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Context.....context my boys

What Cuomo said:

"I think what you're seeing is, you have a schism within the Republican Party. The Republican Party is searching for an identity. They're searching to define their soul. That's what's going on. Is the Republican Party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party? That's what they're trying to figure out. And it's very interesting because it's a mirror of what is going on in Washington, right?
"The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It's more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans. And the moderate Republicans in Washington can't figure out how to deal with the extreme Republicans. And the moderate Republicans are afraid of the extreme conservative Republicans in Washington, in my opinion.

"You're seeing that play out in New York. There's SAFE-ACT. The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE-ACT. It was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and the Democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are "right to life," "pro assault weapon" "anti-gay"? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are. If they're moderate Republicans, like in the Senate right now, who control the Senate -- moderate Republicans have a place in this state."

Context. In spades.

What happened TK?

You used to claim to be such a rightwing intellectual. Yet, you post this thread showing you lack the reading comprehension abilities of a fifth grader
Context.....context my boys

What Cuomo said:

"I think what you're seeing is, you have a schism within the Republican Party. The Republican Party is searching for an identity. They're searching to define their soul. That's what's going on. Is the Republican Party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party? That's what they're trying to figure out. And it's very interesting because it's a mirror of what is going on in Washington, right?
"The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It's more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans. And the moderate Republicans in Washington can't figure out how to deal with the extreme Republicans. And the moderate Republicans are afraid of the extreme conservative Republicans in Washington, in my opinion.

"You're seeing that play out in New York. There's SAFE-ACT. The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE-ACT. It was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and the Democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are "right to life," "pro assault weapon" "anti-gay"? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are. If they're moderate Republicans, like in the Senate right now, who control the Senate -- moderate Republicans have a place in this state."

Context. In spades.

What happened TK?

You used to claim to be such a rightwing intellectual. Yet, you post this thread showing you lack the reading comprehension abilities of a fifth grader

Oh really? And what is Cuomo's definition of a "moderate" Republican? Someone who is a RINO? A republican who will go along with his every whim and fancy? Geesh, you don't know the first thing about reading comprehension. "Moderate"? Are you kidding me with this? It's quite odd these "moderate" Republicans AND Cuomo both support the SAFE Act. So, its a safe bet we know who these "extreme conservatives" are.

I laugh at you, RW. Really I do. Such futile efforts to contextualize his comments, when it is as clear as day what he meant.
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It is obvious now that Cuomo was, rightfully or wrongfully, talking about the Republican Party, not the state of New York.

We all agree on that, that the OP is out of context?


Uhh, were you reading the same thing I was reading?

His words were and I quote: "they have no place in the state of New York"

Dude, srsly?

Ya, srsly? I can be quite the literal, Toro. You say he wasn't referring to the state of New York, well, yeah he did.

"That's not who New Yorkers are" he said. By that statement alone, he was talking about the citizens of New York and the candidates who they supported. And I'M the one with reading problems? :eusa_eh:

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Context. In spades.

What happened TK?

You used to claim to be such a rightwing intellectual. Yet, you post this thread showing you lack the reading comprehension abilities of a fifth grader

Oh really? And what is Cuomo's definition of a "moderate" Republican? Someone who is a RINO? A republican who will go along with his every whim and fancy? Geesh, you don't know the first thing about reading comprehension. "Moderate"? Are you kidding me with this? It's quite odd these "moderate" Republicans AND Cuomo both support the SAFE Act...

I laugh at you, RW. Really I do. Such futile efforts to contextualize his comments, when it is as clear as day what he meant.

Actually, the point Cuomo is trying to make is that in New York, it is the extremists who are RINOs
Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"?

Srsly, TK wrote this

TK.....Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?
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Context.....context my boys

What Cuomo said:

"I think what you're seeing is, you have a schism within the Republican Party. The Republican Party is searching for an identity. They're searching to define their soul. That's what's going on. Is the Republican Party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party? That's what they're trying to figure out. And it's very interesting because it's a mirror of what is going on in Washington, right?
"The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It's more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans. And the moderate Republicans in Washington can't figure out how to deal with the extreme Republicans. And the moderate Republicans are afraid of the extreme conservative Republicans in Washington, in my opinion.

"You're seeing that play out in New York. There's SAFE-ACT. The Republican Party candidates are running against the SAFE-ACT. It was voted for by moderate Republicans who run the Senate. Their problem is not me and the Democrats, their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are "right to life," "pro assault weapon" "anti-gay"? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are. If they're moderate Republicans, like in the Senate right now, who control the Senate -- moderate Republicans have a place in this state."

Context. In spades.

What happened TK?

You used to claim to be such a rightwing intellectual. Yet, you post this thread showing you lack the reading comprehension abilities of a fifth grader

As compared to you, who seems to act like a fifth grader most of the time...
Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"?

Srsly, TK wrote this

TK.....Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?

Yes, I'm smarter than you. Did I answer the question?
Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"?

Srsly, TK wrote this

TK.....Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?

Yes, I'm smarter than you. Did I answer the question?

How did you turn a quote about factions within the Republican Party into a diatribe about Republicans having a right o live in New York State? Segregating blacks and whites? :eek:

You may have to stay after school
Srsly, TK wrote this

TK.....Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?

Yes, I'm smarter than you. Did I answer the question?

How did you turn a quote about factions within the Republican Party into a diatribe about Republicans having a right o live in New York State? Segregating blacks and whites? :eek:

You may have to stay after school

You may need to quit trolling RW. The teacher will have you beating the erasers as your punishment!

If you read closely, he said "they have no place here in the state of New York" not just the party, but to anyone who espoused those ideals. Go sit in the corner.
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Guess what?

In New York State the Republican Party is a moderate party. New Yorkers favor abortion rights, they favor reasonable gun controls, they favor gay rights. If Republicans want to win in NY they had better run as moderates

Context makes things easier doesn't it TK?

You don't know much about New yorks demographics do you?,upstate is nothing like the city as far as just about everything,the safe act is so unpopular the local Sheriffs have refused to enforce this batch of back room in the dark of night legislation,it will be brought down in time by law suits in the works.

Albany has a huge disconnect from most of the state,the city drives what happens,and the city doesn't respond nor care about the rest of the state.

Coumo is just another divisive ass hole bucking for power. Typical of the left,so tolerant and excepting of others.

Born and raised in "upstate" New York

Most of New York outside of the city is Republican. But, like Cuomo so elequently stated, these are not Bible Belt or TeaParty Republicans. They are moderates. If you are a Republican who thinks you can run on an anti-gay, anti-abortion, pro-gun will lose

Just like Cuomo said

Then riddle me this batman,why are the upstate sheriffs refusing to enforce ?? why is that,are they just confused moderates or are they just not into intrusive meaning less ineffective legistaliton?? Its kinda funny looking at all the no safe act signs planted all over the state. Your just as disconnected as the next
I haven't lost anything in New York and have no reason to go there anyway.
If I had to list all 50 states in the order of my preference to visit on a vacation, I doubt New York would even be on that list.

If you HAD to list all 50 states NY wouldn't even be on the list?

You must think it is one of the five or six or seven lowest of Obumbler's 57 States.
Looks like there is going to be an exodus of some from NY. If that's the game they want to play, they can. NY will simply be destroyed faster.
It is obvious now that Cuomo was, rightfully or wrongfully, talking about the Republican Party, not the state of New York.

We all agree on that, that the OP is out of context?


Uhh, were you reading the same thing I was reading?

His words were and I quote: "they have no place in the state of New York"

Again, for the stubborn, they were discussing ELECTIONS not residency.

Listen to the whole conversation instead of your MessiahRushie.

Jan. 17, 2014: Gov. Cuomo, Comptroller DiNapoli, Bill Hammond, Susan Lerner | Member Supported Public Television, Radio |WCNY
I would not say it this way, but leave it to the media to make it as conflicting
and inciteful as possible.

1. there is a difference between not believing in gay marriage and not accepting homosexuality as equal
vs. abusing political and legal systems to actively discriminate against gays

I look forward to the day we can accept people's different views as religious diversity,
and keep this out of public policy, govt and politics all together. not deny, but accept
differences and not push too far one way or the other since we disagree. big deal.

2. there is a difference in governing and representation
if people RESOLVE CONFLICTS or merely push symbolic rhetoric for or against
without solving the real issue

On this point, I would agree that people who cannot distinguish personal/political agenda
from Constitutional law, inclusion and representation of all people/views/interests equally
should NOT be in charge of making decisions for the public. If they do participate in the process, it should be to give input and objections, but allow those who can facilitate to reach consensus on all points be in charge of mediating to form a solution that represents all the public. if this cannot be done without division, this means that policy remains private.

on that note, there are just as many liberal Democrats who don't belong in office if they can't make or facilitate decisions by correcting problems and addressing objections,
by offering alternatives when something is opposed instead of blaming or invalidating
the reasons for objection.

policies should follow Constitutional principles and not be pushed by partisan agenda manipulated or bullied by majority-rule. that is the problem, not the views themselves.
many people are anti-gay but don't impose their views on others publicly.

there is a difference between banning gay marriage through govt, giving free and equal choice in private outside govt, and mandating inclusion of gay marriage through govt

if you are going to exclude people who are intolerant of gays or gay marriage,
what about people who exclude one or more of the above views that are equally valid?

that is intolerant and discriminatory also.
to be fair, you should be equally opposed to anyone who pushes gay marriage
"without tolerance" of people's views who don't believe in that religiously
that is equally BIGOTED and unconstitutional to impose on someone's religious views
where is the outcry against that

"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

I think this is poor stated and should be clarified, but nearly impossible to do in the media.
I think the left should hear the challenge and take up the same commitment to
end exclusionary and bullying tactics and to respect the prolife and antigay views
in the name of diversity and Constitutional inclusion of all people regardess of beliefs.

I actually mentioned this on the radio the other day when I called in as prochoice
Democrat, saying I equally believed in defending and including prolife views as
protected under the Constitution. i don't have to agree with those views to defend them.
But actually I do agree with preventing and ending abortion, but by free choice and education and offering better solutions; NOT by criminalizing it or force of law.

So I hope to see more liberals and Democrats come out and admit that this hateful
exclusion is more for political bullying and tactics and is equally wrong if you are
against bullying and discrimination. We need to QUIT rewarding DIVISIVE tactics and
start encouraging, investing in and building leaders who don't rely on it to get elected.
Geez... Cuomo is a liar. How on Earth do you get moderate republicans to support such an egregious advance on gun rights?

RW, what on earth are you smoking?
It is obvious now that Cuomo was, rightfully or wrongfully, talking about the Republican Party, not the state of New York.

We all agree on that, that the OP is out of context?


Uhh, were you reading the same thing I was reading?

His words were and I quote: "they have no place in the state of New York"

Again, for the stubborn, they were discussing ELECTIONS not residency.

Listen to the whole conversation instead of your MessiahRushie.

Jan. 17, 2014: Gov. Cuomo, Comptroller DiNapoli, Bill Hammond, Susan Lerner | Member Supported Public Television, Radio |WCNY

"that's not who New Yorkers are"

Care to try again?
I would not say it this way, but leave it to the media to make it as conflicting
and inciteful as possible.

1. there is a difference between not believing in gay marriage and not accepting homosexuality as equal
vs. abusing political and legal systems to actively discriminate against gays

I look forward to the day we can accept people's different views as religious diversity,
and keep this out of public policy, govt and politics all together. not deny, but accept
differences and not push too far one way or the other since we disagree. big deal.

2. there is a difference in governing and representation
if people RESOLVE CONFLICTS or merely push symbolic rhetoric for or against
without solving the real issue

On this point, I would agree that people who cannot distinguish personal/political agenda
from Constitutional law, inclusion and representation of all people/views/interests equally
should NOT be in charge of making decisions for the public. If they do participate in the process, it should be to give input and objections, but allow those who can facilitate to reach consensus on all points be in charge of mediating to form a solution that represents all the public. if this cannot be done without division, this means that policy remains private.

on that note, there are just as many liberal Democrats who don't belong in office if they can't make or facilitate decisions by correcting problems and addressing objections,
by offering alternatives when something is opposed instead of blaming or invalidating
the reasons for objection.

policies should follow Constitutional principles and not be pushed by partisan agenda manipulated or bullied by majority-rule. that is the problem, not the views themselves.
many people are anti-gay but don't impose their views on others publicly.

there is a difference between banning gay marriage through govt, giving free and equal choice in private outside govt, and mandating inclusion of gay marriage through govt

if you are going to exclude people who are intolerant of gays or gay marriage,
what about people who exclude one or more of the above views that are equally valid?

that is intolerant and discriminatory also.
to be fair, you should be equally opposed to anyone who pushes gay marriage
"without tolerance" of people's views who don't believe in that religiously
that is equally BIGOTED and unconstitutional to impose on someone's religious views
where is the outcry against that

"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

I think this is poor stated and should be clarified, but nearly impossible to do in the media.
I think the left should hear the challenge and take up the same commitment to
end exclusionary and bullying tactics and to respect the prolife and antigay views
in the name of diversity and Constitutional inclusion of all people regardess of beliefs.

I actually mentioned this on the radio the other day when I called in as prochoice
Democrat, saying I equally believed in defending and including prolife views as
protected under the Constitution. i don't have to agree with those views to defend them.
But actually I do agree with preventing and ending abortion, but by free choice and education and offering better solutions; NOT by criminalizing it or force of law.

So I hope to see more liberals and Democrats come out and admit that this hateful
exclusion is more for political bullying and tactics and is equally wrong if you are
against bullying and discrimination. We need to QUIT rewarding DIVISIVE tactics and
start encouraging, investing in and building leaders who don't rely on it to get elected.

Nailed it.
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