"You didn't get there on your own"

Hey asshole, you don't get to make shit up to match your pea brain dogma.

In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which, among other things, placed limits on many forms of child labor.

That's because the depression, largely aggravated by the misapplication of Keynesian theory by Roosevelt, created a rebirth of child labor. Child labor had mostly vanished by the turn of the century, but the desperation caused by Roosevelt's depression drove children back to the factories.
Will you kill all Blacks or just take away their right to vote?

Why do you want to kill all blacks, troll?

You're a little KKK motherfucker, aren't you? A "good democrat" klansman. I know the Klan dropped the requirement to be a registered democrat in 1968, but that was just a formality. The DNC and the KKK are still Siamese twins.
Hey asshole, you don't get to make shit up to match your pea brain dogma.

In 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which, among other things, placed limits on many forms of child labor.

That's because the depression, largely aggravated by the misapplication of Keynesian theory by Roosevelt, created a rebirth of child labor. Child labor had mostly vanished by the turn of the century, but the desperation caused by Roosevelt's depression drove children back to the factories.

Seems the Great Depression began after 12 years of Republican rule ending up with a Republican president, Hoover, that spent four years trying to keep the bread lines straight and orderly and encouraging apple-sellers. The Great Depression helped end child labor for an adult could be hired for the same wages as paid to children. Finally, the child-labor matter was settled in 1938 when FDR signed the Fair Labor Standards Act.
I used to dislike Obama immensely. I was a Hillary supporter and didn't like what the dems did to her, including Obama. Today I feel somewhat differently about him and his policies. I don't like all of what he has done or wants to do but on average, I've been surprised by some of this stances, especially on terrorism overseas. Also, I'm a social moderate who believes in women's rights and some reasonable social programs and feel that Romney will gut these things if he's president given the makeup of Congress and it being republican. I believe in checks and balances and would consider Romeny if the dems held the power in Congress.

What Obama said about businesess was inartfully said but it is true that government makes some things possible for bussinesses to start up and succeed like infrastructure for shipment of goods and access for customers to the business and quite a bit more. So, I don't hold what he said against me because in essence I agree.
Fine. You would be the perfect person to reason with this man that he might reconsider rethinking how he deals with people with hurting border issues this nation has remanded to near-bankruptcy just by their location on the border and Washington politicians withholding services from the citizens of Arizona because boiking gets all in a bad mood when he is called on to fulfill his Constitutional Oath:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVOQSSGNn7s]Obama Kicks Door And Knocks Over Podium (DOPEMAN REMIX) - YouTube[/ame]

How would you like to do business you have to do in the behalf of citizens in your state with someone who has an attitude like that of considering states who did not elect him President as being unworthy of basic federal services their state's taxpayers have made?

We need a change in Washington, because he leaves his prejudicial "enemies" no leadership, no help, no representation. Just a vicious kick and throwover if he's in his "mood".
I used to dislike Obama immensely. I was a Hillary supporter and didn't like what the dems did to her, including Obama. Today I feel somewhat differently about him and his policies. I don't like all of what he has done or wants to do but on average, I've been surprised by some of this stances, especially on terrorism overseas. Also, I'm a social moderate who believes in women's rights and some reasonable social programs and feel that Romney will gut these things if he's president given the makeup of Congress and it being republican. I believe in checks and balances and would consider Romeny if the dems held the power in Congress.

What Obama said about businesess was inartfully said but it is true that government makes some things possible for bussinesses to start up and succeed like infrastructure for shipment of goods and access for customers to the business and quite a bit more. So, I don't hold what he said against me because in essence I agree.
Fine. You would be the perfect person to reason with this man that he might reconsider rethinking how he deals with people with hurting border issues this nation has remanded to near-bankruptcy just by their location on the border and Washington politicians withholding services from the citizens of Arizona because boiking gets all in a bad mood when he is called on to fulfill his Constitutional Oath:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVOQSSGNn7s"]Obama Kicks Door And Knocks Over Podium (DOPEMAN REMIX) - YouTube[/ame]​

How would you like to do business you have to do in the behalf of citizens in your state with someone who has an attitude like that of considering states who did not elect him President as being unworthy of basic federal services their state's taxpayers have made?​

We need a change in Washington, because he leaves his prejudicial "enemies" no leadership, no help, no representation. Just a vicious kick and throwover if he's in his "mood".​

The spoiled manchild. He needs to go.
What a jerk this guy is. Of course business owners owe some credit to others for their successes. Just like a QB can't claim to have won a football game all by himself, but not many teams do jack without a QB to begin with.
Seems the Great Depression began after 12 years of Republican rule ending up with a Republican president, Hoover, that spent four years trying to keep the bread lines straight and orderly and encouraging apple-sellers.

I understand that you are a partisan troll, with virtually zero historical knowledge.

In 1920, the depression brought about by Fabian democrat Woodrow Wilson had brought the nation to it's knees. Determined to induce international Marxism, Wilson had plunged the nation into European wars and European turmoil. The results were a disaster. Domestic business was under attack by the Wilson administration and production was faltering.

William G. Harding swept the election with over 60%, due to the dissatisfaction with Wilson. Bear in mind that Fabian theory was not discredited at the time and Wilson made no attempt to hide his Marxist leanings - in fact it was fully embraced. Democrat Governor James M. Cox ran on a promise of nationalizing commodities such as oil, and was utterly defeated. Cox was the last president, until Obama, to openly advocate socialism.

Harding ended the depression and began an era of prosperity that would be known as "The Roaring 20's.

Harding was followed by Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge is arguably the best president of the 20th century. Coolidge defined conservatism. He removed U.S. troops from foreign nations, lowered taxes and tariffs, substantially reduced the Federal workforce, bringing about the most significant GNP expansion in American history - to this day. Coolidge practiced the economic principles that men such as Rothbard would later document as the most effective means of creating prosperity in the greatest number of people.

After the disaster of Wilson and the incredible success of Harding and Cooldge, the Democrats were a defeated, minority party. Though not widely liked, Harding's secretary of Commerce, "Herbert Hoover" was nominated. In 1928, no Democrat had any chance at the Whitehouse and Hoover easily won office. Hoover was a moderate who likened himself to Teddy Roosevelt and declared himself a progressive.

Hoover was a dedicated follower of British economist, John Maynard Keynes, and crafted economic policy to follow Keynes. An accountant by training, Hoover micromanaged economic affairs. As a result, when a moderate recession hit in 1929, Hoover reacted with Keynesian stimulus and "make work" programs. The result was a disaster and drove the recession into a depression.

When Franklin Roosevelt was later elected, he EXPANDED the Hoover policies, he did not alter them. FDR was also an advocate of Keynes and simply continued the same policies already in place.

Which resulted in the longest and deepest depression in U.S. History.

The Great Depression helped end child labor for an adult could be hired for the same wages as paid to children. Finally, the child-labor matter was settled in 1938 when FDR signed the Fair Labor Standards Act.[/QUOTE]
What a jerk this guy is. Of course business owners owe some credit to others for their successes. Just like a QB can't claim to have won a football game all by himself, but not many teams do jack without a QB to begin with.

So the football team owner goes and changes the QB's contract and takes that money supposedly to help the rest of the team?

Business owners have paid their taxes, Obama is claiming we haven't paid our share and wants more. Completely unfounded.
Seems the Great Depression began after 12 years of Republican rule ending up with a Republican president, Hoover, that spent four years trying to keep the bread lines straight and orderly and encouraging apple-sellers.

I understand that you are a partisan troll, with virtually zero historical knowledge.

In 1920, the depression brought about by Fabian democrat Woodrow Wilson had brought the nation to it's knees. Determined to induce international Marxism, Wilson had plunged the nation into European wars and European turmoil. The results were a disaster. Domestic business was under attack by the Wilson administration and production was faltering.

William G. Harding swept the election with over 60%, due to the dissatisfaction with Wilson. Bear in mind that Fabian theory was not discredited at the time and Wilson made no attempt to hide his Marxist leanings - in fact it was fully embraced. Democrat Governor James M. Cox ran on a promise of nationalizing commodities such as oil, and was utterly defeated. Cox was the last president, until Obama, to openly advocate socialism.

Harding ended the depression and began an era of prosperity that would be known as "The Roaring 20's.

Harding was followed by Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge is arguably the best president of the 20th century. Coolidge defined conservatism. He removed U.S. troops from foreign nations, lowered taxes and tariffs, substantially reduced the Federal workforce, bringing about the most significant GNP expansion in American history - to this day. Coolidge practiced the economic principles that men such as Rothbard would later document as the most effective means of creating prosperity in the greatest number of people.

After the disaster of Wilson and the incredible success of Harding and Cooldge, the Democrats were a defeated, minority party. Though not widely liked, Harding's secretary of Commerce, "Herbert Hoover" was nominated. In 1928, no Democrat had any chance at the Whitehouse and Hoover easily won office. Hoover was a moderate who likened himself to Teddy Roosevelt and declared himself a progressive.

Hoover was a dedicated follower of British economist, John Maynard Keynes, and crafted economic policy to follow Keynes. An accountant by training, Hoover micromanaged economic affairs. As a result, when a moderate recession hit in 1929, Hoover reacted with Keynesian stimulus and "make work" programs. The result was a disaster and drove the recession into a depression.

When Franklin Roosevelt was later elected, he EXPANDED the Hoover policies, he did not alter them. FDR was also an advocate of Keynes and simply continued the same policies already in place.

Which resulted in the longest and deepest depression in U.S. History.

The Great Depression helped end child labor for an adult could be hired for the same wages as paid to children. Finally, the child-labor matter was settled in 1938 when FDR signed the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Well, as they say, that's one take on history and a pretty bleak picture of FDR. Hoover tried to help busines, not the people and it wasn't business that needed the help, it was the people. So how do historians see the picture, well their take on FDR has always to rank FDR as one of the three greatest presidents, and recently they rated FDR as America's greatest president.
In the first 100 days of his presidency, FDR asked Congress for a Bank Bill. It was passed and FDR began to get banks squared away, do you know what was in the second bill FDR asked Congress to pass or the history of that bill? I wonder what historians read into that second bill of FDR's?
I used to dislike Obama immensely. I was a Hillary supporter and didn't like what the dems did to her, including Obama. Today I feel somewhat differently about him and his policies. I don't like all of what he has done or wants to do but on average, I've been surprised by some of this stances, especially on terrorism overseas. Also, I'm a social moderate who believes in women's rights and some reasonable social programs and feel that Romney will gut these things if he's president given the makeup of Congress and it being republican. I believe in checks and balances and would consider Romeny if the dems held the power in Congress.

What Obama said about businesess was inartfully said but it is true that government makes some things possible for bussinesses to start up and succeed like infrastructure for shipment of goods and access for customers to the business and quite a bit more. So, I don't hold what he said against me because in essence I agree.

No government doesn't make it possible for businesses to start up and succeed. Government did not create the infrastructure. It was business activity, people taking risks, people providing jobs for others and people working in those jobs, buying and selling, that made an infrastructure necessary, that made creation of a government a practical way to organize and administrate the process of creating and maintaining an infrastructure and shared services benefitting all the people.

Take businesses out of the equation and you have no people for they have no way to support themselves. Take the people out of the equation and government is senseless, useless, and irrelevent. In no place on Earth will you find a case of first came government and prosperity then followed.

Our President seems incapable of understanding that simple truth.
No government doesn't make it possible for businesses to start up and succeed. Government did not create the infrastructure.

you are a liar and a moron...really, from this point forward you should not post or speak in public, you really are embarrassing yourself when you do
Well, as they say, that's one take on history and a pretty bleak picture of FDR.

is there a better term than bleak to describe great depression and world war??????

Very very stupid but typical men followed Napoleon into the Russian winter and called him a great leader. Even stupider men followed FDR into the depression and world war and called him a great leader.

Barry is not a hero of FDRs caliber yet because his depression has only lasted 3.5 years so far. If he can stretch it out for another term he will join FDR as a great liberal hero.
Well, as they say, that's one take on history and a pretty bleak picture of FDR.

is there a better term than bleak to describe great depression and world war??????

Very very stupid but typical men followed Napoleon into the Russian winter and called him a great leader. Even stupider men followed FDR into the depression and world war and called him a great leader.

Barry is not a hero of FDRs caliber yet because his depression has only lasted 3.5 years so far. If he can stretch it out for another term he will join FDR as a great liberal hero.

god you are stupid

archie, is that you?

Dont one of you liberals dare argue with these terrorist shit baggers, as if they give one god damn about the economy, as if they could admit there has been UNPRECEDENTED obstruction preventing Obama and the dems from a bigger stimulus, jobs bills, etc

this is NOT a debate, you are laughed at you fucking terrorist slime...

You aren't equipped for a debate Conz.....all you can do is falme and scream racism....if the rightwing are "terrorists" what do you plan to do about us....type?
Well, as they say, that's one take on history and a pretty bleak picture of FDR.

is there a better term than bleak to describe great depression and world war??????

Very very stupid but typical men followed Napoleon into the Russian winter and called him a great leader. Even stupider men followed FDR into the depression and world war and called him a great leader.

Barry is not a hero of FDRs caliber yet because his depression has only lasted 3.5 years so far. If he can stretch it out for another term he will join FDR as a great liberal hero.

Barry is a moron whom history will view as less than even Jimmy Carter.
Dont one of you liberals dare argue with these terrorist shit baggers, as if they give one god damn about the economy, as if they could admit there has been UNPRECEDENTED obstruction preventing Obama and the dems from a bigger stimulus, jobs bills, etc

this is NOT a debate, you are laughed at you fucking terrorist slime...

You aren't equipped for a debate Conz.....all you can do is falme and scream racism....if the rightwing are "terrorists" what do you plan to do about us....type?

I plan on defending my country, if on election day you prevent my fellow Americans from voting and it changes the outcome, I will do what any patriot would do.

That you want to steal the election using voter suppression makes you the terrorist.

But you are a tough guy too I see, time will tell, wont it, bigot

By calling the Constitutional professor, Obama, a moron, my president, you are showing that you hate America...i dont like people who hate my country and attack it


You want your country back? right?
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Well, as they say, that's one take on history and a pretty bleak picture of FDR.

is there a better term than bleak to describe great depression and world war??????

Very very stupid but typical men followed Napoleon into the Russian winter and called him a great leader. Even stupider men followed FDR into the depression and world war and called him a great leader.

Barry is not a hero of FDRs caliber yet because his depression has only lasted 3.5 years so far. If he can stretch it out for another term he will join FDR as a great liberal hero.

Barry is a moron whom history will view as less than even Jimmy Carter.

Well let's not forget that Barry is very controversial and has virtually shut down our government because he is a communist- he had two communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders!!

Yes he will be considered the worst because he is the least American president ever.
Dont one of you liberals dare argue with these terrorist shit baggers, as if they give one god damn about the economy, as if they could admit there has been UNPRECEDENTED obstruction preventing Obama and the dems from a bigger stimulus, jobs bills, etc

this is NOT a debate, you are laughed at you fucking terrorist slime...

You aren't equipped for a debate Conz.....all you can do is falme and scream racism....if the rightwing are "terrorists" what do you plan to do about us....type?

I plan on defending my country, if on election day you prevent my fellow Americans from voting and it changes the outcome, I will do what any patriot would do.

That you want to steal the election using voter suppression makes you the terrorist.

But you are a tough guy too I see, time will tell, wont it, bigot

By calling the Constitutional professor, Obama, a moron, my president, you are showing that you hate America...i dont like people who hate my country and attack it


O bama is the worst president of the modern era....and the irony is that you are probably tthe biggest bigot on this board..really, you think I'm a tough guy?

Naaa....just way too much for you to handle intellectually or otherwise....you "defended" your nation in 10 didn't you ;)

Your brethren defended Wis well didn't they?

You go ahead and thump your chest all day long and scream everybody is a racist...you don't like me?

oh golly whatever will I do?

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