"You have humiliated us"

The Top Seal is shooting down his credibility all by himself.

Obama cronies can't help themselves.

My stepfather, former USMC Gunnery Sgt said the admiral is a shit stain on the service.

I concur
Both of you are idiots

Oh what beautiful morning, oh what beautuful day, left tards heads exploding as President Trump ruins their day

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day.
Trumptards their heads are exploding
Mueller will RUIN their day! :D

Mueller Wants Papadopoulos to Go to Jail, Says He Harmed Russia Investigation

Mewler is a POS. I could not care less what that clown wants.

Good - This ^ is about to get especially fun! :)

Washington (CNN) White House counsel Don McGahn has cooperated extensively with special counsel Robert Mueller's probe, participating in several interviews spanning 30 hours over the last nine months, The New York Times reported Saturday.

McGahn has provided "detailed accounts about the episodes at the heart of the inquiry into whether President Trump obstructed justice," including providing information that the Mueller team otherwise would not have learned about, the Times reported, citing a dozen current and former White House officials and other individuals briefed on the matter.

A source familiar with McGahn's thinking told CNN on Saturday that McGahn and Mueller's team had "several, several" hours discussions on at least three occasions. CNN previously reported there had been three interviews between McGahn and Mueller's team.
Using the power of the Presidency to silence critics is not an issue with you?

He didn't silence anyone or we wouldn't be talking about it. He did however rescind the security clearance for someone who doesn't need to know anymore.
And Trump is just a petty piece of shit President who is turning this country into a banana republic.
Best / At to hear economy in decades

Lowest unemployment in decades

Lowest unemployment rate for Blacks and Latinos in RECORDED HISTORY

Most Americans working ever

Less Americans on Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

Manufacturing jobs Obama said would NEVER come back ARE BACK

More jobs

More Full-Time Jobs


Higher Wages


An end of 8 years of financing, supplying, arming, training, aiding, abetting, defending, protecting, and dragging the country to help terrorists like Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, & the Taliban

An end to helping / appeasing / paying ransoms to our nations enemies...like Iran, Russia, China...

An end to violation of Constitution and law...

An end to an administration that illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices...and political opposition Presidential candidates...

An end to an administration treating lime citizens as 'enemies' by illegally using a weapons IRS against citizens legally opposing Obama's re-election...

An end to a Pro-Open Borders US Immigration-violating, Sanctuary City / illegal alien / MS13 / human trafficking-protecting President and Administration

An end to the LEAST Transparent administration Evuh

An end to the MOST Criminal administration Evuh.....

'Banana Republic'?

That is what the United States was under Obama!
Yawn...at least try to come up with something I haven't heard at least 500 times from you clowns
Using the power of the Presidency to silence critics is not an issue with you?

It bothered me when Ears used the IRS to do it. Perhaps when all of you let that bother you I'll get worked up over Brennan who lied, tried to undermine an election and used his clearance to spy on people getting his clearance revoked bug me.

Until then? Not a chance

"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Clearly I disagree. IMO Brennan is a patriot, and seeks to protect our democracy and its people from the "Evil Empire". There is no doubt in my mind that Russia attempted and succeeded in influencing our election by demeaning HRC, and supporting Trump.

The theory that Putin & his agents worded to have HRC lose is obvious; she was a hawk and stood up to Putin in his quest to expand Russia to its past empire.

The theory that Putin has something on Trump is very credible too, given Trump's money issues and lounge lizard behavior.

maga! Mueller ain't going anywhere, so none of us ought to pretend we know what his investigation will tell; one thing for sure, it maybe a "witch hunt" in Trump's mind, and the minds of his supporters, but I suspect several more warlocks will be found before the 2020 general election.
They used Fusion GPS and steele......did FISA warrants on Page weeks before the election.......the leaks to the media and information was from Brennan and Clapper in the summer of 2016.

Judicial Watch Asks Court for Carter Page FISA Warrant Hearing Transcripts - Judicial Watch
Obama, Brennan And Hillary Colluded To Take Trump Down

How about posting two more sources, that's what a MSM journalist/reporter would be told by their editor before broadcast or publication.

For the Reader:

Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

From the LINK:

Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.

You insist that eagle1462010 post two sources to support his claims, and then you post one source to support yours.

How beautifully liberal!

I perused 14 pages, in 90% of the comments were by Judicial Watch. Reading the front page in the link provided was clear and convincing to me that the JW is a Right Wing Propaganda Machine.

My question is this, is JW funded by President Putin? It's the type of tabloid one might see in a Supermarket Line.

We know you believe the truth to be a Russian plot.

I believe that is true, we were attacked and Putin wanted Trump to be elected POTUS.

You don't believe that, and I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince you. I also believe enough evidence has been uncovered to prove a conspiracy between Russian agents and Trump's insiders to impact our election. Maybe The President knew, maybe he did not, but as a patriot I want to know, and Mueller ain't going away (MAGA).

What a load of pure horseshit. Snowflake Trump haters are totally deranged. They will believe anything about Trump without a shred of proof. Let me clear things up for you, numskull: There is no evidence of a conspiracy between Russian agents and Trump's insiders to impact our election. None. Zip. Nada.
"Why?" The President is the Commander In Chief. He is like the CEO of your company. You have a problem with your boss, you maybe take it to him behind closed doors but you don't trash talk him before the entire world. That would get your ass CANNED in any job on the planet! All this jackal did was weaken the country he was supposed to serve. Disgraceful.

No. He is absolutely not like a CEO. And wait...are you saying Brennan is working for Trump? Or ever did?

Loyalty to Trump and loyalty to the country are two different things.

You guys pretend to glorify Trump for telling it like it is. Brennan told it like it is. Guess you don’t like that.

Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Clearly I disagree. IMO Brennan is a patriot, and seeks to protect our democracy and its people from the "Evil Empire". There is no doubt in my mind that Russia attempted and succeeded in influencing our election by demeaning HRC, and supporting Trump.

The theory that Putin & his agents worded to have HRC lose is obvious; she was a hawk and stood up to Putin in his quest to expand Russia to its past empire.

The theory that Putin has something on Trump is very credible too, given Trump's money issues and lounge lizard behavior.

maga! Mueller ain't going anywhere, so none of us ought to pretend we know what his investigation will tell; one thing for sure, it maybe a "witch hunt" in Trump's mind, and the minds of his supporters, but I suspect several more warlocks will be found before the 2020 general election.
Nothing in your post is credible. In fact it's all utterly idiotic. Only someone suffering sever brain damage could believe these idiocies.
How about posting two more sources, that's what a MSM journalist/reporter would be told by their editor before broadcast or publication.

For the Reader:

Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

From the LINK:

Bias: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda


Founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials. They primarily target Democrats such as the Clinton’s, Obama and climate scientists as they label climate science, “fraud science.” Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed. They describe themselves as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.” The current President of JW is Tom Fitton.

You insist that eagle1462010 post two sources to support his claims, and then you post one source to support yours.

How beautifully liberal!

I perused 14 pages, in 90% of the comments were by Judicial Watch. Reading the front page in the link provided was clear and convincing to me that the JW is a Right Wing Propaganda Machine.

My question is this, is JW funded by President Putin? It's the type of tabloid one might see in a Supermarket Line.
We know you believe the truth to be a Russian plot.

I believe that is true, we were attacked and Putin wanted Trump to be elected POTUS.

You don't believe that, and I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince you. I also believe enough evidence has been uncovered to prove a conspiracy between Russian agents and Trump's insiders to impact our election. Maybe The President knew, maybe he did not, but as a patriot I want to know, and Mueller ain't going away (MAGA).
He should read "house of trump house of Putin " and all the money coming to trump after he was 4 billion in the hole
I don't read much fiction these days.
You loons embarrass yourselves you dont need my help, troll
You're a piece of shit human who knows nothing about American values.
Anyone wonder does he know that these intel people the moron bashes, protect his fat ass?
No they don't protect him, moron. They are trying to overthrow him. They are traitors and moles within our intelligence agencies. They all deserve to hang.
You loons embarrass yourselves you dont need my help, troll
You're a piece of shit human who knows nothing about American values.

If we want the left's opinion we'll beat it out of them.

Violence is the domain of the left.

We use reason.

A scumbag traitor like Bilo can't be reasoned with, I get it.

When that fails then the level will be far different than a mere beating. But that is for an organized response. We are not thugs the way the Communists are.
The snowflakes in here aren't capable of reason. All they can do is repeat party issued talking points are make insults about Trump and his supporters.
Report: James Clapper Leaked Dossier Briefing To CNN, Lied About It

In one of the findings within the 253-page report, the House intelligence committee wrote that Clapper leaked details of a dossier briefing given to then-President-elect Donald Trump to CNN’s Jake Tapper, lied to Congress about the leak, and was rewarded with a CNN contract a few months later.

“Clapper flatly denied ‘discussing[ing] the dossier [compiled by Steele] or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists,'” the committee found.

When asked directly whether he had ever discussed the dossier with any journalists, Clapper replied that he had not,
according to a transcript of the proceedings:

MR. ROONEY: Did you discuss the dossier or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists?

The former DNI later changed his story after he was confronted specifically about his communications with Jake Tapper of CNN.

“Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the ‘dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper,’ and admitted that he might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic,” the report continued. “Clapper’s discussion with Tapper took place in early January 2017, around the time IC leaders briefed President Obama and President-elect Trump, on ‘the Christopher Steele information,’ a two-page summary of which was ‘enclosed in’ the highly-classified version of the ICA,” or intelligence community assessment.
You loons embarrass yourselves you dont need my help, troll
You're a piece of shit human who knows nothing about American values.

If we want the left's opinion we'll beat it out of them.

Violence is the domain of the left.

We use reason.

A scumbag traitor like Bilo can't be reasoned with, I get it.

When that fails then the level will be far different than a mere beating. But that is for an organized response. We are not thugs the way the Communists are.
The snowflakes in here aren't capable of reason. All they can do is repeat party issued talking points are make insults about Trump and his supporters.
I say it often, they lack common sense.

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