Your typical Trump voter can't afford to see a performance of Hamilton

So the audience who booed Mike Pence were wealthy, urban, and privileged -- not a representative sample of the American people, who can't afford the many hundreds of dollars it costs to see this over-rated Broadway play.

So Pence is not exactly a representative sample of the American people.
What I like about Pence is that he really understands the abortion issue, and knows why it's wrong.
Here is my problem with people that tell others not to have abortions.
My belief system says its wrong, Others may not share that belief.
Because of this if asked I will say that I think its wrong and that it is killing an innocent child, but, I wont go out of my way to tell someone this if they do not solicit my opinion.
Due to my personal feelings, I wont have an abortion, I will not help someone out by giving them money to have an abortion and if it comes to a vote, I will certainly not vote for taxpayer dollars being used to pay for abortions.
If someone else wants to get an abortion and they pay for it themselves, its on them, Im not going to tell them how wrong they were to do it, unless they specifically request my input on the subject, then Im going to let them know what I think and why.
So the audience who booed Mike Pence were wealthy, urban, and privileged -- not a representative sample of the American people, who can't afford the many hundreds of dollars it costs to see this over-rated Broadway play.

Oh, have you seen the play?
No. And now that I know Aaron Burr is played by a black man, I know I won't.

I have it on good authority that Aaron Burr was white. He's actually one of my ancestors.

How do you know the play is overrated if you haven't seen it?
So the audience who booed Mike Pence were wealthy, urban, and privileged -- not a representative sample of the American people, who can't afford the many hundreds of dollars it costs to see this over-rated Broadway play.

Oh, have you seen the play?
No. And now that I know Aaron Burr is played by a black man, I know I won't.

I have it on good authority that Aaron Burr was white. He's actually one of my ancestors.

Your ancestors were black? :eek:
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Your jealousy and class envy aside, I worked for every penny I have. Perhaps you were talking about Donald Trump?

You should stop whining and blaming others for your personal failures.

It's time to man up and take responsibility for yourself.

You libtards have set up a rigged game and it is about to have its tables over turned, loltard.
So the audience who booed Mike Pence were wealthy, urban, and privileged -- not a representative sample of the American people, who can't afford the many hundreds of dollars it costs to see this over-rated Broadway play.

Oh, have you seen the play?
No. And now that I know Aaron Burr is played by a black man, I know I won't.

I have it on good authority that Aaron Burr was white. He's actually one of my ancestors.

How do you know the play is overrated if you haven't seen it?
I think Trump Twitted it's now fact in certain circles.
You are a wealthy urbanite liberal who benefited from your connection to the elites that are screwing the rest of us. You don't deserve what you have, you got it from fucking over the middle class. Now it's our turn to fuck you over. Bend over and prepare for the pain, asshole.
How cool would it be if theDoctorisIn ancestor was Hamilton? :)
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Ticket prices for Hamilton vary like crazy. They can be as cheap as $250.00 if you are willing to wait for months, but can go for well over $1000.00.

In the end you will likely spend several hundred dollars per ticket.

No thanks.
I heard on the news that tickets for Hamilton were $1400 each. That's insane. I'd never pay that to see a play.
How do you know the play is overrated if you haven't seen it?
Because they have overbearing racist pretentious Holier-than-thou ass holes performing it, dude.

You do understand the concept of acting, don't you? :p

When the play is over, they arent acting any more, dude.

And if we were discussing what the actors do when the play is over, that would be relevant. I was asking about the play being overrated, however, which is very specifically about what the actors do while they are acting. ;)
So the audience who booed Mike Pence were wealthy, urban, and privileged -- not a representative sample of the American people, who can't afford the many hundreds of dollars it costs to see this over-rated Broadway play.

God I heard those prices too $9,000 bucks for one seat?
No, For tickets today, "resale" (brokers -- polite term for legal scalpers) range from $571 for a nose bleed seat to $1,067 for orchestra.
On The Five last night, KG said some tickets are going for $1,400. All tickets direct from the theater are sold out for months if not years.
So the audience who booed Mike Pence were wealthy, urban, and privileged -- not a representative sample of the American people, who can't afford the many hundreds of dollars it costs to see this over-rated Broadway play.

Oh, have you seen the play?
No. And now that I know Aaron Burr is played by a black man, I know I won't.

I have it on good authority that Aaron Burr was white. He's actually one of my ancestors.

How do you know the play is overrated if you haven't seen it?
A play that deliberately casts black people to play white historical figures, thus violating historical accuracy -- has no interest to me. If they want to have roles for black people in a musical set in this time, they should have some slaves come out on stage and sing a song. There are plenty of musicals that have done this, with amazing results.

This number is very moving, and really makes you feel how unjust slavery was. I dare you to get through it without crying:

Most Americans can't afford to see a play with a ticket price that costs more than the cost of groceries for a family of five for an entire month. The people who booed Pence have no clue what it means to live in the America that has been suffering for eight years under the sluggish Obama economy.

Speak for yourself. I can afford Hamilton tickets.

Maybe you should work harder, instead of whining about how poor you are.
You are a wealthy urbanite liberal who benefited from your connection to the elites that are screwing the rest of us. You don't deserve what you have, you got it from fucking over the middle class. Now it's our turn to fuck you over. Bend over and prepare for the pain, asshole.

LMAO!!! You think Trump is going to help the blue collar, middle class??? Really??
Most Americans can't afford to see a play with a ticket price that costs more than the cost of groceries for a family of five for an entire month. The people who booed Pence have no clue what it means to live in the America that has been suffering for eight years under the sluggish Obama economy.

Speak for yourself. I can afford Hamilton tickets.

Maybe you should work harder, instead of whining about how poor you are.
You are a wealthy urbanite liberal who benefited from your connection to the elites that are screwing the rest of us. You don't deserve what you have, you got it from fucking over the middle class. Now it's our turn to fuck you over. Bend over and prepare for the pain, asshole.

LMAO!!! You think Trump is going to help the blue collar, middle class??? Really??
Obama never lifted a finger to help the middle class, and Hillary would have been more of the same. The Democrats have forgotten the middle class, all they do these days is race-based, gender-based, and sexual orientation based identity politics.
Most Americans can't afford to see a play with a ticket price that costs more than the cost of groceries for a family of five for an entire month. The people who booed Pence have no clue what it means to live in the America that has been suffering for eight years under the sluggish Obama economy.

Speak for yourself. I can afford Hamilton tickets.

Maybe you should work harder, instead of whining about how poor you are.
You are a wealthy urbanite liberal who benefited from your connection to the elites that are screwing the rest of us. You don't deserve what you have, you got it from fucking over the middle class. Now it's our turn to fuck you over. Bend over and prepare for the pain, asshole.

LMAO!!! You think Trump is going to help the blue collar, middle class??? Really??
Obama never lifted a finger to help the middle class, and Hillary would have been more of the same. The Democrats have forgotten the middle class, all they do these days is race-based, gender-based, and sexual orientation based identity politics.

That has nothing to do with what I said. I never cast a single vote for Obama or Hillary.

But this idea that a rich guy, who started his business with a GIFT of $1 million from his father, will suddenly walk away from the elite he has been hobnobbing with, and help push legislation that goes against his own interests, and will be the champion of the middle class, is absolutely ridiculous.
Everything on Broadway costs more. Check with your local yokels and I'm sure you'll discover similar entertainment at a fraction of the cost.

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