"You didn't get there on your own"

He's not my favorite democrat, neither was Clinton, for reasons a stained dress had nothing to do with. I'm talking to birthers here, the tea party elite, SL, do you REALLY believe these people have the first fucking clue what values, as that pertains to corporate power, THIS nation was founded on?

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George, over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, “the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.” The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.
Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.
The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.

And just who is arguing with you on this ?????

I hate corporations. You can't tell where they end and big government starts. They are in bed with each other so tight they only use one pillow.
You either know goddamned good and well that "small business" is NOT what the politicians are talking about when they cry about "small business," or you're a goddamned liar. You choose.

Oh, and how do you know what I know.

Make your case.

Do I know most politicians are liars....yes.

Do I know small business is important to the U.S. economy...yes.

Do I hate corporations...yes.

Are you feeling O.K. ?
I'm sort of with Newby on this one. I can't figure out what the hell Barb is saying or trying to say.

I do know that I built my business. Hundreds of thousands of other people who enjoy the same infrastructure and government services I enjoy could have started the same business, but didn't. That inconvenient truth is what makes President Obama's speech so absurd. And so dishonest.

I really don't have time today, but do you REALLY think that everyone else had the same access to whatever tools you did, or to the up bringing that kept you healthy and whole, much less to your access to and ability to take advantage of the education, infrastructure, and government services you took advantage of? Really? That's the definition of hubris, kid. Pride goes before a fall. Watch that next step.

Did everybody have the same advantages I did? No. But many if not most had a hell of a lot more. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and while I did not go hungry as a child, I did not grow up in a loving household or one that had much money. Since my emancipation at my graduation from Highschool, before I was 18, I have been pretty well on my own. I received no help from anybody to get my college education--there were no student loans then--and I did not receive a dime in assistance from anybody to start up my business.

Many people were willing to risk more and invest more than I was and have enjoyed far greater financial success than I have. I don't begrudge them a penny and give every one of them kudos. Others who started out with far more economic advantage had no inclination to go into business for themselves and are happy working for the other guy.

And I chose to take the risk and invest all I had to start up my own business, I put the time, money, and effort into it to make it work for me, and by golly I am not about to give somebody like Obama any credit for what success I have enjoyed or willingly hand over more of my hard earned profits because he thinks I don't deserve to have them.
I really don't have time today, but do you REALLY think that everyone else had the same access to whatever tools you did, or to the up bringing that kept you healthy and whole, much less to your access to and ability to take advantage of the education, infrastructure, and government services you took advantage of? Really? That's the definition of hubris, kid. Pride goes before a fall. Watch that next step.

Public schools, public university, roads, bridges, police, fire. Please point out what was denied to anyone else in America. I saw many people refuse to be educated. Their choice. I saw others unwilling to take risks in starting a business and take a lesser job.

What you are doing is making the rewards for behaviors we want in this country less. To the point many are unwilling to accept more risk that would return jobs and prosperity to many. This hubris you speak of is best demonstrated through Obama.
I guess you can just write us all off as heartless conservatives Barb. Take a moment first though please. Think about how we could have reacted when you called us an ass, flipped us off and called us liars. Instead of returning the favor, we shared our personal experiences and tried to help you see the other side. That takes heart.
1) its not true

2) if it was so what??? Modern Germany owes its existence to Nazi Germany

see why we say, slow???

BFgrn has gone off the deep end.. He's now competing with Glenn Beck for putting the most arrows on a chalkboard. Calling the Koch Grandpa a Commie hater, giving him credit for starting the John Birchers AND THEN (without any shame, embarrassment or dislocated elbows) he ties the Tea Party, Reason Magazine and the addition that the Koch Bros built onto Lincoln Center to STALIN thru the same guy...

Excuse me a minute...

:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

This reminds of folks who tried to tie Averil Harriman (former Gov of NY, prominent Democrat ) to the Nazis because his bank was assigned WWI German Assets to manage. ACTUALLY it was DEMS tying GW Bush to the Nazis thru his FATHER who merely WORKED for Averill Harriman at the bank..

C'mon --- You did THAT ONE TOO --- didn''t you? Admit it....

OMG --- You can't think beyond partisian and conspiracy theories. Not only are you locked in the past with no way out -- you have no common sense or sense of proportion in making ABSURB conspiratorial Tin Foil Hat allegations.

Don't bother replying to this because I'm not gonna waste any time debating this nonsense.
Especially for the sake of the Tea Party. They will kick your ass well themselves.

The Koch Bros have saved and enriched MORE lives than you have ever talked to.

And just because you hate their hate their politics, you'd overlook that wouldn't you slimeball?

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus

The fact remains that Grandpa Koch took Stalin's money and made piles of cash laying the foundation of Soviet oil infrastructure in the 1920s and early 1930s. He designed and built refineries, hosted Soviet engineers for training in Wichita, Kansas, and made an invaluable contribution to the rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union during Joseph Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan. This is a touchy issue for the Koch family: without the Commie Reds providing his future seed capital, Koch Industries would not exist today.

Your heroes are the slimeballs. They are one of the worst polluters on the planet. But I guess human life means little to the modern day Pharisee.

Koch Industries’ history of bypassing, breaking rules includes sales to Iran

Damn -- swore I wasn't gonna fall for this rotten bait. BUT -- I just gotta ask ----

Are AL GORE and HIS PAPA slimeballs because Armand Hammer once bragged he "had a Senator in his Backpocket" and THAT was Al Gore's daddy. Didn't need tobacco after the Gores "suddenly" had a big CHAW of Hammers Oil Deal..

Who was ARMAND HAMMER you ask???

Armand Hammer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, according to multiple biographers, Hammer was named after the "Arm and Hammer" symbol of the Socialist Labor Party of America (SLP), in which his father, a committed socialist, had a leadership role at one time.[8] (After the Russian Revolution, a part of the SLP under Julius' leadership split off to become a founding element of the Communist Party USA.) Later in his life, Hammer would admit the communist tie himself.

After graduating from medical school, Hammer extended earlier entrepreneurial ventures with a successful business importing many goods from and exporting pharmaceuticals to the newly-formed Soviet Union, together with his younger brother Victor. According to Hammer, on his initial trip, he took $60,000 in medical supplies to aid in a typhus epidemic, and made a deal with Lenin for furs and caviars in exchange for a shipment of surplus American wheat. He moved to the USSR in the 1920s to oversee these operations, especially his large business manufacturing and exporting pens and pencils.

Occidental's coal interests were represented for many years by attorney and former U.S. Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Sr., among others. Gore, who had a long-time close friendship with Hammer, became the head of the subsidiary Island Creek Coal Company, upon his election loss in the Senate. Much of Occidental's coal and phosphate production was in Tennessee, the state Gore represented in the Senate, and Gore owned shares in the company. Former Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. received much criticism from environmentalists, when the shares passed to the estate after the death of Albert Gore Sr., and Albert Gore Jr. was a son and the executor of the estate.[28][29] Albert Gore Jr. did not exercise control over the shares, which were eventually sold when the estate closed.[30][31]

Hammer was very fond of Albert Gore Jr., and in 1984 under Hammer's guidance Gore Jr. sought Tennessee's senate office previously held by Howard Baker. Hammer supposedly promised Gore Sr. that he could make his son the president of the United States. It was under Hammer's encouragement and support that Gore Jr. sought the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 1988.[32][33]

YOU REALLY WANNA push this pin-headed conspiracy junky crap? Or do you have better stuff to do? And BTW -- you didn't comment on whether you were trying that peddle that "Bush is Nazi crap" about Averill Harriman.. Did I get that right?? :badgrin:

Let's play -- but move it to "conspiracy forum" first...
A better version

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hN_x5z34yY]Schnitt Show "we built this business" You Didn't Build That Business Obama Parody - YouTube[/ame]
obama trying to dumb down people to think things are not owned by them but the collective.
A better version

Schnitt Show "we built this business" You Didn't Build That Business Obama Parody - YouTube
obama trying to dumb down people to think things are not owned by them but the collective.

Yes, the whole speech was an affirmation of the collective rather than individual effort.

I will have to say though, in the interest of truth in advertising and all that, the Schmidt video was dishonest in one respect. The 'you didn't build that' was referring to the infrastructure and not the business itself, and the video went out of its way to avoid acknowledging the correct interpretation. And I think we have to be honest about that or we lose credibility. The whole speech in context of course was to say that we who have businesses can't take any credit for them but rather we owe everybody for whatever success we have--you know, Marxism in its purest form.
A better version

Schnitt Show "we built this business" You Didn't Build That Business Obama Parody - YouTube
obama trying to dumb down people to think things are not owned by them but the collective.

Yes, the whole speech was an affirmation of the collective rather than individual effort.

I will have to say though, in the interest of truth in advertising and all that, the Schmidt video was dishonest in one respect. The 'you didn't build that' was referring to the infrastructure and not the business itself, and the video went out of its way to avoid acknowledging the correct interpretation. And I think we have to be honest about that or we lose credibility. The whole speech in context of course was to say that we who have businesses can't take any credit for them but rather we owe everybody for whatever success we have--you know, Marxism in its purest form.

It's even crazier to suggest that, only because of roads something was built.
Hoover Dam, was envisioned before the road, concrete plant, railroad and housing were ever built.
A better version

Schnitt Show "we built this business" You Didn't Build That Business Obama Parody - YouTube
obama trying to dumb down people to think things are not owned by them but the collective.

Yes, the whole speech was an affirmation of the collective rather than individual effort.

I will have to say though, in the interest of truth in advertising and all that, the Schmidt video was dishonest in one respect. The 'you didn't build that' was referring to the infrastructure and not the business itself, and the video went out of its way to avoid acknowledging the correct interpretation. And I think we have to be honest about that or we lose credibility. The whole speech in context of course was to say that we who have businesses can't take any credit for them but rather we owe everybody for whatever success we have--you know, Marxism in its purest form.

It's even crazier to suggest that, only because of roads something was built.

Yup. In almost every case of responsible government that we can point to, infrastructure has been developed because of and has followed private economic development, not the other way around.

The only exceptions have been in cases like the Interstate System and the building of the railroads that did generate some economic activity along their various routes after the infrastructure went in. . . .BUT. . . even in those cases, they were built to connect already deveoped economic centers and not to generate economic activity.
Yes, the whole speech was an affirmation of the collective rather than individual effort.

I will have to say though, in the interest of truth in advertising and all that, the Schmidt video was dishonest in one respect. The 'you didn't build that' was referring to the infrastructure and not the business itself, and the video went out of its way to avoid acknowledging the correct interpretation. And I think we have to be honest about that or we lose credibility. The whole speech in context of course was to say that we who have businesses can't take any credit for them but rather we owe everybody for whatever success we have--you know, Marxism in its purest form.

It's even crazier to suggest that, only because of roads something was built.

Yup. In almost every case of responsible government that we can point to, infrastructure has been developed because of and has followed private economic development, not the other way around.

The only exceptions have been in cases like the Interstate System and the building of the railroads that did generate some economic activity along their various routes after the infrastructure went in. . . .BUT. . . even in those cases, they were built to connect already deveoped economic centers and not to generate economic activity.

Also, lets not forgoet the Japan has suffered through 2 lost decades now. There economy has never recovered despite debt being 200% of GDP and despite 1000 bridges to nowhere all of which were expected to stimulate the economy.
Those who have actually studied Keynesian Economics know that it does allow modest deficit SHORT TERM deficit spending to stimulate the economy, but the theories also require that the term of deficit spending to be short, specific, with the shortage returned to the Treasury right away.

Deficit spending to be repaid ten to twenty years down the road is NOT Keynesian economics or anything other than gross irresponsibility.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Seems Dwight was wrong....

The GOP is not only still around....it kicked ass in 2010.

Try it asshole, it will be the end of the Republican party. I guarantee it.

Sorry dickweed....

We are here and 2012 is looking pretty good.

Let me ask you a question. What would happen to elderly Americans if Medicare and Social Security were ended, or if benefits were cut drastically? Do those Americans have the ability to generate additional income?

Hey piss-for-brains,

Why can't you climb out of your small box. There are many ways to end this travesty that would have no impact on today's seniors.

Please tell me how? This should be good...:lol:
Those who have actually studied Keynesian Economics know that it does allow modest deficit SHORT TERM deficit spending to stimulate the economy, but the theories also require that the term of deficit spending to be short, specific, with the shortage returned to the Treasury right away.

Deficit spending to be repaid ten to twenty years down the road is NOT Keynesian economics or anything other than gross irresponsibility.

Thank you for the opening...

Paul O'Neill, George W. Bush's first Treasury Secretary - 60 Minutes

The president had promised to cut taxes, and he did. Within six months of taking office, he pushed a trillion dollars worth of tax cuts through Congress.

But O'Neill thought it should have been the end. After 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, the budget deficit was growing. So at a meeting with the vice president after the mid-term elections in 2002, O'Neill argued against a second round of tax cuts.

"Cheney, at this moment, shows his hand," says Suskind. "He says, 'You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due.' … O'Neill is speechless."

"It was not just about not wanting the tax cut. It was about how to use the nation's resources to improve the condition of our society," says O'Neill. "And I thought the weight of working on Social Security and fundamental tax reform was a lot more important than a tax reduction."
My comment re Keynesian economics had absolutely nothing to do with tax cuts, Bfgn, but is pertinent to the President's desire to increase government spending. But thanks for throwing another red herring into the debate.

Let's focus on the topic.
"It was not just about not wanting the tax cut. It was about how to use the nation's resources to improve the condition of our society," says O'Neill. "And I thought the weight of working on Social Security and fundamental tax reform was a lot more important than a tax reduction."

This is a tax increase Obama wants without fundemental tax or Social Security reform. Please put those on the table.
My comment re Keynesian economics had absolutely nothing to do with tax cuts, Bfgn, but is pertinent to the President's desire to increase government spending. But thanks for throwing another red herring into the debate.

Let's focus on the topic.

He for whatever reason cannot stay focused. I stopped reading his yaksqueeze several pages ago, and deserves the same treatment from every member of the board here.

It's absolute garbage that deserves no quarter.
John Kenneth Galbraith was a very brilliant man.

John Kenneth Galbraith, an intellectual icon of the Old Left and New Left, said of the Soviets’ overtaking of Poland after World War II: “Russia should be permitted to absorb Poland, the Balkans, and the whole of Eastern Europe in order to spread the benefits of Communism” (Emphasis added).

"The Russian system succeeds because in contrast with the western industrial democracies it makes full use of its manpower"- JK Galbraith
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