Young Conservative DESTROYS gay rights fascists

Excellent!!! Gay marriage will NEVER be the same as a man and woman. They will NEVER be equal regardless of what laws are put in place and there's not a damn thing they can do about it. This is what makes them so angry.

So you're against equality?

Opposition to those who because of their protected class status consider themselves to be 'more equal'. be allowed to legally marry is considered "more equal"?
There is a small group of young gays who flaunt just like there is a young group of straights who flaunt. Are you calling THEM to task...on tv, in movies, in ads, on the beach, etc?

No, there isn't. It's your crutch that's broken. But when I do see, rarely, some young people all over each other in public, I tell them to get a room! I have no control or words for advertising, but, in public when I notice it when NOT LOOKING for it, I make a point out of pointing it out! Bad behavior, is BAD BEHAVIOR for everyone. Doesn't even bother me if 2 gays hold hands in public, as it doesn't bother me to see a boy and a girl do it. Surprises you, no doubt. It's the OVERT ACT of TRYING to make yourself a spectacle, that's unacceptable.

Tell us where you see gay couples all over each other in public like we see straight couples? And if you tell the straight couples to get a's a novel idea...tell the gay couple the same thing.

And define what you consider an OVERT act that gays do that you never see straight couples do in public....because it sure seems like you have a double standard here about public PDA.

Right in downtown, NYC! McDougal St., 9th Street, Christie St., Bryant park at 42nd street, to name a few. I have yet to se a straight couple getting a BJ in Bryant park, but after dark, at the statue is a free for all for gay men!

I'm amused that he thinks gays will lose despite it being the homophobes who keep losing at every turn :dunno:

Don't they realize now The military has openly gay people who serve and many states have gay marriages. the federal government recognizes gay marriage, time is sure not on the side of the rightwing fundamentalist lunatics living among us :eusa_whistle:

That is not the point. Read the OP...Again...
You people seem to believe there is no room for viewpoints in opposition to the liberal agenda.
You could not be more incorrect.
And that is the point of the thread.


It would be just as stupid the second time.

And of course there’s that awful ‘liberal agenda,’ advocating that the Constitution and its case law be followed and each American afforded his civil liberties, including gay Americans.

Otherwise, you and others on the right are at liberty to express your viewpoints in opposition to gay Americans’ civil rights; you are not, however, at liberty to seek to deny gay Americans their civil rights.
Gay rights and fascism are ideological opposites.

Read Hitler. The far right reactonary social conservatives have much to regret in their hetero-fascism.

You never heard of left wing Fascism? :cuckoo:

No one has heard of ‘left-wing fascism,’ and for good reason: there is no such thing.

Fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

I see we have another elitist left winger, such as Pogo, that believes his own bullshit...Google it, dummy!
Seems like you're the one who needs to do the googling :laugh:

But child, you're the one that GOBBLES it down! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

There you go talking about dick sucking again. Bit of a theme with you I see

Did I mention dick sucking, I refer to erroneous information you continually ingest, and then put out. Seems like you have dick sucking on the mind, as your posts usually end up with perverted sexual innuendos!
No, there isn't. It's your crutch that's broken. But when I do see, rarely, some young people all over each other in public, I tell them to get a room! I have no control or words for advertising, but, in public when I notice it when NOT LOOKING for it, I make a point out of pointing it out! Bad behavior, is BAD BEHAVIOR for everyone. Doesn't even bother me if 2 gays hold hands in public, as it doesn't bother me to see a boy and a girl do it. Surprises you, no doubt. It's the OVERT ACT of TRYING to make yourself a spectacle, that's unacceptable.

Tell us where you see gay couples all over each other in public like we see straight couples? And if you tell the straight couples to get a's a novel idea...tell the gay couple the same thing.

And define what you consider an OVERT act that gays do that you never see straight couples do in public....because it sure seems like you have a double standard here about public PDA.

Right in downtown, NYC! McDougal St., 9th Street, Christie St., Bryant park at 42nd street, to name a few. I have yet to se a straight couple getting a BJ in Bryant park, but after dark, at the statue is a free for all for gay men!


So..because of that one place, you make the sweeping comment that straight couples don't give blow jobs in that right?
Tell us where you see gay couples all over each other in public like we see straight couples? And if you tell the straight couples to get a's a novel idea...tell the gay couple the same thing.

And define what you consider an OVERT act that gays do that you never see straight couples do in public....because it sure seems like you have a double standard here about public PDA.

Right in downtown, NYC! McDougal St., 9th Street, Christie St., Bryant park at 42nd street, to name a few. I have yet to se a straight couple getting a BJ in Bryant park, but after dark, at the statue is a free for all for gay men!


So..because of that one place, you make the sweeping comment that straight couples don't give blow jobs in that right?

I made no such statement, I only speak from my own experiences with gays. So, :asshole:, don't put words in my mouth, and your little baiting trial, failed, as do most of your posts!
There you go talking about dick sucking again. Bit of a theme with you I see

Did I mention dick sucking, I refer to erroneous information you continually ingest, and then put out. Seems like you have dick sucking on the mind, as your posts usually end up with perverted sexual innuendos!


What, child, no smartass comebacks? For one so young, you need to double your age, just to try and double your IQ!
Did I mention dick sucking, I refer to erroneous information you continually ingest, and then put out. Seems like you have dick sucking on the mind, as your posts usually end up with perverted sexual innuendos!


What, child, no smartass comebacks? For one so young, you need to double your age, just to try and double your IQ!

My last one was sufficient. You'll just respond with the same predictable things anyways.
You never heard of left wing Fascism? :cuckoo:

No one has heard of ‘left-wing fascism,’ and for good reason: there is no such thing.

Fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

I see we have another elitist left winger, such as Pogo, that believes his own bullshit...Google it, dummy!

Fascism, a one party government dominated by a Leader that eschews democracy and encourages corporatism (government and business), is the hope of the Far Right and their no information people, like Vigilante
Young Conservative DESTROYS gay rights fascists
Actually not.

This is only a ‘young conservative’ exhibiting his ignorance of the Constitution and it’s case law.

For example:

Marriage has, had, and always will have, by definition, a certain character and purpose; a character and purpose centered around, above all things, the family. Marriage is the foundation through which a thriving and lasting civilization sees to the propagation of itself. Human beings can only reproduce by means of ‘heterosexuality,’ and this reality sets the ‘heterosexual’ union apart. Marriage is meant to be the context in which this reproduction occurs.

Marriage is many things, but it is also this. And ‘this’ can never be removed from it, no matter the direction of the political winds, or the motion of the shifting sands of public opinion.

Marriage and the family are dimensions of the same whole. They cannot be detached from one another. They, as a whole, as an institution, can only be weakened — not erased or redefined. And so the campaign to protect and strengthen the institution was and is designed to do just that. It was never about ‘legislating love’ or imposing intolerance or ‘discriminating against gay people,’ or any other silly bumper sticker platitude.
Marriage is contract law, written by the states and administered by state courts; and same-sex couples are currently eligible to enter into marriage contracts, unchanged, and not ‘redefined.’

To deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in, therefore, is indeed to discriminate against gay Americans, and to violate their 14th Amendment right to equal protection of the law.

And the ability to procreate is not a prerequisite for entering into marriage, as opposite-sex couples who are infertile are allowed to marry, and older opposite-sex couples where the wife has realized menopause are not compelled by the state to divorce.

Consequently, the ‘young conservative’s’ ‘argument’ fails as just another manifestation of anger, ignorance, hate, and fear by the right.

What does any of this have to do with hate always losing in the end?
So Vigilante admits to hanging out on McDougall, 9th, Christie, and the statue in Bryant park at 42d Street. He sees gay sex but no hetero sex. He is seeing what he desires obviously.

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