"You have humiliated us"

"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
...Sound to me that you are so far up Obama's and Hillary's Corrupt asses that we see you when they smile...
Nope. I voted for both of them; but mostly because the Republicans ran such $hitty candidates to oppose them.

...They tried to rig the election.............and LOST...
Yep. Off with their heads. I couldn't care less. Let's have another Congressional Investigation and crucify them in the law-courts, too.

......and now that they lost they have an army of Brain Dead Zombies like you with tingling sensations in your leg..........everytime you hear their name...
Incorrect. I'm an Equal Opportunity Basher. It's just that the crude, oafish boor in the White House has earned his own flavor of spite.

...Brennan and Clap Trap are nothing but HACKS..........who tried to rig a election and were so damned incompetent still LOST...
Brennan and Clapper tried to rig the election? Evidence?

...And the BUTT HURT CONTINUES.............get some cream for it. bro..................YOU LOST.

I did, indeed, vote for Shrillary, but only because I didn't want a demagogue in the White House, and I felt like taking a shower, afterwards.

You confuse criticism of Il Duce with Leftist leanings.

Vast numbers of Americans who are NOT Leftists (or even Democrats) cannot stand that walking, talking clusterphukk that you defend.

Your boy is scum... a lewd, crude, oafhish boor and demagogue and wannabe-autocrat who is entirely unfit for his high office.

Your blind support for him in the face of a thousand-and-one facts and embarrassments only harms the Republic rather than helping it.

All in all, it was a crappy election with crappy choices. We elected the worst of them unfortunately.
Are these guys humiliated because they get caught lying under oath all the time over the years.

Every major ruling on this case has gone against Manafort.

You're analysis here is WAAAY off. Probably got it from CNN. THIS judge spent the whole time on the bench yelling at the prosecution, questioning their authority to even BRING these charges, finger wagging them for not speaking to the bench and tossing out ANY information that concerned "russian connections".

So your conclusion sucks about WHO is likely to be making those threats and WHAT the nature of the threat to the jury really is.. What's this got to do with Brennan?

You really need to fire the morons that are feeding you. And hire better morons.

I love the terminally stupid who don’t pay attention. All judges question the prosecution sharply when the Degence brings a Motion to Dismiss.

Judge Ellis questioned their authority and motives in bringing the charges because the Defence filed a Motion to have them dismissed for those reasons. But when he ruled he dismissed the Defence Motion.

The judge hasn’t ruled for the defence in any motions in this case. Not one. He’s kept the trial moving and insisted that this isn’t about what he didn’t the money on, so let’s move along.

While Trumpians are quick to think that the judge doesn’t like the prosecution or its case much, he has been very hard on the defence as well, castigating them for rolling their eyes at his rulings, among other things.

If the Judge is hard on the prosecution throughout the case, it makes it that much more difficult to claim judicial bias in any subsequent appeals.

Don’t read too much into the length of the deliberations either. There are multiple charges and unique sets of technical evidence in each one of them. Jurors must look at each individual charge and the evidence supporting it, and vote on it. These people aren’t forensic accountants so their review of the documents isn’t going to be acquick process.

I’m looking forward to Trump’s Twitter meltdown when Manafort is convicted.
"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
Do proven liars deserve a security clearance let alone a job................CNN is a good place for them...........Time and again caught lying...........obstructing Congressional oversight..........and the lead investigator on Russia Collusion cared so much about America that he couldn't answer a single question of the IRS targeting scandal.........Didn't even know who the lead investigator was at all.

Eric Holder basically giving a pass to PERJURY of Clapper during the targeting of Americans uncovered by Snowden...........

Got caught again .............Clapper.........lying under oath..........No charges........amazing isn't it.

But he is a poor victim. LOL
Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
That must have stung.
Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
Of course you do.............he's trying to get Trump who you HATE.............

Wish he'd have been so motivated to do his job under Obama when they used Federal Agencies to target Americans.............

Those cases are proven......the Targeting.......in court and by the own admissions of the IRS........

Yet under Obama the DOJ didn't prosecute a single one of them...........

Ties that bind ............HSBC bank...........Comey used to work for them.........Not a single charge against them under Obama's DOJ after they had one of the largest money laudering schemes in our history.......Bringing about the Great Meme Too Big to JAIL...........

And the coverup continues............day in and day out.......It is known as TDS.
I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
That must have stung.

No Bri. I'm sick of cleaning up off topic crap - 22 from another thread just now, untold numbers between several mods from this thread. So I am giving you a choice.
I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
Of course you do.............he's trying to get Trump who you HATE.............

Wish he'd have been so motivated to do his job under Obama when they used Federal Agencies to target Americans.............

Those cases are proven......the Targeting.......in court and by the own admissions of the IRS........

Yet under Obama the DOJ didn't prosecute a single one of them...........

Ties that bind ............HSBC bank...........Comey used to work for them.........Not a single charge against them under Obama's DOJ after they had one of the largest money laudering schemes in our history.......Bringing about the Great Meme Too Big to JAIL...........

And the coverup continues............day in and day out.......It is known as TDS.

Proven? A Republican Congress came up with nothing criminal.
I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
Of course you do.............he's trying to get Trump who you HATE.............

Wish he'd have been so motivated to do his job under Obama when they used Federal Agencies to target Americans.............

Those cases are proven......the Targeting.......in court and by the own admissions of the IRS........

Yet under Obama the DOJ didn't prosecute a single one of them...........

Ties that bind ............HSBC bank...........Comey used to work for them.........Not a single charge against them under Obama's DOJ after they had one of the largest money laudering schemes in our history.......Bringing about the Great Meme Too Big to JAIL...........

And the coverup continues............day in and day out.......It is known as TDS.

Proven? A Republican Congress came up with nothing criminal.
My articles and videos say different................

Clapper lied...........didn't know about the funding of the dossiers........Baloney............caught later .......BUSTED......under oath............

In regards to the Obama years they lied on spying on Americans.........BUSTED.........but the establishment has their backs..............and a nice high paying job at CNN.
I tend to think the response by the MSM to Trump’s taking Brennan’s clearance, is further proof they are controlled by the ruling class. Brennan is clearly a lying scumbag.
Notice that the same MSM that whines like a nursery full of little babies over Brennan losing his security clearance wanted the judge in the Manafort trial to give out the names and addresses of the jurors. The only reason for doing that is so a lynch mob of deranged snowflakes could descend on the jurors homes to harass them and even threaten them with bodily harm. So these fake media scumbags claim they are supposedly so concerned about Brennan's constitutional rights don't give a damn about Manafort's right to a fair trial.

These people are the vilest kind of filth.
It should be clear to all Americans by now, that the MSM will condemn Trump no matter what he does. The only exception being he starts another war. Then, since they are controlled by the ruling who gains enormous wealth during times of war, they will hold their forked tongues.

The MSM will continue to condemn Trump as long as what he tweets, says and how he acts is contemptible. It's the MSM's job to report, and they do a good job using primary sources, i.e. his tweets, speeches and actions.

The MSM also posts editorials, clearly labeled and clearly built on what Trump does, says and tweets. It is sources on the Internet and on AM Radio where the Conservative talking heads mislead the public by lies, half-truth, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations and rewriting history - all to suit their biases and fill their wallets.
The problem with the MSM is its biases, so there is that.

Wouldn't be so bad if they were truly fair and balanced. Ain't seeing it.
all 300+++ newspapers 70 or so ex and current intel people all biased?
These days, and after years of brainwashing ?? Yep !!!!
Well...here's the thing flac...and you aren't going to like hearing me.

Paragraph 1: I don't believe it. Frankly, if anyone has an argument in favor with that it's Clinton after Comey's handling and unprecedented public pronouncements concerning it. But Clinton has been thoroughly demonized by you lot until she is utterly unrecognizable. And before you jump on me, no - I don't think she is a stellar political representative or anything, but she is not as bad as you folks have worked to make her.

Paragraph 2: I don't think Brennan is as evil as you make him out to be either. And Trump is doing more than just lying or exagerating, he is now using the threat of security clearance revokation to get BACK at people, and possibly to end the Russia investigation. Who are his real targets? Not just Brennen. Ohr. Mueller. Worse - the many minor civil servants working on investigations, not just this one, who's livelyhoods depend on a security clearence. That is more worrisome imo.

Paragraph 3: I get that you hated Obama and love Trump. I can deal with that. But I don't believe for a second that the multitude of intelligence agencies from military to civilian are in on some sort of "coup" against Trump. Most are loyal civil servants who have transitioned through multiple administrations. Now suddenly - they are all "against" Trump?

Lastly, I don't pay much attention to Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa (except I get a kick out of the fact that Trump is finally confronted by someone as ruthless and unethical as himself - Trump is out Trumped by her) - they are an amusing distraction, but seldom featured on the news I pay attention to.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
Of course you do.............he's trying to get Trump who you HATE.............

Wish he'd have been so motivated to do his job under Obama when they used Federal Agencies to target Americans.............

Those cases are proven......the Targeting.......in court and by the own admissions of the IRS........

Yet under Obama the DOJ didn't prosecute a single one of them...........

Ties that bind ............HSBC bank...........Comey used to work for them.........Not a single charge against them under Obama's DOJ after they had one of the largest money laudering schemes in our history.......Bringing about the Great Meme Too Big to JAIL...........

And the coverup continues............day in and day out.......It is known as TDS.

Proven? A Republican Congress came up with nothing criminal.
My articles and videos say different................

Clapper lied...........didn't know about the funding of the dossiers........Baloney............caught later .......BUSTED......under oath............

In regards to the Obama years they lied on spying on Americans.........BUSTED.........but the establishment has their backs..............and a nice high paying job at CNN.

Well, perhaps we can agree to disagree here.
Thanks for parroting all the usual Dim talking points. We would never have known what you thought if you hadn't told us.

Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
Of course you do.............he's trying to get Trump who you HATE.............

Wish he'd have been so motivated to do his job under Obama when they used Federal Agencies to target Americans.............

Those cases are proven......the Targeting.......in court and by the own admissions of the IRS........

Yet under Obama the DOJ didn't prosecute a single one of them...........

Ties that bind ............HSBC bank...........Comey used to work for them.........Not a single charge against them under Obama's DOJ after they had one of the largest money laudering schemes in our history.......Bringing about the Great Meme Too Big to JAIL...........

And the coverup continues............day in and day out.......It is known as TDS.

Proven? A Republican Congress came up with nothing criminal.
My articles and videos say different................

Clapper lied...........didn't know about the funding of the dossiers........Baloney............caught later .......BUSTED......under oath............

In regards to the Obama years they lied on spying on Americans.........BUSTED.........but the establishment has their backs..............and a nice high paying job at CNN.

Well, perhaps we can agree to disagree here.
Kinda normal for us now isn't it.
Do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic Bri? It's your choice. Make a wise one.
Of course you do.............he's trying to get Trump who you HATE.............

Wish he'd have been so motivated to do his job under Obama when they used Federal Agencies to target Americans.............

Those cases are proven......the Targeting.......in court and by the own admissions of the IRS........

Yet under Obama the DOJ didn't prosecute a single one of them...........

Ties that bind ............HSBC bank...........Comey used to work for them.........Not a single charge against them under Obama's DOJ after they had one of the largest money laudering schemes in our history.......Bringing about the Great Meme Too Big to JAIL...........

And the coverup continues............day in and day out.......It is known as TDS.

Proven? A Republican Congress came up with nothing criminal.
My articles and videos say different................

Clapper lied...........didn't know about the funding of the dossiers........Baloney............caught later .......BUSTED......under oath............

In regards to the Obama years they lied on spying on Americans.........BUSTED.........but the establishment has their backs..............and a nice high paying job at CNN.

Well, perhaps we can agree to disagree here.
Kinda normal for us now isn't it.

Time after time, Trump makes some really stupid statements, really dumb decisions, and he spends hours coming up with moronic, infantile, vindictive tweets that feed his many obsessions. It does no good for the media to focus on these. Actually, it does a great deal of harm.

How many times have we heard the media say Trump has "doubled down" on some foolish decision, some foolish tweet? That's because, if he has something that really pisses off the media, he will "double down" making it even more foolish. He does this because all the media attention feeds his monster super ego and he is enjoying it.

You can tell he is enjoying himself because of his facial expressions and his demeanor. He loves the attention.

It is incomprehensible that a President would offer his opinion of an ongoing trial. What does Trump do? He tells a national television audience that Manafort is a really nice guy and his trial is a disgrace. Trump loves the attention that one got.

He got a tremendous amount of attention when he revoked Brennan's security clearance, nearly all of it negative. What does Trump do? He says he will probably do the same with nine other critics of his administration. Trump absolutely loves all the attention he got with that announcement.

Mueller really does not care if Trump refuses to present his side of the Russian probe, and no way will he get involved in litigation concerning a subpoena that will last until Christmas, Christmas of '19. Trump and his lawyer, Giuliani, have been making hay of this non-controversy for months. They argue against themselves and change their stories much to the delight of an American audience. And much to the delight of an audience of one in the Oval Office. Trump absolutely loves it.

I could go on all day, but the reader gets my point. When Trump issues a statement, makes a decision, writes a tweet, the more un-Presidential it is, the more controversial it is, the more anal-retentive it is, the more ill-advised it is the better. The longer the controversy goes on the better.

That is because, if the media is talking about something he did or said that was incomprehensibly stupid, then they are not talking about his collaboration with Russia during the 2016 election.

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