"You didn't get there on your own"

The irony of course, is that Bill Clinton single-handedly created the mortgage bubble and sub-prime ponzi scheme, when he signed the Community Re-Investment Act and forced banks to make loans to people who didn't previously qualify.

It's what happens when communist/marxist/socialist government interferes with the free market.

Before Bill Clinton and that bill, a house was an asset that went up and up and up in price over the years. After Bill Clinton, the housing market collapsed. And then the left blames the "free market" for their oppresive regulations that eliminated the free market. The irony is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

CRA originated under Jimmy Carter, Clinton expanded it and Witch Hunter Janet Reno took the unprecedented action of suing banks for failing to meet CRA goals.

That said, without securitized mortgage bundles, the thing still would not have collapsed. Mortgage securities began under Clinton, but exploded under Bush. 2003-5 saw the majority of new mortgage debt bundled into securities, right along with the toxic loans made under CRA.

Carter, Clinton, AND Bush all share responsibility for that mess.

Does anyone notices how this liberal assholes chart stops at 2005? :lol:

Definitely don't want anyone to see that the debt went from $9 trillion under GWB to $16 trillion. Think about how astounding those numbers are. Obama added more to the debt in 3 years than GWB and Reagan combined did in 16 years!!! :lol:
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I drive around and look to see what infrastructure we need that we don't have.

I can't see any.

What is it that you would spend money on.

Right now, my city is busy tearing up good roads and resurfacing them so they can spend all their budgeted dollars. What a racket.

The best thing we could do would be to spend the money on severance for all the government people who need to be let go (and their departments shut down) so small business can more easily get started.

Yup. And you can bet your bottom dollar that a private business contracted to maintain a county road wouldn't have done what they all too often did out on North 14 where we used to live. More than once we watched them paint beautiful new white striping down the edges and refresh the center stripe, and then resurface it with asphalt a week later--yep, same government guys doing the work. (I bet they felt like idiots too, but they had no choice but follow orders.)

When you are using your own money, you tend to be a lot more careful about things like that.
Also government agencies at ALL levels tend to try to spend all the money they are allotted or risk having their budgets cut the following year. There is absolutely no reward for economy or saving the people money. You only get rewarded if you spend it.

The private sector does not think that way.
I drive around and look to see what infrastructure we need that we don't have.

I can't see any.

What is it that you would spend money on.

Right now, my city is busy tearing up good roads and resurfacing them so they can spend all their budgeted dollars. What a racket.

The best thing we could do would be to spend the money on severance for all the government people who need to be let go (and their departments shut down) so small business can more easily get started.

Negged for being a lying sack of shit.

It would be just great if you liberals could support these kinds of observations.

You don't think this is going on.

I got news for you dumbass.....l

I have friends who work as mechanics for the local utility. They get called in on overtime at the end of the year and wind up playing cards just so they can burn up the budget....otherwise they lose it.

You'll find some neg rep waiting for you.
I drive around and look to see what infrastructure we need that we don't have.

I can't see any.


I looked it up once after seeing another liberal article about our crumbling infrastructure. In the North East that said the best example was the Tappan Zee Bridge.

Iin reality, the bridge is working fine and has always been regularly maintained so it won't fall into the river.

Its one job a liberal governement can do because the standard of quality they must meet is perfectly obvious and inescapable.
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my god, the stupid is so deep, it burns it is so deep, how sad

Yeah...burns for YOU. You're an ill-educated MORON that should be in a place like CHINA that agrees with YOU. :eusa_hand:


You really shouldnt respond to anything i say ever, it really is embarrassing for you to do so.

Remember, the rest of the planet thinks this of you


this makes me the adult and you the joke..

however, after this weekend, you are now a very dangerous joke
Yeah...burns for YOU. You're an ill-educated MORON that should be in a place like CHINA that agrees with YOU. :eusa_hand:


You really shouldnt respond to anything i say ever, it really is embarrassing for you to do so.

I am afraid it you who should be embarrassed for any of your posts.

Stay down for gods sake, here you didnt have to respond, yet you did, proving once again that you dont really understand this game
Yeah...burns for YOU. You're an ill-educated MORON that should be in a place like CHINA that agrees with YOU. :eusa_hand:


You really shouldnt respond to anything i say ever, it really is embarrassing for you to do so.

I am afraid it you who should be embarrassed for any of your posts.

CHUSA isn't good at the intimidation game.

And IT should be embarassed.
IT is totally UNAMERICAN. Must be it's breeding and education.
oh T, I am intimidated by you guys, for real;

after this weekend I believe you will kill me, yes
oh T, I am intimidated by you guys, for real;

after this weekend I believe you will kill me, yes

YOU'RE a MAROON. :eusa_hand:

no, just a realist

while you personally may not shoot anyone, many in your movement have and will

we have known for a long time your extreme members would start this, and have

the question now is what happens on election day, do you support the voter suppression, the likes of which our military would invade were it to happen anywhere else?
oh T, I am intimidated by you guys, for real;

after this weekend I believe you will kill me, yes

YOU'RE a MAROON. :eusa_hand:

no, just a realist

while you personally may not shoot anyone, many in your movement have and will

we have known for a long time your extreme members would start this, and have

the question now is what happens on election day, do you support the voter suppression, the likes of which our military would invade were it to happen anywhere else?

Hit the bong a little more, idiot. I wouldn't recommend drinking the water.

YOU are truly out of your mind and project. :eusa_hand:

[And trust me? I'm copying every thing YOU type for posterity]...:eusa_shhh:
oh T, you are copying everything I write?

ahh, you make me feel so proud...surely you understand that when everything is said and done, you will be the one in the corner being laughed at?

for real, you do know that? oh well

what reason would you have to copy what i write...weird
oh T, you are copying everything I write?

ahh, you make me feel so proud...surely you understand that when everything is said and done, you will be the one in the corner being laughed at?

for real, you do know that? oh well

what reason would you have to copy what i write...weird

s0n? Keep going. Please troll. This is being fowarded...

forwarded :lol::lol:

dear god man, now you are simply making a fool of yourself in front of everyone :lol:

look, you are a racist and you hate America because America isnt purely white and christian, who in the hell would you forward anything to LOL

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