"You didn't get there on your own"

your example is just like the validity of your argument...fictional

Like your ability to reason.

The capitalist pig alone on an island will hoard all profit and not share any with the needy. He will exploit the natural resources without giving anything back to Obama.

Your argument is that these people do it ALL on their own. Im simply asking for an example. Said example would HAVE to be completely alone on a deserted island for your argument to be true.

Just because YOU failed to think your position through before you threw it out there and got ass raped by reality, dont put that off on me.

And because reality doesnt coincide with your very broken argument, you provided a fictional account based on a fictional character, once again proving that you are very fucking wrong.

they did not build their businesses on their own.

if they didn't build it then society did and so society really owns it and the profits.

Thats not a surprising argument from a guy who had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders
cant show that and cant show you a successful student or athlete on an island either. Therefore we should rip them all off as Barry implied??

Tell us genius why Barry didn't give the same speech to students and athletes!!

Giving back into the pool you took from is not being "ripped off" its called gratitude, respect for the system and being humble.

You see truly great people never believe they did it all on their own, because thats arrogant nonsense.

Neil Armstring didnt design the rocket that got him to the moon.

Charles Lindbergh didnt design the airplane he flew across the Atlantic.

Steve Jobs didnt invent the personal computer. Hell, he didnt even build the first APPLE computer.

Henry Ford didnt invent the automoble.

ALL of these great accomplishments were done with the help of others.

So name one that wasnt?

Or are you afraid?

So just using one of your examples, who gets the credit. The guy who thought up the internal combustion engine? Or the guy who figured out how to make it useful for millions of people and in the process made it possible for tens of thousands to have a good job and make a living.

Moving on to the guy on the assembly line, how much of his paycheck does he owe the heirs of the inventor? How much cut should the heirs of Henry Ford get of that? And how much is he owed by all the people around the auto plant who have jobs and earn a living because the plant is there and the guy on the line shows up to work five days a week?

which question you want anwered first...oh darn I wasnt aware that I was supposed to break out my slide rule and abacus for this assignment.

We are talking about HOW MUCH are we? We are talking about IF THEY DID IT ON THEIR OWN. Its not a HOW MUCH debate. Its a did they get there all by themselves debate.

If you want to discuss what a fair tax rate is...thats a different debate... one Im sure we will also disagree on...but start the thread, pm me the link and we can debate that too.
Moving on to the guy on the assembly line, how much of his paycheck does he owe the heirs of the inventor?

what a liberal lacks the IQ to grasp is that capitalism distributes the money according to a very very precise formula based on the value of ones contribution to the process. There is a reason wages go from minimum to millions in the same corporation.

If liberals scrambled the formula so everyone got the same pay in one company, for example, that company would go bankrupt because no one would bother to be, say, an engineer if it resulted in the same pay as a less trained guy.
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Or maybe youre just afraid to show me a successful business on a deserted island?

cant show that and cant show you a successful student or athlete on an island either. Therefore we should rip them all off as Barry implied??

Tell us genius why Barry didn't give the same speech to students and athletes!!

Giving back into the pool you took from is not being "ripped off" its called gratitude, respect for the system and being humble.

You see truly great people never believe they did it all on their own, because thats arrogant nonsense.

Neil Armstring didnt design the rocket that got him to the moon.

Charles Lindbergh didnt design the airplane he flew across the Atlantic.

Steve Jobs didnt invent the personal computer. Hell, he didnt even build the first APPLE computer.

Henry Ford didnt invent the automoble.

ALL of these great accomplishments were done with the help of others.

So name one that wasnt?

Or are you afraid?

The black messiah isn't asking for others to give. He's letting them know that He wants to take.
Giving back into the pool you took from is not being "ripped off" its called gratitude, respect for the system and being humble.

You see truly great people never believe they did it all on their own, because thats arrogant nonsense.

Neil Armstring didnt design the rocket that got him to the moon.

Charles Lindbergh didnt design the airplane he flew across the Atlantic.

Steve Jobs didnt invent the personal computer. Hell, he didnt even build the first APPLE computer.

Henry Ford didnt invent the automoble.

ALL of these great accomplishments were done with the help of others.

So name one that wasnt?

Or are you afraid?

So just using one of your examples, who gets the credit. The guy who thought up the internal combustion engine? Or the guy who figured out how to make it useful for millions of people and in the process made it possible for tens of thousands to have a good job and make a living.

Moving on to the guy on the assembly line, how much of his paycheck does he owe the heirs of the inventor? How much cut should the heirs of Henry Ford get of that? And how much is he owed by all the people around the auto plant who have jobs and earn a living because the plant is there and the guy on the line shows up to work five days a week?

which question you want anwered first...oh darn I wasnt aware that I was supposed to break out my slide rule and abacus for this assignment.

We are talking about HOW MUCH are we? We are talking about IF THEY DID IT ON THEIR OWN. Its not a HOW MUCH debate. Its a did they get there all by themselves debate.

If you want to discuss what a fair tax rate is...thats a different debate... one Im sure we will also disagree on...but start the thread, pm me the link and we can debate that too.

No one makes it on their own. Successful budiness owners have families and employees and customers who help a business grow. But Papa O wasnt talking about their contributions and rewards. He was talking about the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. I can say with certainty that the feds did nothing to help our business. Nothing. And shut up about the fucking roads. Most of them belong to the state.
No one makes it on their own.

this is true not the business owner, parent, teacher, road builder or the guy who invented the wheel 1 million years ago to make everything possible today, but everyone did what they did for the money or psychic rewards.

Then, along comes Barry, with his two communist parents, with a new formula about how everyone must pay everyone back and the formula is: give me the money and I'll decide.
Did the government provide the genetic material that makes up the individual? Did they decide when you started kindergarten? Did they show up at your hosue and help with math homework? Was government present when you decided who your friends were? How about whether or where you atended church? A million and one small decisions which formed you and what you were able to do with your potential. Yet government was not present at any of them.

Yet, the government decided what was a fair portion to pay the school for your education K-12. It was paid in full. The roads and other public services were funded with tax dollars from the public and the bill paid in full. Everything was calculated as to cost and paid for or a loan taken. So what is left to pay back?
Giving back into the pool you took from is not being "ripped off" its called gratitude, respect for the system and being humble.

You see truly great people never believe they did it all on their own, because thats arrogant nonsense.

Neil Armstring didnt design the rocket that got him to the moon.

Charles Lindbergh didnt design the airplane he flew across the Atlantic.

Steve Jobs didnt invent the personal computer. Hell, he didnt even build the first APPLE computer.

Henry Ford didnt invent the automoble.

ALL of these great accomplishments were done with the help of others.

So name one that wasnt?

Or are you afraid?

Tell us genius why Barry didn't give the same speech to students and athletes!!!!

There you go Little Eddie, changing the subject because youve reached the limits of your tiny tiny intelliect. So filled with fear that your bullshit might be ( has been ) proven completely wrong.

No. You dont get to dodge, coward, answer the challenge or concede!

Vidi -- no one is denying that TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE and KNOWLEDGE are one continuum of leveraging past achievements (and failures) for that matter. That's not the assertion that Obama was making. He prefaced the "you didn't build that" remark with comments about how he believes "a lot of folks work hard" and there are "a lot of smart people", implying that ALL SWEAT EQUITY should be regarded as EQUAL CONTRIBUTIONS. That people who are successful work NO harder and NO smarter than everyone else. It's that collectivist theme that was objectionable.

Actually he's RIGHT about a lot of people working hard.. But what he doesn't demonstrate an understanding of is that the OPERATORS of a business applied a particular kind of creativity, innovation, intense focus, and risk tolerance that is BEYOND a bucket of sweat.

The orderlies that clean the operating room work as hard as the surgeons -- but one has rare talents and skills -- the other has common commodities skills.

In an attempt to make a point -- his deep leftist indocrination caused him to be frank and honest about the simplistic Collectivist philosophy of equal sweat for equal reward. And without that preface to the "you didn't build that" remark -- he couldn't make the case for contributions all being approximately equal.. Like roads and bridges are equal to vision and innovation and not just an EXPECTED result of human development. That's NOT the world Americans know..

I KNOW YOU know how offensive that concept can be for biz folk. Especially when the conversion is what to do about the inequity of reimbursement for different contributions to the venture.
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When a business does well they generally reward employees with raises and bonuses. Papa O thinks those profits should go to him instead.

How can anyone with a job be OK with that?

This topic makes me angrier every passing day. I have a feeling I am not alone.
When a business does well they generally reward employees with raises and bonuses. Papa O thinks those profits should go to him instead.

How can anyone with a job be OK with that?

This topic makes me angrier every passing day. I have a feeling I am not alone.

Yes everyone who takes any pride in what they have accomplished was, in effect, attacked by Barry and his two communist parents.
So just using one of your examples, who gets the credit. The guy who thought up the internal combustion engine? Or the guy who figured out how to make it useful for millions of people and in the process made it possible for tens of thousands to have a good job and make a living.

Moving on to the guy on the assembly line, how much of his paycheck does he owe the heirs of the inventor? How much cut should the heirs of Henry Ford get of that? And how much is he owed by all the people around the auto plant who have jobs and earn a living because the plant is there and the guy on the line shows up to work five days a week?

which question you want anwered first...oh darn I wasnt aware that I was supposed to break out my slide rule and abacus for this assignment.

We are talking about HOW MUCH are we? We are talking about IF THEY DID IT ON THEIR OWN. Its not a HOW MUCH debate. Its a did they get there all by themselves debate.

If you want to discuss what a fair tax rate is...thats a different debate... one Im sure we will also disagree on...but start the thread, pm me the link and we can debate that too.

No one makes it on their own. Successful budiness owners have families and employees and customers who help a business grow. But Papa O wasnt talking about their contributions and rewards. He was talking about the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. I can say with certainty that the feds did nothing to help our business. Nothing. And shut up about the fucking roads. Most of them belong to the state.

No. Papa O was talking about the contribution that THE PEOPLE put into the system, bulding roads and schools and fire houses and cop shops.

Why do so many people forget that WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT?!?!?!?!
which question you want anwered first...oh darn I wasnt aware that I was supposed to break out my slide rule and abacus for this assignment.

We are talking about HOW MUCH are we? We are talking about IF THEY DID IT ON THEIR OWN. Its not a HOW MUCH debate. Its a did they get there all by themselves debate.

If you want to discuss what a fair tax rate is...thats a different debate... one Im sure we will also disagree on...but start the thread, pm me the link and we can debate that too.

No one makes it on their own. Successful budiness owners have families and employees and customers who help a business grow. But Papa O wasnt talking about their contributions and rewards. He was talking about the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. I can say with certainty that the feds did nothing to help our business. Nothing. And shut up about the fucking roads. Most of them belong to the state.

No. Papa O was talking about the contribution that THE PEOPLE put into the system, bulding roads and schools and fire houses and cop shops.

Well that's just stupid... Those same roads, bridges, schools and fire houses didn't help the failed businesses...

If they helped the successful businesses then they didn't help the failed businesses...

IOW, you need to remove them from the equation...
Did the government provide the genetic material that makes up the individual? Did they decide when you started kindergarten? Did they show up at your hosue and help with math homework? Was government present when you decided who your friends were? How about whether or where you atended church? A million and one small decisions which formed you and what you were able to do with your potential. Yet government was not present at any of them.

Yet, the government decided what was a fair portion to pay the school for your education K-12. It was paid in full. The roads and other public services were funded with tax dollars from the public and the bill paid in full. Everything was calculated as to cost and paid for or a loan taken. So what is left to pay back?

What youre saying is true but youre missing the fact that all of those things are essentially paid for by the previous generation. Therefore, its OUR responsibility to pay for it for the NEXT generation.

And the government was present for ALL of those decisions.

It was present when it kept your parents safe from the Nazis. It was present when they enjoyed their freedom to marry who they chose to and to have as many children as theyd like, unlike Communist China. It was present when it picked you up with the yellow bus to take you to school. It was present when it paid the teacher to teach you, the principal to oversee things. It was present when it repaired and expanded the roads on which you were driven to school, when you drove to your first job, your first self owned business. It was present when it protected your church's right to exist instead of demanding that ALL churches be the same denomination. It was present when it chose the textbooks from which your homework assignments were given.

The simple truth is we are a product of our society. Our society that was created and passed down to us from our Founding Fathers to us.

Theres a line in the John Adams mini series, that I HOPE John Adams actually said. He was meeting the French Aristocracy for the first time and felt completely out of place, and a woman told him he neednt concern himself with politics all the time.

He replied," I must concern myself with politics, madam. I may be a poor politician but I must concern myself with politics so my children can concern themselves with industry and commerce and their children may concern themselves with art and literature. "

In that statement is the contract, the Dream. That previous generations sacrifice in order for the next generations gain. We cannot now say we will take it all and leave nothing for the next generation. It violates the contract, the Dream.

Its our turn. Are we going to hand over nothing?

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