You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

Way to miss the point.

I got your point, as childish as it is.

And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

"Most economists" "mostly agree"?

Are these the same economists that said that the dislocations of globalization would be temporary and that displaced workers would quickly retrain and find new better higher paying more productive jobs?

We've been trying it their way for the last 60 years. THe results are not what was promised.

THey don't get to have credibility anymore.
Lol You build straw men only to knock them down Many bills to bring jobs were fillibustered by the repub party including bills for infrastructure

And infrastructure spending is only short term stimulus. It does not create long term growth. But you are correct Republicans wouldn't let Obama spend on infrastructure so I don't want to see Correll applauding infrastructure projects when they create jobs and help Trump the next 4 years.
And yet you failed to address it.

It was too dumb to address.

Either that, or you've got no serious answer, but you need to distract from a truth you can't stand to see out there.

You are an asshole.

Oddly, I don;t care what you might think of me. I'm not distracting from anything. Trump is disgustingly flawed,and only an idiot would support him.

Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.

We will expect this kind of response from you each time Trump and the GOP let you down BIGLY.

"at least he's better than the Democrats"

Well show us how. Show us how he's going to raise blue collar wages. Because from what I see the GOP still want and the corporations still need that cheap ass immigrant labor coming in. Ok so it won't be illegal labor but it'll be the next best thing. It'll still keep wages down.

We are just showing you the devil in the details. We're showing you how/when/where you are going to be getting duped.

We would love to see wages go up. We just don't think that's going to happen.

What you are basically admitting is that you were and are and always will be a Republican because so far I'm not seeing a spit of difference between Trump and Kasich or Rubio or Cruz or Jeb. Do you? I'm not talking about Trumps rhetoric. I want to know how the GOP all of the sudden became the party that champions for the blue collar working class. I'm simply calling bullshit on this buddy. Don't get angry. Seems like you are already getting shaken by us arm chair qb'ing you. See how it felt the last 8 years you second quessing everything we did?

US GDP Growth Revised Up to 3.2% in Q3. The USeconomy advanced an annualized 3.2 percent on quarter in the three months to September of 2016, up from 1.4 percent growth

So you made fun of Obama's slow growth. Lets see Trump do better and how does he do better? Is it by inviting in a bunch of cheap and/or skilled immigrants to fill jobs the unemployed Americans can't or won't do? Will that raise wages for the masses?

From what you see? Still a month out from him actually taking office?

If you are not seeing the difference between Trump and Jeb, it is because your eyes are firmly closed.

More later.
It was too dumb to address.

Either that, or you've got no serious answer, but you need to distract from a truth you can't stand to see out there.

You are an asshole.

Oddly, I don;t care what you might think of me. I'm not distracting from anything. Trump is disgustingly flawed,and only an idiot would support him.

Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.

We will expect this kind of response from you each time Trump and the GOP let you down BIGLY.

"at least he's better than the Democrats"

Well show us how. Show us how he's going to raise blue collar wages. Because from what I see the GOP still want and the corporations still need that cheap ass immigrant labor coming in. Ok so it won't be illegal labor but it'll be the next best thing. It'll still keep wages down.

We are just showing you the devil in the details. We're showing you how/when/where you are going to be getting duped.

We would love to see wages go up. We just don't think that's going to happen.

What you are basically admitting is that you were and are and always will be a Republican because so far I'm not seeing a spit of difference between Trump and Kasich or Rubio or Cruz or Jeb. Do you? I'm not talking about Trumps rhetoric. I want to know how the GOP all of the sudden became the party that champions for the blue collar working class. I'm simply calling bullshit on this buddy. Don't get angry. Seems like you are already getting shaken by us arm chair qb'ing you. See how it felt the last 8 years you second quessing everything we did?

US GDP Growth Revised Up to 3.2% in Q3. The USeconomy advanced an annualized 3.2 percent on quarter in the three months to September of 2016, up from 1.4 percent growth

So you made fun of Obama's slow growth. Lets see Trump do better and how does he do better? Is it by inviting in a bunch of cheap and/or skilled immigrants to fill jobs the unemployed Americans can't or won't do? Will that raise wages for the masses?

You still want to ignore how fast wages will go up for part time workers who got nailed by Obama care ?

Why are you accusing me of ignoring something that hasn't even happened yet?
There will be mfg jobs, energy jobs, IT jobs
Now for liberals ( college degrees in sociology) not much, sorry huys!!!!
There will be mfg jobs, energy jobs, IT jobs

Good jobs that don't need no stupid liberal education.

Well, let us know when you get one. Post your resume. Oh, that's right. You won't need no stupid resume. They'll be so many jobs, you can pick which one you want. Which one do you want?

I already have one, my bachelors in IT gives me that chance.
But without Obama who are you going to suck off now?
Without Obama who are you going to blame? Who's going to be to blame when the debt doubles in 8 years? Who's going to be to blame when this is still true 1 in 3 Americans Has Saved $0 for Retirement

and you have killed Social Security? Americans are fucked!!!!

First I blamed Bush for his debt, so I will blame Trump for his.
You cant force people to save, if they are too stupid to save, its on them
The main country is personal debt. You cant save when you racking up bills.
People arent taught this Diversity 101 and Queen studies are so much more " important". social security, noone wants honest about it, its gonna.change, just depend on when and how
2035 you will only get 75% of the benefits.

Here is a picture of the American people and what they will do if that ever happens.

I love the view, you need to post more pics!
It was too dumb to address.

Either that, or you've got no serious answer, but you need to distract from a truth you can't stand to see out there.

You are an asshole.

Oddly, I don;t care what you might think of me. I'm not distracting from anything. Trump is disgustingly flawed,and only an idiot would support him.

Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.

We will expect this kind of response from you each time Trump and the GOP let you down BIGLY.

"at least he's better than the Democrats"

Well show us how. Show us how he's going to raise blue collar wages. Because from what I see the GOP still want and the corporations still need that cheap ass immigrant labor coming in. Ok so it won't be illegal labor but it'll be the next best thing. It'll still keep wages down.

We are just showing you the devil in the details. We're showing you how/when/where you are going to be getting duped.

We would love to see wages go up. We just don't think that's going to happen.

What you are basically admitting is that you were and are and always will be a Republican because so far I'm not seeing a spit of difference between Trump and Kasich or Rubio or Cruz or Jeb. Do you? I'm not talking about Trumps rhetoric. I want to know how the GOP all of the sudden became the party that champions for the blue collar working class. I'm simply calling bullshit on this buddy. Don't get angry. Seems like you are already getting shaken by us arm chair qb'ing you. See how it felt the last 8 years you second quessing everything we did?

US GDP Growth Revised Up to 3.2% in Q3. The USeconomy advanced an annualized 3.2 percent on quarter in the three months to September of 2016, up from 1.4 percent growth

So you made fun of Obama's slow growth. Lets see Trump do better and how does he do better? Is it by inviting in a bunch of cheap and/or skilled immigrants to fill jobs the unemployed Americans can't or won't do? Will that raise wages for the masses?

From what you see? Still a month out from him actually taking office?

If you are not seeing the difference between Trump and Jeb, it is because your eyes are firmly closed.

More later.

I saw the difference during the elections. Now that Trump won I'm not seeing any difference. In fact Trump is appointing the most right wing cons ever to every position. And Paul Ryan is licking his chops.

But I'm still keeping an open mind. If you think the department of energy or education or EPA is a bloated beurocracy then who better to appoint than someone who wants to shrink/eliminate that department? They probably won't eliminate it but they sure can shrink it. And that's not such a bad thing.

But, keep in mind how many government employees will be out of work next year looking for jobs when the GOP shrinks the government. Seems like this happened during the Bush years. Not only were workers competing with illegals and factory workers who's jobs went overseas, government agencies were shrunk and those newly unemployed people were also dumped onto the job market at the worst time.

I was looking for work back then. There would be 20 people interviewing for every job. I even took a shitty job making 1/3 what I make now and I remember there were 3 of us interviewing for the job. The owner hired all three of us, I lasted the longest but ultimately he was never going to pay any of us what we were worth. Why did I stay? I needed a job and it at least paid my bills. Plus it was a fun job. I ran a music school for 3 years.
It is an US vs Them situation. Hillary defined herself as our enemy.

No, I am not going to be concerned about alleged flaws in our guy, when the alternative is empowering our self defined enemies who think that the way to make society better is at our expense. because we are the problem.

Alleged flaws in trump? That's funny.

Way to miss the point.

I got your point, as childish as it is.

And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

Well I think hes gonna wait and see. Build the wall and then see what happens. That my position, good with it. And he basically said that at his Phoenix rally.
But we have 96 million people out of work, let them get these jobs. Reduce welfare so they have to take these jobs it will help them in the long run.
Alleged flaws in trump? That's funny.

Way to miss the point.

I got your point, as childish as it is.

And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

Well I think hes gonna wait and see. Build the wall and then see what happens. That my position, good with it. And he basically said that at his Phoenix rally.
But we have 96 million people out of work, let them get these jobs. Reduce welfare so they have to take these jobs it will help them in the long run.
You want the building of robotics to stop?? Robots that can do the job 100's of workmen can do and no sick time holidays etc etc ??
There will be mfg jobs, energy jobs, IT jobs
Now for liberals ( college degrees in sociology) not much, sorry huys!!!!
There will be mfg jobs, energy jobs, IT jobs

Good jobs that don't need no stupid liberal education.

Well, let us know when you get one. Post your resume. Oh, that's right. You won't need no stupid resume. They'll be so many jobs, you can pick which one you want. Which one do you want?

I already have one, my bachelors in IT gives me that chance.
But without Obama who are you going to suck off now?
I think you are a liar and an idiot.

Information Technology | Degree Programs | Undergraduate Evening Studies | Furman University

Our major in information technology emphasizes an interdisciplinary view of IT management. Leading to the Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree, the curriculum will comprehensively educate and develop your skills in information technology and in a cognate discipline of your choosing in either accounting, business administration, or economics.

The major must include:

Computer Science

  • CSC 105 Intro to Computer Science
  • CSC 121 Intro to Computer Programming
  • CSC 122 Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CSC 475 or 502 (seminar or research, integrating the cognate discipline*)
  • ENG 211 Professional Communications
It's the damn cotton picking machines that have caused the problem. Get rid of them and we can all work again.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we have.

That is a lot of jobs you want to just give up on.

How does it feel to post like an ignorant moron?

So Germany with a population of 80 million people has twice the manufacturing jobs that the U. S. Has?



Note my use of the word "level".

In context this was an obvious reference number of manufacturing jobs per capita.

NOt a comparison of absolute numbers.

You ignorant moron.

Germany is NOT a luddite utopia, and yet has a much healthier manufacturing employment sector.

That was my point, than none of you morons can honestly challenge.

You lying twit.

You were so hoping to bullshit the low information voter.


You were LOOKING for an way to read it, that gave you an excuse to dismiss it.

My point was true. Germany has twice our level of manufacturing employment, and it is not because they "got rid of the cotton gin".

That is a lot of jobs to just give up on. You are the lying twit.
Way to miss the point.

I got your point, as childish as it is.

And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

"Most economists" "mostly agree"?

Are these the same economists that said that the dislocations of globalization would be temporary and that displaced workers would quickly retrain and find new better higher paying more productive jobs?

We've been trying it their way for the last 60 years. THe results are not what was promised.

THey don't get to have credibility anymore.

Oh no doubt we will be trying it your way for the next 2 years. Good luck. Don't get mad when what fuels your growth is immigrants and when blue collar Americans take another pay cut.

We will be trying it our way for the next two years. If Trump is able to get some good results, it might become the new normal.

Your iron faith in Trump being pro-immigration is very bizarre.
"i didn't think Trump was gonna win" - Mitch McConnell

you folks you think he ain't gon create millions of jobs are just as clueless as Fuckface Von Clowstick!
I got your point, as childish as it is.

And yet you failed to address it.

It was too dumb to address.

Either that, or you've got no serious answer, but you need to distract from a truth you can't stand to see out there.

You are an asshole.

Oddly, I don;t care what you might think of me. I'm not distracting from anything. Trump is disgustingly flawed,and only an idiot would support him.

Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.

I understand. That roadkill haired orange clown was your ally, so you figured it might be worthwhile to let him and his group of tittie flashers trash the country. Good plan.
Alleged flaws in trump? That's funny.

Way to miss the point.

I got your point, as childish as it is.

And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

Well I think hes gonna wait and see. Build the wall and then see what happens. That my position, good with it. And he basically said that at his Phoenix rally.
But we have 96 million people out of work, let them get these jobs. Reduce welfare so they have to take these jobs it will help them in the long run.

Texas already told him that there won't be a wall.
Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.
And let's see middle class wages go up on trumps watch.

Remember when we complained during bush we weren't getting raises in fact we were getting paycuts and all Republicans said was be grateful you have a job or if you don't like what you make go get another job or go back to school or start a business.

I can't wait till Republicans finally start telling trump supporters theses things because they aren't bringing good paying jobs back for the poorly educated blue collar who lost their jobs during the bush recession.

These blue collar trump supporters got played. They deserve what they get
i thought you said you were a republican now bobo?....are you like matthew?....whichever way the wind blows?....
We'll have a pretty good idea within 24-36 months.

Until then, most of us will be hoping for the best, and the zealots will be hoping for the worst.

Because that's what zealots do when the other "side" is in power.
you mean the FAR right and left?...
Let's remember thatajob is only classified as 20 dollars per hour or more. Anything less is something I condone very little up little more.
There will be mfg jobs, energy jobs, IT jobs
Now for liberals ( college degrees in sociology) not much, sorry huys!!!!
There will be mfg jobs, energy jobs, IT jobs

Good jobs that don't need no stupid liberal education.

Well, let us know when you get one. Post your resume. Oh, that's right. You won't need no stupid resume. They'll be so many jobs, you can pick which one you want. Which one do you want?

I already have one, my bachelors in IT gives me that chance.
But without Obama who are you going to suck off now?
I think you are a liar and an idiot.

Information Technology | Degree Programs | Undergraduate Evening Studies | Furman University

Our major in information technology emphasizes an interdisciplinary view of IT management. Leading to the Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree, the curriculum will comprehensively educate and develop your skills in information technology and in a cognate discipline of your choosing in either accounting, business administration, or economics.

The major must include:

Computer Science

  • CSC 105 Intro to Computer Science
  • CSC 121 Intro to Computer Programming
  • CSC 122 Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CSC 475 or 502 (seminar or research, integrating the cognate discipline*)
  • ENG 211 Professional Communications

I didnt go to Furman, but thanks for showing their curriculum, even though it has nothing to do with the post you quoted.

But you still didnt say whose dick you were gonna suck, Schumers?
Way to miss the point.

I got your point, as childish as it is.

And yet you failed to address it.

Trump isn't talking about a temporary boost in growth. He says he can make the economy grow in the long term at a rate of about 4 percent a year.

Most economists think America's potential growth is only about 2 percent, and most agree the best way to make it higher is to get more people working and make those workers more productive. Stimulating the economy with government spending or tax cuts will only boost short-term growth and cause inflation.

Right now, we've got a shortage of construction workers. We've got a shortage of long-distance truck drivers. We've got a shortage of many kinds of skilled workers needed to work in manufacturing.

Gordon says bringing immigrants into the workforce is the best way to deal with this mass retirement of baby boomers.

In the past couple of decades, half the growth in the labor force has come from immigration. But, Gordon points out, Trump has said he will deport millions of immigrants.

"They're called illegal immigrants, and they're here illegally," Trump said in an interview with CNN. "They're going to have to go, and they're going to have to come back in legally, and otherwise, we don't have a country."

In fact, about one-quarter of all the doctors and nurses in the U.S. are immigrants.

Trump isn't against immigration, just illegal immigration. Personally, Moore says he believes even some of those workers who are in the country illegally shouldn't be deported.

"People who are in this country, are working, and productive Americans who are contributing, I personally would not like to see those people deported," says Moore, who is also an economic consultant with FreedomWorks, the grass-roots organization that helped launch the Tea Party.


Trump's Immigration Plan Could Undermine Promise To Boost Economy

Well I think hes gonna wait and see. Build the wall and then see what happens. That my position, good with it. And he basically said that at his Phoenix rally.
But we have 96 million people out of work, let them get these jobs. Reduce welfare so they have to take these jobs it will help them in the long run.
You want the building of robotics to stop?? Robots that can do the job 100's of workmen can do and no sick time holidays etc etc ??
Like that's gonna happen.
Republicans on the USMB insist Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

I really look forward to it.

So go ahead. Tell us what kind of jobs and what qualifications you need to get the job.

Hey I actually hope Trump does.

I have no expectations for Trump, but I do sincerely hope he turns out to be a great President.

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