2/3 Of Republicans Believe The 2020 Election Was Stolen

It's far from dead and has very serious long term implications for our democracy.

As people lose faith in elections they will sooner or later take to arms.

If Republicans largely believe an election was stolen from them, then they will try to steal one back, eroding the trust in the system further.

There is a reason why most instances of voter fraud convictions in this election involved Trumpsters - they believed Democrats are cheating and therefore their illicit behaviour was justified to them.
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It's well less than half the country. Considering the GOP makes up about 25-30% of the population.

That percentage is shrinking every day that Trump continues to hold Republicans enthralled. But Trump has a higher percentage of Republicans enthralled only because those capable of thinking for themselves, have already left the party.

If you look at the Trump's Birther Campaign, which I view as market research into the gullibility of Americans, 30% of Republicans continue to believe that Obama was born in Kenya. When Trump was elected, 35% of Americans were Republicans. A year ago, 31% of Americans were Republicans. Today that number is 26%. Nearly 1/3 of the membership has left the Party and that's due entirely to Trump.

So when polls come out that say that 60, or 70% of Republicans believe something, this is an ever larger percentage of an shrinking number of people. But those who believe in Trump are highly radicalized, and TRUE believers. Like the ISIS followers. And that's because the alt-right is using the same radicalization techniques as ISIS.

Over 100% votes and nothing is wrong. Lmao. Why they have to own the judges lol

No there were hundreds of illegal votes cast across 50 states. More than 200 people were charged with voting illegally. Unfortunately for Republicans, these charges only involved one voted, and nearly all of those who voted illegally, voted for Trump.

And NONE of these cases had any impact on the outcome of the 2020 election.
2/3 of Republicans and 28% of Independents saw the evidence of vote fraud on UTube and TV,. There are millions of witnesses who know what they saw and a few of them were in Washington on Jan 6. We are not blind followers of Donald Trump. You can poopoo all you want, but what the Democrats did is fomenting a revolution in this country and a new Tea Party is forming. What the Dems did is destroy any trust we had in liberal politicians. Fox News ratings are soaring. Virginia just turned from a Democratic stronghold to a Republican governor and GOP legislature. New Jersey has a new Republican house leader.
As I posted earlier, 75 million people voted Trump. That's not contested by anyone. It is a record breaking vote count for sitting President who drew bigger crowds to events in minor cities than the meat muppet faggot ever did in major cities.

That's something that should be acknowledged.


Yet TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO SAW THE SAME VIDEOs, HEARD THE SAME TESTIMONY believe that fraudulent mail in ballots led to a jabbering potato and a vacuous whore being illegitimately installed in the executive wing of the federal government.

This isn't some fringe belief like the fake moon landing, 9/11 truthtards, flat earthers, MMGW, or holocaust denial where a few million loud mouth malcontents keep some inane theories alive. There are tens of millions of people who are as pissed off as wet cats because we saw with our own eyes the fraud that unfolded. Not that you need to watch the countless hours of videos and evidence even YT won't hide, the idea that a POTATO, A JABBERING LEFTS SYNDROME FUCKTARD THAT CAN'T GET THROUGH A SINGLE SENTENCE WITHOUT FUCKING SOMETHING UP was elected just a year ago by 80 million people and is currently one of the most reviled pieces of political shit in the universe is ridiculous beyond comprehension.

After the meat puppet faggot was "elected", and did an abysmal job, even then there were no chants of "FUCK O-BAMA" all over the country. Obozo actually had a cult of personality built up under him by the leftist media. Those same assholes failed to create one under the potato and are now desperate to clamp down on the real public sentiment. They managed to convince enough people obozo was adored by enough retards to maintain political influence, but everyone who has the capacity to KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL, is not under the illusion that the potato is, or was ever a popular political whore.

He is, and always was a criminal sociopath, and now he is a vacuous puppet for other criminal sociopaths.
As I posted earlier, 75 million people voted Trump. That's not contested by anyone. It is a record breaking vote count for sitting President who drew bigger crowds to events in minor cities than the meat muppet faggot ever did in major cities.

That's something that should be acknowledged.


Yet TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO SAW THE SAME VIDEOs, HEARD THE SAME TESTIMONY believe that fraudulent mail in ballots led to a jabbering potato and a vacuous whore being illegitimately installed in the executive wing of the federal government.

This isn't some fringe belief like the fake moon landing, 9/11 truthtards, flat earthers, MMGW, or holocaust denial where a few million loud mouth malcontents keep some inane theories alive. There are tens of millions of people who are as pissed off as wet cats because we saw with our own eyes the fraud that unfolded. Not that you need to watch the countless hours of videos and evidence even YT won't hide, the idea that a POTATO, A JABBERING LEFTS SYNDROME FUCKTARD THAT CAN'T GET THROUGH A SINGLE SENTENCE WITHOUT FUCKING SOMETHING UP was elected just a year ago by 80 million people and is currently one of the most reviled pieces of political shit in the universe is ridiculous beyond comprehension.

After the meat puppet faggot was "elected", and did an abysmal job, even then there were no chants of "FUCK O-BAMA" all over the country. Obozo actually had a cult of personality built up under him by the leftist media. Those same assholes failed to create one under the potato and are now desperate to clamp down on the real public sentiment. They managed to convince enough people obozo was adored by enough retards to maintain political influence, but everyone who has the capacity to KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL, is not under the illusion that the potato is, or was ever a popular political whore.

He is, and always was a criminal sociopath, and now he is a vacuous puppet for other criminal sociopaths.
Yep, witness the dead horse walking.
As I posted earlier, 75 million people voted Trump. That's not contested by anyone. It is a record breaking vote count for sitting President who drew bigger crowds to events in minor cities than the meat muppet faggot ever did in major cities.

That's something that should be acknowledged.


Yet TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO SAW THE SAME VIDEOs, HEARD THE SAME TESTIMONY believe that fraudulent mail in ballots led to a jabbering potato and a vacuous whore being illegitimately installed in the executive wing of the federal government.

This isn't some fringe belief like the fake moon landing, 9/11 truthtards, flat earthers, MMGW, or holocaust denial where a few million loud mouth malcontents keep some inane theories alive. There are tens of millions of people who are as pissed off as wet cats because we saw with our own eyes the fraud that unfolded. Not that you need to watch the countless hours of videos and evidence even YT won't hide, the idea that a POTATO, A JABBERING LEFTS SYNDROME FUCKTARD THAT CAN'T GET THROUGH A SINGLE SENTENCE WITHOUT FUCKING SOMETHING UP was elected just a year ago by 80 million people and is currently one of the most reviled pieces of political shit in the universe is ridiculous beyond comprehension.

After the meat puppet faggot was "elected", and did an abysmal job, even then there were no chants of "FUCK O-BAMA" all over the country. Obozo actually had a cult of personality built up under him by the leftist media. Those same assholes failed to create one under the potato and are now desperate to clamp down on the real public sentiment. They managed to convince enough people obozo was adored by enough retards to maintain political influence, but everyone who has the capacity to KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL, is not under the illusion that the potato is, or was ever a popular political whore.

He is, and always was a criminal sociopath, and now he is a vacuous puppet for other criminal sociopaths.
84 million voted AGAINST Trump
A record for a sitting President

That is how unpopular he is

Over 100% votes and nothing is wrong. Lmao. Why they have to own the judges lol
Judges were not supposed to be extreme activists. And Repubs nominate for some reason a percentage of judges who do a 180 once put into the courts.
Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans still think the 2020 election was rigged

Twenty-eight percent of independent voters also said they think Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election, as did a small 3 percent of Democrats.

A total of 36.4 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans, representing 29.2% of registered voters in these states.

Just shows to go you how fucking stupid Republicans are.
I guess they missed that part about 60 federal district judges throwing Rudy's case out of court, huh?

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