"You didn't get there on your own"

I drive around and look to see what infrastructure we need that we don't have.

I can't see any.

What is it that you would spend money on.

Right now, my city is busy tearing up good roads and resurfacing them so they can spend all their budgeted dollars. What a racket.

The best thing we could do would be to spend the money on severance for all the government people who need to be let go (and their departments shut down) so small business can more easily get started.

Negged for being a lying sack of shit.

It would be just great if you liberals could support these kinds of observations.

You don't think this is going on.

I got news for you dumbass.....l

I have friends who work as mechanics for the local utility. They get called in on overtime at the end of the year and wind up playing cards just so they can burn up the budget....otherwise they lose it.

You'll find some neg rep waiting for you.

In many municipalities, the police are famous for being more zealous about arrests around the end of the year. Why? Because the more time they spend in bookings, the more overtime they rack up with which to buy Christmas presents.
These cartoons are coming in by the hundreds--LOL

I drive around and look to see what infrastructure we need that we don't have.

I can't see any.

What is it that you would spend money on.

Right now, my city is busy tearing up good roads and resurfacing them so they can spend all their budgeted dollars. What a racket.

The best thing we could do would be to spend the money on severance for all the government people who need to be let go (and their departments shut down) so small business can more easily get started.

Negged for being a lying sack of shit.

It would be just great if you liberals could support these kinds of observations.

You don't think this is going on.

I got news for you dumbass.....l

I have friends who work as mechanics for the local utility. They get called in on overtime at the end of the year and wind up playing cards just so they can burn up the budget....otherwise they lose it.

You'll find some neg rep waiting for you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0R6Suov9u0]America's crumbling infrastructure - YouTube[/ame]

here's one hardly complimentary to the current administration:

Crumbling Infrastructure Symbolizes U.S. Economy - TheStreet
In fact, while the U.S. government was pretending to be attending to its neglected infrastructure, the U.S.'s global ranking for the quality of its infrastructure was plummeting lower. A Reuters article reveals that in a mere four years (from 2007 to 2011) the U.S.'s ranking fell from 6 to 16.

Crumbling infrastructure ranks U.S. behind Barbados » Evansville Courier & Press

The World Economic Forum, which as recently as 1995 listed U.S. infrastructure as tops in the world, now maintains the country has slipped to 23rd place behind, among others, Barbados. The American Society of Civil Engineers, in its most recent infrastructure report card, gave the country a "D'' and asserted it would require an investment of $2.2 trillion over five years to get it in shape.

Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire (D), who has visited Shanghai and other parts of China as part of her efforts to develop her state's economy, told HuffPost "we see our infrastructure deteriorating and becoming inadequate in comparison to those we're in competition with."

Infrastructure Problems In U.S. Go Far Beyond Dollars
"That construction that we see going on in China?" she said. "That used to be us, that used to be us doing all that investment."
Sorry bout that,

1. This is burying Obama.
2. When he loses this election, they will remember this, and when his time is over, I can imagine when they throw the dirt on this guys coffin, when they haul him off to his grave, his tomb stone will have this written on it,

'You Didn't Build That'
Barrack Hussain Obama
'I Dug This Hole'

3. Its the gaffe that out gaffes all other gaffes!:badgrin:

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Leftism is the rule of people without compassion or mercy.

Yea, the people who created Medicare, the Civil Rights bill, Social Security and ended child slavery, NOW want to kill them all...

And southern slave owners were "compassionate" and "merciful" because they provided housing, food, and clothes to their slaves, right?

There's a lot more to compassion and mercy than just not killing people, and making them into helpless, dependent pets isn't it.

Compassion and mercy


Dependent pets

Compassion and mercy


Dependent pets




See the difference between the pictures you posted and the one I did? You have a picture of poverty (created by liberal policy) and a picture of dependent children (created by liberal poverty). While I have a picture of a wealthy, healthy, successful, independent, self-reliable adult.

Game. Set. Match. asshole
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Once again, I am going to ask about the "crumbling infrastructure".

I read the articles that keep referencing this, but they don't say just what it is.

Everyone points to the bridge in Minneapolis....but for all the bridges we have......

The question has not been addressed...what infrastructure is missing ?

What can't we do now that we need to be doing ?

More roads ?

More bridges ?

Ports ?
A good businessman, could be dropped off on a deserted island and soon have a thriving business going. All it takes is some creativity, some capital and bingo streets are in, buildings erected, laws passed, police and fire departments created and another millionaire is ready to take his place in the Republican party.
Once again, I am going to ask about the "crumbling infrastructure".

I read the articles that keep referencing this, but they don't say just what it is.

Everyone points to the bridge in Minneapolis....but for all the bridges we have......

The question has not been addressed...what infrastructure is missing ?

What can't we do now that we need to be doing ?

More roads ?

More bridges ?

Ports ?

They can't point to anything because it's all a myth to attempt to justify their confiscate all wealth and hand all control to the federal government communist policies...
Once again, I am going to ask about the "crumbling infrastructure".

I read the articles that keep referencing this, but they don't say just what it is.

Everyone points to the bridge in Minneapolis....but for all the bridges we have......

The question has not been addressed...what infrastructure is missing ?

What can't we do now that we need to be doing ?

More roads ?

More bridges ?

Ports ?

Furthermore, even if bridges were collapsing, that's NOT the responsibility of the federal government. And that's what the uneducated liberal can't grasp.

Since they've never read the Constitution, they believe the federal govenrment has full control, authority, and responsibility over ALL things (ie communism)...
Compassion and mercy


Dependent pets




See the difference between the pictures you posted and the one I did? You have a picture of poverty (created by liberal policy) and a picture of dependent children (created by liberal poverty). While I have a picture of a wealthy, healthy, successful, independent, self-reliable adult.

Game. Set. Match. asshole

Hey asshole, you don't get to make shit up to match your pea brain dogma.

In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which, among other things, placed limits on many forms of child labor.

Progressive Era Reform

Child Labor Reform
Concern for the conditions of the poor gave way to a growing interest in the rights of the working class. One of the most persistent causes of Progressive Era reformers was child labor reform.

The 1890 census revealed that more than one million children, ten to fifteen years old, worked in America. That number increased to two million by 1910. Industries employed children as young as five or six to work as many as eighteen to twenty hours a day.

Physical ailments were common. Glassworks employees were exposed to intense heat and heavy fumes. Young miners sat on boards in cramped positions, breathing heavy dust, sifting through coal. Seafood workers stood for hours shucking oysters at five cents a pail. The sharp oyster shells sometimes cut their hands.

Industrialization did not create child labor, but it did contribute to the need for child labor reform. The replacement of skilled artisans by machinery and the growth of factories and mills made child labor increasingly profitable for businesses. Many employers preferred hiring children because they were quick, easy to train, and were willing to work for lower wages.

Progressive Era reformers believed that child labor was detrimental to children and to society. They believed that children should be protected from harmful environments so that they would become healthy, productive adults. Their goals were to develop programs that would eliminate children's participation in industry and increase their involvement in education and extracurricular activities.
Am I missing something? Has Obama proposed raising taxes on small businesses to fix our roads and bridges? I thought that was the state's job. Has he proposed raising taxes on the rich to fix our schools or fight crime in our neighborhoods? I thought that was the local government's job.

Or is all this "you didn't build it" nonsense really about the Solyndras and the bailouts and the amnesty and the research on gay drinking habits in the pacific islands?

Everyone benefits from roads and education etc. but only O's friends benefit from his proposals. Stop the ridiculous spin.
Am I missing something? Has Obama proposed raising taxes on small businesses to fix our roads and bridges? I thought that was the state's job. Has he proposed raising taxes on the rich to fix our schools or fight crime in our neighborhoods? I thought that was the local government's job.

Or is all this "you didn't build it" nonsense really about the Solyndras and the bailouts and the amnesty and the research on gay drinking habits in the pacific islands?

Everyone benefits from roads and education etc. but only O's friends benefit from his proposals. Stop the ridiculous spin.
Compassion and mercy


Dependent pets




See the difference between the pictures you posted and the one I did? You have a picture of poverty (created by liberal policy) and a picture of dependent children (created by liberal poverty). While I have a picture of a wealthy, healthy, successful, independent, self-reliable adult.

Game. Set. Match. asshole

Hey asshole, you don't get to make shit up to match your pea brain dogma.

In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which, among other things, placed limits on many forms of child labor.

Progressive Era Reform

Child Labor Reform
Concern for the conditions of the poor gave way to a growing interest in the rights of the working class. One of the most persistent causes of Progressive Era reformers was child labor reform.

The 1890 census revealed that more than one million children, ten to fifteen years old, worked in America. That number increased to two million by 1910. Industries employed children as young as five or six to work as many as eighteen to twenty hours a day.

Physical ailments were common. Glassworks employees were exposed to intense heat and heavy fumes. Young miners sat on boards in cramped positions, breathing heavy dust, sifting through coal. Seafood workers stood for hours shucking oysters at five cents a pail. The sharp oyster shells sometimes cut their hands.

Industrialization did not create child labor, but it did contribute to the need for child labor reform. The replacement of skilled artisans by machinery and the growth of factories and mills made child labor increasingly profitable for businesses. Many employers preferred hiring children because they were quick, easy to train, and were willing to work for lower wages.

Progressive Era reformers believed that child labor was detrimental to children and to society. They believed that children should be protected from harmful environments so that they would become healthy, productive adults. Their goals were to develop programs that would eliminate children's participation in industry and increase their involvement in education and extracurricular activities.

Progressives don't create policy to "protect" anything or anyone. They create policy to further their own greed and laziness. Their focus is - "how do I as a liberal obtain the wealth of others without working for it". When a liberal supports child labor laws, it's not to protect the child. It's to take more labor out of the work force to improve their own chances of getting a job, without having to really earn it. Then they immediately unionize said job so that they can make more money without having to actually earn it. And then they ask the union to provide them with more time off, less work, and more perks.

There is nothing more comical than liberals acting like they care about others. These are the same people who hoard their wealth, purchase expensive iPhones, iPad's, and high speed internet access to bitch about those who have nothing. They don't even see the irony.... :lol:
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Progressives don't create policy to "protect" anything or anyone. They create policy to further their own greed and laziness. Their focus is - "how do I as a liberal obtain the wealth of others without working for it". When a liberal supports child labor laws, it's not to protect the child. It's to take more labor out of the work force to improve their own chances of getting a job, without having to really earn it. Then they immediately unionize said job so that they can make more money without having to actually earn it. And then they ask the union to provide them with more time off, less work, and more perks.

There is nothing more comical than liberals acting like they care about others. These are the same people who hoard their wealth, purchase expensive iPhones, iPad's, and high speed internet access to bitch about those who have nothing. They don't even see the irony.... :lol:

If we had a contest for the biggest lie told today, you would win :lol:

Your post proves what we know and outlines the problem we face, well it is a problem only as long as you shitbagging terrorists are still around...

The very fact that you and many like you actually believe this, well, it is almost overwhelming to figure out how to fix you...
Full Auto, when a post proves wrong everything you have believed your entire life, just dont respond, pretend that you didnt see it, you will feel better maybe?

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