145 million for 6 miles of wall

The alternative, more than a hundred million more illegals coming into this country to climb onto the American Welfare Gravy Train is a lot more expensive.

Global polling indicates that about 170 million people want to come to the US to sponge off the beleaguered taxpayer, mostly from Turd World countries and mostly people without the skills to successfully compete in the American economy.

Hundred million more illegals? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Exaggerate much? Hell, right now the NET number or illegals crossing the border to those being deported is NEGATIVE without a new wall and before troops get there.

That's a lie, but they don't just come illegally across the southern border, they fly in from all over the world and don't go home as agreed.


How does the 24 million dollar a mile wall fix that problem since that is how the vast majority of illegals in the country got here.

No the majority come across the southern border, it amazing how many things you know that aren't true.


Proof please.
I’ve heard that 3.1 million of the 29 million pay incomes taxes...is that true?

I highly doubt that. Got a :linky:?


Actually, your link says nothing like that.
The most current numbers are that there are between 11-11.3 million illegal immigrants in the US. (2016 est.)
Profile of the Unauthorized Population - US
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
In your link it stated that the out of 10.8 million (2010 est.), 8.3 worked in the US.
0.7 million obtained fraudulent birth certificates got Social Security numbers and paid taxes.0.6 million had previously obtained temporary work authorized and over-stayed their visit also paid taxes.
"1..3 million current visa holders with temporary authorization, we estimate 2.7 million other immigrants have SSNs in their name and thus can work, pay taxes, and have earnings credited to their record for potential benefits in the future."
"OCACT estimates 1.8 million other immigrants worked and used an SSN that did not match their name in 2010" They paid taxes..
3.9 illegals work "underground" and don't pay taxes.
So, your claim just doesn't come close to your claim.

From my link.
“Eliminating the current visa holders with temporary authorization (1.3 million other immigrants with legal work authorization), and those in the underground econ- omy (3.9 million unauthorized workers), we estimate that there are about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants working and paying Social Security taxes in 2010. With the average amount of OASDI taxable earnings for these immigrants assumed to be about 80 percent of the aver- age level for all workers, we estimate $13 billion in pay- roll taxes from unauthorized immigrant workers and their employers in 2010.”

You forgot this qualifier, which preluded your copy & paste:
"Eliminating the current visa holders with temporary authorization (1.3 million other immigrants with legal work authorization), and those in the underground economy (3.9 million unauthorized workers)"
My post used numbers within your link.

I think you’re falling for your own wordplay.
3.1 million UNAUTHORIZED IMMIGRANTS are paying $13B in income taxes...no?
Cheaper then taking care of illegal scum.

So true. No benefits that we have to pay for them. Free living, free education, free food and all the other things we give them. Add that up and you can build a 100 mile wall.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Um, illegal immigrants don't get federal assistance.

Another liar, there's a special medicade fund to reimburse hospitals for illegals that skip out on their bill.

Google says "not". Please provide proof of your claim.

Google has an agenda, they're not going to tell you the truth.

Medicaid Helps Hospitals Pay For Illegal Immigrants’ Care

Federal law generally bars illegal immigrants from being covered by Medicaid. But a little-known part of the state-federal health insurance program for the poor has long paid about $2 billion a year for emergency treatment for a group of patients who, according to hospitals, mostly comprise illegal immigrants.

I added a new thread showing how to pay for the wall. By adding a small tax to the money transferred out of the US each year. The 2016 amount was $574b, Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

An 0.50% tax would generate more than $2.5b a year, so the wall would be built in 10-years without using US taxpayer funds.

Actually it would be about 287 billion a year, those pesky decimals, sometimes it's hard to figure out where to put them. LOL

Cheaper then taking care of illegal scum.

So true. No benefits that we have to pay for them. Free living, free education, free food and all the other things we give them. Add that up and you can build a 100 mile wall.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Um, illegal immigrants don't get federal assistance.

Another liar, there's a special medicade fund to reimburse hospitals for illegals that skip out on their bill.

Google says "not". Please provide proof of your claim.

Google has an agenda, they're not going to tell you the truth.

Medicaid Helps Hospitals Pay For Illegal Immigrants’ Care

Federal law generally bars illegal immigrants from being covered by Medicaid. But a little-known part of the state-federal health insurance program for the poor has long paid about $2 billion a year for emergency treatment for a group of patients who, according to hospitals, mostly comprise illegal immigrants.

1st, there is no mention of what that "little known part" is, and also you do realize that $2billion is less than 1% of Medicaid right?

3rd, it isn't specifically meant for illegals it just gets used to pay for emergency care because hospitals cannot turn people in need away.
Last edited:

Actually, your link says nothing like that.
The most current numbers are that there are between 11-11.3 million illegal immigrants in the US. (2016 est.)
Profile of the Unauthorized Population - US
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
In your link it stated that the out of 10.8 million (2010 est.), 8.3 worked in the US.
0.7 million obtained fraudulent birth certificates got Social Security numbers and paid taxes.0.6 million had previously obtained temporary work authorized and over-stayed their visit also paid taxes.
"1..3 million current visa holders with temporary authorization, we estimate 2.7 million other immigrants have SSNs in their name and thus can work, pay taxes, and have earnings credited to their record for potential benefits in the future."
"OCACT estimates 1.8 million other immigrants worked and used an SSN that did not match their name in 2010" They paid taxes..
3.9 illegals work "underground" and don't pay taxes.
So, your claim just doesn't come close to your claim.

From my link.
“Eliminating the current visa holders with temporary authorization (1.3 million other immigrants with legal work authorization), and those in the underground econ- omy (3.9 million unauthorized workers), we estimate that there are about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants working and paying Social Security taxes in 2010. With the average amount of OASDI taxable earnings for these immigrants assumed to be about 80 percent of the aver- age level for all workers, we estimate $13 billion in pay- roll taxes from unauthorized immigrant workers and their employers in 2010.”

You forgot this qualifier, which preluded your copy & paste:
"Eliminating the current visa holders with temporary authorization (1.3 million other immigrants with legal work authorization), and those in the underground economy (3.9 million unauthorized workers)"
My post used numbers within your link.

I think you’re falling for your own wordplay.
3.1 million UNAUTHORIZED IMMIGRANTS are paying $13B in income taxes...no?

Yeah, you're right, it was an unintentional error.
Back to the numbers:
All the numbers came from the linked report:
0.7 million obtained fraudulent birth certificates got Social Security numbers and paid taxes.0.6 million had previously obtained temporary work authorized and over-stayed their visit also paid taxes.
"1..3 million current visa holders with temporary authorization, we estimate 2.7 million other immigrants have SSNs in their name and thus can work, pay taxes, and have earnings credited to their record for potential benefits in the future."
"OCACT estimates 1.8 million other immigrants worked and used an SSN that did not match their name in 2010" They paid taxes".
That adds up to 5.8 million who pay taxes.
Also, was your number of 29 million illegals, an error?

Actually, your link says nothing like that.
The most current numbers are that there are between 11-11.3 million illegal immigrants in the US. (2016 est.)
Profile of the Unauthorized Population - US
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
In your link it stated that the out of 10.8 million (2010 est.), 8.3 worked in the US.
0.7 million obtained fraudulent birth certificates got Social Security numbers and paid taxes.0.6 million had previously obtained temporary work authorized and over-stayed their visit also paid taxes.
"1..3 million current visa holders with temporary authorization, we estimate 2.7 million other immigrants have SSNs in their name and thus can work, pay taxes, and have earnings credited to their record for potential benefits in the future."
"OCACT estimates 1.8 million other immigrants worked and used an SSN that did not match their name in 2010" They paid taxes..
3.9 illegals work "underground" and don't pay taxes.
So, your claim just doesn't come close to your claim.

From my link.
“Eliminating the current visa holders with temporary authorization (1.3 million other immigrants with legal work authorization), and those in the underground econ- omy (3.9 million unauthorized workers), we estimate that there are about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants working and paying Social Security taxes in 2010. With the average amount of OASDI taxable earnings for these immigrants assumed to be about 80 percent of the aver- age level for all workers, we estimate $13 billion in pay- roll taxes from unauthorized immigrant workers and their employers in 2010.”

You forgot this qualifier, which preluded your copy & paste:
"Eliminating the current visa holders with temporary authorization (1.3 million other immigrants with legal work authorization), and those in the underground economy (3.9 million unauthorized workers)"
My post used numbers within your link.

I think you’re falling for your own wordplay.
3.1 million UNAUTHORIZED IMMIGRANTS are paying $13B in income taxes...no?

Yeah, you're right, it was an unintentional error.
Back to the numbers:
All the numbers came from the linked report:
0.7 million obtained fraudulent birth certificates got Social Security numbers and paid taxes.0.6 million had previously obtained temporary work authorized and over-stayed their visit also paid taxes.
"1..3 million current visa holders with temporary authorization, we estimate 2.7 million other immigrants have SSNs in their name and thus can work, pay taxes, and have earnings credited to their record for potential benefits in the future."
"OCACT estimates 1.8 million other immigrants worked and used an SSN that did not match their name in 2010" They paid taxes".
That adds up to 5.8 million who pay taxes.
Also, was your number of 29 million illegals, an error?

Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates
Let's analyze the numbers....so 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures. (Using 5.8 million would dramatically reduce the $349 figure)
Now let’s look at what the average illegal immigrant household costs Americans...Do you have those numbers for us?
In other words, do nothing. The chances of changing the Constitution with more than 33 Dims in the House or the Senate are indistinguishable from zero.

Allowing birthright citizenship is pissing on the Constitution.

Either you support and defend the Constitution or you do not, there is no middle ground. It is not a smorgasbord where you get to pick and choose which parts you like

conveying citizenship on the children of people here illegally is a violation of the constitution, so its you that wants to ignore it.

No, it really is not. the words are clear. I suppose eventually SCOTUS will weigh in on them again and then we will see what they think, which is really all that matters.

yes they are and here they are again for you.

"Howard wrote “that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

I do not care what Howard wrote, all that matters is what made it into the Constitution.

Those words did not make it into the Constitution.

Yeah, just keep believing the terms used didn't mean exactly what Howard said at the time they were written. The Constitution is NOT a suicide pact.

Either you support and defend the Constitution or you do not, there is no middle ground. It is not a smorgasbord where you get to pick and choose which parts you like

conveying citizenship on the children of people here illegally is a violation of the constitution, so its you that wants to ignore it.

No, it really is not. the words are clear. I suppose eventually SCOTUS will weigh in on them again and then we will see what they think, which is really all that matters.

yes they are and here they are again for you.

"Howard wrote “that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

I do not care what Howard wrote, all that matters is what made it into the Constitution.

Those words did not make it into the Constitution.

Yeah, just keep believing the terms used didn't mean exactly what Howard said at the time they were written. The Constitution is NOT a suicide pact.


You and I can go back and forth all day and night, eventually SCOTUS will have to weigh in on this one. Till then you and I will likely never agree.

I am a Textualist which is defined as:

An originalist who gives primary weight to the text and structure of the Constitution. Textualists often are skeptical of the ability of judges to determine collective "intent."

Theories of Constitutional Interpretation
The alternative, more than a hundred million more illegals coming into this country to climb onto the American Welfare Gravy Train is a lot more expensive.

Global polling indicates that about 170 million people want to come to the US to sponge off the beleaguered taxpayer, mostly from Turd World countries and mostly people without the skills to successfully compete in the American economy.

Hundred million more illegals? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Exaggerate much? Hell, right now the NET number or illegals crossing the border to those being deported is NEGATIVE without a new wall and before troops get there.

That's a lie, but they don't just come illegally across the southern border, they fly in from all over the world and don't go home as agreed.


How does the 24 million dollar a mile wall fix that problem since that is how the vast majority of illegals in the country got here.

No the majority come across the southern border, it amazing how many things you know that aren't true.


Proof please.

Prove it up your ass, it's always been about 60% border crossers, if anyone is claiming otherwise they're lying to ya.

So true. No benefits that we have to pay for them. Free living, free education, free food and all the other things we give them. Add that up and you can build a 100 mile wall.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Um, illegal immigrants don't get federal assistance.

Another liar, there's a special medicade fund to reimburse hospitals for illegals that skip out on their bill.

Google says "not". Please provide proof of your claim.

Google has an agenda, they're not going to tell you the truth.

Medicaid Helps Hospitals Pay For Illegal Immigrants’ Care

Federal law generally bars illegal immigrants from being covered by Medicaid. But a little-known part of the state-federal health insurance program for the poor has long paid about $2 billion a year for emergency treatment for a group of patients who, according to hospitals, mostly comprise illegal immigrants.

1st, there is no mention of what that "little known part" is, and also you do realize that $2billion is less than 1% of Medicaid right?

3rd, it isn't specifically meant for illegals it just gets used to pay for emergency care because hospitals cannot turn people in need away.

"mostly comprise illegal immigrants." And now you want to play fucking word games, go to hell. BTW that 2 billion would pay for 13 sections of the wall being discussed in this thread, EVERY YEAR.

Cheaper then taking care of illegal scum.

Native born Americans commit more crimes then documented and UnDocumented immigrants.

That’s bc there are more of us. But let’s just invite more criminals in, huh? The more the merrier, am I right?

Criminals? There's no evidence
Cheaper then taking care of illegal scum.

Native born Americans commit more crimes then documented and UnDocumented immigrants.

That’s bc there are more of us. But let’s just invite more criminals in, huh? The more the merrier, am I right?

Trump putting children in cages I guess you like that idea huh?
conveying citizenship on the children of people here illegally is a violation of the constitution, so its you that wants to ignore it.

No, it really is not. the words are clear. I suppose eventually SCOTUS will weigh in on them again and then we will see what they think, which is really all that matters.

yes they are and here they are again for you.

"Howard wrote “that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

I do not care what Howard wrote, all that matters is what made it into the Constitution.

Those words did not make it into the Constitution.

Yeah, just keep believing the terms used didn't mean exactly what Howard said at the time they were written. The Constitution is NOT a suicide pact.


You and I can go back and forth all day and night, eventually SCOTUS will have to weigh in on this one. Till then you and I will likely never agree.

I am a Textualist which is defined as:

An originalist who gives primary weight to the text and structure of the Constitution. Textualists often are skeptical of the ability of judges to determine collective "intent."

Theories of Constitutional Interpretation

You only need to look at the common usage and understood meanings of the words, at the time the text was written. Then you have the congressional and ratification debates. It's not freaking rocket science.

Um, illegal immigrants don't get federal assistance.

Another liar, there's a special medicade fund to reimburse hospitals for illegals that skip out on their bill.

Google says "not". Please provide proof of your claim.

Google has an agenda, they're not going to tell you the truth.

Medicaid Helps Hospitals Pay For Illegal Immigrants’ Care

Federal law generally bars illegal immigrants from being covered by Medicaid. But a little-known part of the state-federal health insurance program for the poor has long paid about $2 billion a year for emergency treatment for a group of patients who, according to hospitals, mostly comprise illegal immigrants.

1st, there is no mention of what that "little known part" is, and also you do realize that $2billion is less than 1% of Medicaid right?

3rd, it isn't specifically meant for illegals it just gets used to pay for emergency care because hospitals cannot turn people in need away.

"mostly comprise illegal immigrants." And now you want to play fucking word games, go to hell. BTW that 2 billion would pay for 13 sections of the wall being discussed in this thread, EVERY YEAR.

And you of course would just let them die in the streets.

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