Your favorite Republicans at the moment


Sep 13, 2014
After the big wins of the Republicans, who are your favorites of the party at the moment?
After the big wins of the Republicans, who are your favorites of the party at the moment?
Still Ronald Reagan.

No one who is alive and has name recognition comes to mind. You could put them all against the wall and shoot them, and that would be fine with me.
Scott Walker. He took everything the State and National Democrats could throw at him, and came away with a win, and increases in Republican representation in the legislature.
Sarah Palin.
Rand Paul
Mia Love
Ben Carson
Ted Cruz
Scott "Recalled" Walker
Sam Brownback
Justin Amash

“I’m very interested in creating a foundation of education for those folks in the middle-income arena as well as kids living in poverty, kids like myself who perhaps live in the wrong zip code going to underperforming schools. I’d love to give parents the tool of choice. When parents have choice in education, I think their kids have a better chance of success. Had it not been for education, I would not be sitting here today. I think of education as the gateway to the American dream. I want to open that gate wider for kids living in poverty, wider for folks in middle income American who are sandwiched. Think about it, the folks who are taking care of their parents and their kids, they need access to a better education system that sometimes they cannot afford. Why not give more parents choice? That would lead to revolution,” -- Tim Scott (R-SC)
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I can't lie, my favorite Republican is me. But I like most people.

Agree with their policies? that's another story.
oh yeah , jeff session especially , he is good , has been fighting for border security for years . Also like tom Tancredo !!

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