You can't claim Fathers are essentials

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I am not forcing you to realize that what you posted was a travesty. I am simply pointing it out to you so that you would know.
You can't say Fathers are essential if the law redefines marriage to make them optional

Argument makes sense. Has anyone read that book they mention? I want to get a hold of it now.

I hate to break it to you, but the law already defines fathers as "optional" by the fact that it's not illegal to raise a child as a single parent.

Really? So fathers are not obligated to pay child support?

Not by definition, no.

Child Support is decided by specific court order, it's not an automatic obligation.
You can't say Fathers are essential if the law redefines marriage to make them optional

Argument makes sense. Has anyone read that book they mention? I want to get a hold of it now.

You presented two alternative states as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.​

Also known as the false dilemma, this insidious tactic has the appearance of forming a logical argument, but under closer scrutiny it becomes evident that there are more possibilities than the either/or choice that is presented. Binary, black-or-white thinking doesn't allow for the many different variables, conditions, and contexts in which there would exist more than just the two possibilities put forth. It frames the argument misleadingly and obscures rational, honest debate.
Well, to be fair I doubt Jeriamiah Wright or the Nation of Islam is embracing same sex parents, even while decrying the growth of single parent households, either.
Anyways, avatar probably had the regular set of parents, and look at what a fucking book thumping doofus he turned out to be.

I didn't realize asking you to actually talk to God and find things out for yourself is Bible thumping. I was under the impression that Bible thumping was quoting the Bible again and again regardless of what anyone says. I don't do that.

I don't Bible thump, but if I did, I'd win.

Does Mormonism believe that marriage can be defined as polygamy, or that polygamy can be defined as marriage, depending on how you look at it?
You can't say Fathers are essential if the law redefines marriage to make them optional

Argument makes sense. Has anyone read that book they mention? I want to get a hold of it now.

Who's claiming fathers are essential?

Oh great, now just try to straighten out this thread. (Pun)

I'm bored to death with people on this forum who start arguments with an invented premise that has no basis in fact.
It is such horrible logic I can't believe you had the guts to post it.

Avatar is a great show though.

Man haters have trouble hiding it. Like vegans and people who think they suddenly are allergic to gluten.
You certainly have great deal of growing up to do with that stupid statement.
Maybe you should get off the faux news channel a bit and learn something.

You can't say Fathers are essential if the law redefines marriage to make them optional

Argument makes sense. Has anyone read that book they mention? I want to get a hold of it now.

I hate to break it to you, but the law already defines fathers as "optional" by the fact that it's not illegal to raise a child as a single parent.

Really? So fathers are not obligated to pay child support?

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