you partisans trip me out

Cause you never take sides, huh?

No one hates mueller now except trumpscum

Anything else you feel like making up, bubbalah?

Like most of the supposed “centrists” or “non-tribals” or “moderates” or whatever they call themselves, they decry the farthest left and the farthest right and swear that anyone who shares some of their views is a partisan nut job.

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

So in truth, we’re all shades of purple to some degree. Some here like to pretend there are 2 sides and everyone except those who are pretending have picked one. It’s bullshit.
This thread isnt about positions for fucks sake!
Goddamn this site has some mother fuckin retards on it.

Except you mentioned what you thought were the positions of entire groups in the OP shit-brains.

LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.
Like most of the supposed “centrists” or “non-tribals” or “moderates” or whatever they call themselves, they decry the farthest left and the farthest right and swear that anyone who shares some of their views is a partisan nut job.

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

So in truth, we’re all shades of purple to some degree. Some here like to pretend there are 2 sides and everyone except those who are pretending have picked one. It’s bullshit.
This thread isnt about positions for fucks sake!
Goddamn this site has some mother fuckin retards on it.

Except you mentioned what you thought were the positions of entire groups in the OP shit-brains.

LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Cause you never take sides, huh?

No one hates mueller now except trumpscum

Anything else you feel like making up, bubbalah?
Silly Jilly full of hate...not a nice look my darling.
This thread isnt about positions for fucks sake!
Goddamn this site has some mother fuckin retards on it.

Except you mentioned what you thought were the positions of entire groups in the OP shit-brains.

LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.
Except you mentioned what you thought were the positions of entire groups in the OP shit-brains.

LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.


If Politifact were reading this, you’d get the Golden Pinochio.
It would be a lot easier if we just grew up and started working together.

But, like petulant, spoiled children, we are refusing to.

And by the way, there are plenty of us who don't cling to one end or the other. We're just being drowned out by the children.

You go ahead and keep "compromising" with those rapists.

Don't come crying when you have to wear a diaper because your rectum can no longer be counted on to clamp up on it's own.

LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.


If Politifact were reading this, you’d get the Golden Pinochio.
Harley has a lot of conservative points of view, so yeah, he'll argue the ones he agrees with, but I think you're being unfair to him. He's not a Trumpbot or a Republican. He's just over on the right side of the field.
It would be a lot easier if we just grew up and started working together.

But, like petulant, spoiled children, we are refusing to.

And by the way, there are plenty of us who don't cling to one end or the other. We're just being drowned out by the children.

You go ahead and keep "compromising" with those rapists.

Don't come crying when you have to wear a diaper because your rectum can no longer be counted on to clamp up on it's own.
Sometimes cooperation yields innovation. Something brand new.

Like in business. Like our Constitution.

But no doubt, there will be many who will never have the capacity to engage.
Except you mentioned what you thought were the positions of entire groups in the OP shit-brains.

LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.
Unfortunately we are witnessing a new level of partisanship, with the Trump presidency.

When 95% of the MSM is overtly biased in their reporting on him, inflaming their viewers/readers for two years based on an obvious BS made up story generated by the Clinton campaign, we are at a new level. The MSM is disseminating propaganda designed to manipulate the public and its working.

Add to this the spying on the Trump campaign and entrapment efforts by officials in the FBI and others in BO’s administration, and we clearly are dealing with something new.
LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.


If Politifact were reading this, you’d get the Golden Pinochio.
Harley has a lot of conservative points of view, so yeah, he'll argue the ones he agrees with, but I think you're being unfair to him. He's not a Trumpbot or a Republican. He's just over on the right side of the field.
On many issues i am. I also have some far left views. My principles and beliefs are all over the map. I am a political spectrum slut
Except you mentioned what you thought were the positions of entire groups in the OP shit-brains.

LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.

Your OP is full of shit.

Where's all the republican hysterics over Hillary's China comments? I'm not seeing it.

Republicans aren't kissing up to Mueller, the dems put him up on a pedestal so they should accept his findings.

Your OP reminds me of when atheists were making fun of Christians for being upset at Starbucks for changing their holiday cup design...nobody was upset about it. Nobody cared.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Cause you never take sides, huh?

No one hates mueller now except trumpscum

Anything else you feel like making up, bubbalah?

Like most of the supposed “centrists” or “non-tribals” or “moderates” or whatever they call themselves, they decry the farthest left and the farthest right and swear that anyone who shares some of their views is a partisan nut job.

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

So in truth, we’re all shades of purple to some degree. Some here like to pretend there are 2 sides and everyone except those who are pretending have picked one. It’s bullshit.

This thread isn’t about people and their political positions on issues, it is about the hypocrisy of the two parties.

You have Democrats all bent out of shape because Barr won’t testify and the GOP is defending Barr. During the Obama administration Holder refused to testify before Congress and was held in contempt. The GOP got all bent out of shape because of it and the Democrats defended him.

That is hypocrisy, no matter your political views, right is right and wrong is wrong. It matters not who is involved.

LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.

Your OP is full of shit.

Where's all the republican hysterics over Hillary's China comments? I'm not seeing it.

Republicans aren't kissing up to Mueller, the dems put him up on a pedestal so they should accept his findings.

Your OP reminds me of when atheists were making fun of Christians for being upset at Starbucks for changing their holiday cup design...nobody was upset about it. Nobody cared.
Maybe you havent but i have. And apparently many others have too :dunno:
LIke yours? Saying others are partisan but you’re not? Yeah… you’re head’s so far up your ass you cough up dandruff.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.


If Politifact were reading this, you’d get the Golden Pinochio.
Harley has a lot of conservative points of view, so yeah, he'll argue the ones he agrees with, but I think you're being unfair to him. He's not a Trumpbot or a Republican. He's just over on the right side of the field.


Here is my post from earlier:

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

These are certainly not liberal viewpoints; in fact some of them are bedrock conservative principles. I’ve aired them for years.

Yet here is what I’m called.

"The evidence is overwelming, you are just dumb and biased.
Good day, dumbfuck.”

And I’m not being fair?
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Cause you never take sides, huh?

No one hates mueller now except trumpscum

Anything else you feel like making up, bubbalah?

Like most of the supposed “centrists” or “non-tribals” or “moderates” or whatever they call themselves, they decry the farthest left and the farthest right and swear that anyone who shares some of their views is a partisan nut job.

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

So in truth, we’re all shades of purple to some degree. Some here like to pretend there are 2 sides and everyone except those who are pretending have picked one. It’s bullshit.

This thread isn’t about people and their political positions on issues, it is about the hypocrisy of the two parties.

You have Democrats all bent out of shape because Barr won’t testify and the GOP is defending Barr. During the Obama administration Holder refused to testify before Congress and was held in contempt. The GOP got all bent out of shape because of it and the Democrats defended him.

That is hypocrisy, no matter your political views, right is right and wrong is wrong. It matters not who is involved.


Do you remember people “going insane” when Trump made the comment about Russia and e-mails?

As a conservative did you “go insane” when Clinton made her comments this week?

What the thread is about is cherry picking the behavior of some people who are ultra partisan and attributing that to liberals and conservatives. When in truth most of us are different shades of purple.
You are stupid as fuck. Period.

Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.


If Politifact were reading this, you’d get the Golden Pinochio.
Harley has a lot of conservative points of view, so yeah, he'll argue the ones he agrees with, but I think you're being unfair to him. He's not a Trumpbot or a Republican. He's just over on the right side of the field.


Here is my post from earlier:

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

These are certainly not liberal viewpoints; in fact some of them are bedrock conservative principles. I’ve aired them for years.

Yet here is what I’m called.

"The evidence is overwelming, you are just dumb and biased.
Good day, dumbfuck.”

And I’m not being fair?
That was not my response to that post. My response to that post was "this thread isnt about positions" or something along those lines.
The response you incorrectly brought up was for an earlier post.
See? You are dumb. Or a liar. I will aceept either.
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Cause you never take sides, huh?

No one hates mueller now except trumpscum

Anything else you feel like making up, bubbalah?

Like most of the supposed “centrists” or “non-tribals” or “moderates” or whatever they call themselves, they decry the farthest left and the farthest right and swear that anyone who shares some of their views is a partisan nut job.

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

So in truth, we’re all shades of purple to some degree. Some here like to pretend there are 2 sides and everyone except those who are pretending have picked one. It’s bullshit.

This thread isn’t about people and their political positions on issues, it is about the hypocrisy of the two parties.

You have Democrats all bent out of shape because Barr won’t testify and the GOP is defending Barr. During the Obama administration Holder refused to testify before Congress and was held in contempt. The GOP got all bent out of shape because of it and the Democrats defended him.

That is hypocrisy, no matter your political views, right is right and wrong is wrong. It matters not who is involved.


Do you remember people “going insane” when Trump made the comment about Russia and e-mails?

As a conservative did you “go insane” when Clinton made her comments this week?

What the thread is about is cherry picking the behavior of some people who are ultra partisan and attributing that to liberals and conservatives. When in truth most of us are different shades of purple.
There are no liberals in the dem or repub party.
Another lie.
Go for 3 back to back! You can do it!
Also this thread is about dems and repubs. Not so called conservatives and liberals.
Touched a nerve I see… When someone points out your hypocrisy in the future, perhaps you should just embrace it instead of this pathetic display of name calling.
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.


If Politifact were reading this, you’d get the Golden Pinochio.
Harley has a lot of conservative points of view, so yeah, he'll argue the ones he agrees with, but I think you're being unfair to him. He's not a Trumpbot or a Republican. He's just over on the right side of the field.


Here is my post from earlier:

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

These are certainly not liberal viewpoints; in fact some of them are bedrock conservative principles. I’ve aired them for years.

Yet here is what I’m called.

"The evidence is overwelming, you are just dumb and biased.
Good day, dumbfuck.”

And I’m not being fair?
That was not my response to that post. My response to that post was "this thread isnt about positions" or something along those lines.
The response you incorrectly brought up was for an earlier post.
See? You are dumb. Or a liar. I will aceept either.

Never said it was your response shit brains. Sad that your partisanship doesn’t allow you to comprehend simple English
You are arguing over hypocrisy i never exhibited in this thread. Thats why i called you stupid.
A person with at least an ounce of integrity would have agreed with my OP. Instead, you, like the other hacks, cant even comprehend the OPs premise.
Not to mention, i always laugh when people call me partisan. I hate the duopoly with a passion and pledge myself to no other party. Partisanship for me isnt even possible.


If Politifact were reading this, you’d get the Golden Pinochio.
Harley has a lot of conservative points of view, so yeah, he'll argue the ones he agrees with, but I think you're being unfair to him. He's not a Trumpbot or a Republican. He's just over on the right side of the field.


Here is my post from earlier:

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

These are certainly not liberal viewpoints; in fact some of them are bedrock conservative principles. I’ve aired them for years.

Yet here is what I’m called.

"The evidence is overwelming, you are just dumb and biased.
Good day, dumbfuck.”

And I’m not being fair?
That was not my response to that post. My response to that post was "this thread isnt about positions" or something along those lines.
The response you incorrectly brought up was for an earlier post.
See? You are dumb. Or a liar. I will aceept either.

Never said it was your response shit brains. Sad that your partisanship doesn’t allow you to comprehend simple English
It was what i said. are you being stupid on purpose now?
Maybe joking will hide your lies?
The dems go insane over trump asking russia for emails. Republicans are ok with it.
The right goes insane over hillary asking china for tax returns. The dems are ok with it.
The repubs hated mueller and didnt trust him. After he said no collusion, he was ok.
The dems loved mueller but now they dont trust him. The AG should have investigated his investigation. As if they would believe the AG regardless.. smh
Do you people not see how fucking stupid you sound?
YOU are one of the biggest problems in our country!
Cause you never take sides, huh?

No one hates mueller now except trumpscum

Anything else you feel like making up, bubbalah?

Like most of the supposed “centrists” or “non-tribals” or “moderates” or whatever they call themselves, they decry the farthest left and the farthest right and swear that anyone who shares some of their views is a partisan nut job.

Like in my case. I’m thought of as liberal…. and I’m happy to be thought of that way because conservatives are small minded and mean for the most part. Yet here are my thoughts on some topics….

I’m for Nuclear Power. We’ve had naval vessels that have had nuke power for about 80 years now or something like that. As long as we implement the same training, management, and safety protocols the Navy does…build multiple plants on land.

I’m for having to show your picture ID when you cast a ballot.
I do not know why some would want a system where there is ambiguity as to who voted. As long as the picture ID is free of charge to the voter, there is no barrier that is created by insisting that you present the picture ID when you cast a ballot. What is even more puzzling is that the voters should want it, I would think. Someone voting on a measure with no standing to do so may invalidate your vote.

I’m for getting rid of the NEA/NEH/CPB. We’re $20T in debt. Its something we shouldn’t be spending money on. I also think that the arts community that benefits from NEA/NEH could do a far better job than the government at funding art.

I’m for the Electoral College. True, the EC has bitten democrat party (re: Liberal) candidates twice in the last 2 decades. However, the argument that a direct popular vote would be better for the nation is incorrect. Allowing the large population centers to determine the President is much less preferable, in my view, to allowing the swing states. At least the swing states are demographically different. What else isn’t discussed is that if we ever did get a vibrant 3rd party, the direct popular vote may give us a POTUS who gets as little as 34% of the vote.

So in truth, we’re all shades of purple to some degree. Some here like to pretend there are 2 sides and everyone except those who are pretending have picked one. It’s bullshit.

This thread isn’t about people and their political positions on issues, it is about the hypocrisy of the two parties.

You have Democrats all bent out of shape because Barr won’t testify and the GOP is defending Barr. During the Obama administration Holder refused to testify before Congress and was held in contempt. The GOP got all bent out of shape because of it and the Democrats defended him.

That is hypocrisy, no matter your political views, right is right and wrong is wrong. It matters not who is involved.


Do you remember people “going insane” when Trump made the comment about Russia and e-mails?

As a conservative did you “go insane” when Clinton made her comments this week?

What the thread is about is cherry picking the behavior of some people who are ultra partisan and attributing that to liberals and conservatives. When in truth most of us are different shades of purple.

I posted once on Hillary on this issue.
Why do people waste their time on Clinton, she is a washed up, bitter, has been. Time to move on. The entire video was redacted! Quick call Mueller! LOL!!!!!

Don't care what she says or does. Let her go in peace.

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