"You didn't get there on your own"

No doubt. It's like some folks are short circuited somewhere in their thinking and are incapable of following a concept all the way from beginning to end. They honestly are incapable of seeing the whole big picture of what goes into making a business successful. I think the President is one of those 'short circuited' people. It's that or else we have to see a much more ominous and sinister motive behind his game plan.

It is the disingenousness of it that become so frustrating. Like in the recent 2-minute ad he put out begging for contributions to his campaign. You can see it here at this site, but note the comments below the link to the video that illustrate the disconnect between the reality and the rhetoric.

Obama begs supporters for money in new campaign video

Unfortunately, I believe it's the second, I wish I could say otherwise. But, when looking at how he was raised, his background, I believe what he wants for this country has nothing in common with what it was founded for.

You ass. Was it founded of the people, by the people, and FOR the people? That said, I guess our differences stem from who or WHAT people ARE.

If you believe that people aren't people, but legal constructs that neither bleed like people, die like people, nor are bound by any other biological restriction HUMAN people are, then I'd say you are a whore, and considering your stance on this subject, we've already settled on your PRICE.

Your ignoring that this a republic Barb. Even Obama ran on changing a government that had become out of touch with the people, did things in secret and had left us with little hope.
You ass. Was it founded of the people, by the people, and FOR the people? That said, I guess our differences stem from who or WHAT people ARE.

If you believe that people aren't people, but legal constructs that neither bleed like people, die like people, nor are bound by any other biological restriction HUMAN people are, then I'd say you are a whore, and considering your stance on this subject, we've already settled on your PRICE.

I hope someone knows what the hell you're talking about, cause I sure as hell don't. If you're implying that Obama is 'for the people', you're far more sold out than I am lady. The only 'people' you're for are the ones that seem to justify in your mind the taking of property from one set and bestowing it on another that you 'deem' worthy. That's not what freedom and liberty are about. You just whore yourself out to a different idealogy, and it's not what this country was founded on.

Obama is 100% about the state, and the power of the state over the people you profess to care about.

You know perfectly well who, and WHAT I'm talking about, and which is which. So does listening. It doesn't read well with what you're spewing, but it is what it is.

Things are either going to get better for the majority of Americans WHO have taken hit after hit during the last 30 some years, or those like you are going to start claiming you was with us all along. I hope your nose grows, and it's mulched for the community garden. :fu:

It reads exactly like what it is. A socialist has infested the White House. The entitlement crowd has cheered and wants al the more than what they have. No price is too high in achieving their ends.
You ass. Was it founded of the people, by the people, and FOR the people? That said, I guess our differences stem from who or WHAT people ARE.

If you believe that people aren't people, but legal constructs that neither bleed like people, die like people, nor are bound by any other biological restriction HUMAN people are, then I'd say you are a whore, and considering your stance on this subject, we've already settled on your PRICE.

I hope someone knows what the hell you're talking about, cause I sure as hell don't. If you're implying that Obama is 'for the people', you're far more sold out than I am lady. The only 'people' you're for are the ones that seem to justify in your mind the taking of property from one set and bestowing it on another that you 'deem' worthy. That's not what freedom and liberty are about. You just whore yourself out to a different idealogy, and it's not what this country was founded on.

Obama is 100% about the state, and the power of the state over the people you profess to care about.

You know perfectly well who, and WHAT I'm talking about, and which is which. So does listening. It doesn't read well with what you're spewing, but it is what it is.

Things are either going to get better for the majority of Americans WHO have taken hit after hit during the last 30 some years, or those like you are going to start claiming you was with us all along. I hope your nose grows, and it's mulched for the community garden. :fu:

Suck on Barb.

The fact is that the left has tried to make up the rules as it goes along. I'd live to see a football field after the left.

They'd measure the height and weight of each team and then deduct players from the bigger team. They'd also set back the kickoff line and put the goal posts back 20 yards further....all in the name of fairness.

The USC was written with people like Obama in mind. That it it is doing it's job is only a testament to it's brilliance. The Tea Party is the vanguard right now.

The only thing we need is a pooper scooper to pick up your posts.

And, I keep waiting for this lot of successful people to step forward and agree with him. The last I checked most small business owners are pissed at him. Gee, you think they'd be grateful since "somebody else built that". Hell, they didn't even have to show up for work.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPEphrqTpNs]SchnittShow.com: You Built That Business, But Barack Says No - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sort of with Newby on this one. I can't figure out what the hell Barb is saying or trying to say.

I do know that I built my business. Hundreds of thousands of other people who enjoy the same infrastructure and government services I enjoy could have started the same business, but didn't. That inconvenient truth is what makes President Obama's speech so absurd. And so dishonest.
Unfortunately, I believe it's the second, I wish I could say otherwise. But, when looking at how he was raised, his background, I believe what he wants for this country has nothing in common with what it was founded for.

You ass. Was it founded of the people, by the people, and FOR the people? That said, I guess our differences stem from who or WHAT people ARE.

If you believe that people aren't people, but legal constructs that neither bleed like people, die like people, nor are bound by any other biological restriction HUMAN people are, then I'd say you are a whore, and considering your stance on this subject, we've already settled on your PRICE.

Your ignoring that this a republic Barb. Even Obama ran on changing a government that had become out of touch with the people, did things in secret and had left us with little hope.

He's not my favorite democrat, neither was Clinton, for reasons a stained dress had nothing to do with. I'm talking to birthers here, the tea party elite, SL, do you REALLY believe these people have the first fucking clue what values, as that pertains to corporate power, THIS nation was founded on?

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George, over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, “the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.” The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.
Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.
The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.
You ass. Was it founded of the people, by the people, and FOR the people? That said, I guess our differences stem from who or WHAT people ARE.

If you believe that people aren't people, but legal constructs that neither bleed like people, die like people, nor are bound by any other biological restriction HUMAN people are, then I'd say you are a whore, and considering your stance on this subject, we've already settled on your PRICE.

Your ignoring that this a republic Barb. Even Obama ran on changing a government that had become out of touch with the people, did things in secret and had left us with little hope.

He's not my favorite democrat, neither was Clinton, for reasons a stained dress had nothing to do with. I'm talking to birthers here, the tea party elite, SL, do you REALLY believe these people have the first fucking clue what values, as that pertains to corporate power, THIS nation was founded on?

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George, over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, “the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.” The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.
Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.
The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.

And just who is arguing with you on this ?????

I hate corporations. You can't tell where they end and big government starts. They are in bed with each other so tight they only use one pillow.
It is also a red herring thrown into the discussion to deflect from the fact that it is the entreprenoural spirit and people with the freedom and courage to take risks that have built this nation, not the government. And that is what we need to keep focusing on people.

Take the evils of corporate America to another thread because it doesn't apply to this one.
Your ignoring that this a republic Barb. Even Obama ran on changing a government that had become out of touch with the people, did things in secret and had left us with little hope.

He's not my favorite democrat, neither was Clinton, for reasons a stained dress had nothing to do with. I'm talking to birthers here, the tea party elite, SL, do you REALLY believe these people have the first fucking clue what values, as that pertains to corporate power, THIS nation was founded on?

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George, over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, “the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.” The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.
Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.
The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.

And just who is arguing with you on this ?????
I hate corporations. You can't tell where they end and big government starts. They are in bed with each other so tight they only use one pillow.

Exactly, she has a stereotype set in her head about the 'tea party', and she's arguing with herself. I've never been to a tea party rally, so her predisposed notions about random posters and tea party people in general makes her look foolish.
It is also a red herring thrown into the discussion to deflect from the fact that it is the entreprenoural spirit and people with the freedom and courage to take risks that have built this nation, not the government. And that is what we need to keep focusing on people.

Take the evils of corporate America to another thread because it doesn't apply to this one.

Amen Fox. ;)
I'm sort of with Newby on this one. I can't figure out what the hell Barb is saying or trying to say.

I do know that I built my business. Hundreds of thousands of other people who enjoy the same infrastructure and government services I enjoy could have started the same business, but didn't. That inconvenient truth is what makes President Obama's speech so absurd. And so dishonest.

I really don't have time today, but do you REALLY think that everyone else had the same access to whatever tools you did, or to the up bringing that kept you healthy and whole, much less to your access to and ability to take advantage of the education, infrastructure, and government services you took advantage of? Really? That's the definition of hubris, kid. Pride goes before a fall. Watch that next step.
He's not my favorite democrat, neither was Clinton, for reasons a stained dress had nothing to do with. I'm talking to birthers here, the tea party elite, SL, do you REALLY believe these people have the first fucking clue what values, as that pertains to corporate power, THIS nation was founded on?

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George, over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, “the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.” The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.
Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.
The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.

And just who is arguing with you on this ?????
I hate corporations. You can't tell where they end and big government starts. They are in bed with each other so tight they only use one pillow.

Exactly, she has a stereotype set in her head about the 'tea party', and she's arguing with herself. I've never been to a tea party rally, so her predisposed notions about random posters and tea party people in general makes her look foolish.

While I am an active Tea Partier and therefore in a position to know that almost all of the negative accusations being made about the Tea Party spirit is pure fabrication and horseshit. What the Tea Party is about is the antithesis of what Obama was trying to accomplish with that speech. The Tea Party is all about personal liberty, self governance, and limited government, everything the President is increasingly opposed to.
You ass. Was it founded of the people, by the people, and FOR the people? That said, I guess our differences stem from who or WHAT people ARE.

If you believe that people aren't people, but legal constructs that neither bleed like people, die like people, nor are bound by any other biological restriction HUMAN people are, then I'd say you are a whore, and considering your stance on this subject, we've already settled on your PRICE.

I hope someone knows what the hell you're talking about, cause I sure as hell don't. If you're implying that Obama is 'for the people', you're far more sold out than I am lady. The only 'people' you're for are the ones that seem to justify in your mind the taking of property from one set and bestowing it on another that you 'deem' worthy. That's not what freedom and liberty are about. You just whore yourself out to a different idealogy, and it's not what this country was founded on.

Obama is 100% about the state, and the power of the state over the people you profess to care about.

You know perfectly well who, and WHAT I'm talking about, and which is which. So does listening. It doesn't read well with what you're spewing, but it is what it is.

Things are either going to get better for the majority of Americans WHO have taken hit after hit during the last 30 some years, or those like you are going to start claiming you was with us all along. I hope your nose grows, and it's mulched for the community garden. :fu:

You're so full of hate and assumptions that you're doing a very good job of making yourself look like an idiot. :cool:
I'm sort of with Newby on this one. I can't figure out what the hell Barb is saying or trying to say.

I do know that I built my business. Hundreds of thousands of other people who enjoy the same infrastructure and government services I enjoy could have started the same business, but didn't. That inconvenient truth is what makes President Obama's speech so absurd. And so dishonest.

I really don't have time today, but do you REALLY think that everyone else had the same access to whatever tools you did, or to the up bringing that kept you healthy and whole, much less to your access to and ability to take advantage of the education, infrastructure, and government services you took advantage of? Really? That's the definition of hubris, kid. Pride goes before a fall. Watch that next step.

What is the argument here ?

That you want government to play referee ?

How is that any less prideful ?
I'm sort of with Newby on this one. I can't figure out what the hell Barb is saying or trying to say.

I do know that I built my business. Hundreds of thousands of other people who enjoy the same infrastructure and government services I enjoy could have started the same business, but didn't. That inconvenient truth is what makes President Obama's speech so absurd. And so dishonest.

I really don't have time today, but do you REALLY think that everyone else had the same access to whatever tools you did, or to the up bringing that kept you healthy and whole, much less to your access to and ability to take advantage of the education, infrastructure, and government services you took advantage of? Really? That's the definition of hubris, kid. Pride goes before a fall. Watch that next step.

Should we all have a pity party? The guilt trip is starting to take a nose dive and people are waking up to the real agenda of the socialist left. Take your whining elsewhere.
And just who is arguing with you on this ?????
I hate corporations. You can't tell where they end and big government starts. They are in bed with each other so tight they only use one pillow.

Exactly, she has a stereotype set in her head about the 'tea party', and she's arguing with herself. I've never been to a tea party rally, so her predisposed notions about random posters and tea party people in general makes her look foolish.

While I am an active Tea Partier and therefore in a position to know that almost all of the negative accusations being made about the Tea Party spirit is pure fabrication and horseshit. What the Tea Party is about is the antithesis of what Obama was trying to accomplish with that speech. The Tea Party is all about personal liberty, self governance, and limited government, everything the President is increasingly opposed to.

I completely support it, I've just never attended, nor been active with it unfortunately.
Your ignoring that this a republic Barb. Even Obama ran on changing a government that had become out of touch with the people, did things in secret and had left us with little hope.

He's not my favorite democrat, neither was Clinton, for reasons a stained dress had nothing to do with. I'm talking to birthers here, the tea party elite, SL, do you REALLY believe these people have the first fucking clue what values, as that pertains to corporate power, THIS nation was founded on?

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George, over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, “the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.” The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.
Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.
The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.

And just who is arguing with you on this ?????

I hate corporations. You can't tell where they end and big government starts. They are in bed with each other so tight they only use one pillow.
You either know goddamned good and well that "small business" is NOT what the politicians are talking about when they cry about "small business," or you're a goddamned liar. You choose.
He's not my favorite democrat, neither was Clinton, for reasons a stained dress had nothing to do with. I'm talking to birthers here, the tea party elite, SL, do you REALLY believe these people have the first fucking clue what values, as that pertains to corporate power, THIS nation was founded on?

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George, over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, “the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.” The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.
Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.
The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.

I'm finding Clinton more presidential in his retirement. My oldest stepson is very much into the Tea Party. He frequently sends me articles concerning the Constitution. He has done much more research than most people I know. Unfortunately, some of the local leadership gets a little conspiracy based and ignores some of the Supreme Court rulings on the Constitution. We discuss those issues and agree on some and not others.

He does his homework. More than I can say for many on the left who make outlandish claims and a regualr basis. You seem to be highlighting only one aspect of what was accomplished through our Constitution. George Washington did a lot for me, but I'm not paying his estate dime one.
I'm sort of with Newby on this one. I can't figure out what the hell Barb is saying or trying to say.

I do know that I built my business. Hundreds of thousands of other people who enjoy the same infrastructure and government services I enjoy could have started the same business, but didn't. That inconvenient truth is what makes President Obama's speech so absurd. And so dishonest.

I really don't have time today, but do you REALLY think that everyone else had the same access to whatever tools you did, or to the up bringing that kept you healthy and whole, much less to your access to and ability to take advantage of the education, infrastructure, and government services you took advantage of? Really? That's the definition of hubris, kid. Pride goes before a fall. Watch that next step.

Should we all have a pity party? The guilt trip is starting to take a nose dive and people are waking up to the real agenda of the socialist left. Take your whining elsewhere.

FUCK YOU. I don't have anything to WHINE about.

And kid, if you don't have a ton of wealth backed by a ton of income, YOU have nothing to CROW about.

He's not my favorite democrat, neither was Clinton, for reasons a stained dress had nothing to do with. I'm talking to birthers here, the tea party elite, SL, do you REALLY believe these people have the first fucking clue what values, as that pertains to corporate power, THIS nation was founded on?

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George, over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, “the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.” The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.
Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.
The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.

And just who is arguing with you on this ?????

I hate corporations. You can't tell where they end and big government starts. They are in bed with each other so tight they only use one pillow.
You either know goddamned good and well that "small business" is NOT what the politicians are talking about when they cry about "small business," or you're a goddamned liar. You choose.

I think you've gone over the conspiracy theory edge and hit your head along the way.

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