You Are No Longer Welcome

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So are you defending what Cuomo said? Because that's a big dodge on your part. "But- but, what about Republicans?" you ask. Why aren't you speaking out against this type of rhetoric? Are you condoning it? This time the onus lies on your party. Your party put him there.

Cuomo's already walked back what he said, but I can understand his frustration.

There is no reasoning with the kind of extremist who thinks that women should have their rapist's babies and that absolutely crazy people should be able to buy automatic weapons.

It's not just that your side lacks an ability to comprimise, but that a lot of you just lack a bit of common sense.

link? Cuomo did say his words were distorted. He is calling the right wingers liars not walking back.

Cuomo's already walked back what he said
we definitely need a link to to this outrageous LIE !![/B]
Well, the right sure did latch on to it during the Vietnam War. Of course, I do not expect the right to come up with anything original.

I don't think it was just Republicans that supported Vietnam. Plenty of Democrats did too.

FYI, Democrats got us into Vietnam, and a Republican got us out.

Nailed! :lol:

A Republican got us out because if the dissent against the war, not because he wanted to.
Not exactly. If communists keep up the "we'll pass laws without Congress by telling our ally in the WH what to do," I promise you the martial law that follows will not be pleasant for perpetrators of the annihilation of the US Constitution, but it will be temporary until Constitutional lawlessness is removed.

And while I'm on the subject, I'm sick and tired of calumny against Republicans and the rule of law.

the rule of law is that if our side wins an election, we get to run the country.

If Congress did its job, the president wouldn't need to use executive actions.

Congress is doing their job, especially the House, otherwise this country would be flying this flag


do you recall when the White House to fly Red Chinese flag
Read more at White House to fly Red Chinese flag
I don't think it was just Republicans that supported Vietnam. Plenty of Democrats did too.

FYI, Democrats got us into Vietnam, and a Republican got us out.

Nailed! :lol:

A Republican got us out because if the dissent against the war, not because he wanted to.

He got us out because of politics.

Why did Obama get out of Iraq? Politics.

Why is he staying in Afghanistan? Politics.

Why is he trying to pull out by the end of his term? Politics.
You’re the extreme conservative – you’re just too much of a blind partisan to see that.

The extremism of the right manifest with you and other conservatives who seek to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, who seek to deny women their privacy rights, who seek to deny transgender persons their right to individual liberty, and who seek to deny minorities their right to vote.

It is the extremism of fear, ignorance, and hate you and most conservatives exhibit in response to change, diversity, and dissent.

Consequently, Cuomo was correct to admonish those on the hateful, ignorant right that if you indeed seek to violate the civil liberties of American citizens who are residents of New York, the State will stand against you in their defense.

Conservatives are welcome to live in New York, provided they understand the civil liberties of all Americans will be respected and defended in that state.

Might want to understand the constitution first before you start trying to apply it. The constitution does not say 'we will apply only the laws we agree with'.

Actually conservatives are what used to be called moderates. People that support the second amendment. The left has gone so far left that they're trying to make the center look far right. It's total nonsense.

^^delusional lack of perspective and unwillingness to accept responsibility^^

I'm not responsible for someone else being confused.
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.

Are there public figures that have said leave it?
Fake outrage over out of context quotes? Let me guess...Fox News?
Out of context? What was the 'context'? The man spoke his heart. Seems to me YOU buy into the backpeddling of an extreme lib that got caught being TRUTHFUL for once.

You want to try again or do you remain in denial of the truth?

Cuomo: Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in New York Remark Was ‘Distorted’

No one is backpedaling, they("libs") are saying the right wing is taking the comment out of context and flat out lying.

I agree with Cuomo that right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay extreme right wing politicians can not win in New York

Thats not what he said. What he said....."they have no place in new York". Now he's backpedaling saying he meant politicians. Just the typical liar. Also, its not extremist to have views that differ on gays, own ARs, and agree with right to life. What's appalling and despicable is the intolerance of views that cuomo disagrees with.
Cuomo was right. To Hell with the GOP and the Teabagger party. These people refuse to absorb new information unless it fits in line with their already mangled world view. FOX News viewers are consistently the least informed demographic in America. People who don't watch television at all have a better understanding of what is going on in the world than people who watch FOX News. These people are so braindead that they actually believe that there is an invisible man in the sky, they think that Sarah Palin is smart, they think that Reagan was honorable, and that Saddam Hussein outsmarted George W. Bush and the entire American intelligence network by shipping all of those tons of chemical weapons that everyone knew he had across the border to Syria. Teabagger GOP red state voters do not have a clue about anything. These people actually think that marijuana is dangerous even though they can't find one real example of marijuana causing a single overdose. Aspirin causes at least a thousand overdoses every year which are documented by doctors and coroners whenever it happens. Marijuana has not caused one overdose, ever, but all the Teabaggers have to say is, "Those doctors have an obvious libturd bias" and then they turn off their brains.

We can't teach these people because they don't want to learn. So we have to make them constantly aware of just how unwelcome they are. If these Teabaggers want to live in our America, then they are going to have to accept some basic facts: Ronald Reagan was a senile piece of shit who sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America, George W. Bush lied to the entire world about the reasons for invading Iraq and set up a global network of secret torture prisons, there is no God, your religion is a psychotic cult that worships fairy tales that have no place in public government, and Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Megyn Kelly and the three monkeys on Fox and Friends are ALL WRONG ALL THE TIME.
Cuomo was right. To Hell with the GOP and the Teabagger party. These people refuse to absorb new information unless it fits in line with their already mangled world view. FOX News viewers are consistently the least informed demographic in America. People who don't watch television at all have a better understanding of what is going on in the world than people who watch FOX News. These people are so braindead that they actually believe that there is an invisible man in the sky, they think that Sarah Palin is smart, they think that Reagan was honorable, and that Saddam Hussein outsmarted George W. Bush and the entire American intelligence network by shipping all of those tons of chemical weapons that everyone knew he had across the border to Syria. Teabagger GOP red state voters do not have a clue about anything. These people actually think that marijuana is dangerous even though they can't find one real example of marijuana causing a single overdose. Aspirin causes at least a thousand overdoses every year which are documented by doctors and coroners whenever it happens. Marijuana has not caused one overdose, ever, but all the Teabaggers have to say is, "Those doctors have an obvious libturd bias" and then they turn off their brains.

We can't teach these people because they don't want to learn. So we have to make them constantly aware of just how unwelcome they are. If these Teabaggers want to live in our America, then they are going to have to accept some basic facts: Ronald Reagan was a senile piece of shit who sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America, George W. Bush lied to the entire world about the reasons for invading Iraq and set up a global network of secret torture prisons, there is no God, your religion is a psychotic cult that worships fairy tales that have no place in public government, and Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Megyn Kelly and the three monkeys on Fox and Friends are ALL WRONG ALL THE TIME.

Nope, he was wrong. The socialists can have NY though. I wouldnt move to that shit hole if I were paid millions.
Cuomo was right. To Hell with the GOP and the Teabagger party. These people refuse to absorb new information unless it fits in line with their already mangled world view. FOX News viewers are consistently the least informed demographic in America. People who don't watch television at all have a better understanding of what is going on in the world than people who watch FOX News. These people are so braindead that they actually believe that there is an invisible man in the sky, they think that Sarah Palin is smart, they think that Reagan was honorable, and that Saddam Hussein outsmarted George W. Bush and the entire American intelligence network by shipping all of those tons of chemical weapons that everyone knew he had across the border to Syria. Teabagger GOP red state voters do not have a clue about anything. These people actually think that marijuana is dangerous even though they can't find one real example of marijuana causing a single overdose. Aspirin causes at least a thousand overdoses every year which are documented by doctors and coroners whenever it happens. Marijuana has not caused one overdose, ever, but all the Teabaggers have to say is, "Those doctors have an obvious libturd bias" and then they turn off their brains.

We can't teach these people because they don't want to learn. So we have to make them constantly aware of just how unwelcome they are. If these Teabaggers want to live in our America, then they are going to have to accept some basic facts: Ronald Reagan was a senile piece of shit who sold weapons to terrorists and funded genocide in Central America, George W. Bush lied to the entire world about the reasons for invading Iraq and set up a global network of secret torture prisons, there is no God, your religion is a psychotic cult that worships fairy tales that have no place in public government, and Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Megyn Kelly and the three monkeys on Fox and Friends are ALL WRONG ALL THE TIME.

Feel better now?

Oh, and you have some drool on your chin. Just give it a quick wipe.
Nope, he was wrong. The socialists can have NY though. I wouldnt move to that shit hole if I were paid millions.

Do you know what's in New York, Teabagger? One World Trade Center, the New York Stock Exchange.

You don't know what Socialism is. Corporate bailouts aren't "socialism" in your misinformed mind, are they? No. Social Security for retirees? That's Socialism. Why should your tax dollars go to helping poor people who worked their entire lives to help make America what it is today, right? But the 1% job creators who nearly destroyed the world economy through illegal financial schemes? They deserve billions of dollars in public funds so that they can stay in business and reap 95% of the financial gains during the economic "recovery".

Here's a fun fact: Southern Confederate red states are the largest recipients of Federal financial aid, so all of those inbred mouth-breathing Teabaggers waving their stupid rebel flags who want to cut food stamps and other Federal aid "entitlement" programs are trying to cut funds to their own states which will increase poverty in those states, creating even more poor people who need help. The teabagger idea is that "private charities will pick up the slack". But private charities have all said that they are struggling to keep up with the number of people who need help, because the people who used to be able to donate to those charities are now also standing in line for assistance. Teabaggers can't learn, and when an animal can't learn, it fails to adapt to an ever-changing environment and it dies.

Keep up the stupidity, Teabaggers. Real people are waiting for you to die off so we can make this world better.
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Nope, he was wrong. The socialists can have NY though. I wouldnt move to that shit hole if I were paid millions.

Do you know what's in New York, Teabagger? One World Trade Center, the New York Stock Exchange.

You don't know what Socialism is. Corporate bailouts aren't "socialism" in your misinformed mind, are they? No. Social Security for retirees? That's Socialism. Why should your tax dollars go to helping poor people who worked their entire lives to help make America what it is today, right? But the 1% job creators who nearly destroyed the world economy through illegal financial schemes? They deserve billions of dollars in public funds so that they can stay in business and reap 95% of the financial gains during the economic "recovery".

Here's a fun fact: Southern Confederate red states are the largest recipients of Federal financial aid, so all of those inbred mouth-breathing Teabaggers waving their stupid rebel flags who want to cut food stamps and other Federal aid "entitlement" programs are trying to cut funds to their own states which will increase poverty in those states, creating even more poor people who need help. The teabagger idea is that "private charities will pick up the slack". But private charities have all said that they are struggling to keep up with the number of people who need help, because the people who used to be able to donate to those charities are now also standing in line for assistance. Teabaggers can't learn, and when an animal can't learn, it fails to adept to an ever-changing environment and it dies.

Keep up the stupidity, Teabaggers. Real people are waiting for you to die off so we can make this world better.

Your arrogance and stupidity are astounding. Its not even worth addressing. I really do pity people that are dumb as you are. Speaking of die off....I'll leave you with that burnt out hell hole detroit. Yeah, who ran that?
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Nope, he was wrong. The socialists can have NY though. I wouldnt move to that shit hole if I were paid millions.

Do you know what's in New York, Teabagger? One World Trade Center, the New York Stock Exchange.

You don't know what Socialism is. Corporate bailouts aren't "socialism" in your misinformed mind, are they? No. Social Security for retirees? That's Socialism. Why should your tax dollars go to helping poor people who worked their entire lives to help make America what it is today, right? But the 1% job creators who nearly destroyed the world economy through illegal financial schemes? They deserve billions of dollars in public funds so that they can stay in business and reap 95% of the financial gains during the economic "recovery".

Here's a fun fact: Southern Confederate red states are the largest recipients of Federal financial aid, so all of those inbred mouth-breathing Teabaggers waving their stupid rebel flags who want to cut food stamps and other Federal aid "entitlement" programs are trying to cut funds to their own states which will increase poverty in those states, creating even more poor people who need help. The teabagger idea is that "private charities will pick up the slack". But private charities have all said that they are struggling to keep up with the number of people who need help, because the people who used to be able to donate to those charities are now also standing in line for assistance. Teabaggers can't learn, and when an animal can't learn, it fails to adept to an ever-changing environment and it dies.

Keep up the stupidity, Teabaggers. Real people are waiting for you to die off so we can make this world better.

Your arrogance and stupidity are astounding. Its not even worth addressing. I really do pity people that are dumb as you are.

That's the best you can come up with? "I pity the foo". Brilliant retort, Teabagger. You're obviously Alabama's smartest person. Try reading. Oh wait. You want to abolish the Department of Education for oppressing your stupid fucking religion by not printing science textbooks that mention the invisible man in the sky. When you stifle education, you get Teabaggers who can't think. Remember how the Texas GOP wanted to get rid of teaching "critical thinking skills" in public schools? Because they want more Republican voters. If a person can't think critically, then they will accept whatever mindless bullshit that comes out of Gretchen Carlson's mouth.

Learn to read something other than the ticker at the bottom of FOX News and then you won't be a Teabagger anymore.
I haven't lost anything in New York and have no reason to go there anyway.
If I had to list all 50 states in the order of my preference to visit on a vacation, I doubt New York would even be on that list.

I left there in the nineties.. I occasionally go back to visit friends and family, other than that.. nah.. not so much.
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