"You didn't get there on your own"

dear god you are delusional

but, while you do have power, I will watch with interest while you disenfranchise millions of voters, kill social programs that help people...if the war doesnt start first, that is

I dont know what it will take for people to say enough is enough with you bigot scum, time will tell...we are patient people, so who knows

"Disenfranchise"....The new lib buzzword designed to influence the courts and public opinion to compel elections officials to permit those ineligible to vote to cast a ballot.
Social programs help only those employed by government to administer the programs.
They are a waste of taxpayer resources. Social programs are replete with waste and fraud.
dear god you are delusional

but, while you do have power, I will watch with interest while you disenfranchise millions of voters, kill social programs that help people...if the war doesnt start first, that is

Sure I am.

Today, the state of Kansas will remove enough moderates from the Senate so that the mod/dem coalition can't stifle anymore legislation.

Right or Wrong.....it's only going in one direction.

I am afraid it is you that is leaving those crusty little stains on his sheets.

Will you kill all Blacks or just take away their right to vote?
No answer eh...

Look, just admit it, Obama was elected by young people, minorities, etc., and you dont want to lose again so you are gonna stop them from voting...

Remember this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]

This person is the founder of ALEC, and ALEC wrote the voter suppression laws, you must be so proud of yourself.

If you support this, then that makes you a terrorist and a traitor...got it!

Why do you so vehemently hate America?

(i know why, multicultural, multi color, etc., we all know why)
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As fast as states passed child-labor laws the Conservative Court would find them unconstitutional. Finally FDR got a law passed regarding child-labor and the Court upheld it. But that was FDR, with the backing of the people. I wonder how many justices on our Court today would find child-labor laws unconstitutional?
One way the states got a grip on the use of children in factories and mills was to pass school attendance laws, and that helped.
As fast as states passed child-labor laws the Conservative Court would find them unconstitutional. Finally FDR got a law passed regarding child-labor and the Court upheld it. But that was FDR, with the backing of the people. I wonder how many justices on our Court today would find child-labor laws unconstitutional?
One way the states got a grip on the use of children in factories and mills was to pass school attendance laws, and that helped.

Like it or not, child labor is not within the scope of the federal governmemt.

You make it sound like the court was against kids when they were simply doing their job.

You know the answer to your question.

Four would likely find against child labor laws for the reasons specified above.

Four don't care about the USC and follow the rule of men (or in the case of Ginsburg...the case of uglies).

And one is conflicted.
No answer eh...

Look, just admit it, Obama was elected by young people, minorities, etc., and you dont want to lose again so you are gonna stop them from voting...

Remember this?

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube

This person is the founder of ALEC, and ALEC wrote the voter suppression laws, you must be so proud of yourself.

If you support this, then that makes you a terrorist and a traitor...got it!

Why do you so vehemently hate America?

(i know why, multicultural, multi color, etc., we all know why)
You are in serious need of psychological help. Digging some junk from over 30 years ago as if it matters now.
Who fucking cares what this person (Paul Weyrich) has to say? He's about as much a flyspeck as you.

Oh, here in the US there is ONE culture. The distinct AMERICAN CULTURE.
The rest of your rant is YOUR problem with race and ethnicity.
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I used to dislike Obama immensely. I was a Hillary supporter and didn't like what the dems did to her, including Obama. Today I feel somewhat differently about him and his policies. I don't like all of what he has done or wants to do but on average, I've been surprised by some of this stances, especially on terrorism overseas. Also, I'm a social moderate who believes in women's rights and some reasonable social programs and feel that Romney will gut these things if he's president given the makeup of Congress and it being republican. I believe in checks and balances and would consider Romeny if the dems held the power in Congress.

What Obama said about businesess was inartfully said but it is true that government makes some things possible for bussinesses to start up and succeed like infrastructure for shipment of goods and access for customers to the business and quite a bit more. So, I don't hold what he said against me because in essence I agree.
I'm a business owner and he insulted all of us who own one. Government offers redtape to those who start a business and little else.
I used to dislike Obama immensely. I was a Hillary supporter and didn't like what the dems did to her, including Obama. Today I feel somewhat differently about him and his policies. I don't like all of what he has done or wants to do but on average, I've been surprised by some of this stances, especially on terrorism overseas. Also, I'm a social moderate who believes in women's rights and some reasonable social programs and feel that Romney will gut these things if he's president given the makeup of Congress and it being republican. I believe in checks and balances and would consider Romeny if the dems held the power in Congress.

What Obama said about businesess was inartfully said but it is true that government makes some things possible for bussinesses to start up and succeed like infrastructure for shipment of goods and access for customers to the business and quite a bit more. So, I don't hold what he said against me because in essence I agree.

Who funds government? Who performs the work for government?
You know the answers.
The bottom line is without the taxpayers and the private sector, NOTHING gets done.
Checks and balances has nothing to do with political affiliation.
The typical fence sitting moderate votes as do you because they "feel safer" with one party controlling the legislative branch while the other has the executive.
The irony of this is when those same people complain that nothing gets done up on Capitol Hill.
Look, we do not vote for balance. We don't vote for 'what is safe'. We choose the candidate that best represents our THINKING( not how we feel) and our view of how government should be operated. We are supposed to vote for the person that best represents what we wish from government. Not which candidate we think will win the election.
No answer eh...

Look, just admit it, Obama was elected by young people, minorities, etc., and you dont want to lose again so you are gonna stop them from voting...

Remember this?

Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube

This person is the founder of ALEC, and ALEC wrote the voter suppression laws, you must be so proud of yourself.

If you support this, then that makes you a terrorist and a traitor...got it!

Why do you so vehemently hate America?

(i know why, multicultural, multi color, etc., we all know why)
You are in serious need of psychological help. Digging some junk from over 30 years ago as if it matters now.
Who fucking cares what this person (Paul Weyrich) has to say? He's about as much a flyspeck as you.

Oh, here in the US there is ONE culture. The distinct AMERICAN CULTURE.
The rest of your rant is YOUR problem with race and ethnicity.

The guy who hates what America stands for asks why you hate America.

Only in America !
Will you kill all Blacks or just take away their right to vote?

We're going to make being liberal against the law, not being black. We are going to put all of you in reeducation camps and take away your children and raise them in good wholesome right-wing families.
When your vote can no longer help Obama keep office, what makes you safe from paying more taxes?
As fast as states passed child-labor laws the Conservative Court would find them unconstitutional. Finally FDR got a law passed regarding child-labor and the Court upheld it. But that was FDR, with the backing of the people. I wonder how many justices on our Court today would find child-labor laws unconstitutional?
One way the states got a grip on the use of children in factories and mills was to pass school attendance laws, and that helped.

Like it or not, child labor is not within the scope of the federal governmemt.

You make it sound like the court was against kids when they were simply doing their job.

You know the answer to your question.

Four would likely find against child labor laws for the reasons specified above.

Four don't care about the USC and follow the rule of men (or in the case of Ginsburg...the case of uglies).

And one is conflicted.

Perhaps there is something wrong with a country that makes it possible for corporations to work children in their mines and the mills? And worse, for members of the Supreme Court not to see that wrong.

"The golf links are so near the mill
That almost every day
The laboring children can look out
And see the men at play."

Sarah Cleghorn

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