"You didn't get there on your own"

Obama is an ideological idiot. He has never actually had a private sector job. He couldn't run a business- except into the ground, if you paid him. His statement reveals how he sees the world. The "government" in his world belongs to the political class and not to the people...I mean WTF financially supports the government, but tax payers.

I have run a business. Several in fact. Successfully if I may be allowed to brag a bit.

And Obama is correct. I didnt go from start up to success on my own. I had help. I had good employees who were educated on someone elses tax money. I had roads on which supplies and customers came into my business and on which product was shipped out. I pay my employees a fair wage but I always need them to produce more value than I am investing in them or I do not profit.

For people to pretend that they dont understand how our economic well being is interconnected to one another AFTER the housing crisis took down our entire economy is just plain deception.

Everyone of us pays for that and it has nothing to do with building your own business. Stating the obvious doesn't mean govt built your business for you. Do you know what a useful idiot is?

Nobody said government built your business for you, that is stupid

What was said was you did not do it on your own and you were able to take advantage of a lot of benefits provided by Joe Taxpayer

Everyone of us pays for that and it has nothing to do with building your own business. Stating the obvious doesn't mean govt built your business for you. Do you know what a useful idiot is?

Nobody said government built your business for you, that is stupid

What was said was you did not do it on your own and you were able to take advantage of a lot of benefits provided by Joe Taxpayer

Business owners don't pay taxes? Wow, learn something every day. You're really really smart. Have you written any books?
“If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that,” Obama told a crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. “Somebody else made that happen.”

English lessons available here....$300.00 per hour...sign up today and get a free set of Ninja Knives and a bamboo steamer!
Gee you left this very important part of what Obama told the crowd in Roanoke, Va., on Friday. "The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."

" A text out of context, isolated form co-text, is always a pretext."
Jacob Prasch

How is that supposed to fix it? He's still presuming a public vested interest in private businesses, "we do things together".

Who's "we"??? :eusa_eh:

The infrastructure is built by the businesses themselves, sometimes directly but most often through taxes they pay. People who don't pay taxes, or offset what little they do pay by taking welfare benefits didn't contribute squat.
And by the same token Businesses that don't pay taxes didn't contribute squat either.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | Reuters

The Government Accountability Office said 72 percent of all foreign corporations and about 57 percent of U.S. companies doing business in the United States paid no federal income taxes for at least one year between 1998 and 2005.

More than half of foreign companies and about 42 percent of U.S. companies paid no U.S. income taxes for two or more years in that period, the report said.

Everyone of us pays for that and it has nothing to do with building your own business. Stating the obvious doesn't mean govt built your business for you. Do you know what a useful idiot is?

Nobody said government built your business for you, that is stupid

What was said was you did not do it on your own and you were able to take advantage of a lot of benefits provided by Joe Taxpayer

the very same taxpayer who owns the biz too...hello....


I don't think any of us can even begin to comprehend what the government has built in the United States, the railroads, TVA, Panama Canal, dams, dams that no private company would even look at.
But take just one little unit created during the depression, the CCC. They built 125,000 miles of roads, 46,854 bridges 300,000 dams for erosion, planted 3 billion trees, and the list goes on. For years I traveled over one of these CCC bridges. Business needs government and government needs business. Maybe what we don't need is politicians always trying to split the nation into two political camps.

Hey, regent, perhaps you could tell us where the government got the money for all their lovely little make-work programs, before you start singing paeons to the "glories" of government.

Human beings create government to perform those functions that are best accomplished as a community. No one has ever argued that there's a valid reason that government exists, so please don't even try to pretend otherwise.

Nevertheless, there's a big difference between "society needs an organized structure" and "you owe your success to government", just as there's a big difference between a basic, rudimentary government which builds roads and dams and the godawful, bloated, micro-managing monolith we actually have, intruding into every aspect of our lives, getting in the way much, MUCH more often than it helps anyone, and then expecting applause and gratitude in the person of our narcissistic, hubristic "community organizing" President.

While I agree with your sentiment... ( very well said by the way...except the last line. I feel thats a mischaracterization...but other than that...) ...without government, there are no police, there are no firemen, to protect and serve the community.

So I ask the following:

Dont we "owe" some of our success NOT to government itself, but to the community from which that success is dirived? And if so, isnt the government supposed to be the represenative of that community?
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"If you got a business you didn't build that".....

The prosecution rests Your Honor...
These are pretty damming words from our private sector hater in chief...
And now the Libs are gonna try and clean up this mess for him....
No what was said is "If you own a business, you didn't build that"

But the fact is every business is built by an owner.
The left doesn't think about what Obama says. Obama states the obvious and his minions run around spewing it, not realizing that what Obama said is nothing but the obvious. We all pay taxes, even business owners. Duh!!

Dumb asses.
Yo Barry if you want to know why the economy sucks I'll give you a hint. It's not bank atm's it's not airport kiosks, look in a mirror, it's you!

You're a clueless rube and you lead a political party that thinks food stamps and unemployment stimulates the economy while you haven't passed a budget in 4 years

Come November it's adios dickwad!
Romney: Obama’s ‘you didn’t build that’ comment ‘wasn’t a gaffe’

ROXBURY, Mass.—For the third day in a row, Mitt Romney attacked President Obama's "you didn't build that" comment, arguing the president's words weren't an accident but rather a reflection of his hostility toward private business.

"It wasn't a gaffe. It was his ideology," Romney argued Thursday at a last-minute campaign stop at Middlesex Truck and Coach, a small truck repair shop just outside Boston. "I don't think the president understands what makes this country great."

Speaking against the backdrop of more than a dozen mechanics, Romney pointed to the repair shop as a symbol of the businesses that have kept the American dream alive.

"This is the kind of place that has put people to work over the years, over the decades. … Someone else isn't responsible for what he did here," Romney said, referring to the shop's owner. "This is not the result of government. This is the result of people who take risks, create dreams, who build for themselves and for their families."

Romney insisted Obama's comments suggest he doesn't really understand how business works. And he pointed to a new report showing more Americans sought unemployment last week as more proof that Obama doesn't deserve a second term.

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