"You didn't get there on your own"

1) its not true

2) if it was so what??? Modern Germany owes its existence to Nazi Germany

see why we say, slow???

Bfgrn is a demagogue. Very little of what he cut's and paste's is factually correct. He spends his days on hate sites like ThinkProgress and pastes the inflammatory bullshit here.
I stopped reading his boring diatribes long ago.

I sometimes print them and then wipe my ass with them.
It reads exactly like what it is. A socialist has infested the White House. The entitlement crowd has cheered and wants al the more than what they have. No price is too high in achieving their ends.

Grow up. If you think he's a socialist you have no idea what the term means. Go live in Cuba, China or god forbid North Korea, then tell me Obama is a socialist. This is where the likes of you and your peanut gallery lose credibility. Dislike his policies, sure. Disagree with his stance on certain things. I get that. But a socialist? GTF outta here. You do realise you're put in the same category as lefties who would call a right-wing pollie like Romney a Nazi, right. IOW - cuckoo...

Do you think Cuba, China, or North Korea or the U.S.S.R. just became totalitarian states BAM overnight? People went to bed under freedom one night and the next morning woke up to a communist country? Do you think Hitler or Mussolini transformed their countries into facist states without that requiring a developing process over some time?

No in all cases it required government propaganda to convince the people that government was the solution to their worst problems, and that a charismatic leader could lead them to a prosperous bright new existence beyond their wildest dreams. In all cases people were encouraged to look to government as their savior rather than to their own industry.

And it was a focus on the 'collective' instead of individual freedom that allowed totalitarian governments to be installed in each and every one of those countries.

And then when that 'Charismatic leader' fianally achieved what they wanted [power grab], They proceded to get rid of thier useful idiots that defended them.

Some of the people on here had better be careful of what they wish for, what they think they're defending. They may very well get what they wanted and more likely what they never expected. History is replete with examples as you have continually cited. History doesn't lie...it's only revised by those in power.
Grow up. If you think he's a socialist you have no idea what the term means. Go live in Cuba, China or god forbid North Korea, then tell me Obama is a socialist. This is where the likes of you and your peanut gallery lose credibility. Dislike his policies, sure. Disagree with his stance on certain things. I get that. But a socialist? GTF outta here. You do realise you're put in the same category as lefties who would call a right-wing pollie like Romney a Nazi, right. IOW - cuckoo...

Do you think Cuba, China, or North Korea or the U.S.S.R. just became totalitarian states BAM overnight? People went to bed under freedom one night and the next morning woke up to a communist country? Do you think Hitler or Mussolini transformed their countries into facist states without that requiring a developing process over some time?

No in all cases it required government propaganda to convince the people that government was the solution to their worst problems, and that a charismatic leader could lead them to a prosperous bright new existence beyond their wildest dreams. In all cases people were encouraged to look to government as their savior rather than to their own industry.

And it was a focus on the 'collective' instead of individual freedom that allowed totalitarian governments to be installed in each and every one of those countries.

And then when that 'Charismatic leader' fianally achieved what they wanted [power grab], They proceded to get rid of thier useful idiots that defended them.

Some of the people on here had better be careful of what they wish for, what they think they're defending. They may very well get what they wanted and more likely what they never expected. History is replete with examples as you have continually cited. History doesn't lie...it's only revised by those in power.

And again I am not ready to accuse our President of having designs of becoming a dictator. But the mantra he is using, the rhetoric he is working into his speeches, the methods he is using continue to point to the collective rather than the industry of the individual as the means to a brighter future.

And I'm sorry folks. To any serious student of history, that should scare you.
You either know goddamned good and well that "small business" is NOT what the politicians are talking about when they cry about "small business," or you're a goddamned liar. You choose.

Small business is EXACTLY what Obama is talking about.

Obama has no problem with corporations. Goldman-Sachs can depend on federal largess should they stumble. Blue Cross and Kaiser have the IRS to force people to buy their product, thanks to Obama.

Obama and the corporations are part of the same cesspool of fascism.

The only group Obama seeks to crush are the small business owners, those usurpers seeking to climb the ladder. Obama seeks to protect the status of the elite, to pull the ladder up so that the lower classes never rise above their station.
You either know goddamned good and well that "small business" is NOT what the politicians are talking about when they cry about "small business," or you're a goddamned liar. You choose.

Small business is EXACTLY what Obama is talking about.

Obama has no problem with corporations. Goldman-Sachs can depend on federal largess should they stumble. Blue Cross and Kaiser have the IRS to force people to buy their product, thanks to Obama.

Obama and the corporations are part of the same cesspool of fascism.

The only group Obama seeks to crush are the small business owners, those usurpers seeking to climb the ladder. Obama seeks to protect the status of the elite, to pull the ladder up so that the lower classes never rise above their station.

I was on a plane home thursday night, and I sat next to a guy who's a salesman for some big trucking company. He said business for his company was booming because all the little guys are bailing. They just can't handle the cost of dealing with all of the new regulations the Obama administration has imposed on them. He said a company needs a corporate sized financial department to deal with all the government red tape, even if they only have three trucks.

That's why this recovery is so anemic. Obama is driving all the small business owners out of business.
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My comment re Keynesian economics had absolutely nothing to do with tax cuts, Bfgn, but is pertinent to the President's desire to increase government spending. But thanks for throwing another red herring into the debate.

Let's focus on the topic.

It amazes me how little the left, though supposedly disciples of Keynes, actually know about Keynesian economics. I blame Krugman for this. Krugman is a fraud and misrepresents Keynes. Though I strongly disagree with and oppose Keynes ideas, they are miles ahead of the thin diarrhea of Marxism that Krugman promotes.
You either know goddamned good and well that "small business" is NOT what the politicians are talking about when they cry about "small business," or you're a goddamned liar. You choose.

Small business is EXACTLY what Obama is talking about.

Obama has no problem with corporations. Goldman-Sachs can depend on federal largess should they stumble. Blue Cross and Kaiser have the IRS to force people to buy their product, thanks to Obama.

Obama and the corporations are part of the same cesspool of fascism.

The only group Obama seeks to crush are the small business owners, those usurpers seeking to climb the ladder. Obama seeks to protect the status of the elite, to pull the ladder up so that the lower classes never rise above their station.

I was on a plane home thursday night, and I sat next to a guy who's a salesman for some big trucking company. He said business for his company was booming because all the little guys are bailing. They just can't handle the cost of dealing with all of the new regulations the Obama administration has imposed on them. He said a company needs a corporate sized financial department to deal with all the government red tape, even if they only have three trucks.

That's why this recovery is so anemic. Obama is driving all the small business owners out of business.

And that's without ObamaCare having even kicked into full steam yet, just wait until that happens.
Regardless of whether I got where I am by myself, a bunch of liberals in DC want to tell me where to go.
I was on a plane home thursday night, and I sat next to a guy who's a salesman for some big trucking company. He said business for his company was booming because all the little guys are bailing. They just can't handle the cost of dealing with all of the new regulations the Obama administration has imposed on them. He said a company needs a corporate sized financial department to deal with all the government red tape, even if they only have three trucks.

That's why this recovery is so anemic. Obama is driving all the small business owners out of business.

That's the goal. Encumber basic transactions to the point that it is impossible for entrapanuers to operate. Anyone thinking Obama opposes the mega-corporations is a fool, Obama is working to protect their interests.
Do you think Cuba, China, or North Korea or the U.S.S.R. just became totalitarian states BAM overnight? People went to bed under freedom one night and the next morning woke up to a communist country? Do you think Hitler or Mussolini transformed their countries into facist states without that requiring a developing process over some time?

No in all cases it required government propaganda to convince the people that government was the solution to their worst problems, and that a charismatic leader could lead them to a prosperous bright new existence beyond their wildest dreams. In all cases people were encouraged to look to government as their savior rather than to their own industry.

And it was a focus on the 'collective' instead of individual freedom that allowed totalitarian governments to be installed in each and every one of those countries.

And then when that 'Charismatic leader' fianally achieved what they wanted [power grab], They proceded to get rid of thier useful idiots that defended them.

Some of the people on here had better be careful of what they wish for, what they think they're defending. They may very well get what they wanted and more likely what they never expected. History is replete with examples as you have continually cited. History doesn't lie...it's only revised by those in power.

And again I am not ready to accuse our President of having designs of becoming a dictator. But the mantra he is using, the rhetoric he is working into his speeches, the methods he is using continue to point to the collective rather than the industry of the individual as the means to a brighter future.

And I'm sorry folks. To any serious student of history, that should scare you.

Agreed. But bear in mind something? 'progressives knew they weren't going to get where they wanted this Republic to be overnight. We've had slow and steady whittling away for about 100 years now.

Indeed people should be scared, and they are. They are rising up as they see it. Look what happened across the nation just a couple days ago with a business and the people's support of it. WE are witnessing an awakening that hasn't happened dare I say since Pearl Harbour?
You either know goddamned good and well that "small business" is NOT what the politicians are talking about when they cry about "small business," or you're a goddamned liar. You choose.

Small business is EXACTLY what Obama is talking about.

Obama has no problem with corporations. Goldman-Sachs can depend on federal largess should they stumble. Blue Cross and Kaiser have the IRS to force people to buy their product, thanks to Obama.

Obama and the corporations are part of the same cesspool of fascism.

The only group Obama seeks to crush are the small business owners, those usurpers seeking to climb the ladder. Obama seeks to protect the status of the elite, to pull the ladder up so that the lower classes never rise above their station.

I was on a plane home thursday night, and I sat next to a guy who's a salesman for some big trucking company. He said business for his company was booming because all the little guys are bailing. They just can't handle the cost of dealing with all of the new regulations the Obama administration has imposed on them. He said a company needs a corporate sized financial department to deal with all the government red tape, even if they only have three trucks.

That's why this recovery is so anemic. Obama is driving all the small business owners out of business.

And what would brainless leader say ?

".....If you are successful....you probably skirted the regulations...."
I was on a plane home thursday night, and I sat next to a guy who's a salesman for some big trucking company. He said business for his company was booming because all the little guys are bailing. They just can't handle the cost of dealing with all of the new regulations the Obama administration has imposed on them. He said a company needs a corporate sized financial department to deal with all the government red tape, even if they only have three trucks.

That's why this recovery is so anemic. Obama is driving all the small business owners out of business.

That's the goal. Encumber basic transactions to the point that it is impossible for entrapanuers to operate. Anyone thinking Obama opposes the mega-corporations is a fool, Obama is working to protect their interests.

And he [and his party] get paid handomely for it through campaign donations while pretending to be for the 'little guy'. it's all hogwash.
Too many that come here to protect him and thier side really are too afraid to admit the truth.
Small business is EXACTLY what Obama is talking about.

Obama has no problem with corporations. Goldman-Sachs can depend on federal largess should they stumble. Blue Cross and Kaiser have the IRS to force people to buy their product, thanks to Obama.

Obama and the corporations are part of the same cesspool of fascism.

The only group Obama seeks to crush are the small business owners, those usurpers seeking to climb the ladder. Obama seeks to protect the status of the elite, to pull the ladder up so that the lower classes never rise above their station.

I was on a plane home thursday night, and I sat next to a guy who's a salesman for some big trucking company. He said business for his company was booming because all the little guys are bailing. They just can't handle the cost of dealing with all of the new regulations the Obama administration has imposed on them. He said a company needs a corporate sized financial department to deal with all the government red tape, even if they only have three trucks.

That's why this recovery is so anemic. Obama is driving all the small business owners out of business.

And what would brainless leader say ?

".....If you are successful....you probably skirted the regulations...."

"...Cheated someone else...stole your wealth...or was just lucky in life's lottery..."
And what would brainless leader say ?

".....If you are successful....you probably skirted the regulations...."

That in itself is a sad indictment, that the only way to success is to find a way to skirt the myriad regulation imposed by government. IF that is truly the case, then it is clear that our government works only to protect established concerns from competition from upstarts.
And then when that 'Charismatic leader' fianally achieved what they wanted [power grab], They proceded to get rid of thier useful idiots that defended them.

Some of the people on here had better be careful of what they wish for, what they think they're defending. They may very well get what they wanted and more likely what they never expected. History is replete with examples as you have continually cited. History doesn't lie...it's only revised by those in power.

And again I am not ready to accuse our President of having designs of becoming a dictator. But the mantra he is using, the rhetoric he is working into his speeches, the methods he is using continue to point to the collective rather than the industry of the individual as the means to a brighter future.

And I'm sorry folks. To any serious student of history, that should scare you.

Agreed. But bear in mind something? 'progressives knew they weren't going to get where they wanted this Republic to be overnight. We've had slow and steady whittling away for about 100 years now.

Indeed people should be scared, and they are. They are rising up as they see it. Look what happened across the nation just a couple days ago with a business and the people's support of it. WE are witnessing an awakening that hasn't happened dare I say since Pearl Harbour?

Agreed that the erosion began in the T. Roosevelt administration and has progressed ever since. But not only are we seeing a resurgence of some core American values and sense of fair play, we are also seeing a stepping up of what appears to be a new Marxism and promises of a bright and glorious future if we just allow the government to do what it wants to do.

About 50% of Americans now receive some sort of government subsidy and its a safe bet all of them like those subsidies.

I think we're at the tipping point where we either start reversing things, or the die will be permanently cast.
You have to wonder if there is anything that Obama could do that would piss off the lefties on this board.

I'll bet that if he passed and executive order that says you have to register at the Post Office, they would all be there tomorow.
You have to wonder if there is anything that Obama could do that would piss off the lefties on this board.

I'll bet that if he passed and executive order that says you have to register at the Post Office, they would all be there tomorow.

I honestly belive some of these people would commit Harakiri if asked to by Obama. They wouldn't second guess the demand, but execute it.

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