You Are No Longer Welcome

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The OP is not only typical of the lies propagated by most on the right, we also see the hypocrisy common to most conservatives as well, where they falsely accuse liberals of being ‘hostile’ to citizens’ civil liberties, when in fact it is conservatives who seek to deny classes of persons their Constitutional rights

OK, this is a weak deflection away from the topic but you've got my attention. I'm a fiscal conservative and you're talking about me like I'm a man from Mars. I have fought for all Americans to enjoy liberty, the pursuit of happiness and their God given rights. What Constitutional rights are conservatives like me seeking to deny classes of persons? Please name the classes of persons and supply credible links. How are these rights being denied and by what means?

You're talking about me so make it good. Who am I trying to deny rights to when I've put my life on the line to protect those rights? YOUR RIGHTS. Five of my squadron mates died in service. I take protecting our rights very seriously. I may be old, grey and flabby, but I'd still fight to the death for your rights.

The radicals on the left choose to defend the indefensible with the insane notion that Cuomo "wasn't specific enough" about segments of American society that he hates. What's next, further defining of what types of Americans are welcome in the Empire State?
Next thing the Progressive Son-Of-A-Bitch will do is have checkpoints asking for ID that has your political registration. The man is a total horse's ASS. New York? You can have him and that Commie Mayor in NYC. YOU deserve it.
You're just fucking with me, right? I was TOLD that you were pretty smart. The whole comment CENTERED around NY Republicans. YOUR people pulled it OUT of that context.

I did no such thing. You can't grasp the fact that he included mainstream pro life and pro gun rights Republicans in that pithy and uncouth remark of his. I am smart, Barb. Smart enough to cut the crap. And I'm not "fucking with you." Such is something that exceeds my morals.

I told someone you were nice in addition to being smart. Looks like we both were wrong. Shrug, and that's okay too.

He did not include mainstream, he clearly was talking about the war between the extreme and moderate factions within the Republican party / Taliban (and you own that for your party, sparky) although MY original post acknowledged he could have done a better job of differentiation.

Oh brother. Am I not allowed to show any emotion? If you want to sit there and lecture me on manners, go right ahead. But when you side with a party that tells people of a certain set of beliefs that they don't belong or are out of place, perhaps you should clean up around your front door first. I am pro life, but a libertarian. My grandmother is a mainstream Republican, and pro-life. There are a lot of Republicans who are pro life and pro second. To say otherwise is foolish and naive.

Anyhow, I will be nice when people are nice to me. I am just as nasty as the rest if you push me too far, Barb. Stop making assumptions about people and judging them by your own prevaricated standards, okay? You liberals are all the same, too damned controlling for your own good. Back off.

If my style offends you, I'm sorry. Oh by the way, you took the insolent tone with me, ma'am. If you can't take what you dish out, don't dish it out. Understand?
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GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

Why can't you address the point instead of bashing Bush? Typical deflection.
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

You shitstains just can't get over Bush, can you? FYI? HE isn't a Conservative...but head over heels better than Cuomo, Obama...
And Bush is ALSO a progressive. Figure it out, children.
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

Why can't you address the point instead of bashing Bush? Typical deflection.

What is the topic? "We're tired of mouth-breathing teabaggers fucking up the world"? I'm supposed to get upset because Cuomo said something true about retarded confederate hillbillies and other inbred backwater Republican morons who are so stupid that they think that Sarah Palin is a genius?

Okay, let's stay on topic: Republicans hate black people, gays, Latinos, women, but they love torture and corporate bailouts and screwing over the veterans that they create by sending them into wars over complete lies. Take out your guns and kill yourselves so that we don't have to listen to you parroting Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter like they're learned scholars.
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

Why can't you address the point instead of bashing Bush? Typical deflection.
They have nothing else but to defend their criminals...

MOMMY! They did it too!
I haven't lost anything in New York and have no reason to go there anyway.
If I had to list all 50 states in the order of my preference to visit on a vacation, I doubt New York would even be on that list.

Yeah ... all those awful plays and museums and restaurants.

What a bore.

IOW, I can smell the sour grapes from here. And you know, if you never go to NY, how can you ever get to see Jon Stewart's show live? ;)

Just like everyone else, Cuomo has a right to his opinion.

That's what you kneejerkers say when its the R who speaks there mind. Apparently, the voters agree with him.
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

Why can't you address the point instead of bashing Bush? Typical deflection.
They have nothing else but to defend their criminals...

MOMMY! They did it too!

Its the United States.

People can say what they believe and what they think.

If you don't like it, go to Russia and bow down to your hero, Putin.
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

You shitstains just can't get over Bush, can you? FYI? HE isn't a Conservative...but head over heels better than Cuomo, Obama...
And Bush is ALSO a progressive. Figure it out, children.
GOP Conservative logic: "George W. Bush was a Progressive because there was so much progress under George W. Bush. Torture works! That's real Progress."

There are still Vietnam vets living on American streets who have undiagnosed PTSD. Should they "get over" the Vietnam war? Should Americans "get over" Iraq when there are about 20,000 OIF vets living on the streets of America with undiagnosed, untreated PTSD?

Republicans can't stand being associated with Bush so much that you want to try to paint him as a leftist commie liberal progressive? Nice.
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

Why can't you address the point instead of bashing Bush? Typical deflection.

What is the topic? "We're tired of mouth-breathing teabaggers fucking up the world"? I'm supposed to get upset because Cuomo said something true about retarded confederate hillbillies and other inbred backwater Republican morons who are so stupid that they think that Sarah Palin is a genius?

Okay, let's stay on topic: Republicans hate black people, gays, Latinos, women, but they love torture and corporate bailouts and screwing over the veterans that they create by sending them into wars over complete lies. Take out your guns and kill yourselves so that we don't have to listen to you parroting Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter like they're learned scholars.

Spoken like a real
Or I'm a veteran who is telling you that every war that the US has fought since 1945 has been a sick joke, the worst of which is in Afghanistan because the CIA specifically trained the jihad to win against a more powerful invading army over a long period of time.
The radicals on the left choose to defend the indefensible with the insane notion that Cuomo "wasn't specific enough" about segments of American society that he hates. What's next, further defining of what types of Americans are welcome in the Empire State?
Next thing the Progressive Son-Of-A-Bitch will do is have checkpoints asking for ID that has your political registration. The man is a total horse's ASS. New York? You can have him and that Commie Mayor in NYC. YOU deserve it.

Are you suggesting that voter registration cards be presented in order to pass the hallowed borders into NY? Would that be with, or without, photo ID?
The radicals on the left choose to defend the indefensible with the insane notion that Cuomo "wasn't specific enough" about segments of American society that he hates. What's next, further defining of what types of Americans are welcome in the Empire State?
Next thing the Progressive Son-Of-A-Bitch will do is have checkpoints asking for ID that has your political registration. The man is a total horse's ASS. New York? You can have him and that Commie Mayor in NYC. YOU deserve it.

Are you suggesting that voter registration cards be presented in order to pass the hallowed borders into NY? Would that be with, or without, photo ID?
GOP Conservative Logic: "Remember when George W. Bush killed tens of thousands of Iraqis over complete and blatant lies, and set up a global network of secret torture prisons? Why can't America go back to those good ol' days? And why can't we make black people drink from separate water fountains anymore, either?

Liberal Communists are oppressing our freedom!"

You shitstains just can't get over Bush, can you? FYI? HE isn't a Conservative...but head over heels better than Cuomo, Obama...
And Bush is ALSO a progressive. Figure it out, children.
GOP Conservative logic: "George W. Bush was a Progressive because there was so much progress under George W. Bush. Torture works! That's real Progress."

There are still Vietnam vets living on American streets who have undiagnosed PTSD. Should they "get over" the Vietnam war? Should Americans "get over" Iraq when there are about 20,000 OIF vets living on the streets of America with undiagnosed, untreated PTSD?

Republicans can't stand being associated with Bush so much that you want to try to paint him as a leftist commie liberal progressive? Nice.

Hey dickhead? WE, the OP are talking about Andrew Cuomo...Dictator of NY State...BUSH is passe...Get it creep?
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."
Wonder what would happen if governor Perry in Texas (a Republican) was to hypothetically say: "Who are they? Are they these extreme liberals who are pro-choice, pro-gun-control, pro-gay-marriage? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme liberals, they have no place in the state of Texas, because that’s not who Texans are"

I guarantee that all media (except for Fox News) would descend onto that state with such a fury that they would literally start raising hell. :evil:
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Yeah, sure. Bush is passe, just like the trillions upon trillions of dollars in debt that he passed on to the American people because of his lies and war crimes. "It's in the past. Let's move forward." Now you just sound like Obama. Strange how that works, isn't it?
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

So in other words, what the corrupt and intolarable Progressive shit-stain Andrew Cuomo is saying, is that if New Yorkers cannot stick their heads up their asses and see things from his perspective than they have no place in the state of New York.

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The OP is not only typical of the lies propagated by most on the right, we also see the hypocrisy common to most conservatives as well, where they falsely accuse liberals of being ‘hostile’ to citizens’ civil liberties, when in fact it is conservatives who seek to deny classes of persons their Constitutional rights

OK, this is a weak deflection away from the topic but you've got my attention. I'm a fiscal conservative and you're talking about me like I'm a man from Mars. I have fought for all Americans to enjoy liberty, the pursuit of happiness and their God given rights. What Constitutional rights are conservatives like me seeking to deny classes of persons? Please name the classes of persons and supply credible links. How are these rights being denied and by what means?

You're talking about me so make it good. Who am I trying to deny rights to when I've put my life on the line to protect those rights? YOUR RIGHTS. Five of my squadron mates died in service. I take protecting our rights very seriously. I may be old, grey and flabby, but I'd still fight to the death for your rights.

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