"You didn't get there on your own"

No, times have changed. We've gone from "let's cheer and applaud the individuals in a person's life who stood by them" to "let's cheer and applaud the government that made it all possible, and give it more tax money".

If that was what Obama was saying, you might be right. But he didn't. So you are dead wrong (for a change <sarcasm>)

Oh, and once upon a time, there were a lot fewer people as stupid and gullible as you.

Says one of the most stupid and gullible people posting on the USMB. Oh, the irony..
He knows because He didn't get there on his own.

He was put where He is by puppet-master George Soros who made his fortune by betting against America. Old George knew a good thing when he saw it.
And if Obama had been talking about simply appreciating the other private individuals in the community, that would have been one thing. But he wasn't. He was specifically talking about all the goodies that government, in his opinion, gifted business owners with, and how they NOW needed to stop bitching and cough up more money.

There's no "tax" involved in giving people a round of applause, dipshit. Only you leftists would be ignorant enough to conflate applause with taxes.

Do you guys make this shit up as you go along? Seriously? Please link to where he said this, because it sure as shit ain't in what he said in the vid in the OP.

As for your tax and applause analogy, that wasn't even his point. Don't worry, you're not bright enough to get his point. Just informing your ignorant arse...
Way to defend Barry's dumbass remarks...:thup:

Again, for those who fail to see reality: Bridges and roads are there for customers of failed businesses and successful businesses...

To credit them for the success of some while ignoring them for the failure of others is beyond stupid...

I just credited them for the failure of once successful businesses.

So again I issue the challenge: Show me an example of a successful business that NEVER utilized the commons.

Until you CAN, your argument is invalid.


You and Barry are the ones making the claim that it was roads and bridges that made all businesses successful... Those same roads and bridges failed other businesses on the same fucking block...

You and Barry's argument failed before it was uttered....

What a dumb argument....

Youreally are nothing but a disingenuous hack. Nobody said they are the be all, end all that makes a business successful just that they are part of the individual + collective equation. This has been pointed out to you dishonest losers many times in this thread but you keep ignoring it and going back to the same tired lie because you have no argument against the truth.
Or maybe youre just afraid to show me a successful business on a deserted island?

cant show that and cant show you a successful student or athlete on an island either. Therefore we should rip them all off as Barry implied??

Tell us genius why Barry didn't give the same speech to students and athletes!!

Giving back into the pool you took from is not being "ripped off" its called gratitude, respect for the system and being humble.

Because those people haven't ALREADY "given back into the pool", is that what you're saying? "You damned business owners have gotten rich off of government infrastructure everyone else has paid for you to have, so it's time for YOU to pay, too"? Wait, I thought you leftist twits were trying to tell us that WASN'T what Obama's speech was saying. Make up your mind.

You see truly great people never believe they did it all on their own, because thats arrogant nonsense.

Whoever told you that YOU were qualified to speak to what truly great people believe and do?

Neil Armstring didnt design the rocket that got him to the moon.

Charles Lindbergh didnt design the airplane he flew across the Atlantic.

Steve Jobs didnt invent the personal computer. Hell, he didnt even build the first APPLE computer.

Henry Ford didnt invent the automoble.

Straw men. Only two of the people listed were running businesses, and since the government sure as shit didn't design Apple's computers or invent the automobile (oh, and your belief that Ford's claim to fame as an inventor was for the automobile just shows how ignorant you truly are. He's credited with developing the assembly line). And your "no man is an island" schtick just shows that you know you don't have a leg to stand on, since Obama was NOT up there saying, "Appreciate your community and the individuals in your life." He was SPECIFICALLY talking about government. If you don't want to tell us how government built Apple and Ford Motor Company into successful businesses, you're just obfuscating and wasting time.

If you blow many more smoke up my ass, my sphincter is going to sue Phillip Morris.

ALL of these great accomplishments were done with the help of others.

See above.

So name one that wasnt?

Or are you afraid?[/QUOTE]

I believe we've already mentioned many businesses that were NOT built by the government, and your attempt to conflate Obama's grab for credit ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT with private individuals in people's lives for whom he has no right to speak is impressing no one.

wow, way to laser focus on a tree and COMPLETELY miss the forest.

Way to defend Barry's dumbass remarks...:thup:

Again, for those who fail to see reality: Bridges and roads are there for customers of failed businesses and successful businesses...

To credit them for the success of some while ignoring them for the failure of others is beyond stupid...

I just credited them for the failure of once successful businesses.

So again I issue the challenge: Show me an example of a successful business that NEVER utilized the commons.

Until you CAN, your argument is invalid.

It's NOT about "the commons" -- it's about the "collective".. Again -- he set the tone by trying to make the Collectivist argument that ALL Labor and ALL contributions are equal "because a lot of folks work hard".. It's not what he said about roads and bridges. It was his attempt to measure contributions in equal Buckets O' Sweat.. That anyone that sweats and has a brain gets equal credit..

And creativity, risk taking, resolve and sacrifice was not even CONSIDERED as reasons for success.

You can't seriously believe that if I wanted to plop a new $2Bill Auto plant in the middle of a cow pasture in Tenn -- that a little thing like a lack of a road WOULD STOP ME VIDI??? or a drill site on the North Shore of Alaska? No road, no problem. We'll fix it. Even if we have to FLY the employees in for a while.

In FACT -- the opposite flow of funding is more prevalent. Where industries donate Parks, Schools, EVEN CITY HALLS as part of the deal to locate a major development.
I just credited them for the failure of once successful businesses.

So again I issue the challenge: Show me an example of a successful business that NEVER utilized the commons.

Until you CAN, your argument is invalid.


You and Barry are the ones making the claim that it was roads and bridges that made all businesses successful... Those same roads and bridges failed other businesses on the same fucking block...

You and Barry's argument failed before it was uttered....

What a dumb argument....

Youreally are nothing but a disingenuous hack.
My God, How will I sleep at night? A fuckstain like you thinks I'm a hack...

The horrors...

Nobody said they are the be all, end all that makes a business successful just that they are part of the individual + collective equation.
Had you been paying attention you'd have noticed I never said they did either... But you're a low IQ little shit who couldn't be bothered to read what's posted...

The roads and bridges are neutral factors in a businesses success... They are no more to blame for a business' failure as they are for a business' success...


You fleebaggers really need to pay more attention to what's written....

This has been pointed out to you dishonest losers many times in this thread but you keep ignoring it and going back to the same tired lie because you have no argument against the truth.

Again, you make no intelligent point and continue rambling like an idiot... Maybe you were dropped on your head often as a child... It certainly would explain a few things...

It's NOT about "the commons" -- it's about the "collective".. Again -- he set the tone by trying to make the Collectivist argument that ALL Labor and ALL contributions are equal "because a lot of folks work hard".. It's not what he said about roads and bridges. It was his attempt to measure contributions in equal Buckets O' Sweat.. That anyone that sweats and has a brain gets equal credit.

He said no such thing....
Did you actually listen to the whole vid, or just cherry pick? Seriously?
Obama is only wrong if he said things that the right are trying to make out he said. In context, he never said those things. Only a partisan hack would say otherwise. So, are you? A partisan hack that is...

Only you and Ed Shultz believe that.

A Catholic Priest does not stand up and give a Jewish Sermon.

Obama's off-the-cuff remarks are consistent with his theme of more government and Joe Biden's statement that "paying taxes is patriotic".

You spin monkeys are always good for a laugh.
Obama is only wrong if he said things that the right are trying to make out he said. In context, he never said those things. Only a partisan hack would say otherwise. So, are you? A partisan hack that is...

Only you and Ed Shultz believe that.

A Catholic Priest does not stand up and give a Jewish Sermon.

Obama's off-the-cuff remarks are consistent with his theme of more government and Joe Biden's statement that "paying taxes is patriotic".

You spin monkeys are always good for a laugh.


I posted the FULL TEXT earlier in the thread. I suggest you read it. Only an idiot or a pratisan hack would take the statements IN CONTEXT to mean what the radical ridiculous right would have us believe.
your example is just like the validity of your argument...fictional

Like your ability to reason.

The capitalist pig alone on an island will hoard all profit and not share any with the needy. He will exploit the natural resources without giving anything back to Obama.

Your argument is that these people do it ALL on their own. Im simply asking for an example. Said example would HAVE to be completely alone on a deserted island for your argument to be true.

Just because YOU failed to think your position through before you threw it out there and got ass raped by reality, dont put that off on me.

And because reality doesnt coincide with your very broken argument, you provided a fictional account based on a fictional character, once again proving that you are very fucking wrong.


Straw man. No one has ever said, "They did it ALL on their own". Thanks for showing us that you have no response for the REAL argument, which is that government did not build their businesses, and they do not owe gratitude and MORE TAXES to government to "give back" for their success.

When you actually respond to the REAL topic and manage to make a valid point, much less out-argue someone, THEN you can shout "NEXT!" If you knew anything about business, you'd know that you don't move onto the next customer until you're finished serving the first one, and dipshit, you haven't even STARTED.
It was there when we had slavery
It was there when we had Japanese Americans locked up in camps

oh wait....

No keep going because youre absolutely RIGHT. 110% correct in fact. The government is US, the PEOPLE. And people are flawed and make HORRIBLE mistakes.

The government is not us, numskull. If it was, then why can't I stop paying taxes? Government is a gang of men, separate and distinct from the rest of us.

We CANNOT accept the benefits of self governance and ignore the penalties and responsibilities that go along with that. We MUST be honest about our mistakes, accept blame and learn from them or we are doomed to repeat them over and over again.

So please, by all means, continue your list.

Since I'm not the government, your rant is totally meaningless.
Like your ability to reason.

The capitalist pig alone on an island will hoard all profit and not share any with the needy. He will exploit the natural resources without giving anything back to Obama.

Your argument is that these people do it ALL on their own. Im simply asking for an example. Said example would HAVE to be completely alone on a deserted island for your argument to be true.

Just because YOU failed to think your position through before you threw it out there and got ass raped by reality, dont put that off on me.

And because reality doesnt coincide with your very broken argument, you provided a fictional account based on a fictional character, once again proving that you are very fucking wrong.


Straw man. No one has ever said, "They did it ALL on their own". Thanks for showing us that you have no response for the REAL argument, which is that government did not build their businesses, and they do not owe gratitude and MORE TAXES to government to "give back" for their success.

When you actually respond to the REAL topic and manage to make a valid point, much less out-argue someone, THEN you can shout "NEXT!" If you knew anything about business, you'd know that you don't move onto the next customer until you're finished serving the first one, and dipshit, you haven't even STARTED.


If they didnt get there on their own, then everyone agrees with what Obama said and this thread wouldnt be 263 pages long.

NO ONE not even Obama, said that the government built their business for them. The ONLY ones making THAT claim are the partisan hacks.

Nice dodge from the argument.

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I just credited them for the failure of once successful businesses.

So again I issue the challenge: Show me an example of a successful business that NEVER utilized the commons.

Until you CAN, your argument is invalid.

government forces us to pay for and use its services, so how is that possible?

Your demand is idiotic. It ignores the essential feature of the relationship between government and the citizenry: compulsion.
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You and Barry are the ones making the claim that it was roads and bridges that made all businesses successful... Those same roads and bridges failed other businesses on the same fucking block...

You and Barry's argument failed before it was uttered....

What a dumb argument....

Youreally are nothing but a disingenuous hack.
My God, How will I sleep at night? A fuckstain like you thinks I'm a hack...

The horrors...

Nobody said they are the be all, end all that makes a business successful just that they are part of the individual + collective equation.
Had you been paying attention you'd have noticed I never said they did either... But you're a low IQ little shit who couldn't be bothered to read what's posted...

The roads and bridges are neutral factors in a businesses success... They are no more to blame for a business' failure as they are for a business' success...


You fleebaggers really need to pay more attention to what's written....

This has been pointed out to you dishonest losers many times in this thread but you keep ignoring it and going back to the same tired lie because you have no argument against the truth.

Again, you make no intelligent point and continue rambling like an idiot... Maybe you were dropped on your head often as a child... It certainly would explain a few things...

If they are neutral then by all means, please, go to an island without them and the rest of a civilized society, start a business and report back how well you have done without them.
Reminds one of the Hoover speeches during the Great Depression. Hoover telling Americans how self reliant they were; able to do for themselves even as some starved and died from malnutriion. But some bought that bunk, some probably believing they began life by delivering themselves at birth.

What bullshit. These "Hoover speeches" never occurred. I challenge to produce an example of one.

Man is one of the most dependent creatures on earth. The long childhood is ample evidence. To deny humans are not dependent on others, we need only to look about us, and in additon we are dependent upon government including conservatives and businessmen. If we were not dependent on government why would our founders have needed to change our government making it stronger, larger, with tremendous new powers, and some of those powers created were to help businessmen. But because we are dependent on others, America needs business, industry, hospitals, schools doctors all that make a nation.

Your first mistake is in believing that the Founders needed to change our government. They didn't. Many of them argued against the Constitution. Also, they didn't give the government "tremendous new powers." Those didn't appear until the tyrant Lincoln was elected who made war on his fellow Americans. That's when the government genuinely underwent a fundamental transformation.
When a business does well they generally reward employees with raises and bonuses. Papa O thinks those profits should go to him instead.

How can anyone with a job be OK with that?

This topic makes me angrier every passing day. I have a feeling I am not alone.

What makes me angrier every day are these leftists trying to excuse, justify, and explain away their greed as displayed via Obama.

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