within the Republican Party. They're searching to define their soul. That's what's going on.”
“'We don't agree with gay marriage, we are anti-gay', that is fine but 70% of this state, about, is now pro-gay marriage so figure out who you are and figure out if you are of an extreme conservative philosophy and if you can survive in this state. And the answer is no,” he later added.

In a letter to The New York Post on Sunday, the Cuomo administration responded to criticism following a Post headline which read: “Gov. Cuomo to Conservatives: Leave NY.”
“If you read the transcript, it is clear that the Governor was making the observation that an extreme right candidate cannot win statewide because this is a politically moderate state (either moderate Republican or moderate Democratic),” the letter states.
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.

I see mostly libturds saying that nowadays. I can't count how many times I've been told to leave America because I criticize something the government does.

I see this from both sides; quit kidding yourself. The hyper-partisanship is a big problem. It is the main reason Dems and Republicans can't seem to work on anything even if it would mean bettering things for everyone.

Have any of you ever wondered how Mary Matalin and James Carville make their marriage work? Maybe we should ask them how to get Dems and Republicans to work together again. It is possible, and without either side actually moving completely away from their ideals. It's just a matter of give and take.
How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.

I see mostly libturds saying that nowadays. I can't count how many times I've been told to leave America because I criticize something the government does.

I see this from both sides; quit kidding yourself. The hyper-partisanship is a big problem. It is the main reason Dems and Republicans can't seem to work on anything even if it would mean bettering things for everyone.

Have any of you ever wondered how Mary Matalin and James Carville make their marriage work? Maybe we should ask them how to get Dems and Republicans to work together again. It is possible, and without either side actually moving completely away from their ideals. It's just a matter of give and take.


Unfortunately the issue doesn’t concern democrats and republicans.

The issue concerns extreme elements in the GOP, the radical fiscal right, social conservatives, and members of the TPM who refuse to consider even the most pragmatic and reasonable of compromises – extremists who are not only unwilling to enter into good-faith negotiations with democrats, but seek to hold the nation hostage if their irresponsible, reckless, and extreme demands aren’t met; the credit rating downgrade, sequester, and recent government shutdown are proof of this.

And indeed, this was the unreasonable and extreme elements of the GOP Cuomo was referring to, and correctly so.

Democrats and reasonable, responsible republicans are willing to make compromises and agreements for the good of the Nation, but the latter have been hobbled by the radical and extreme elements in their Party.
I see mostly libturds saying that nowadays. I can't count how many times I've been told to leave America because I criticize something the government does.

I see this from both sides; quit kidding yourself. The hyper-partisanship is a big problem. It is the main reason Dems and Republicans can't seem to work on anything even if it would mean bettering things for everyone.

Have any of you ever wondered how Mary Matalin and James Carville make their marriage work? Maybe we should ask them how to get Dems and Republicans to work together again. It is possible, and without either side actually moving completely away from their ideals. It's just a matter of give and take.


Unfortunately the issue doesn’t concern democrats and republicans.

The issue concerns extreme elements in the GOP, the radical fiscal right, social conservatives, and members of the TPM who refuse to consider even the most pragmatic and reasonable of compromises – extremists who are not only unwilling to enter into good-faith negotiations with democrats, but seek to hold the nation hostage if their irresponsible, reckless, and extreme demands aren’t met; the credit rating downgrade, sequester, and recent government shutdown are proof of this.

And indeed, this was the unreasonable and extreme elements of the GOP Cuomo was referring to, and correctly so.

Democrats and reasonable, responsible republicans are willing to make compromises and agreements for the good of the Nation, but the latter have been hobbled by the radical and extreme elements in their Party.

And the far left continues to push their propaganda like the programmed Obama drones they are.
Lets debunk those talking points once and for all. You say Republicans hate:

A) Black People. No. They don't. As evidenced by Herman Cain, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Artur Davis and others, that assertion is patently false.
You cited misinformed morons. Good examples. Do these super-smart African-Republicans have any power to counteract the GOP's "southern strategy"?

What does "GOP" stand for anyway?

B) Gays. No. If anything, that hatred is borne out of a willingness by the government to force this type of lifestyle on the religious. Need I remind you of Obama's shifting stances on gay marriage?
No, this hatred comes from a Bible verse that has no power over American government because of the very first words of the US Constitution which Teabaggers claim to love so much.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" means "Keep your religion in your church and out of our voting booths." This isn't a Christian nation and it never will be, so stop trying to cripple our free society with your bigoted, misguided religious bullshit. You want to spout off about the "sanctity of traditional marriage"? There are drive-through wedding chapels in Las Vegas. Marriage isn't sacred. You live in a mangled fantasy land where up is down, stupid is brilliant, progressive means communist, "slaves had it pretty good in the South", and there were definitely WMD in Iraq.

Yeah, let's build a wall like Reagan said. Remember his famous speech where he said, "Mr. Gorbachev, build bigger walls to stop illegals from crossing the border." Rubio and Cruz are idiots, elected by primates. You monkeys want to get rid of "illegals" who risked death to come to America to create a better life for themselves and their children. You want to build a wall with razor wire and alligators? Fine. Then fat stupid white Republicans can get off of their Wal-Mart motorized wheelchairs and go pick their own fruit for less than half of Federal minimum wage.

The Statue of Liberty commands "Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." It doesn't say, "Show me your papers." You don't know anything about America.

D) Women. Once again, no. As evidenced by Sarah Palin, Mia Love, Michelle Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Chelsi Henry, Condoleeza Rice and others, this is all patently false. If anything, Liberals have an intense dislike of any woman who isn't along for the ride. Examples include comments made by Martin Bashir, Bill Maher and Ed Schultz.
Martin Bashir, Bill Maher, and Ed Schultz are just as idiotic as Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and Jan Brewer. However, I will say in those men's defense that at least they aren't war criminals like Condoleeza Rice. Good examples, though. You should have mentioned Phyllis Schlafly, Ayn Rand, and Nancy Reagan, too.

Oh yeah, its very civil to suggest that we should go kill ourselves with our own guns. How cute.
Civil? Do you even remember ten years ago? There was a time in America when President George W. Bush was lying with every word that came out of his mouth to the entire world on global television about the reasons for invading Iraq, and anyone who said, "He's lying," was shouted down by stupid, rabid, GOP Republican Teabaggers. You pieces of shit called us unpatriotic, evil, terrorist, communist, libturd, progressive hippies who hate America and should be shot for treason. We had no voice, so you GOP assholes got your way and George W. Bush invaded Iraq. Then the CIA set up a network of secret torture prisons where they beat POWs to death, and fired missiles indiscriminately at Afghan and Iraqi (and Yemeni, Somali, etc. etc.) civilians from remote-controlled planes. If our nation's soul wasn't killed in the first drone strike, then it was beaten to death in a CIA black site.

Even today after all of Bush's "intelligence" has been shot down as blatant lies, GOP red state FOX News voters still try to defend George W. Bush, or entirely dismiss his $4t illegal war and torture prisons as "totally irrelevant because that was 5 whole years ago."

In your opinion, why do Republicans deserve civility?

Picking fruit huh?? Such a lame argument seeing as only 2% of illegals work in the fields

I see mostly libturds saying that nowadays. I can't count how many times I've been told to leave America because I criticize something the government does.

I see this from both sides; quit kidding yourself. The hyper-partisanship is a big problem. It is the main reason Dems and Republicans can't seem to work on anything even if it would mean bettering things for everyone.

Have any of you ever wondered how Mary Matalin and James Carville make their marriage work? Maybe we should ask them how to get Dems and Republicans to work together again. It is possible, and without either side actually moving completely away from their ideals. It's just a matter of give and take.


Unfortunately the issue doesn’t concern democrats and republicans.

The issue concerns extreme elements in the GOP, the radical fiscal right, social conservatives, and members of the TPM who refuse to consider even the most pragmatic and reasonable of compromises – extremists who are not only unwilling to enter into good-faith negotiations with democrats, but seek to hold the nation hostage if their irresponsible, reckless, and extreme demands aren’t met; the credit rating downgrade, sequester, and recent government shutdown are proof of this.

And indeed, this was the unreasonable and extreme elements of the GOP Cuomo was referring to, and correctly so.

Democrats and reasonable, responsible republicans are willing to make compromises and agreements for the good of the Nation, but the latter have been hobbled by the radical and extreme elements in their Party.

Simply, foolish comments. There are no compromises on the road to communism.


"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."
Wonder what would happen if governor Perry in Texas (a Republican) was to hypothetically say: "Who are they? Are they these extreme liberals who are pro-choice, pro-gun-control, pro-gay-marriage? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme liberals, they have no place in the state of Texas, because that’s not who Texans are"

I guarantee that all media (except for Fox News) would descend onto that state with such a fury that they would literally start raising hell. :evil:
Sure they would. Their way or else. The only way to defeat these people is to stomp on 'em.
Lets debunk those talking points once and for all. You say Republicans hate:

A) Black People. No. They don't. As evidenced by Herman Cain, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Artur Davis and others, that assertion is patently false.
You cited misinformed morons. Good examples. Do these super-smart African-Republicans have any power to counteract the GOP's "southern strategy"?

What does "GOP" stand for anyway?

B) Gays. No. If anything, that hatred is borne out of a willingness by the government to force this type of lifestyle on the religious. Need I remind you of Obama's shifting stances on gay marriage?
No, this hatred comes from a Bible verse that has no power over American government because of the very first words of the US Constitution which Teabaggers claim to love so much.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" means "Keep your religion in your church and out of our voting booths." This isn't a Christian nation and it never will be, so stop trying to cripple our free society with your bigoted, misguided religious bullshit. You want to spout off about the "sanctity of traditional marriage"? There are drive-through wedding chapels in Las Vegas. Marriage isn't sacred. You live in a mangled fantasy land where up is down, stupid is brilliant, progressive means communist, "slaves had it pretty good in the South", and there were definitely WMD in Iraq.

Yeah, let's build a wall like Reagan said. Remember his famous speech where he said, "Mr. Gorbachev, build bigger walls to stop illegals from crossing the border." Rubio and Cruz are idiots, elected by primates. You monkeys want to get rid of "illegals" who risked death to come to America to create a better life for themselves and their children. You want to build a wall with razor wire and alligators? Fine. Then fat stupid white Republicans can get off of their Wal-Mart motorized wheelchairs and go pick their own fruit for less than half of Federal minimum wage.

The Statue of Liberty commands "Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." It doesn't say, "Show me your papers." You don't know anything about America.

D) Women. Once again, no. As evidenced by Sarah Palin, Mia Love, Michelle Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Chelsi Henry, Condoleeza Rice and others, this is all patently false. If anything, Liberals have an intense dislike of any woman who isn't along for the ride. Examples include comments made by Martin Bashir, Bill Maher and Ed Schultz.
Martin Bashir, Bill Maher, and Ed Schultz are just as idiotic as Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and Jan Brewer. However, I will say in those men's defense that at least they aren't war criminals like Condoleeza Rice. Good examples, though. You should have mentioned Phyllis Schlafly, Ayn Rand, and Nancy Reagan, too.

Oh yeah, its very civil to suggest that we should go kill ourselves with our own guns. How cute.
Civil? Do you even remember ten years ago? There was a time in America when President George W. Bush was lying with every word that came out of his mouth to the entire world on global television about the reasons for invading Iraq, and anyone who said, "He's lying," was shouted down by stupid, rabid, GOP Republican Teabaggers. You pieces of shit called us unpatriotic, evil, terrorist, communist, libturd, progressive hippies who hate America and should be shot for treason. We had no voice, so you GOP assholes got your way and George W. Bush invaded Iraq. Then the CIA set up a network of secret torture prisons where they beat POWs to death, and fired missiles indiscriminately at Afghan and Iraqi (and Yemeni, Somali, etc. etc.) civilians from remote-controlled planes. If our nation's soul wasn't killed in the first drone strike, then it was beaten to death in a CIA black site.

Even today after all of Bush's "intelligence" has been shot down as blatant lies, GOP red state FOX News voters still try to defend George W. Bush, or entirely dismiss his $4t illegal war and torture prisons as "totally irrelevant because that was 5 whole years ago."

In your opinion, why do Republicans deserve civility?

I noticed the epic rant, I note also that this epic rant didn't come with a shred of refutatory evidence.

And I will answer your first and last question. To your very last question a question: why do you think Republicans don't deserve civility? What makes you think you can lecture me about civility? Why do you call them bigots, misogynists and racists? Why do you make fun of kids with down syndrome? Why does your party make fun of paraplegics? Why do you disparage veterans and law abiding gun owners? Why do you attack Republican women, blacks, and Latinos who if Democrats would not otherwise be attacked? Why does all of the incivility come from people like you? Why do you think Democrats deserve civility over Republicans? I acknowledge that both parties do it, but since you're a Democrat championing civility, there it is.

You are a hypocrite, my friend. You stand there in your pulpit without any inkling of how much of a double standard you and your party are imposing.

And to your first question another question: What does your party stand for? The poor? Sorry, income inequality has grown under this president. Gay rights? Nope. Obama has changed his stances on gay marriage at least five times since the mid 1990's. Gays are nothing but pawns to him. And before you lecture me on hating gays, I have three gay friends. Two of them are married. I'm more tolerant of homosexuals than you'd care to admit. Blacks? Sure, Obama is black, but he never has once cared about them. He has taught them to play the victim and use their ancestors as weapons in a petty political war; all they know is how to use race as a cudgel. He doesn't encourage them to make something of themselves. Women? Guess again. Why does he pay his women less then the men at the White House? (Forgot about that little tidbit didn't you?)

I could go on. But all you have are old and worn out attacks against a man who isn't even the president anymore. My gosh man, do you or your party ever take responsibility for the failures you foist on America? You don't seem to mind reminding Republicans of theirs. Are you any more accountable than the Republicans? Do you even practice accountability within your own party? Get off your freaking pedestal. Be silent you unnatural noise!
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Lets debunk those talking points once and for all. You say Republicans hate:

A) Black People. No. They don't. As evidenced by Herman Cain, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Artur Davis and others, that assertion is patently false.
You cited misinformed morons. Good examples. Do these super-smart African-Republicans have any power to counteract the GOP's "southern strategy"?

What does "GOP" stand for anyway?

No, this hatred comes from a Bible verse that has no power over American government because of the very first words of the US Constitution which Teabaggers claim to love so much.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" means "Keep your religion in your church and out of our voting booths." This isn't a Christian nation and it never will be, so stop trying to cripple our free society with your bigoted, misguided religious bullshit. You want to spout off about the "sanctity of traditional marriage"? There are drive-through wedding chapels in Las Vegas. Marriage isn't sacred. You live in a mangled fantasy land where up is down, stupid is brilliant, progressive means communist, "slaves had it pretty good in the South", and there were definitely WMD in Iraq.

Yeah, let's build a wall like Reagan said. Remember his famous speech where he said, "Mr. Gorbachev, build bigger walls to stop illegals from crossing the border." Rubio and Cruz are idiots, elected by primates. You monkeys want to get rid of "illegals" who risked death to come to America to create a better life for themselves and their children. You want to build a wall with razor wire and alligators? Fine. Then fat stupid white Republicans can get off of their Wal-Mart motorized wheelchairs and go pick their own fruit for less than half of Federal minimum wage.

The Statue of Liberty commands "Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." It doesn't say, "Show me your papers." You don't know anything about America.

Martin Bashir, Bill Maher, and Ed Schultz are just as idiotic as Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and Jan Brewer. However, I will say in those men's defense that at least they aren't war criminals like Condoleeza Rice. Good examples, though. You should have mentioned Phyllis Schlafly, Ayn Rand, and Nancy Reagan, too.

Oh yeah, its very civil to suggest that we should go kill ourselves with our own guns. How cute.
Civil? Do you even remember ten years ago? There was a time in America when President George W. Bush was lying with every word that came out of his mouth to the entire world on global television about the reasons for invading Iraq, and anyone who said, "He's lying," was shouted down by stupid, rabid, GOP Republican Teabaggers. You pieces of shit called us unpatriotic, evil, terrorist, communist, libturd, progressive hippies who hate America and should be shot for treason. We had no voice, so you GOP assholes got your way and George W. Bush invaded Iraq. Then the CIA set up a network of secret torture prisons where they beat POWs to death, and fired missiles indiscriminately at Afghan and Iraqi (and Yemeni, Somali, etc. etc.) civilians from remote-controlled planes. If our nation's soul wasn't killed in the first drone strike, then it was beaten to death in a CIA black site.

Even today after all of Bush's "intelligence" has been shot down as blatant lies, GOP red state FOX News voters still try to defend George W. Bush, or entirely dismiss his $4t illegal war and torture prisons as "totally irrelevant because that was 5 whole years ago."

In your opinion, why do Republicans deserve civility?

I'm out of green for the day, But I owe you some :thanks: :clap2: :thewave: :thanks:

After the beating I just gave him? You may wish to reconsider.
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