"You didn't get there on your own"

Am I missing something? Has Obama proposed raising taxes on small businesses to fix our roads and bridges? I thought that was the state's job. Has he proposed raising taxes on the rich to fix our schools or fight crime in our neighborhoods? I thought that was the local government's job.

Or is all this "you didn't build it" nonsense really about the Solyndras and the bailouts and the amnesty and the research on gay drinking habits in the pacific islands?

Everyone benefits from roads and education etc. but only O's friends benefit from his proposals. Stop the ridiculous spin.

Hard to miss when you post it twice. :D
Hey asshole, you don't get to make shit up to match your pea brain dogma.

In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which, among other things, placed limits on many forms of child labor.

Progressive Era Reform

Child Labor Reform
Concern for the conditions of the poor gave way to a growing interest in the rights of the working class. One of the most persistent causes of Progressive Era reformers was child labor reform.

The 1890 census revealed that more than one million children, ten to fifteen years old, worked in America. That number increased to two million by 1910. Industries employed children as young as five or six to work as many as eighteen to twenty hours a day.

Physical ailments were common. Glassworks employees were exposed to intense heat and heavy fumes. Young miners sat on boards in cramped positions, breathing heavy dust, sifting through coal. Seafood workers stood for hours shucking oysters at five cents a pail. The sharp oyster shells sometimes cut their hands.

Industrialization did not create child labor, but it did contribute to the need for child labor reform. The replacement of skilled artisans by machinery and the growth of factories and mills made child labor increasingly profitable for businesses. Many employers preferred hiring children because they were quick, easy to train, and were willing to work for lower wages.

Progressive Era reformers believed that child labor was detrimental to children and to society. They believed that children should be protected from harmful environments so that they would become healthy, productive adults. Their goals were to develop programs that would eliminate children's participation in industry and increase their involvement in education and extracurricular activities.

Nice rant.

Where's the rage at the PARENTS who let the kids go to work? Nice job Progressives, now we have a generation that thinks education and extracurricular activities are detrimental as well.
Progressive Era reformers believed........

It's all about what progressives BELIEVE.

Once they believe it, it must be so.

They will screw with anything if they believe they have a better idea.

Look, by now it is clear even to you that you are soon to be nothing more than a footnote in history books *

* So called tea party, actually created by billionaires to assist their agenda, lasted about 10 yrs, for a short period of time had a great deal of power, but once it became clear to the planet that the average tea partier was actually a moron, they fizzled out rather quickly
Relax, we promise to put this in the history books for you...:lol:
Progressive Era reformers believed........

It's all about what progressives BELIEVE.

Once they believe it, it must be so.

They will screw with anything if they believe they have a better idea.

Look, by now it is clear even to you that you are soon to be nothing more than a footnote in history books *

* So called tea party, actually created by billionaires to assist their agenda, lasted about 10 yrs, for a short period of time had a great deal of power, but once it became clear to the planet that the average tea partier was actually a moron, they fizzled out rather quickly
Relax, we promise to put this in the history books for you...:lol:

Hey flaplips,

Or should I say black knight. You are a lot of talk with nothing behind it.

You turds gave up the house in four short years. Who's the footnote.

The GOP will take the senate back this year.

Guys like Ted Cruz are headed to Washington.

Keep flapping, asswipe. When you write your history book, only your mother will read it.
dear god you are delusional

but, while you do have power, I will watch with interest while you disenfranchise millions of voters, kill social programs that help people...if the war doesnt start first, that is

I dont know what it will take for people to say enough is enough with you bigot scum, time will tell...we are patient people, so who knows
dear god you are delusional

but, while you do have power, I will watch with interest while you disenfranchise millions of voters, kill social programs that help people...if the war doesnt start first, that is

Sure I am.

Today, the state of Kansas will remove enough moderates from the Senate so that the mod/dem coalition can't stifle anymore legislation.

Right or Wrong.....it's only going in one direction.

I am afraid it is you that is leaving those crusty little stains on his sheets.
dear god you are delusional

but, while you do have power, I will watch with interest while you disenfranchise millions of voters, kill social programs that help people...if the war doesnt start first, that is

Sure I am.

Today, the state of Kansas will remove enough moderates from the Senate so that the mod/dem coalition can't stifle anymore legislation.

Right or Wrong.....it's only going in one direction.

I am afraid it is you that is leaving those crusty little stains on his sheets.

Will you kill all Blacks or just take away their right to vote?
Meh, all his posts are the same:

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dear god you are delusional

but, while you do have power, I will watch with interest while you disenfranchise millions of voters, kill social programs that help people...if the war doesnt start first, that is

Sure I am.

Today, the state of Kansas will remove enough moderates from the Senate so that the mod/dem coalition can't stifle anymore legislation.

Right or Wrong.....it's only going in one direction.

I am afraid it is you that is leaving those crusty little stains on his sheets.

Will you kill all Blacks or just take away their right to vote?

I don't think we are planning either.

How has it worked for you ?
Seems to me that the Obama apologists are getting a little frantic trying to raise up President Bush as the great Satan once again and focus attention on him rather than look at the record of their own hero. Most especially when at least one continues to spam the thread with the same tired charts and graphs over and over and over. Others want to point to the "evils" of free market, laissez faire economic principles by demonizing former Presidents or focus on evil corporations or Wall Street as the villains in the current economic maliase. A few support the President in the concept that everything is just hunky dory all things considered.

After all he has raised the deficit and increased spending less than any of his predecessors. Once you sort of ignore his first year in office that is. But it is true. If you spend and borrow and obligate the people about as much as is possible to do that and then continue at that level from that point on, you can claim you aren't raising spending or increasing the deficit much.

And none of that changes the fact that the President does not give the business owner or the working man credit for much of anything, and he continues to look to government as the solution for all things.

Obama's first year (2009) in office WAS Bush's budget. Is it that you don't understand the FACTS about federal budgets, or are you just dishonest Foxfyre?

TARP was Bush, not Obama. It was necessary, as much as all of us held our noses. If the banks and lending institutions had collapsed, every working American's 401k and retirement would have been wiped out with the banks collapse. Not to mention our economy would have collapsed with it.

The "evils" of free market, too much laissez-faire, evil corporations and Wall Street ARE the villains in the current economic malaise. It was the PRIVATE sector operating outside of government regulations that destroyed our economy, not the government.

The Stimulus bill was absolutely essential. It dramatically reversed the hemorrhaging of job loses (750,000 per month). If you believe McCain would have done nothing while America was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs per month, you are not a person with an adult brain.

SO where are the results of the stimulus?
Why is REAL (U-6 ) unemployment still over 15%? Why is the economy at LESS than 2% annualized growth? Why are home values continuing to fall?
Loo, the rest of us know you people are Obama sycophants. You will vote in lockstep with other non thinking libs. You are loyal to the jersey. Fine.
The problem is you argue against irrefutable facts and in turn crate your own reality.
Dont one of you liberals dare argue with these terrorist shit baggers, as if they give one god damn about the economy, as if they could admit there has been UNPRECEDENTED obstruction preventing Obama and the dems from a bigger stimulus, jobs bills, etc

this is NOT a debate, you are laughed at you fucking terrorist slime...
Full Auto, when a post proves wrong everything you have believed your entire life, just dont respond, pretend that you didnt see it, you will feel better maybe?

Is the bold type suppose to mean something other then you lack the skills to express yourself.

What it shows is what an arrogant little prick he is, and the people he supports are the same mindset.
Progressives don't create policy to "protect" anything or anyone. They create policy to further their own greed and laziness. Their focus is - "how do I as a liberal obtain the wealth of others without working for it". When a liberal supports child labor laws, it's not to protect the child. It's to take more labor out of the work force to improve their own chances of getting a job, without having to really earn it. Then they immediately unionize said job so that they can make more money without having to actually earn it. And then they ask the union to provide them with more time off, less work, and more perks.

There is nothing more comical than liberals acting like they care about others. These are the same people who hoard their wealth, purchase expensive iPhones, iPad's, and high speed internet access to bitch about those who have nothing. They don't even see the irony.... :lol:

If we had a contest for the biggest lie told today, you would win :lol:

Your post proves what we know and outlines the problem we face, well it is a problem only as long as you shitbagging terrorists are still around...

The very fact that you and many like you actually believe this, well, it is almost overwhelming to figure out how to fix you...

You just keep believing that as long as makes you feel better.
You are perhaps the best example of a bellicose person.
Dont one of you liberals dare argue with these terrorist shit baggers, as if they give one god damn about the economy, as if they could admit there has been UNPRECEDENTED obstruction preventing Obama and the dems from a bigger stimulus, jobs bills, etc

this is NOT a debate, you are laughed at you fucking terrorist slime...

That is good advice.

First, none of you can debate with a crap....

Second.....well, see the first.


See the difference between the pictures you posted and the one I did? You have a picture of poverty (created by liberal policy) and a picture of dependent children (created by liberal poverty). While I have a picture of a wealthy, healthy, successful, independent, self-reliable adult.

Game. Set. Match. asshole

Hey asshole, you don't get to make shit up to match your pea brain dogma.

In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which, among other things, placed limits on many forms of child labor.

Progressive Era Reform

Child Labor Reform
Concern for the conditions of the poor gave way to a growing interest in the rights of the working class. One of the most persistent causes of Progressive Era reformers was child labor reform.

The 1890 census revealed that more than one million children, ten to fifteen years old, worked in America. That number increased to two million by 1910. Industries employed children as young as five or six to work as many as eighteen to twenty hours a day.

Physical ailments were common. Glassworks employees were exposed to intense heat and heavy fumes. Young miners sat on boards in cramped positions, breathing heavy dust, sifting through coal. Seafood workers stood for hours shucking oysters at five cents a pail. The sharp oyster shells sometimes cut their hands.

Industrialization did not create child labor, but it did contribute to the need for child labor reform. The replacement of skilled artisans by machinery and the growth of factories and mills made child labor increasingly profitable for businesses. Many employers preferred hiring children because they were quick, easy to train, and were willing to work for lower wages.

Progressive Era reformers believed that child labor was detrimental to children and to society. They believed that children should be protected from harmful environments so that they would become healthy, productive adults. Their goals were to develop programs that would eliminate children's participation in industry and increase their involvement in education and extracurricular activities.

Progressives don't create policy to "protect" anything or anyone. They create policy to further their own greed and laziness. Their focus is - "how do I as a liberal obtain the wealth of others without working for it". When a liberal supports child labor laws, it's not to protect the child. It's to take more labor out of the work force to improve their own chances of getting a job, without having to really earn it. Then they immediately unionize said job so that they can make more money without having to actually earn it. And then they ask the union to provide them with more time off, less work, and more perks.

There is nothing more comical than liberals acting like they care about others. These are the same people who hoard their wealth, purchase expensive iPhones, iPad's, and high speed internet access to bitch about those who have nothing. They don't even see the irony.... :lol:
Yep. Look the other way, and they'll take $737,000,000 of taxpayer money and give it to Harry Reid's kid's loser green biz in a guaranteed super federal loan that takes three quarters of a billion dollars and sinks it forever into his own pocket.

The left's lying liars get away with it by taking more and more taxpayer money and lavishing it on the ACORN club and its Dowager sisters.
dear god you are delusional

but, while you do have power, I will watch with interest while you disenfranchise millions of voters, kill social programs that help people...if the war doesnt start first, that is

Sure I am.

Today, the state of Kansas will remove enough moderates from the Senate so that the mod/dem coalition can't stifle anymore legislation.

Right or Wrong.....it's only going in one direction.

I am afraid it is you that is leaving those crusty little stains on his sheets.

Will you kill all Blacks or just take away their right to vote?
And you have the ignorance to call him delusional? lol
Dont one of you liberals dare argue with these terrorist shit baggers, as if they give one god damn about the economy, as if they could admit there has been UNPRECEDENTED obstruction preventing Obama and the dems from a bigger stimulus, jobs bills, etc

this is NOT a debate, you are laughed at you fucking terrorist slime...

all you have is your angry lib rhetoric.
Newsflash..nobody cares what you have to say. You are a flyspeck.

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