200 Executive Orders Will Be Signed

Yes, we still do, if they attempt to circumvent the law. Example
In a blow to President Obama, Supreme Court blocks immigration executive action
Yes, we do. When they are actually unconstitutional.

To reiterate (as is obviously needed):

Remember what Executive Orders are actually for:

There is nothing intrinsically unconstitutional about an Executive Order. But if an EO is used for the wrong thing, then it CAN be unconstitutional.... as many of Obama's are.

A new EO to repeal an unconstitutional one, is not at all unconstitutional itself.

Executive Orders are what a President is supposed to use to carry out something passed by Congress (and signed into law by the Prez, of course).

Classic example is, Congress passes something saying that a group of Federal buildings on a corner in DC will be painted brown. The President signs it into law. He then issues an Exec Order to solicit three companies for bids on the painting work, issues another order to check the bidding companies' qualifications etc. The President is issuing Exec Orders pursuant to something Congress passed into law.

If he's issuing Exec Orders to delay implementation of part of Obamacare for a year, that's the equivalent of issuing an EO to paint the buildings red instead of brown. It does NOT carry out what Congress passed. In fact, it's the act of a dictator with no Congressional oversight or adherence to procedures required by the Constitution, at all.

In a nutshell (I love that term), Executive Orders are constitutional if they directly carry out something passed by Congress and signed by the Prez. If they don't, they're unconstitutional.

Clear now, poor little whiny snowflakes?

Yes, it's clear that most RWnuts on this forum are flip flopping on their beliefs in the constitutionality of EO's.
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

My favorite was going nuclear on the filibuster. Now the last hurdle of SCs can just be removed
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Currently I see no credible news source to backup "200 orders" claim, just hearsay bouncing around the right wing chambers.
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Horse hockey, we warned you.
In 2010 Obama lost you the House.
In 2012 Obama lost you the Senate.
In 2016 Obama cost you the Presidency.
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Currently I see no credible news source to backup "200 orders" claim, just hearsay bouncing around the right wing chambers.

With all due respect what o or do not deem "credible" is immaterial to everyone but you.
We warned you and now it's happening.
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Currently I see no credible news source to backup "200 orders" claim, just hearsay bouncing around the right wing chambers.
Democrats lost 1,050 State and Federal seats in the last 8 years. Any guess as to why?
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Currently I see no credible news source to backup "200 orders" claim, just hearsay bouncing around the right wing chambers.

With all due respect what o or do not deem "credible" is immaterial to everyone but you.
We warned you and now it's happening.

The ONLY source for this vague claim seems to be Napolitano who is relaying what Trump told him in private. Now there is a history of Trump's words being targeted to audience and poorly matching actual reality. He says words that he thinks his audience will feel good about. In this case, Napolitano has been wailing about Obama executive orders for a long while and he heard just what he wanted.

This is why major news outlets didn't pick this up yet - they have to take Napolitano's word and interpretation of it.
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Horse hockey, we warned you.
In 2010 Obama lost you the House.
In 2012 Obama lost you the Senate.
In 2016 Obama cost you the Presidency.

You are delirious. Obama has always been the most popular politician in DC. Democrats lost in spite of Obama advantage, 2012 and 2016 elections proved that quite well.
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Horse hockey, we warned you.
In 2010 Obama lost you the House.
In 2012 Obama lost you the Senate.
In 2016 Obama cost you the Presidency.

You are delirious. Obama has always been the most popular politician in DC. Democrats lost in spite of Obama advantage, 2012 and 2016 elections proved that quite well.
We have to rely on polls to gauge Obama's popularity, and...well, you know how that goes.
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Horse hockey, we warned you.
In 2010 Obama lost you the House.
In 2012 Obama lost you the Senate.
In 2016 Obama cost you the Presidency.

You are delirious. Obama has always been the most popular politician in DC. Democrats lost in spite of Obama advantage, 2012 and 2016 elections proved that quite well.
We have to rely on polls to gauge Obama's popularity, and...well, you know how that goes.


Thanks for you input meathead, you can go back to your sandbox now.
We warned you kids that you would rue the way your side had done business for the 8 years.
We warned you.

Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Horse hockey, we warned you.
In 2010 Obama lost you the House.
In 2012 Obama lost you the Senate.
In 2016 Obama cost you the Presidency.

You are delirious. Obama has always been the most popular politician in DC. Democrats lost in spite of Obama advantage, 2012 and 2016 elections proved that quite well.
We have to rely on polls to gauge Obama's popularity, and...well, you know how that goes.


Thanks for you input meathead, you can go back to your sandbox now.
Madam President, eh? :)
Republicans had nothing but obstruction to Obama on their agenda from day one, where Obama could he got legislation, where he couldn't he used executive orders. Trump wants to undo them? Let him, it will be on his record, still a lot better than Obama not getting them done at all.

Horse hockey, we warned you.
In 2010 Obama lost you the House.
In 2012 Obama lost you the Senate.
In 2016 Obama cost you the Presidency.

You are delirious. Obama has always been the most popular politician in DC. Democrats lost in spite of Obama advantage, 2012 and 2016 elections proved that quite well.
We have to rely on polls to gauge Obama's popularity, and...well, you know how that goes.


Thanks for you input meathead, you can go back to your sandbox now.
Madam President, eh? :)

Madam won popular vote, exactly as national polls that measure exactly that predicted. Now go ahead, back to sandbox.
Horse hockey, we warned you.
In 2010 Obama lost you the House.
In 2012 Obama lost you the Senate.
In 2016 Obama cost you the Presidency.

You are delirious. Obama has always been the most popular politician in DC. Democrats lost in spite of Obama advantage, 2012 and 2016 elections proved that quite well.
We have to rely on polls to gauge Obama's popularity, and...well, you know how that goes.


Thanks for you input meathead, you can go back to your sandbox now.
Madam President, eh? :)

Madam won popular vote, exactly as national polls that measure exactly that predicted. Now go ahead, back to sandbox.
Sure. That what the Beast's, or Madam's if you prefer, campaign was telling her.

How did that work out for you?

Sometimes it's pretty clear why you lost the election; stupidity!
You are delirious. Obama has always been the most popular politician in DC. Democrats lost in spite of Obama advantage, 2012 and 2016 elections proved that quite well.
We have to rely on polls to gauge Obama's popularity, and...well, you know how that goes.


Thanks for you input meathead, you can go back to your sandbox now.
Madam President, eh? :)

Madam won popular vote, exactly as national polls that measure exactly that predicted. Now go ahead, back to sandbox.
Sure. That what the Beast's, or Madam's if you prefer, campaign was telling her.

How did that work out for you?

Sometimes it's pretty clear why you lost the election; stupidity!

No that is not what they were telling her meathead, it is a FACT that national polling average correctly predicted national popular vote within 1% of actual results.

Trumpsters need to learn that fact and STFU already about how polls don't constitute good evidence of national public opinion.
We have to rely on polls to gauge Obama's popularity, and...well, you know how that goes.


Thanks for you input meathead, you can go back to your sandbox now.
Madam President, eh? :)

Madam won popular vote, exactly as national polls that measure exactly that predicted. Now go ahead, back to sandbox.
Sure. That what the Beast's, or Madam's if you prefer, campaign was telling her.

How did that work out for you?

Sometimes it's pretty clear why you lost the election; stupidity!

No that is not what they were telling her meathead, it is a FACT that national polling average correctly predicted national popular vote within 1% of actual results.

Trumpsters need to learn that fact and STFU already about how polls don't constitute good evidence of national public opinion.
Look dingbat, it wasn't just the polls that got it wrong, but they were what made all the other idiots get it wrong too.

Did you know President-Elect Donald J. Trump is getting inaugurated tomorrow?

Hurts, eh?
Huh? I thought republicans believed in congress being about legislation and law? Phonies in all things, the illegitimate president Donnie, draft dodger and tax cheat will commute his family own past illegality and commute his own sentence for tax cheating with his first executive order. Who know what the second will be?

"Fred Trump entered his majority by getting himself arrested at age twenty-one for his involvement in a battle between about a hundred New York City police officers and a thousand Ku Klux Klan members and supporters, many of them in white robes. The riot took place in Jamaica, the Queens neighborhood where Fred Trump lived. Police booked him for failure to disperse, but prosecutors later declined to try him and many of the others arrested that day. It was the first of many indications of Fred Trump’s racial enmity.

Almost nine decades later, his son Donald, running for president, tried to deny the whole thing, claiming his father never lived at the address the newspapers had obtained from police records. Other public records verify that it was indeed his father’s address. They also show only one Fred Trump living in Queens during that period.

Cornered in a 2015 interview with The New York Times, Donald Trump bobbed, weaved, and tried to persuade the paper to ignore the arrest, which the website boingboing.?net had written about after uncovering a 1927 New York Times article about it. Trump’s comments went like this:
It never happened. And they said there were no charges, no nothing. It’s unfair to mention it, to be honest, because there were no charges. They said there were charges against other people, but there were absolutely no charges, totally false … Somebody showed me that website—it was a little website and somebody did that. By the way, did you notice that there were no charges? Well, if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned … Because my father, there were no charges against him, I don’t know about the other people involved. But there were zero charges against him. So assuming it was him—I don’t even think it was him, I never even heard about it. So it’s really not fair to mention. It never happened … if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned."

above from David Cay Johnston, 'The Making of Donald Trump'
well first things first, one has to undo the obummers omittance of congress. Once that's done, then Congress gets involved. It's the object of repealing all of the out of bounds EOs that is referenced here. That was obummer's tool.

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