You Are No Longer Welcome

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Governor Cuomo beat his opponent Carl Paladino, a rightwing extremist Tea Party darling,

61% - 34%,

thus proving that the rightwing nuts have no place in this state.
Well done guv and future pres. It's time for crazy to go sit at the children's table. The republicans rue the day they gave the confederate wing a seat at the table.
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."
Wonder what would happen if governor Perry in Texas (a Republican) was to hypothetically say: "Who are they? Are they these extreme liberals who are pro-choice, pro-gun-control, pro-gay-marriage? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme liberals, they have no place in the state of Texas, because that’s not who Texans are"

I guarantee that all media (except for Fox News) would descend onto that state with such a fury that they would literally start raising hell. :evil:

There's a difference between standing against bigotry and standing up for it.
Governor Cuomo beat his opponent Carl Paladino, a rightwing extremist Tea Party darling,

61% - 34%,

thus proving that the rightwing nuts have no place in this state.


Using your immature logic...

Liberals make up 22% of the US population.

Thus proving liberals have no place in this country.

The size of ideological groups varies slightly depending on the poll. Gallup/USA Today polling in June 2010 revealed that 42% of those surveyed identify as conservative, 35% as moderate, while 20% identify as liberal.[2] In another polling in June 2010, 40% of American voters identify themselves as conservatives, 36% as moderates and 22% as liberals, with a strong majority of both liberals and conservatives describing themselves as closer to the center than to the extremes.[3]

Political ideologies in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, I don't feel that way....just thought I would take the opportunity to make you look as you usually an ass.
Have any of you ever wondered how Mary Matalin and James Carville make their marriage work? Maybe we should ask them how to get Dems and Republicans to work together again. It is possible, and without either side actually moving completely away from their ideals.

Except that nobody wants to have sex with Nancy Pelosi.
So failure would end up being incentivized.
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."
Wonder what would happen if governor Perry in Texas (a Republican) was to hypothetically say: "Who are they? Are they these extreme liberals who are pro-choice, pro-gun-control, pro-gay-marriage? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme liberals, they have no place in the state of Texas, because that’s not who Texans are"

I guarantee that all media (except for Fox News) would descend onto that state with such a fury that they would literally start raising hell. :evil:

There's a difference between standing against bigotry and standing up for it.

Yep. And what makes you think you aren't a bigot? If you're using homosexuals as pawns in a political game, you're more of a bigot than you claim the Republicans to be. If you're desperate enough to have government define what is and isn't bigotry, you're more far gone than I thought. If you had any genuine compassion, you'd leave them (homosexuals) the hell alone.
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Governor Cuomo beat his opponent Carl Paladino, a rightwing extremist Tea Party darling,

61% - 34%,

thus proving that the rightwing nuts have no place in this state.


And your friend just got done touting how civil Democrats were.

You want to defend Carl Paladino, go ahead.

I'll defend him yes. At least he thinks everyone belongs in the State of New York. Funny you're from New York aren't you? Why don't you try telling some random Republican New Yorker that they have no place, to their face. I dare you.
What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

You've hit the nail on the head! This is yet another example of liberal intolerance - the exact intolerance that is deeply dividing this nation. I think we will see even more wealthy conservatives flee NY as they're doing in droves in California.

I wouldn't be surprised to see another Secession movements with a lot of states seeking to form their own "union" outside of the current federal configurations. Could it lead to another Civil War? The Liberal/Leftists would never permit it as it would affect their power structure where three of four states control everything.
I haven't lost anything in New York and have no reason to go there anyway.
If I had to list all 50 states in the order of my preference to visit on a vacation, I doubt New York would even be on that list.

The sad part of that is your view of what is really an awesomely beautiful place to visit.





Not only the Adirondacks, but amazing farms and orchards and little towns and even stuff to see like the biggest glass museum out of Italy. Just stay clear of Albany and NYC.
I haven't lost anything in New York and have no reason to go there anyway.
If I had to list all 50 states in the order of my preference to visit on a vacation, I doubt New York would even be on that list.

The sad part of that is your view of what is really an awesomely beautiful place to visit.





Not only the Adirondacks, but amazing farms and orchards and little towns and even stuff to see like the biggest glass museum out of Italy. Just stay clear of Albany and NYC.

I'll be heading up that way this summer. I have to go through New York to get to Maine where my father lives. Oh boy, I'd love for a Liberal New Yorker to walk up to a Conservative Georgia boy like me and talk trash like Cuomo did at a rest stop. Hoo-wee!
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And your friend just got done touting how civil Democrats were.

You want to defend Carl Paladino, go ahead.

I'll defend him yes. At least he thinks everyone belongs in the State of New York. Funny you're from New York aren't you? Why don't you try telling some random Republican New Yorker that they have no place, to their face. I dare you.

You people really know how to throw a fainting spell when you get a taste of your own medicine.
You want to defend Carl Paladino, go ahead.

I'll defend him yes. At least he thinks everyone belongs in the State of New York. Funny you're from New York aren't you? Why don't you try telling some random Republican New Yorker that they have no place, to their face. I dare you.

You people really know how to throw a fainting spell when you get a taste of your own medicine.

Huh? Are you done casting your stupid spell? (Waves hand like Obi Wan Kenobi) These aren't the nitwits you're looking for. Scram!
You Are No Longer Welcome

Just the first of many ways to the march towards socialism....crippling the economy.
From the New York Post:

Meet the state’s ‘extremists’
By Seth Lipsky
Meet the state?s ?extremists? | New York Post

Looks like it’s time to play the hottest new political game — spot the extremist. This was set up by Gov. Cuomo’s tirade about how “extreme conservatives, who are right-to-life, pro assault weapon, anti-gay,” have “no place in the state of New York, because that is not who New Yorkers are.”

The governor is now insisting that what he meant by “no place in the state of New York” was merely the inability to win elections in the Empire State; it’s clear he’s embarrassed by his own honesty. He’s on the hunt for extremists who, in his view, have no place in New York. The question is where to find them.

Let’s start with the first item on Cuomo’s extremist list — abortion. Maybe he can find some extremists at This is the Web site of a group trying to raise awareness of the abortion rate in New York City, which has become America’s leading abortion mill.

It launched its program at a press conference in January 2011, when it announced that the abortion rate in the city in 2009 was a ghastly 41 percent. That is the percentage of all pregnancies not ended by miscarriage that were ended by abortion. In some parts of the minority community, the number was a ghastly 60 percent.

The governor has been silent on this tragedy. Yet the pro-life foundation that backs NYC41per* has brought together such extremists as Timothy Cardinal Dolan of the archdiocese of New York and Rabbi David Zwiebel of the Agudath Israel of America. To what state does Cuomo want them to move?

Then there is the question of assault weapons. Where are the extremists on this issue lurking? How about at The New York Times. Its ex-assistant-managing editor, Craig Whitney, has become alarmed over the fact that, although he is a law-abiding adult New Yorker, he can’t get a permit to carry a pistol.

Whitney served in the Navy and carried a .45 as an officer in Vietnam. He’s an extremist of good citizenship: He’s never been charged with even a misdemeanor. He likes to point out that he doesn’t need a license to exercise his freedom of the press rights under the First Amendment.

It just galls him that not only does he need a license to exercise his right to bear arms under the Second Amendment — but he wouldn’t be eligible for a permit, even with his clean record. He’s so irked by this that he’s written an entire book, “Living With Guns: A Liberal’s Case for the Second Amendment.”

Maybe Cuomo thinks Craig Whitney should move to neighboring Vermont, which has the most liberal gun laws in America. Adults need no permit at all to carry a pistol or assault rifle. Plus, the state in 2010 had the lowest gun-homicide rate in the entire country. Talk about extreme.

Then there’s “anti-gay” extremism. This is the hardest question, because almost no one in New York thinks of himself as “anti-gay.” The real question is how to deal with people who desire, in their own lives, to obey religious laws against gay sex.

Gov. Cuomo apparently believes these people are bigots. His campaign suggested as much, after his opponent visited the Satmar Chasidim in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. When Carl Paladino echoed some (but not all) of the Satmar sentiments on gay sex, Cuomo’s spokesman accused him of “stunning homophobia.”

No doubt the governor would argue that this case makes his point precisely, since Paladino’s campaign subsequently collapsed, and Cuomo won by a mile. But to where does he want the Satmar to move? And what about the rest of Orthodox Jewry, Catholics, religious Muslims and fundamentalist Christians, whose religious laws on sex are similar to the Satmar?

Do they have a place in New York? Does the governor feel that he can represent them, include them and protect their constitutional rights, even when he disagrees with them? Or will he mock them over the airwaves and speak of them as not having a place in our state?

These questions might not matter here in New York, where Cuomo won office by an overwhelming margin. But they’ll become harder to dodge when the governor steps out onto the national stage in his quest for the presidency. We are, after all, a nation of extremists.
States should be required to declare whether right or left and opposing views be barred. New York should be able to tell republicans to leave and Oklahoma should be able to pass laws banning same sex marriage.
You want to defend Carl Paladino, go ahead.

I'll defend him yes. At least he thinks everyone belongs in the State of New York. Funny you're from New York aren't you? Why don't you try telling some random Republican New Yorker that they have no place, to their face. I dare you.

You people really know how to throw a fainting spell when you get a taste of your own medicine.

Said by a man who believes that 36% of the people in NYS who did not vote for Cuomo do not belong in New York State.

You are quite immature NYCarbineer. You are one who keeps racism alive with your continued belief that all whites that are conservative are racists and you are one that take pleasure in watching this nation become more and more divided as time goes on.
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