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So now it's wrong and extreme to defend an unborn child's life, rather than supporting the right for the woman to be able to rip their little arms. legs and heads off?
It's wrong to defend our 2nd amendment rights?
It's wrong to be against sin?

What is wrong is that Cuomo and left think that this is extreme and that no one who thinks like this should be allowed to live in the State of New York.
This is the exact same type of thinking that led up to what Stalin and Hitler had. Then that ideology progressed and led to deaths of millions, because they did not conform to their ideology.
Is this the future road we want to go down fellow Americans?
Intolerance of different types of ideology, banning and progressing to a future of death is not the American way where everyone's ideology is welcomed.

Yet they say they're tolerant of all views.

Who does? I've never said that. To tolerate bigotry is to become an accomplice to it.

That was broad brush. I know you didnt say that.
Ya reap what ya sow.
It was deliberate Republican strategy to demonise the Democrats led by Newt.

"A lot of the problems in American politics today, the incivility, he deliberately engineered. Because he determined - and he said so, at the time - he determined that if the Republican leadership co-operated to achieve things with Democrats, they'd never get power. What they had to do to take over the institution was to blow it up. And he proceeded to do just that."

Gingrich did this by changing campaign strategy and tactics to a standardised practice of demonisation, which he spread throughout the Republican Party to anyone who would listen, Nadler explained. "He sent out tape cassettes for a period of years in the '80s, to Young Republicans, Young Americans for Freedom, anybody, advice on how to run a campaign... He said things like 'how to refer to yourself, what phrases to use: "entreprenurial", "creative", "forward-looking"', whatever. 'How to refer to your Democratic opponent: "statist", "collectivist", "communist" "corrupt"'. Now how did he know that the Democratic candidate for dog-catcher in Oshkosh was corrupt?"
Newt Gingrich's 'Heart of Darkness' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Complaining about incivility or lack of compromise on the left is the height of hypocrisy.
Ya reap what ya sow.
It was deliberate Republican strategy to demonise the Democrats led by Newt.

"A lot of the problems in American politics today, the incivility, he deliberately engineered. Because he determined - and he said so, at the time - he determined that if the Republican leadership co-operated to achieve things with Democrats, they'd never get power. What they had to do to take over the institution was to blow it up. And he proceeded to do just that."

Gingrich did this by changing campaign strategy and tactics to a standardised practice of demonisation, which he spread throughout the Republican Party to anyone who would listen, Nadler explained. "He sent out tape cassettes for a period of years in the '80s, to Young Republicans, Young Americans for Freedom, anybody, advice on how to run a campaign... He said things like 'how to refer to yourself, what phrases to use: "entreprenurial", "creative", "forward-looking"', whatever. 'How to refer to your Democratic opponent: "statist", "collectivist", "communist" "corrupt"'. Now how did he know that the Democratic candidate for dog-catcher in Oshkosh was corrupt?"
Newt Gingrich's 'Heart of Darkness' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Complaining about incivility or lack of compromise on the left is the height of hypocrisy.
Did he tell anyone to get out of any state much less the United States? NO?
And was anything he said a lie? NO. Truth hurts Statists, doesn't it?

Statists progressives should be stomped upon wherever they are found.

Got it?

Conservatives are the only ones holding New York together. I think they should all leave the state at the same time, than they can sit back and laugh while they watch it collapse. Let the governor have his way while his state chokes itself to death with crime, debt, and corruption. It wouldn't take long, they're half way to becoming Detroit already.

Let them crash just like California. Wouldn't hurt my feelings at all.
You're just fucking with me, right? I was TOLD that you were pretty smart. The whole comment CENTERED around NY Republicans. YOUR people pulled it OUT of that context.

I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.

I told someone you were nice in addition to being smart. Looks like we both were wrong. Shrug, and that's okay too.

He did not include mainstream, he clearly was talking about the war between the extreme and moderate factions within the Republican party / Taliban (and you own that for your party, sparky) although MY original post acknowledged he could have done a better job of differentiation.

The Taliban has been murdering people in Afghanistan since before 9/11. They make the KKK look like liberals.

I'm sure you don't mean 80 year old Tea Party Grandmothers whose only crime is wanting to stop all of the spending in Washington.


You people get more extreme by the minute.
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I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.

I told someone you were nice in addition to being smart. Looks like we both were wrong. Shrug, and that's okay too.

He did not include mainstream, he clearly was talking about the war between the extreme and moderate factions within the Republican party / Taliban (and you own that for your party, sparky) although MY original post acknowledged he could have done a better job of differentiation.

The Taliban has been murdering people in Afghanistan since before 9/11. They make the KKK look like liberals.

I'm sure you don't mean 80 year old Tea Party Grandmothers.

You people get more extreme by the minute.
It's comical and sad to watch them meltdown...but then it's their own fault for executing marching orders from their masters...
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

What is it with conservatives and reading comprehension ?

Do they need to take everything out of context and LITERALLY?

Do conservatives really believe the Governor of the State of New York wants to chase them out?
How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.

I see mostly libturds saying that nowadays. I can't count how many times I've been told to leave America because I criticize something the government does.

I did not condone it, I said that it works both ways.
IT does? Care to show Me a State Governor who has said that who is also a Republican? Mind how you phrase this.
You're just fucking with me, right? I was TOLD that you were pretty smart. The whole comment CENTERED around NY Republicans. YOUR people pulled it OUT of that context.

I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.

I told someone you were nice in addition to being smart. Looks like we both were wrong. Shrug, and that's okay too.

He did not include mainstream, he clearly was talking about the war between the extreme and moderate factions within the Republican party / Taliban (and you own that for your party, sparky) although MY original post acknowledged he could have done a better job of differentiation.
Who defines mainstream?

Not liberals. So, tell Me. When over half the country self identifies as conservative, who defines mainstream?
context, even from a link complaining about it:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: conservatives ?have no place in the state of New York? | Fr. Z's Blog
You have a schism within the Republican Party. … They’re searching to define their soul, that’s what’s going on. Is the Republican party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party? That’s what they’re trying to figure out. It’s a mirror of what’s going on in Washington. The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It’s more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans.

… You’re seeing that play out in New York. … The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act — it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, [!] pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.

And what he was saying, IN CONTEXT, is that the extremists (and it's just a guess, but the tea party includes radical anti - choice people) and regressives of the republican party don't fit in with NY REPUBLICANS.

Sure he could have phrased it more specifically, and in writing probably would have, but his intent, in context, was clear enough to anyone not looking for a reason for poutrage.

And before you get started about "idol worship," I haven't liked the kid so much. I liked his dad, but Jr. wasn't dubbed mayor 1% or some such by the occupy movement because of his common touch.

We don't need no specific threats to get the message. Why in the world would a governor of a north east "progressive" state feel the need to "specifically phrase" his opinion of Americans who are welcome in his state? When has any governor felt the need to phrase his personal bigoted view of who should be welcomed in his state? Why would low information bigots defend him?
I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.

I told someone you were nice in addition to being smart. Looks like we both were wrong. Shrug, and that's okay too.

He did not include mainstream, he clearly was talking about the war between the extreme and moderate factions within the Republican party / Taliban (and you own that for your party, sparky) although MY original post acknowledged he could have done a better job of differentiation.
Who defines mainstream?

Not liberals. So, tell Me. When over half the country self identifies as conservative, who defines mainstream?

You need to come up to date.
Americans continue to be more likely to identify as conservatives (38%) than as liberals (23%). But the conservative advantage is down to 15 percentage points as liberal identification edged up to its highest level since Gallup began regularly measuring ideology in the current format in 1992.
Liberal Self-Identification Edges Up to New High in 2013
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

What is it with conservatives and reading comprehension ?

Do they need to take everything out of context and LITERALLY?

Do conservatives really believe the Governor of the State of New York wants to chase them out?

It’s yet another example of conservatives taking statements out of context, twisting the meanings and words, and contriving lies they repeat over and over again in the hope they’re perceived to be true.

The OP is not only typical of the lies propagated by most on the right, we also see the hypocrisy common to most conservatives as well, where they falsely accuse liberals of being ‘hostile’ to citizens’ civil liberties, when in fact it is conservatives who seek to deny classes of persons their Constitutional rights
Fake outrage over out of context quotes? Let me guess...Fox News?
Out of context? What was the 'context'? The man spoke his heart. Seems to me YOU buy into the backpeddling of an extreme lib that got caught being TRUTHFUL for once.

You want to try again or do you remain in denial of the truth?

Andrew Cuomo: Anti-Gay Republicans Unelectable In New York - On Top Magazine | Gay news & entertainment

Andrew Cuomo: Anti-Gay Republicans Unelectable In New York


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is coming under fire after stating that extreme conservatives cannot win statewide elections in New York.
Cuomo, a Democrat, made his remarks while discussing the widening rift between moderates and conservatives in the Republican Party.
The OP is not only typical of the lies propagated by most on the right, we also see the hypocrisy common to most conservatives as well, where they falsely accuse liberals of being ‘hostile’ to citizens’ civil liberties, when in fact it is conservatives who seek to deny classes of persons their Constitutional rights

OK, this is a weak deflection away from the topic but you've got my attention. I'm a fiscal conservative and you're talking about me like I'm a man from Mars. I have fought for all Americans to enjoy liberty, the pursuit of happiness and their God given rights. What Constitutional rights are conservatives like me seeking to deny classes of persons? Please name the classes of persons and supply credible links. How are these rights being denied and by what means?

You're talking about me so make it good. Who am I trying to deny rights to when I've put my life on the line to protect those rights? YOUR RIGHTS. Five of my squadron mates died in service. I take protecting our rights very seriously. I may be old, grey and flabby, but I'd still fight to the death for your rights.
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"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.

The journalist that coined that phrase was an avid supporter of FDR and The New Deal.

Walter Winchell: Biography from

Winchell was a rabid Right-wing-nut.

From your link:

During the 1950s Winchell favored Senator Joseph McCarthy, but he became unpopular as the public turned against McCarthy.
The radicals on the left choose to defend the indefensible with the insane notion that Cuomo "wasn't specific enough" about segments of American society that he hates. What's next, further defining of what types of Americans are welcome in the Empire State?
You're just fucking with me, right? I was TOLD that you were pretty smart. The whole comment CENTERED around NY Republicans. YOUR people pulled it OUT of that context.

I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.

I told someone you were nice in addition to being smart. Looks like we both were wrong. Shrug, and that's okay too.

He did not include mainstream, he clearly was talking about the war between the extreme and moderate factions within the Republican party / Taliban (and you own that for your party, sparky) although MY original post acknowledged he could have done a better job of differentiation.

Oh, would you look at that Barb. Our names are interchangeable.

Cuomo is right. Enough with the whining from the neocons. We're moving forward. You don't like it? I don't actually give a shit.

"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

What is it with conservatives and reading comprehension ?

Do they need to take everything out of context and LITERALLY?

Do conservatives really believe the Governor of the State of New York wants to chase them out?

I'm guessing this is what the "christians" are referring to when they speak of being "persecuted."
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

What is it with conservatives and reading comprehension ?

Do they need to take everything out of context and LITERALLY?

Do conservatives really believe the Governor of the State of New York wants to chase them out?

It’s yet another example of conservatives taking statements out of context, twisting the meanings and words, and contriving lies they repeat over and over again in the hope they’re perceived to be true.

The OP is not only typical of the lies propagated by most on the right, we also see the hypocrisy common to most conservatives as well, where they falsely accuse liberals of being ‘hostile’ to citizens’ civil liberties, when in fact it is conservatives who seek to deny classes of persons their Constitutional rights

TK cannot be that dumb.......I mean really
Do conservatives really live in that kind of world where if they trumpet things back and forth, it begins to sound like the truth?

Who is really that naive to actually believe the Governor of New York wants to chase out extreme conservatives?
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

Is this another one of your plagiarized bits? Getting caught once isn't enough for you?
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