2/3 Of Republicans Believe The 2020 Election Was Stolen

What is this crap? A couple of Yahoo operatives resurrect polling data from July and pretend that it is political news? The Smollett verdict must have been more devastating to the liberal media than we thought.
Yup. Think they were fraudulent?
Well, most of the judges refused to look at the evidence and most of the states refused an audit or recount, so we will never know. People rarely admit when they screwed up.
Most of the states trump lost are controlled by Democrats. Pennsylvania and Michigan are big ones.
California and New York are bigger.
Well, most of the judges refused to look at the evidence and most of the states refused an audit or recount, so we will never know. People rarely admit when they screwed up.
Most of the states trump lost are controlled by Democrats. Pennsylvania and Michigan are big ones.
California and New York are bigger.
Yep. The best they did was recount the ballots -- the good AND the bad. How soon we forget all those trucked in ballots in the early morning hours, and the Dominion voting shenanigans
Why, the left of course.

what they don't tell you is that 100% of Democrats are as bright a stump and twice as dumb as a rock.
It also benefits their "team" to continue the lie. It doesn't help them one bit to admit, "yeah, our party cheated, big time!"
I think it was stolen too but the aftermath was such a clown show with self-promoting lawyers fleecing the rubes for money it lost it's "shine" real quick so I moved along to the business of wresting my state back out of the control of the dems.....And we did it! :)

Lots of right-leaning peeps in tight states best get their heads on straight and leave their pushcart of cheating narratives on the side of the road for now and get busy wresting control of the nation from the dems.

Volunteer to be a poll watcher and question every irregularity. Use the dem's early voting schemes against them by toting like-minded people to the polls. The tools needed are right there. Pick them up and beat the dems about the head and shoulders with them since they gave them to you.

The dems passed a 45 day early voting period law in my state and we shoved it right up their ass. Hell, I toted eight non-family members to the polls during that period myself and was not alone in doing it, that's why there was record turn-out in a Virginia Governor's race from counties that usually have a poor showing.

The best I ever did on a election day (before early voting) was five oldsters from the local Senior Center and I don't know how they voted.
They all graduated from law school and passed the bar exam. How far did you get in school?
Only took the law courses required to complete my degree field. Why are lawyers special in your book?

In 2020 the number of registered voters in the US 2020 was 168 Million (approx.) Trump got 74,216,154 of their votes, or 46.9% of the 155,485,078 votes counted. Oddly enough, for the first time EVER that was a serious record breaker in vote turn out. Since 1932, only during a few elections have we seen turnout eclipse 60%. The 2020 election apparently saw a 92% turnout. We are supposed to believe a fucking jabbering potato puppet pedophile who hid in a basement, couldn't draw flies to the few shit shows he actually attended, beat a popular president that packed stadiums during the DEMPANIC? A president that ushered in a magnificent economy, and did as many things as possible to keep up with his promises? Only now will the MSM even acknowledge how disgusted the people are with the Potato.

If you believe for one second that there were 80 million legit Biden voters you're too stupid to talk to. You commit a misdemeanor theft of oxygen every time you inhale, and felony air pollution every time you exhale. That's because you're probably also stupid enough to believe that CO2 from humans is causing environmental catastrophes.

Mail in ballots were the vehicle of serious fraud. The next thing you know Gorbachev will be monitoring our elections like Carter used to do in the Banana Republics to make sure commies were elected.


End of mother fucking discussion.

He isn’t the one thinking the election was stolen
I know you fuckers stole it. You have been cheating forever. I don't care how you troll that. No way the Imbecile in office got that many votes.

Mail in Harvesting of votes got him in. Shutting down many states in the middle of the night.........Oh sure they all had reasonable glitches.....lmao


You guys are so full of shit that you need a backhoe to shovel it.
One minute the Trumpsters are whining about the elites.

The next minute they're proclaiming that anyone who doesn't think just like them is stupid.

That's what talk radio does to ya, I guess.
Says the Fraud. Do you like IDENTITY THEFT? Would you favor prosecuting the millions working here who have stolen Social Security numbers. Would you be in favor of UPDATING ALL THE VOTER REGISTRATIONS in this country to ensure they are accurate.

Of course you will either spin or deny it. ICE has a large data base of raids.......And every time they find almost ALL THE ILLEGALS HAVE STOLEN IDENTITIES and fake Social Security numbers to FALSIFY THE I 9 FORMS.

Do you favor throwing them in PRISON over deporting them?
Says the Fraud. Do you like IDENTITY THEFT? Would you favor prosecuting the millions working here who have stolen Social Security numbers. Would you be in favor of UPDATING ALL THE VOTER REGISTRATIONS in this country to ensure they are accurate.

Of course you will either spin or deny it. ICE has a large data base of raids.......And every time they find almost ALL THE ILLEGALS HAVE STOLEN IDENTITIES and fake Social Security numbers to FALSIFY THE I 9 FORMS.

Do you favor throwing them in PRISON over deporting them?

Between 2011 and 2015 the agency flagged nearly 1.1 million returns where someone appeared to have stolen a valid Social Security number, the inspector general said.

The IRS did not have any new comment on the findings, instead referring reporters to an official response filed with the inspector general, in which the agency insisted it’s making progress.

Andrushko is not an isolated case. The SSA Actuary estimates that 75 percent of illegal immigrants obtain and use a fraudulent Social Security number.

The millions of victims include:

· A 9-year-old boy who was denied Medicaid because wages were reported on his Social Security number.

· A 13-year-old girl who was denied as a dependent on her family’s tax return because she supposedly made too much money.

· An 11-year-old girl and a 13-year-old girl whose Social Security numbers are being used by multiple people for work authorization.

A Carnegie Mellon CyLab survey discovered that children are 51 times more likely to be victims of identity theft than adults, Mortensen noted.

“Children’s Social Security numbers are especially valuable for employment purposes. Children do not use their Social Security numbers for employment, credit or other purposes, thus the illegal use of their Social Security numbers can go unnoticed for many years,” he said.

The SSA is no help to victims of Social Security fraud. Neither are the IRS or the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The Andrushko family has been battling to clear their son’s history since 2009, with no end in sight.

Disclaimer by me. E-VERIFY is a dang joke. Doesn't work. Another way these paid off clowns in office act like they are strong against illegal immigrants from a system that is fatally flawed,

This is why the left wants the border open. This is why blue states hand out drivers licenses like candy.


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