you partisans trip me out

The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Cause you never take sides, huh?

No one hates mueller now except trumpscum

Anything else you feel like making up, bubbalah?

Like most of the supposed “centrists” or “non-tribals” or “moderates” or whatever they call themselves, they decry the farthest left and the farthest right and swear that anyone who shares some of their views is a partisan nut job.

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

So in truth, we’re all shades of purple to some degree. Some here like to pretend there are 2 sides and everyone except those who are pretending have picked one. It’s bullshit.

This thread isn’t about people and their political positions on issues, it is about the hypocrisy of the two parties.

You have Democrats all bent out of shape because Barr won’t testify and the GOP is defending Barr. During the Obama administration Holder refused to testify before Congress and was held in contempt. The GOP got all bent out of shape because of it and the Democrats defended him.

That is hypocrisy, no matter your political views, right is right and wrong is wrong. It matters not who is involved.


Do you remember people “going insane” when Trump made the comment about Russia and e-mails?

As a conservative did you “go insane” when Clinton made her comments this week?

What the thread is about is cherry picking the behavior of some people who are ultra partisan and attributing that to liberals and conservatives. When in truth most of us are different shades of purple.
There are no liberals in the dem or repub party.
Another lie.
Go for 3 back to back! You can do it!
Also this thread is about dems and repubs. Not so called conservatives and liberals.

Real Liberals and Conservatives are almost extinct.
I've been saying what we really need to do is divide this country in half right down the middle. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Because we will never see a middle-ground with both parties drifting more and more partisan.
It would be a lot easier if we just grew up and started working together.

But, like petulant, spoiled children, we are refusing to.

And by the way, there are plenty of us who don't cling to one end or the other. We're just being drowned out by the children.

In order to work together there would have to be middle-ground. There is no middle-ground any longer.

if you found out your wife was screwing a different guy every month, what's the middle ground? She screws around with a different guy every two months? The Palestinians believe the only peace that could be had is if they kill all the Jews. What's the middle-ground for Jews, only allowing half of them to be killed?

You have to come to the understanding that there is no middle- ground in all situations. And if there is no middle-ground, what else are you supposed to do? Give up your values instead of fighting for them?
I've been saying what we really need to do is divide this country in half right down the middle. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Because we will never see a middle-ground with both parties drifting more and more partisan.
It would be a lot easier if we just grew up and started working together.

But, like petulant, spoiled children, we are refusing to.

And by the way, there are plenty of us who don't cling to one end or the other. We're just being drowned out by the children.

In order to work together there would have to be middle-ground. There is no middle-ground any longer.

if you found out your wife was screwing a different guy every month, what's the middle ground? She screws around with a different guy every two months? The Palestinians believe the only peace that could be had is if they kill all the Jews. What's the middle-ground for Jews, only allowing half of them to be killed?

You have to come to the understanding that there is no middle- ground in all situations. And if there is no middle-ground, what else are you supposed to do? Give up your values instead of fighting for them?
I have never said there is a middle ground in all situations. Not once. Ever. Not even close.

As the result of collaboration on any given issue, side A might have it 75% their way. The next time they may have it 25% their way.

And guess what - maybe the next time, side A and side B may create something all new together.

Like we see every day in business. Like we see with the Constitution.

You have been lied to. Collaboration is a good thing, not a bad thing. This is not about 50/50.
I've been saying what we really need to do is divide this country in half right down the middle. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Because we will never see a middle-ground with both parties drifting more and more partisan.
It would be a lot easier if we just grew up and started working together.

But, like petulant, spoiled children, we are refusing to.

And by the way, there are plenty of us who don't cling to one end or the other. We're just being drowned out by the children.

In order to work together there would have to be middle-ground. There is no middle-ground any longer.

if you found out your wife was screwing a different guy every month, what's the middle ground? She screws around with a different guy every two months? The Palestinians believe the only peace that could be had is if they kill all the Jews. What's the middle-ground for Jews, only allowing half of them to be killed?

You have to come to the understanding that there is no middle- ground in all situations. And if there is no middle-ground, what else are you supposed to do? Give up your values instead of fighting for them?
I have never said there is a middle ground in all situations. Not once. Ever. Not even close.

As the result of collaboration on any given issue, side A might have it 75% their way. The next time they may have it 25% their way.

And guess what - maybe the next time, side A and side B may create something all new together.

Like we see every day in business. Like we see with the Constitution.

You have been lied to. Collaboration is a good thing, not a bad thing. This is not about 50/50.

It is? Well then let me ask, when was the last time the Democrats gave into Republicans ideas or ideology? Because I can name several times the Republicans did and got nothing,.

It takes two to Tango. Dancing by yourself only makes you look like a fool.
I've been saying what we really need to do is divide this country in half right down the middle. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Because we will never see a middle-ground with both parties drifting more and more partisan.
It would be a lot easier if we just grew up and started working together.

But, like petulant, spoiled children, we are refusing to.

And by the way, there are plenty of us who don't cling to one end or the other. We're just being drowned out by the children.

In order to work together there would have to be middle-ground. There is no middle-ground any longer.

if you found out your wife was screwing a different guy every month, what's the middle ground? She screws around with a different guy every two months? The Palestinians believe the only peace that could be had is if they kill all the Jews. What's the middle-ground for Jews, only allowing half of them to be killed?

You have to come to the understanding that there is no middle- ground in all situations. And if there is no middle-ground, what else are you supposed to do? Give up your values instead of fighting for them?
I have never said there is a middle ground in all situations. Not once. Ever. Not even close.

As the result of collaboration on any given issue, side A might have it 75% their way. The next time they may have it 25% their way.

And guess what - maybe the next time, side A and side B may create something all new together.

Like we see every day in business. Like we see with the Constitution.

You have been lied to. Collaboration is a good thing, not a bad thing. This is not about 50/50.

It is? Well then let me ask, when was the last time the Democrats gave into Republicans ideas or ideology? Because I can name several times the Republicans did and got nothing,.

It takes two to Tango. Dancing by yourself only makes you look like a fool.
At some point, someone has to be the adult in the room.

And there will be those who just aren't part of the conversation. As long as a few are, there's hope.
I've been saying what we really need to do is divide this country in half right down the middle. Conservatives on one side and liberals on the other. Because we will never see a middle-ground with both parties drifting more and more partisan.
It would be a lot easier if we just grew up and started working together.

But, like petulant, spoiled children, we are refusing to.

And by the way, there are plenty of us who don't cling to one end or the other. We're just being drowned out by the children.

In order to work together there would have to be middle-ground. There is no middle-ground any longer.

if you found out your wife was screwing a different guy every month, what's the middle ground? She screws around with a different guy every two months? The Palestinians believe the only peace that could be had is if they kill all the Jews. What's the middle-ground for Jews, only allowing half of them to be killed?

You have to come to the understanding that there is no middle- ground in all situations. And if there is no middle-ground, what else are you supposed to do? Give up your values instead of fighting for them?
I have never said there is a middle ground in all situations. Not once. Ever. Not even close.

As the result of collaboration on any given issue, side A might have it 75% their way. The next time they may have it 25% their way.

And guess what - maybe the next time, side A and side B may create something all new together.

Like we see every day in business. Like we see with the Constitution.

You have been lied to. Collaboration is a good thing, not a bad thing. This is not about 50/50.

It is? Well then let me ask, when was the last time the Democrats gave into Republicans ideas or ideology? Because I can name several times the Republicans did and got nothing,.

It takes two to Tango. Dancing by yourself only makes you look like a fool.
At some point, someone has to be the adult in the room.

And there will be those who just aren't part of the conversation. As long as a few are, there's hope.

And by "the adult in the room" you mean the one that's willing to surrender? That would be the Republicans, and that's why Donald Trump is our President today.
It would be a lot easier if we just grew up and started working together.

But, like petulant, spoiled children, we are refusing to.

And by the way, there are plenty of us who don't cling to one end or the other. We're just being drowned out by the children.

In order to work together there would have to be middle-ground. There is no middle-ground any longer.

if you found out your wife was screwing a different guy every month, what's the middle ground? She screws around with a different guy every two months? The Palestinians believe the only peace that could be had is if they kill all the Jews. What's the middle-ground for Jews, only allowing half of them to be killed?

You have to come to the understanding that there is no middle- ground in all situations. And if there is no middle-ground, what else are you supposed to do? Give up your values instead of fighting for them?
I have never said there is a middle ground in all situations. Not once. Ever. Not even close.

As the result of collaboration on any given issue, side A might have it 75% their way. The next time they may have it 25% their way.

And guess what - maybe the next time, side A and side B may create something all new together.

Like we see every day in business. Like we see with the Constitution.

You have been lied to. Collaboration is a good thing, not a bad thing. This is not about 50/50.

It is? Well then let me ask, when was the last time the Democrats gave into Republicans ideas or ideology? Because I can name several times the Republicans did and got nothing,.

It takes two to Tango. Dancing by yourself only makes you look like a fool.
At some point, someone has to be the adult in the room.

And there will be those who just aren't part of the conversation. As long as a few are, there's hope.

And by "the adult in the room" you mean the one that's willing to surrender? That would be the Republicans, and that's why Donald Trump is our President today.
No, in fact that's not what I mean.

As I said, some just won't be a part of constructive conversation, and we'll have to do without them.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!


That’s where your narrative takes a shit.

I'm for kicking the professional politicians and their political parties out. I'd have as much confidence, if not more, in our state and national legislatures if chosen by lottery from a pool comprised of those that desire to serve and able to pass a civics exam.

Isn't that kind of the thinking that went behind electing President Trump? We on the right did get sick of the same ole, same ole. So we made a drastic change. Maybe if we all stuck together and did more of that, those professional politicians would not behave like professional politicians.

You gave us Orange. I'd take any 'professional politician' over him any day.
I'm for kicking the professional politicians and their political parties out. I'd have as much confidence, if not more, in our state and national legislatures if chosen by lottery from a pool comprised of those that desire to serve and able to pass a civics exam.

Isn't that kind of the thinking that went behind electing President Trump? We on the right did get sick of the same ole, same ole. So we made a drastic change. Maybe if we all stuck together and did more of that, those professional politicians would not behave like professional politicians.

You gave us Orange. I'd take any 'professional politician' over him any day.

I don't doubt that for one minute; I really don't.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!


That’s where your narrative takes a shit.


The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!


That’s where your narrative takes a shit.


Moron. She was speaking hypothetically. You know that. Why do you fuckers feel the need to be dishonest about everything?
I'm for kicking the professional politicians and their political parties out. I'd have as much confidence, if not more, in our state and national legislatures if chosen by lottery from a pool comprised of those that desire to serve and able to pass a civics exam.

Isn't that kind of the thinking that went behind electing President Trump? We on the right did get sick of the same ole, same ole. So we made a drastic change. Maybe if we all stuck together and did more of that, those professional politicians would not behave like professional politicians.

You gave us Orange. I'd take any 'professional politician' over him any day.

I don't doubt that for one minute; I really don't.

Of course. He disgraces the office. Akin to picking a busboy to do surgery. Common sense says he's unqualified.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!

Stop hating Amerika and pick a side will ya and it better be the side I am on...

Wait, I am also sitting on the fence...
The liberals are so out of control that they have caused Ann Coulter to defend President Trump again despite her anger for him on the wall.
No human being, dead or alive, has condemned "white supremacists" more than Trump has
That's the truth? Would you like to see the statistics of how many whites are shot and/or killed by police compared to blacks? They are about the same. And before you go on a rant that blacks only make up 13% of the population, they also make up most of the violent crime per capita as well. So it seems, more whites actually get shot and killed than blacks.

So how did you come to this assumption that whites get away alive and blacks get killed? It's called brainwashing. The MSM only tells you these police stories when it involves blacks, but never when it involves whites. So instead of researching the subject, you just believe whatever the MSM wants you to believe.

View attachment 259126
Is that what passes for evidence in your mind?

Anecdotal evidence, yes.

The reason I brought it up was the bogus charge that Liberals “blame white privilege”. I was just demonstrating that it is true; which it is. Liberals blame the person who did the killing for the killing; not their religion—which is not what they represent regardless if it is Christianity, Judism, Islam, etc…. Some comments that are made about white privilege are verifiable; most are way overblown in my opinion.

I’m actually quite happy that these guys are still alive. That means the police were not trigger happy when they certainly could have been. I wish they were like that more often…thats all.
The graphic is clearly a case of cherry picking data. That is not even anecdotal evidence - it is actually the opposite.

I would agree we have a major issue with the escalation of force within out policing community. The race angle there is WAY overplayed though - this idea that police are out there killing young black men with enormous impact is asinine. Most of those young black men are being killed by other young black men. Same shit with white men. most of them are killed by other young white men. The police, while being overly aggressive, do not even mark a statistical blip on those deaths.

It could have showed a lot more examples
Yes, it could have and it would continue to be a meaningless misleading cherry picked set of examples. Again, not even anecdotal - it exists to mislead and nothing else.

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