You Are No Longer Welcome

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So now it's wrong and extreme to defend an unborn child's life, rather than supporting the right for the woman to be able to rip their little arms. legs and heads off?
It's wrong to defend our 2nd amendment rights?
It's wrong to be against sin?

What is wrong is that Cuomo and left think that this is extreme and that no one who thinks like this should be allowed to live in the State of New York.
This is the exact same type of thinking that led up to what Stalin and Hitler had. Then that ideology progressed and led to deaths of millions, because they did not conform to their ideology.
Is this the future road we want to go down fellow Americans?
Intolerance of different types of ideology, banning and progressing to a future of death is not the American way where everyone's ideology is welcomed.
Cuomo and the Lefties on this thread are playing right out of the old communist Cold War play book.

I highly recommend reading Anne Applebaum's book, "Iron Curtin".

If someone doesn't agree with you, they are "extremist", "reactionary" or "odious rightwing extremist". During the Cold War, the communists believed that Marxism was a scientific fact, not a political theory. If you didn't get in line, you were called names and ostracized. Continue to resist and you were expelled to a mental hospital, work camp or gulag. Cuomo and the Lefties on this board are displaying the same mindset. The society the communists created in this environment failed. Individuality, creativeness and industry was stifled. Talent escaped or quit trying after their quota was achieved. It worked so well for the Eastern Europeans, why not try it again? What could go wrong?

If that's how he wants to run "HIS STATE", fine. People living and working in NYS will toe the line or leave.

It just blows my mind that Americans who believe in liberty, freedom and a small, accountable constitutional government are so demonized by the far left. Leftist policies have always failed. Free enterprise, hard work and strong family values have always produced success. Why the left embraces proven failure and ridicules the proven path to pursue happiness is mind boggling. The stench of arrogance is overwhelming.

Cuomo is now back peddling on his gaffe. I'm sure he hasn't changed his tune. He's just trying to minimize the political damage his idiotic statement caused to New York's reputation. Or perhaps he doesn't have enough construction material collected yet to build a wall big enough to keep a tide of reactionary odious rightwing extremist from escaping.

A new career in store for the aging "Snake" Plissken?
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So now it's wrong and extreme to defend an unborn child's life, rather than supporting the right for the woman to be able to rip their little arms. legs and heads off?
It's wrong to defend our 2nd amendment rights?
It's wrong to be against sin?

What is wrong is that Cuomo and left think that this is extreme and that no one who thinks like this should be allowed to live in the State of New York.
This is the exact same type of thinking that led up to what Stalin and Hitler had. Then that ideology progressed and led to deaths of millions, because they did not conform to their ideology.
Is this the future road we want to go down fellow Americans?
Intolerance of different types of ideology, banning and progressing to a future of death is not the American way where everyone's ideology is welcomed.

Yet they say they're tolerant of all views.
context, even from a link complaining about it:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: conservatives ?have no place in the state of New York? | Fr. Z's Blog
You have a schism within the Republican Party. … They’re searching to define their soul, that’s what’s going on. Is the Republican party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party? That’s what they’re trying to figure out. It’s a mirror of what’s going on in Washington. The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It’s more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans.

… You’re seeing that play out in New York. … The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act — it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, [!] pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.

And what he was saying, IN CONTEXT, is that the extremists (and it's just a guess, but the tea party includes radical anti - choice people) and regressives of the republican party don't fit in with NY REPUBLICANS.

Sure he could have phrased it more specifically, and in writing probably would have, but his intent, in context, was clear enough to anyone not looking for a reason for poutrage.

And before you get started about "idol worship," I haven't liked the kid so much. I liked his dad, but Jr. wasn't dubbed mayor 1% or some such by the occupy movement because of his common touch.

You're kidding, right? Just because you put all the puzzle pieces together around one doesn't change the shape of the piece.
Cuomo: Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in New York Remark Was ‘Distorted’

No one is backpedaling, they("libs") are saying the right wing is taking the comment out of context and flat out lying.

I agree with Cuomo that right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay extreme right wing politicians can not win in New York

Distorted by WHOM? I heard what the man stated. Words mean things, and Cuomo stepped into a world of shit by stating what the left really thinks. He spoke the truth. Now man up and admit it...or will the lies and denials continue?

How about OP for me where he said extreme conservatives are not welcome in New York?

What part of "extreme conservatives have no place" don't you understand?
How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.
Not exactly. If communists keep up the "we'll pass laws without Congress by telling our ally in the WH what to do," I promise you the martial law that follows will not be pleasant for perpetrators of the annihilation of the US Constitution, but it will be temporary until Constitutional lawlessness is removed.

And while I'm on the subject, I'm sick and tired of calumny against Republicans and the rule of law.

Still think that there are Commies under your bed at night?

Still think there are Christians under your bed at night? :cuckoo:
Not exactly. If communists keep up the "we'll pass laws without Congress by telling our ally in the WH what to do," I promise you the martial law that follows will not be pleasant for perpetrators of the annihilation of the US Constitution, but it will be temporary until Constitutional lawlessness is removed.

And while I'm on the subject, I'm sick and tired of calumny against Republicans and the rule of law.

Still think that there are Commies under your bed at night?

Still think there are Christians under your bed at night? :cuckoo:

Well...they do like to get involved in peoples sex life
I can't count how many times I've been told to leave America because I criticize something the government does.

No, people tell you to leave America because you keep crying and whining about how much you don't want to be in the United States of America.
"Who are they?

You’re the extreme conservative – you’re just too much of a blind partisan to see that.

The extremism of the right manifest with you and other conservatives who seek to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, who seek to deny women their privacy rights, who seek to deny transgender persons their right to individual liberty, and who seek to deny minorities their right to vote.

It is the extremism of fear, ignorance, and hate you and most conservatives exhibit in response to change, diversity, and dissent.

Consequently, Cuomo was correct to admonish those on the hateful, ignorant right that if you indeed seek to violate the civil liberties of American citizens who are residents of New York, the State will stand against you in their defense.

Conservatives are welcome to live in New York, provided they understand the civil liberties of all Americans will be respected and defended in that state.

Angels and ministers of grace defend us...

Spare me you neo liberal tripe.

You’re the extreme conservative – you’re just too much of a blind partisan to see that.

I'm nowhere close to being extreme or partisan. You're the one throwing blind partisan rhetoric and invective at me. You don't take time to debate the point, you attack. You lash out like a fearful liberal.

The extremism of the right manifest with you and other conservatives who seek to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, who seek to deny women their privacy rights, who seek to deny transgender persons their right to individual liberty, and who seek to deny minorities their right to vote.

Talking points all of it. Waging a war of morality will not win you the day. By even floating the concept of excluding people like "extreme conservatives" from New York would be violating their equal protection rights, and their right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You dare lecture me on constitutional rights, Clayton?

And what minorities are being denied the right to vote, hmm? If they were, don't you think the past two elections would have been different?

It is the extremism of fear, ignorance, and hate you and most conservatives exhibit in response to change, diversity, and dissent.

For fear, you exhibit it in spades. You fear the truth. You ignore reality and hate anyone who disagrees with you, as Cuomo has.

Consequently, Cuomo was correct to admonish those on the hateful, ignorant right that if you indeed seek to violate the civil liberties of American citizens who are residents of New York, the State will stand against you in their defense.

People like you make my blood boil. How is it correct to alienate a group of people for their beliefs? Isn't it a violation of civil liberty to tell someone they don't belong where they are? Please.
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So are you defending what Cuomo said? Because that's a big dodge on your part. "But- but, what about Republicans?" you ask. Why aren't you speaking out against this type of rhetoric? Are you condoning it? This time the onus lies on your party. Your party put him there.

Cuomo's already walked back what he said, but I can understand his frustration.

There is no reasoning with the kind of extremist who thinks that women should have their rapist's babies and that absolutely crazy people should be able to buy automatic weapons.

It's not just that your side lacks an ability to comprimise, but that a lot of you just lack a bit of common sense.
First those who chaperoned young women until they were married were pilloried as being straight-laced and undesirable.

When they backed down, young women were targets of men with lascivious intentions.

Judges raised with disrespect for women they deemed as "loose" who were unprotected by chaperones did nothing to protect them from predators.

The nation started disrespecting judges who didn't stand up for women, so it passed Roe v. Wade to prevent female deaths and mutilation from alley-door abortionists, in the belief it would save 10,000 young womens' life per annum. (so we were told).

55 million American unborn Americans later paired with an equal amount of immigrants pushing over the southern border with an eye on the rich inheritance America had abandoned for posterity convinced intelligent people that the Book of Deuteronomy was correct, killing one's own baby was not a good idea.

It is politically expedient to support failed socialistic policies in order to drain the American treasury and grab power.

Don't expect free people to go quietly into the night, and that is a warning.
along with:

Not exactly. If communists keep up the "we'll pass laws without Congress by telling our ally in the WH what to do," I promise you the martial law that follows will not be pleasant for perpetrators of the annihilation of the US Constitution, but it will be temporary until Constitutional lawlessness is removed.

And while I'm on the subject, I'm sick and tired of calumny against Republicans and the rule of law.

Yesterday you seemed perfectly rational. WTF? Not for nothing, your visitor can see the psycho even when they're not visiting - it's the net. Still, much of the above sound like a threat, but you'll call it "free speech," right? :eusa_hand:

So are you defending what Cuomo said? Because that's a big dodge on your part. "But- but, what about Republicans?" you ask. Why aren't you speaking out against this type of rhetoric? Are you condoning it? This time the onus lies on your party. Your party put him there.

Cuomo's already walked back what he said, but I can understand his frustration.

There is no reasoning with the kind of extremist who thinks that women should have their rapist's babies and that absolutely crazy people should be able to buy automatic weapons.

It's not just that your side lacks an ability to comprimise, but that a lot of you just lack a bit of common sense.
What he did was try to rationalize the hubris and snobbishness that is part and parcel to being a progressive.

That's no more of a walk back that saying "I'm sorry that you were put off" as an apology.
context, even from a link complaining about it:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: conservatives ?have no place in the state of New York? | Fr. Z's Blog
You have a schism within the Republican Party. … They’re searching to define their soul, that’s what’s going on. Is the Republican party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party? That’s what they’re trying to figure out. It’s a mirror of what’s going on in Washington. The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It’s more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans.

… You’re seeing that play out in New York. … The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE Act — it was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate! Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, [!] pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.

And what he was saying, IN CONTEXT, is that the extremists (and it's just a guess, but the tea party includes radical anti - choice people) and regressives of the republican party don't fit in with NY REPUBLICANS.

Sure he could have phrased it more specifically, and in writing probably would have, but his intent, in context, was clear enough to anyone not looking for a reason for poutrage.

And before you get started about "idol worship," I haven't liked the kid so much. I liked his dad, but Jr. wasn't dubbed mayor 1% or some such by the occupy movement because of his common touch.

You're kidding, right? Just because you put all the puzzle pieces together around one doesn't change the shape of the piece.

You're just fucking with me, right? I was TOLD that you were pretty smart. The whole comment CENTERED around NY Republicans. YOUR people pulled it OUT of that context.
context, even from a link complaining about it:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: conservatives ?have no place in the state of New York? | Fr. Z's Blog

And what he was saying, IN CONTEXT, is that the extremists (and it's just a guess, but the tea party includes radical anti - choice people) and regressives of the republican party don't fit in with NY REPUBLICANS.

Sure he could have phrased it more specifically, and in writing probably would have, but his intent, in context, was clear enough to anyone not looking for a reason for poutrage.

And before you get started about "idol worship," I haven't liked the kid so much. I liked his dad, but Jr. wasn't dubbed mayor 1% or some such by the occupy movement because of his common touch.

You're kidding, right? Just because you put all the puzzle pieces together around one doesn't change the shape of the piece.

You're just fucking with me, right? I was TOLD that you were pretty smart. The whole comment CENTERED around NY Republicans. YOUR people pulled it OUT of that context.

I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.
You're kidding, right? Just because you put all the puzzle pieces together around one doesn't change the shape of the piece.

You're just fucking with me, right? I was TOLD that you were pretty smart. The whole comment CENTERED around NY Republicans. YOUR people pulled it OUT of that context.

I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.

I told someone you were nice in addition to being smart. Looks like we both were wrong. Shrug, and that's okay too.

He did not include mainstream, he clearly was talking about the war between the extreme and moderate factions within the Republican party / Taliban (and you own that for your party, sparky) although MY original post acknowledged he could have done a better job of differentiation.
Conservatives are the only ones holding New York together. I think they should all leave the state at the same time, than they can sit back and laugh while they watch it collapse. Let the governor have his way while his state chokes itself to death with crime, debt, and corruption. It wouldn't take long, they're half way to becoming Detroit already.
So now it's wrong and extreme to defend an unborn child's life, rather than supporting the right for the woman to be able to rip their little arms. legs and heads off?
It's wrong to defend our 2nd amendment rights?
It's wrong to be against sin?

What is wrong is that Cuomo and left think that this is extreme and that no one who thinks like this should be allowed to live in the State of New York.
This is the exact same type of thinking that led up to what Stalin and Hitler had. Then that ideology progressed and led to deaths of millions, because they did not conform to their ideology.
Is this the future road we want to go down fellow Americans?
Intolerance of different types of ideology, banning and progressing to a future of death is not the American way where everyone's ideology is welcomed.

Yet they say they're tolerant of all views.

Who does? I've never said that. To tolerate bigotry is to become an accomplice to it.
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