"You didn't get there on your own"


I posted the FULL TEXT earlier in the thread. I suggest you read it. Only an idiot or a pratisan hack would take the statements IN CONTEXT to mean what the radical ridiculous right would have us believe.

We've all heard what he said dozens of times. The fact that you and the other leftwing turds in this thread are trying to justify higher taxes on the wealthy using Obama's excuse only serves to reinforce the understanding of his statement that anyone who isn't totally brainwashed has.

Obviously you have UNDERSTOOD it though have you?

I know its hard with only half your brain, but ask an adult to explain it to you...slowly.
When a business does well they generally reward employees with raises and bonuses. Papa O thinks those profits should go to him instead.

How can anyone with a job be OK with that?

This topic makes me angrier every passing day. I have a feeling I am not alone.

What makes me angrier every day are these leftists trying to excuse, justify, and explain away their greed as displayed via Obama.

On the one hand they claim Obama didn't say what we all know he said. On the other they claim we are obligated to pay higher taxes because we owe the government for our success. In other words, they agree exactly with our understanding of what Obama said and even defend it.

This spectacle of pure idiocy is too fantastic to believe.
Your argument is that these people do it ALL on their own. Im simply asking for an example. Said example would HAVE to be completely alone on a deserted island for your argument to be true.

Just because YOU failed to think your position through before you threw it out there and got ass raped by reality, dont put that off on me.

And because reality doesnt coincide with your very broken argument, you provided a fictional account based on a fictional character, once again proving that you are very fucking wrong.


Straw man. No one has ever said, "They did it ALL on their own". Thanks for showing us that you have no response for the REAL argument, which is that government did not build their businesses, and they do not owe gratitude and MORE TAXES to government to "give back" for their success.

When you actually respond to the REAL topic and manage to make a valid point, much less out-argue someone, THEN you can shout "NEXT!" If you knew anything about business, you'd know that you don't move onto the next customer until you're finished serving the first one, and dipshit, you haven't even STARTED.


If they didnt get there on their own, then everyone agrees with what Obama said and this thread wouldnt be 263 pages long.

NO ONE not even Obama, said that the government built their business for them. The ONLY ones making THAT claim are the partisan hacks.

Nice dodge from the argument.


The thread is so long because disingenuous hacks like you keep trying to pretend Obama didn't say what he said, and that people are trying to argue things they aren't.

Obama - and you - most certainly DID try to say they owe the success of their businesses to government entities. And you're quite right about the people making that claim being partisan hacks, because you both are.

The more you yell, "NEXT!" without having said anything, the more it sounds like, "ANYONE ELSE BECAUSE I CAN'T RESPOND!"
No keep going because youre absolutely RIGHT. 110% correct in fact. The government is US, the PEOPLE. And people are flawed and make HORRIBLE mistakes.

The government is not us, numskull. If it was, then why can't I stop paying taxes? Government is a gang of men, separate and distinct from the rest of us.

We CANNOT accept the benefits of self governance and ignore the penalties and responsibilities that go along with that. We MUST be honest about our mistakes, accept blame and learn from them or we are doomed to repeat them over and over again.

So please, by all means, continue your list.

Since I'm not the government, your rant is totally meaningless.

Never heard of "of, for and by the people" huh?

yes, I've heard of it. It may sound eloquent, but it's complete bullshit. Government "of, by and for the people" is an oxymoron. Government exists for its own sake. It preys on the rest of us.

Shame. Its a very interesting concept. Been around just over a couple hundred years now.

A Republican President mentioned something about it once...at Gettysburg...but he wasnt for States rights so I guess he didnt count.

It's actually only been around since Lincoln put it in the Gettysburg Address, not "a couple of hundred years." Lincoln was a tyrant who wiped his ass on the Constitution and destroyed the original arrangement this country was founded on which was as a voluntary union of independent states.
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You're missing the point vidi...

THE SAME bridges and roads that you claim helped you somehow failed other businesses...

Solyndra somehow couldn't use those bridges and roads to make it work...

It wasn't the magical roads and bridges that made your business successful....

Barry was wrong and he's in full damage control trying to spin it around....

Vidi is just trying to justify the parasite's belief that he's entitled to what you produced with your own mind and your own two hands. That's the fundamental creed of liberalism: That we're all obligated to serve as hosts for the worthless blood suckers.

LOL too funny. You make illogical arguments, deny the very foundation of our countries political system and then accuse someone who demands responsibility of being a parasite.


I do deny the foundation of our political system, because it's all bullshit. "Demanding responsibility" means taking a bigger piece of the hides of productive people for the benefit of parasites. You're an apologist for the parasites. Whether you are one yourself is something I don't have enough information to determine.
Sorry House old buddy, youre missing the point.

YES, the business owner is a MAJOR factor. I couldnt have been successful WITHOUT my own contribution. But I also couldnnt have been successful WITHOUT the contribution of society. and THAT was Obamas point. And one Im sorry to say you missed.

In fairness, Obama didnt make the point nearly as well as Elizabeth Warren did.

No, Obama wasn't speaking for "society". He was speaking for GOVERNMENT. And no, they aren't the same thing.


another idiot in desperate need of a civics class....sigh

do you have any concept of what self governance means? at all?

In the case of a republic, like this one, it means that we elect a bunch of people, who then hire a bunch of other people, and they run the government for us so that we don't have to devote our entire lives to casting ballots on every little fucking thing that comes along.

Sadly, in our case, it also means that we have allowed those elected people, and the bureaucrats they hired, to set themselves up as essentially a separate entity from the people governed, with a monstrous appetite for our money in order to shore up their power bases.

None of this has fuck-all to do with the self-evident fact that government is not society. If YOU had ever taken a civics class, rather than assuming your dipshit leftist opinion constituted civics, you would know that government is, at best, a tool of society, and at worst, a burden upon it. It IS NOT society.
Anyone can listen to his remarks for themselves, so it's stupid for you to claim we didn't hear what we plainly heard.

Obama revealed his cloven hoof and accidentally told the world that he's a Marxist to the core.

cloven hoof? Now hes the anti christ?

and you expect ANYONE to take you seriously, nutjob?

That's called a rhetorical flourish, nimrod. It isn't meant to be taken literally.
I couldnt agree with you more. Which is WHY I support a MAJOR raise in taxes. WE need to pay for this. Not our children or our grandchildren...US!

ROFL! Now we get to the nut of the issue. As we all knew from the beginning, this whole tirade is just a ploy to justify raising taxes. What is the "this" we need to pay for? Most of our taxes go to provide sustenance for parasites. Very little goes to building roads and bridges. What we really need to do is cut off the parasites.

Look, since the Reagan years ( back in high school ) all I heard was how my generation was going to be the first to do worse than our parents because of the rising debt. And its only gotten worse. The Baby Boomers really fucked us, lets just be honest about that. They put everything on a credit card and pushed the bill onto the next generation...talk about taxation without representation huh?...well, that next generation is US.

It wont be easy. Hell, after world war 2 the top tax rate was 91%!!!!!!! Thats crazy, but thats what was required to get the country on track and turn it into the superpower that it became.

Now Im not saying we should go back to 91% by any means, but the difference is the "greatest generation" were willing to make the sacrifices neccessary to provide for the future of this great nation.

Are we?

Fuck off.

I'll never agree to turning over more of my paycheck to parasites. You can go stick your head on the chopping block if you like, but you aren't taking me with you if I can do anything about it.

Typical selfish America hating response.

Keep up the good work, Kingsman.

In other words, you have no facts or logic to support your case.
No, Obama wasn't speaking for "society". He was speaking for GOVERNMENT. And no, they aren't the same thing.


another idiot in desperate need of a civics class....sigh

do you have any concept of what self governance means? at all?

In the case of a republic, like this one, it means that we elect a bunch of people, who then hire a bunch of other people, and they run the government for us so that we don't have to devote our entire lives to casting ballots on every little fucking thing that comes along.

Sadly, in our case, it also means that we have allowed those elected people, and the bureaucrats they hired, to set themselves up as essentially a separate entity from the people governed, with a monstrous appetite for our money in order to shore up their power bases.

None of this has fuck-all to do with the self-evident fact that government is not society. If YOU had ever taken a civics class, rather than assuming your dipshit leftist opinion constituted civics, you would know that government is, at best, a tool of society, and at worst, a burden upon it. It IS NOT society.

A government is part of a soceity, Dipshit. Anybody who says otherwise is, well, a Dipshit....

...oh that's right..

...carry on.....
Obama's off-the-cuff remarks are consistent with his theme of more government and Joe Biden's statement that "paying taxes is patriotic".

This is a point that's being overlooked (gee, I wonder why). Obama's comments were questionable if taken in a vacuum, but they fit right into the theme that Obama and the Democrats are anti-business. It's a little tougher to believe the spin when taken in the larger context.

And then there is the passage that pissed me off, personally - "I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there."

That's the President of the United States first putting words (bolded, to make it simple) into the mouths of business owners, and then mocking them for those words. Does anyone else recall such a statement from a President?

You say you know what we think? You don't. You couldn't.

And business owners don't talk about what you claim. I'm with them every day. They're too busy trying to keep the doors open.

You can't spin an insult.

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Show me a successful business on an island with ONE person one it?

Tom Hanks had a very successful fish processing business and coconut harvesting concern in Castaway.

Marxist platitudes only sound good until you actually think about them...

And you resort to fiction... Gee, I bet poor Tom had to spend time in a hospital after making that MOVIE. I'm sure he REALLY did all those things.

You just proved that Wilson has more brains than you...:lol::lol::lol:
Obama's off-the-cuff remarks are consistent with his theme of more government and Joe Biden's statement that "paying taxes is patriotic".

This is a point that's being overlooked (gee, I wonder why). Obama's comments were questionable if taken in a vacuum, but they fit right into the theme that Obama and the Democrats are anti-business. It's a little tougher to believe the spin when taken in the larger context.

And then there is the passage that pissed me off, personally - "I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there."

That's the President of the United States first putting words (bolded, to make it simple) into the mouths of business owners, and then mocking them for those words. Does anyone else recall such a statement from a President?

You say you know what we think? You don't. You couldn't.

And business owners don't talk about what you claim. I'm with them every day. They're too busy trying to keep the doors open.

You can't spin an insult.


Y'know, I've brought this up at least a couple of times now, and I can't get any of the spinners to provide a response.

I realize it can't be spun with the diversionary "roads and bridges" schtick, but can't you come up with something else here?

Sorry bout that,

1. The bottom line is Obama is a screw up.
2. Any company started out has to dream the dream first, take the right steps to get it started, and then with caution and expertise launch it and watch everything very closely at first to make sure the whole thing stays on track.
3. There is *NO* government agency or path to success available, you will make it on your own skill and work ethics, being a honorable person factors in as well, honesty and doing what you say you can is important, and then doing it, don't make excuses, get the job done!
4. These are the raw facts to success, and without these, you are destined to fail.
5. Nothing else will matter, if there is a road out there, or a bridge out there, the infrastructure isn't going to make or break you, Obama is on acid, its not even close to whats going to make you a success.
6. Learn people, but don't try to learn from a failure, Obama,.....his name will go down in history as a complete failure, because he has.

Another day and the spin team can't shake the truth that Obama thinks small business owners owe him MORE. That we can't achieve anything without his divine governance. Hopefully the shrill voices of the left will further insult us today with Obama's blessing.

another idiot in desperate need of a civics class....sigh

do you have any concept of what self governance means? at all?

In the case of a republic, like this one, it means that we elect a bunch of people, who then hire a bunch of other people, and they run the government for us so that we don't have to devote our entire lives to casting ballots on every little fucking thing that comes along.

Sadly, in our case, it also means that we have allowed those elected people, and the bureaucrats they hired, to set themselves up as essentially a separate entity from the people governed, with a monstrous appetite for our money in order to shore up their power bases.

None of this has fuck-all to do with the self-evident fact that government is not society. If YOU had ever taken a civics class, rather than assuming your dipshit leftist opinion constituted civics, you would know that government is, at best, a tool of society, and at worst, a burden upon it. It IS NOT society.

A government is part of a soceity, Dipshit. Anybody who says otherwise is, well, a Dipshit....

...oh that's right..

...carry on.....

It's not that simple dipshit - we have a Bill of Rights dipshit...

Government cant just do whatever the fuck they want dipshit..

Understand dipshit?
Obama's off-the-cuff remarks are consistent with his theme of more government and Joe Biden's statement that "paying taxes is patriotic".

This is a point that's being overlooked (gee, I wonder why). Obama's comments were questionable if taken in a vacuum, but they fit right into the theme that Obama and the Democrats are anti-business. It's a little tougher to believe the spin when taken in the larger context.

And then there is the passage that pissed me off, personally - "I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there."

That's the President of the United States first putting words (bolded, to make it simple) into the mouths of business owners, and then mocking them for those words. Does anyone else recall such a statement from a President?

You say you know what we think? You don't. You couldn't.

And business owners don't talk about what you claim. I'm with them every day. They're too busy trying to keep the doors open.

You can't spin an insult.


Y'know, I've brought this up at least a couple of times now, and I can't get any of the spinners to provide a response.

I realize it can't be spun with the diversionary "roads and bridges" schtick, but can't you come up with something else here?


I think you need to look at yourself and the Ayn Rand conservatives who have espoused on this board, in the political arena and on the airwaves their firm belief in what conservatism has devolved into...social Darwinism. Survival of the richest and calling hard working American working class people 'parasites', 'takers' and 'moochers'. While those 'parasites', 'takers' and 'moochers' have sent their sons and daughters off to die on foreign soil to WHOSE financial benefit?
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Another day and the spin team can't shake the truth that Obama thinks small business owners owe him MORE. That we can't achieve anything without his divine governance. Hopefully the shrill voices of the left will further insult us today with Obama's blessing.

Then again maybe you'll either get over, or find a cure for, your Obama Derangement Syndrome....
In the case of a republic, like this one, it means that we elect a bunch of people, who then hire a bunch of other people, and they run the government for us so that we don't have to devote our entire lives to casting ballots on every little fucking thing that comes along.

Sadly, in our case, it also means that we have allowed those elected people, and the bureaucrats they hired, to set themselves up as essentially a separate entity from the people governed, with a monstrous appetite for our money in order to shore up their power bases.

None of this has fuck-all to do with the self-evident fact that government is not society. If YOU had ever taken a civics class, rather than assuming your dipshit leftist opinion constituted civics, you would know that government is, at best, a tool of society, and at worst, a burden upon it. It IS NOT society.

A government is part of a soceity, Dipshit. Anybody who says otherwise is, well, a Dipshit....

...oh that's right..

...carry on.....

It's not that simple dipshit - we have a Bill of Rights dipshit...

Government cant just do whatever the fuck they want dipshit..

Understand dipshit?

Which has what to do with my point Retard?

here, I'll even give you a hint: NOTHING...understand yet, Retard?
I see the handout entitlement crowd has arrived. Obama's not planning on giving you a raise from all of this, but keeping acting like you are.

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